teared • hyungwon

By thebiasgotmedeceased

154K 10.9K 7.4K

in which a psychiatrist falls for a patient. ©thebiasgotmedeceased extra warnings: if you're sensitive to cer... More

i n t r o
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
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t h i r t e e n
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t h i r t y t w o
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f o r t y t w o
f o r t y f o u r
f o r t y f i v e
f o r t y s i x
f o r t y s e v e n
f o r t y e i g h t
f o r t y n i n e
f i f t y
f i f t y o n e
f i f t y t w o
f i f t y t h r e e
f i f t y f o u r
e p i l o g u e
n e w s !
s e q u e l

f o r t y t h r e e

1.9K 164 96
By thebiasgotmedeceased


"come." she said now that his hands were free. "i need you to take these." she pulled out of her bag a set of pills.

he swallowed hard. "you see... i don't want to handcuff you but – she said now looking up at him. their eyes met for a second and she had to look away given the countless shivers that suddenly ran through her spine – but one of your alters is pretty aggressive so-

he almost didn't give her time to finish. he took the pills from her hand and took them, quickly with the glass of water she was holding on the other hand. "thanks dr. park." he said nodding.

obviously hyungwon didn't want anything bad to happen to her and if one of his alters was as aggressive as medical reports and soon said, he would take those and many more pills just to keep it locked inside, to protect her and also himself.

"good. thanks." she said nodding.

"thanks to you dr. park."

she smiled. "come." she grabbed the bags from the clothing store and led him to the bathroom.

"i want you to be comfortable here so, you can take bath while i wash these clothes. i bought used ones because i didn't want to leave trace from us anywhere." she said.

hyungwon swallowed hard. "but there's a washing machine and drier here. by the time you get out of the bathroom, clothes will be ready." she said handing him the shampoo bottle and the soap. "go on." she said pointing inside the bathroom.

hyungwon obeyed everything she said. but as he was going inside, he closed the door but soon stopped him. "sorry. doors will be open here. i trust you but- she sighed – partially."

hyungwon knew she meant his alters and he found the petition reasonable. after all, she was a doctor and it's not like doctors hadn't seen him naked previously.

he nodded and finally got inside the bathroom.

the shower didn't have curtains so after leaving the door opened, there was complete exposure. soon swallowed hard when she noticed he started removing his white hoodie, leaving exposed the softly marked abs.

she quickly turned around and shook her head, closing her eyes as she took the bags with her, leaving the scene.

the warm water running down his body felt like a caress from heaven. he couldn't remember last time he showered with warm water.

usually, back in the clinic, they'd wash him with cold water and he hated it.

soon set the washing machine and shyly glanced at the bathroom. she noticed he was giving his back to the door. and she quickly turned around, taking the bags of food towards the kitchen.

she didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, but she couldn't trust him 100%. she knew in any given time, either haejun, inho or nam gun could visit.

soon organized all the food and items she bought on the kitchen and set up a pot with boiling water.

"dr. park?" she heard a soft voice. she turned around to find hyungwon still on the bathroom, standing on the entrance door. he only had a white towel wrapped around his waist as he covered the rest of his body with his arms. "it's cold in here." he said almost trembling.

the view even though was magnificent, she had to look away because it made her feel wrong.

she had seen him naked previously. in the couple encounters they had, back in her office.

but it hadn't been hyungwon. it had been inho. and hyungwon probably didn't know anything about it.

"i am sorry. the clothes aren't ready yet – she said bringing him another towel – cover with his while we wait." she said nodding.

hyungwon agreed weakly as he sat in the nearest couch. soon appeared next to him with two boxes. "choose a color." she said.

he glanced at the boxes and then at her. "w-what is that?"

"it's hair dye." she said approaching the boxes to him. "come on, choose a color." he stared at the boxes with confusion.

"i am sorry but there were the only colors they had besides black and dark brown which are very similar already to your natural tone." she added.

