Children of the Water (Yander...

By Cloakedranger

559K 28.6K 10.7K

It is told that a monster lives in the abandoned ruins by the village of Watergrove. Children are warned not... More

A/N: Responses to Comments/Questions
Village by the Ruins
Night Whispers
Beneath the Pools
Watering Inquiry
Some Clarity
A Walk in the Water
Dire Duty
Partner in a Deal
Key Findings
Life or Death
Night Escape
Bonded by Metal
New World
Staying Covered and Close
Advance into Darkness
Close at Camp
Second Arrival
Rough Ascension
Top Overlook
Onto the Third
Abandoned Shadows
Near the Heart
Placing the Pieces
Warmth before the Storm
Snow Covered
A Strike of a Smile
Upon a Rumored Tale
A Court with Pixies
Bargain Struck
Screeching Halt
Smoke Filled Night
Smiling at Reluctance
Delicate Flower
Cold yet Warm
Conversation's Clue
Fish in the Water
Discovering a Reaction
Night's Taste
Falling Catch
Hidden Pages
A Mark of Fear
Runaway Fish
Risk with a Bet
Concealing Retreat
Last Chance
Unconscious Return
Angered Relief
Loosened and Restrained
Caught at Night
Out by the Water
Upstream Quiet
Falling Stars
Snow Pixies' Trouble
Sorrow of Tails
Dreadful Awakening
Coming to Council
Something Disclosed
Something Stolen
Bring to Save
Future Circumstance
A Spy's Spy
Strike and Fly
Around the Water
Hidden Views
Nearer to the Edge
Down into the Abyss
A Surprise of Warmth
Dancing Waves
Dangerous Exit
Covered View
A Dreadful Display
Careful Steps
Execution's Break
Going to the Main
An Undesirable Lesson
Magic's Arrival
Dual Dislike
Water Run
Final Opportunity
Published Copy!
New Cover


4.9K 229 84
By Cloakedranger

A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Getting out of the authors' home had been simpler than expected. Unfortunately, they probably had Will to thank for that as they had found countless dead kelremm on their way out. The state of some of the females had been terrifying, and she was quite happy that he was no more. With the lack of spies, it had been easy also to take supplies from the authors' home. Both Tarhuinn and her were now clothed in dry articles, and they had two packs full of supplies. To top it off, they each had their own winter cloak. For once, she wasn't freezing.

Despite these benefits, they still had to collect the bodies of the authors. Alpontus, Amtoma and Rocean weren't too much trouble, but Tergii and Bimaa were a different story. The main issue with the first three was having to carry/drag their bodies across the cold, snowy land. She was tempted at one point to let the bodies simply flow down the river and let the merfolk catch them, but she had a feeling that such a plan wouldn't turn out so ideally.

When they were finally able to drop off the three to two of the merfolk, she had to explain that the remaining two authors would be there soon. The guards weren't exactly accepting of this, so she had ended up having to discuss the matter with Aqua. She had been agreeable and permitted it, which was an immense relief. (F/n) had been rather happy that Cetar wasn't the one that they had spoken with. That conversation would've most likely resulted in a completely different outcome.

For Tergii and Bimaa, their retrieval was less than pleasant. Tarhuinn had offered to enter the storage room and bring them out, but she knew that was unreasonable. He wouldn't make it there and back in time. So, she was left with the troubling task, and she had to enter the dreadful place twice since she couldn't carry both of their weights.

This process had consumed quite a significant amount of time. It had taken her several moments to even open the door. Her hand had been shaking the entire time. When she had opened the door, she had nearly fainted. She had thought that she had seen enough horror back at the authors' home to numb her of such things, but she was far from right about that.

Frozen bodies that were beginning to unthaw with the death of Will had been spread throughout the entirety of the place. Some had been hanging, and others were in large bins. Pieces had been scattered throughout while his latest victims had been set on stone tables. Alpontus's daughter nearly had made her vomit. She had to turn instantly away from the scene, but it would forever be imprinted in her memory.

