(✿◠‿◠)𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐝𝐚...

By enticinqs

140K 1.4K 148

uoıʇɔıɟuɐɟ ʞıɹqop pıʌɐp More

- c h a r a c t e r s -
- o n e -
- t w o -
- t h r e e -
- f o u r -
- f i v e -
- s i x -
- s e v e n -
- n i n e -
- t e n -
- e l e v e n -
- t w e l v e -
- t h i r t e e n -
- f o u r t e e n -
- f i f t e e n -
- s i x t e e n -
- s e v e n t e e n -
- e i g h t e e n -
- n i n e t e e n -
- t w e n t y -
- t w e n t y o n e -
- t w e n t y t w o -
- t w e n t y t h r e e -
- t w e n t y f o u r -
- t w e n t y f i v e -
- t w e n t y s i x -
- t w e n t y s e v e n -
- t w e n t y e i g h t -
- t w e n t y n i n e -
- t h i r t y -
um hello?

- e i g h t -

4.8K 58 2
By enticinqs

"can i kiss you now?"

"we're going on a date tonight." david said as he grabbed the hooks of my jeans pulling me closer as i nodded smiling lightly, "where to?" I asked him as my hands wrapped around neck as he looked down at my lips, "secret." he said still looking at my lips as I slightly rolled my eyes. "I really want to kiss you right now." he rushed out as I giggled lightly.

"well too bad Dave." I grinned slightly as he chuckled closing his eyes resting his head in the Croke of my neck, "ew couple stuff, gross." I heard zane say as I giggled softly as David lifted me and fell on the couch with me on top of him.

"cmon i'll drop you off." david said as i nodded and stood up, we walked out after i said bye to zane and we walked towards his car, the doors open in as i sat down and it closed itself, "i cannot get over your fucking car." i exclaimed as david laughed and started driving towards my apartment as he stopped at a light and set up his camera.

he started the camera in silence, "i need footage." he said making me giggle lightly as he drove and i smiled lightly, "we can do carpool karaoke." i suggested and he nodded instantly.

we drove talking a little bit as he stopped outside my apartment building, "let's do some old music!" i exclaimed and he nodded.

after lots of dancing and him kissing my cheek goodbye i waved to the camera, "i'll pick u up at 8." he said as nodded and waving him off, i smiled lightly walking up to my apartment.

i opened the unlocked door for some reason, my eyebrows furred and i walked inside, i slowly stepped towards the livingroom, "BITCH TOURE GOING ON A DATE TODAY!" i heard corinna and liza scream making me startle and bang back against the wall as i screamed.

"oh my fucking god." i breathed out putting my hand on my heart as i sat down. "cmon you have to get ready." corinna said grabbing my hand and dragging me towards my room, the pushed me down in the seat as i looked at them confusedly.

"i'm doing you're makeup!" corinna said as i sighed lightly pulling out the makeup bag that i barely use and setting it on my vanity, "please don't do a lot, i don't want too much on." i said and corinna nodded.

liza looking through my closet as she pulled out some black mom shorts and a off the shoulder top and some of my vans, she set them on the bed as corinna finished off with my makeup and i thanked her.

i looked in the mirror and i looked actually good, "thanks corinna it's cute." i said smiling lightly and she nodded slightly, i had on some light makeup and some peach eyeshadow.

corinna curling my hair so it's in some waves, i grabbed the outfit waking into the bathroom and putting the outfit on, i looked in the mirror smiling lightly, i brushed my teeth and some mouthwash to make sure i was fresh.

i walked to see corinna and liza looking at my phone, i grabbed it looking st it to see that david texted me, "i gotta go." i said grabbing my purse and they gave me the thumbs up and i walked out the door, walking down towards the exit.

i walked down to see david standing there leaning ok his car, he quickly seen me walking towards me as he wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me in for a hug, we pulled away slightly, he was wearing his signature black outfit, black jeans red vans and a grey shirt with a hat. "i see you have a different attire." i smirked as he chuckled and he opened the doors letting me get in the car.

"where we going?" i asked him as i put on my seatbelt, no camera insight which made me happy. "you'll see." he said as i groaned leaning back and he chuckled lightly.

he started driving up the mountains as my eyebrows furred, "so our first date is to trying to kill me?" i questioned him as my eyes brows raised, "shut up." he said as i laughed lightly resting my head on my hand, "are you finally off your penis pills?" i asked him as he laughed shaking his head lightly, "i fucking hope so." he said as i giggled lightly running a hand through my hair.

david parked the car as i got out confusedly, "i'm so confused, where are we?" i asked him as he laughed shaking his head as he grabbed my hand, we walked through the trees until i sighed lightly, "god david." i said as we walked out on a cliff, he stood beside me as i smiled lightly looking over the pretty view.

he grabbed my hand and we walked around the corner seeing the hollywood sign as i gasped, "oh my god david." i said as i seen the blanket with a picnic basket with some pillows, "this is the cutest thing everrrr." i said looking st david who had a slight blush on his face.

we both sat down having some nice snacks and a long chat, we moved the food laying down beside search other as looked up at the stars, "it's so pretty." i said and he hummed in response, we sat up and i rested my head on davids shoulder.

"do you want to come to my house?" he asked and i nodded and he stood up, he grabbed my hand as i grabbed his hands telling him to stop for a minute, "we need a cute photo." i pouted nad he smiled chuckling as i took a photo of us.

"can i kiss you now?" he whined and i giggled nodding slightly as his hand came to my face and he pulled me close and our lips met,  butterflies flying round my stomach as my hands were in his hair as our lips moved in sync, we pulled away and i rested my head on his chest as he hugged my shoulder.

"let's go to mine." he said as i nodded and grabbed his hands and then we walked back to his car.

love u baybayyyy
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