"why?" he asked picking the first box, not even minding the color. soon left the other box on the couch and opened the one picked by him.

"i will explain everything to you, but at the right time. come on." she said pointing to the bathroom, an invitation to follow her.

"i forgot this had to be done first." she brought a chair and told him to sit down. she opened the box and read the instructions.

hyungwon put the other towel provided by her, around his shoulders to protect himself from the cold. "alright." she said pouring the mix in a small bowl and staring at him through the mirror.

"stay still."

her hands treated him softly. he couldn't help but feel endeared at the treatment he was receiving. he could feel her small hands massaging his scalp, even if she had plastic gloves.

she smiled at the view of him smiling.

"platinum blonde? i think you'll look fine." she said, causing him to laugh.

"i don't think so... maybe i should have picked the other... what was it by the way?"

"deep red." she said chuckling, he laughed as well. "i am not so sure anymore."

she smiled. "now you need to leave it for an hour..." she said glancing at the other box, the deep red one.

hyungwon noticed she was having troubled thoughts. "i'll help you dr. park... if you let me, of course."

her eyes widened in surprise as she stared at him. "w-what?... no i mean... i wasn't- she stopped talking when she realized that she had exposed herself.

"alright..." she said narrowing her eyes, taking the chair where he was a few seconds ago.

"read the instructions."

"no need, i saw everything you did." he said opening the box and repeating exactly everything she did, without reading the instructions. soon smiled.

"did you want to be a redhaired dr. park?" he asked, applying the mix on her hair. she shrugged.

"not exactly... those were the only two colors available."

"did you... plan to change your hair color before coming here dr. park?" he asked now.

soon remained silent for a long second as she looked down. "i don't- k-know." she muttered.

"i didn't plan any of this until yesterday night." she said with almost a whisper.

"are you... changing our identities dr. park?" he dared to ask as his avid hands applied the almost toxic mixture on her hair.

she glanced at him through the mirror. "i... i don't know anymore." she said swallowing hard.

hyungwon sighed softly and smiled. "well... i think you're going to look pretty with red hair dr. park. i think you could pull off any hair color." he said smiling. she did as well.

"hyungwon-ah." she said for the first time. his eyes widened as he stared at her with certain glow on his eyes. an excited glow.

"you don't need to... be that formal with me... not here." she said smiling.

he licked his lips, suddenly he felt them dry and finally nodded. "alright." he said smiling.

a loud beep made them jump but soon sighed in relief when she acknowledged it was only the drier. "the clothes are ready." she said.

she gave hyungwon space to remove the hair dye on his hair as she folded the clothes. she left his right on the door's entrance as she went inside the bedroom to organize the rest.

when she returned he was sliding down the black hoodie on his head. the pair of washed jeans fit them perfectly so as the assumed underwear and the hoodie. she smiled at him. "feel better?" she asked, he nodded.

"let me help you with that." she said extending her hand for the towel. he hesitated for a second but finally gave it to her and leaned down, his head at her height so she could help him dry his hair.

"smells weird." he said chuckling. she laughed.

"it's the tint... the chemicals and all." she said stopping. hyungwon lifted his head just a bit for his eyes to be at the same height.

she stared at him as her knees began to tremble after being so close, she started getting nervous.

soon pulled down the towel to cover his eyes and softly pushed him away, in an attempt to get him away from her so her heart would beat at the normal pace.

"you're clean now." she said laughing nervously. hyungwon stared at her with confusion.

"not it's my time to take a bath... how can i know you will not try anything?" she asked crossing her arms on her chest. he shrugged.

"i don't k-know." he said stammering.