Bimaa had been in terrible shape as well, but, in comparison to the female mage, she had looked as if she had never been touched by Will. Concerning Tergii, he had been in two pieces since he had been decapitated. The rest of him had been left alone. Once she had finished with that ordeal, she had needed a moment to rest her mind from the sights of that room. Tarhuinn had comforted her throughout all of it and had reassured her that they would never need to come back to the cabin. To them, it would become a distant memory.

The moment that they had dropped off the bodies to the merfolk she had practically skipped off. They were done with it all. On their way back home, she had seen multiples snow pixies, but they didn't bother either of them. Even though Will had left them before the two of them had returned, Tarhuinn and she had fulfilled their end of the bargain, and Will had killed the mage that was threatening the pixies.

There had been one problem with them, but it had been settled with her holding Tarhuinn back. He had still been infuriated about the pixies' treatment of them. It didn't surprise her that he would never forgive them. To him, they had sent his wife on a suicide mission, and that would always be unforgivable. If any of the creatures got too close, he would unsheathe a dagger. On one occasion, he had been about to slash it through the air, but she had luckily deflected it in time before it had made contact with the pixie in question.

From there, there hadn't been too many issues. Traveling through the third and second complexes had progressed smoothly. Those in the third complex had even gone to celebrate with the news that the authors were dead. There remained the threat of the spies, but none of them were a mage and none of them were excellent fighters either.

They hadn't said anything about the authors in the second complex, only that the books needed to be adjusted as a solution to their human partners dying had been discovered. This news had struck up conversation, but Tarhuinn and she had mentioned that they would have to wait until they had reached the first complex. Arrangements needed to be made before anyone could partake of the solution.

Sailing through the large span of water that separated the first and second complexes, (f/n) was met with the darkness once more, but she knew what to expect. The water pixies once again flew around her and whispered things into her ears, but they weren't commenting about Tarhuinn's violent and overprotective nature. Rather, they were stating that he had calmed some and was more respectful of her. They noted that she had grown strong and gained her own protective nature of him. She felt pride in herself that her strength was being recognized, but her cheeks did warm somewhat at the second remark about her; she couldn't deny it, though.

Passing through the area, she nearly had leaped out of the boat and onto the steps. A chuckle had escaped Tarhuinn as he had followed behind her. She hadn't been able to contain her excitement at coming home even though this was the reverse of what she had done before. Frankly, she had enough traveling for a good few years. (F/n) was ready to collapse upon her bed and cuddle into the sheets.

Some kelremm had looked up from their stalls to see her practically running through. Their stares had moved from her to Tarhuinn, who gave them a respectful nod and a smile. As he had passed, he had told stall owners to spread the news that they had solved an ancient problem of theirs and that in the next few days they would explain the solution. Curiosity had risen, but he had withheld the details, stating that his wife and he required some rest. This having been understood, he trailed behind (f/n) before he climbed up the ladders after her.

At the doors to their home, Tarhuinn stepped up and unlocked it. Inside, he called out to Nyclaya, who made herself present a few moments later. She looked the same as when they had left, though; her outfit was all blue leather this time around. The female kelremm looked them both over and grinned. "I see that the two of you picked up some souvenirs while you were away. Bring anything back for me?" she asked, looking over to Tarhuinn. "Or, did you forget about that little conversation of ours?"

"Of course," he answered, maintaining a neutral expression. He reached into his pack and removed a fine, silver bracelet. His eyes glanced to (f/n) momentarily, and she gave a silent approval.

Analyzing it after he had handed it over, she placed it onto her right wrist and held it up. "Amazing." She whistled and twisted her wrist some. "It's feather-light and shimmers in the right angle of lighting. Where did you find this?"

"That can be saved for another time. We're having a meeting called for the whole complex later tomorrow. You'll learn the answer, then. Right now, I can't thank you enough for watching over our home for us."

Glancing between the two of them, she chuckled and held up her hands. "Alright, I have my item to add to my collection. I'll leave you two be now." Her hands returned to her sides before she walked by Tarhuinn and whispered something to him. He rolled his eyes and made a shooing motion with his right hand. Another laugh left her, and she exited the house but not before winking to (f/n).