"would you be okay if i... handcuff you only while i shower?" she asked unsure, with a hint of doubt in her voice.

but hyungwon knew it was the most reasonable request ever. so he nodded. "no problem." he said, trying to smile.

soon looked for the handcuffs and put them on him. he sat on the couch that partially had view to the bathroom. "i'll be quick, i promise." she said, he nodded.

soon got inside the bathroom and threw the door behind her but ir ricocheted softly, leaving a small crack between the frame and the door.

hyungwon turned around when he heard the noise of the water and looked towards the bathroom.

he noticed how there was a small crack on the door that provided him with an almost perfect view of soon taking a bath.

his eyes widened as he turned his head away, avoiding the scene. he felt his temples throbbing and his heart racing.

but the urgency of turning again. to see her again, even if it was just from that small crack, controlled him.

almost against his will, his head turned around and his eyes stared at her naked body.

he swallowed hard as he felt his body reacting at the view. he coughed away as he felt his whole body trembling, wishing for her to hurry up and finish that bath so he could be in peace again.

he tried to look away and finally managed it when he noticed the other white towel, who presumed was soon's, had been left out of the bathroom, on top of the shelves.

"hyungwon-ah?!" he heard her voice coming from the bathroom, after she closed the shower. he stood from the couch and approached the door.

he noticed only her head popping from the door. "y-yes?"

"can you-

"i didn't see anything dr. park!" he exclaimed with his body almost trembling.

she stopped talking when she noticed he looked really nervous. she remained silent for a few second but then laughed.

it wasn't the first time those eyes had seen her naked but she knew that hyungwon didn't know that. "i know. can you please reach that towel for me?" she asked.

hyungwon bowed deeply and rushed to get the towel. "thanks." she said closing the door behind her.

he sighed in relief as he walked back to the couch. the pills started making its effects.

out of nowhere he started feeling dizzy and lighter.

she walked out of the bathroom in pair of dark grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

his eyes widened when he noticed the dark red on her hair, wet and wild. she was drying it with a towel. "are you hungry?" she asked.

he swallowed hard and nodded.

"good." she said smiling and disappearing through the kitchen. he focused on and stood from the couch with a bit of difficulty and followed her inside the kitchen.

he noticed she was opening a can of tuna and applying some mayo and vegetables on it. "tuna sandwiches." she said smiling.

he smiled again. "i feel dizzy." he said reaching for a chair. he was about to collapse but she helped him. "i know. i am sorry- but." she said in the middle of a sigh.

"i want you to know why you were given those pills... i trust you but i don't trust one of your alters... and even though pills can't keep them locked, they help. there's a high chance that none of them will visit, in that way i can have more alone time with you, which is what i need."

he closed his eyes and nodded.

"why?" he asked.

"why what? why pills act that way? or why –

"why do you need alone time with me?" he asked now looking for her eyes.

she put down the knife she was using to spread the tuna salad on the sandwiches and sighed.

"i can't reveal everything to you yet... but i can tell you this isn't the first time we've been alone..." she said pouring the tea in two cups.

hyungwon frowned. "w-what?" he asked.

"this... the clinic? – she asked swallowing hard- it's not the first time we've met hyungwon-ah."

his eyes widened for a second as he held onto the table. "what are you talking about?" he asked confused.

"i am talking about our past? we have a past hyungwon... a past that you don't remember and i'll help you to remember." she said serious now.

he felt his temples throbbing his hands sweaty. "no... i don't know you dr. park."

she sighed as she closed her eyes, somehow tired. "alright. i guess we should eat and have some sleep... we'll start the therapy tomorrow." she said pushing towards him a plate with two sandwiches.

he stared at her with mistrust and confusion. "i don't believe you."


"no. it can't be."

"listen... i know it's hard to process but – she moved her shoulders desperately – i wouldn't be doing any of this if i wasn'100% sure we met from before."

he shook his head. "i think you're confused."

soon bit her lip as she reached for her bag that was close to her. "i don't think we've met before. i am pretty sure i would remember a face like yours-

he stopped talking when she pulled out a picture and slid it towards him. she stared at him with both pity and resignation.

there before him, was a selfie of soon with two of her university friends and three boys in the back, smiling for the camera, except one.

"it's... me." 


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