Even though she didn't know the context of what had transpired, she could guess it, and heat tickled her cheeks. The doors closed, and Tarhuinn locked them once more. "Well, let's change and get out of these awful clothes. We can leave the packs by the door; we'll be trading the items later on anyway." Nodding in agreement, she dropped the pack and started down the path.

Stretching, she remarked, "We can finally relax." She heard a second pack hit the ground before splashes of water proceeded afterwards. Soon enough, Tarhuinn was walking beside her.

"(F/n), did you forget about what I told you before?" Glancing over to him, she raised an eyebrow. He took that as a yes. Personally, her mind was settling on the fact of taking a soothing rest. "Just what makes you think that you'll be able to relax all of today?"

Memories coming back, her face filled with heat. In a stuttering manner, she responded, "I ... I-I don't w-want to ta-talk about i-it." She quickened her pace and rubbed the sides of her cheeks. Swiftly, he caught up to her and wrapped his right hand around her left wrist. He pulled her to him, and she would've fallen into the water if she hadn't been supported by his chest.

Hands against him, she cautiously peered up. Almost, she jumped back. His lips were dangerously close. He tugged her nearer but in a gentle manner. Mere centimeters from her own, his lips parted. "Then, let's not discuss it. We both could use a delightful bath after all." She gazed sideways while her cheeks burned. Recalling the conversation back at the tree, she remembered herself mentioning them taking a bath when they were back home. In truth, it did sound ... nice if that was the right term to utilize. Her blood was much too hot for her to think of a more descriptive word.

Returning her gaze to him, she stood up on her tippy-toes and kissed him. He picked her up, and her legs wrapped around his waist while her arms found themselves around his neck. The kiss progressed from gentle to heated within a matter of moments. A door opened behind her before it closed again. Soon enough, she was seated on the edge of the bathtub.

Water soaked her cloak, but it slipped from her shoulders after Tarhuinn untied it. (F/n) kicked her boots off as she removed his cloak from his shoulders. Tarhuinn placed his hands against her shoulders and pushed her back until they both fell into the tub. Splashing up, water surrounded them both, and they had a brief break from the kiss before it continued.

Bringing her up into a sitting position, she straddled his lap, and her hands slipped the loose shirt from his shoulders. His fingers ran up her torso before they rested at the top of her shirt. They tore at the fabric and ripped the shirt in half. It fell from her form, and he cast it out from the bathtub. Tarhuinn moved his lips from hers as she caught her breath, but that didn't last long. He trailed kisses down her neck. Each left her breathless as they switched between being feather-light and passionately rough.

Taking her hands in his, he directed them to his midsection and glided her fingers up his shirt. His muscles rippled under her delicate touch. He found and nipped at her soft spot, but no blood was drawn. Rather, a quiet moan parted from her. Her hands slipped up his chest as she nearly collapsed against him. Tarhuinn continued to hold onto her hands until he released them. With understanding, she ripped the fabric and allowed it to flow out of the bath.

She couldn't help but glance over his toned form. Her fingers ran along his skin, but her attention on his torso was broken when he lifted up her chin. His lips ghosted over hers before he held them to the right corner of hers. Left hand sliding up her shirt and drifting over her bare back, she shivered at his touch. "Your warm breath against my skin is intoxicating, (f/n)," he whispered before he pressed a kiss to her jaw.

His other hand slipped down from her chin to her midsection. Fingers trailed up under her undershirt, and she tensed. Her breath got caught in her throat again when they slid through the middle of her chest. The hand at her back pressed against her, and her back arched while her chest moved closer into his other hand. Tarhuinn's lips traveled down to her neck once more. Lips caressing her skin, he glided them down her skin. Near to his hand on her chest, he peered up at her and softly asked, "Do you accept me, my chosen?"

Legs growing weak, she fell into him more. Her head hung down, her arms wrapped around him and her hands rested loosely against his bare back. Lips to his right shoulder, she moved them into his neck. She wished to melt against him. Words almost lost, she managed to answer, "Yes, my chosen." His lips smiled softly against her skin before fabric ripped and fell around her. Water encircled them more as their devotion to each other molded together.  

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