my new cell mate - prison bre...

By wpwriterxox

62.8K 1.2K 234

"I wasn't a devil but I was stuck in hell and I needed to become a devil to claw myself out." I do not own an... More

[1.] my new cell mate
[2.] infirmary
[3.] back to reality
[4.] extreme heat
[6.] Westmoreland
[9.] "I swear to god!"
[19.] Nika Volek
[22.] CHECK
[23.] RIVER

[10.] SCREAM

2.8K 58 2
By wpwriterxox

Vanessa's POV

It was getting dark outside. All prisoners were in their beds and officers were counting bodies. I stirred around in my bed when a light was shone in my eyes.

The officer moved on to the next cell. Michael sat up placing his pillows under his blanket. He then unscrewed the toilet from the wall. I got up and copied him.

He pulled the toilet out, revealing a hole in the wall. He ushered me to go first. I climbed in and waited for Michael to block the hole up again.

We began crawling until we reached a sort of tunnel. We stopped and looked at the two exits. Michael closed his eyes and thought for a moment before taking the left and going forward.

We came to a stop right next to a ladder. We made our way up and around. Soon enough we found ourselves crawling through a roof into a filing room.

I jumped down quietly. Michael and I searched for the "T" files. I opened up a cabinet next to Michael and searched through until I came across "T".

"Tab, Ben....
Tammers, Christopher....
Tancredi, Vanessa...
Tanner, Bruc-
Tancredi, Vanessa!" I whispered. I quickly grabbed the file and looked through it as Michael made his way towards me.

Name: Vanessa Chloe Tancredi
DOB: 08/10/1976
Crime: second degree murder of Jordan Gonzales.
Sentence: 15 years
Spouse: N/A
Children: 1 (female) name unavailable

I could feel Michael looking into my paper behind me I wouldn't have cared besides the last fact on the file. I quickly searched for the box number.

Box number: N768
I quickly put the file back and searched for the box "N768". I ran across the room and opened another door showing a crate of boxes.

My eyes suddenly came across box "N768". I pulled it out and opened it. A plastic bag sat inside it. I pulled it out of the box and sat on the ground with it.

I opened the plastic bag to see my purse inside. It contained my money and cards. I grabbed the money and put it on the ground. I also grabbed my mothers watch.

I didn't want to bring it in at first but I figured since we were escaping I should bring it anyways. I closed my bag and looked back into the box to see my clothes I wore when I was arrested.

A green shirt, blue jeans and a pair of brown boots. My court suit also lay in the box. I decided to take the casual clothes. I placed everything into a plastic bag and tied it up.

Before I tied the bag I grabbed a large, red diamond necklace my dad bought me before the case as a 'Good Luck' present.

It was worth thousands. I hated the stupid thing. It was too big and made me look too posh. Also the fact that it came from my father was also a downgrade.

I carefully put the large necklace in the plastic bag and put the box back. I closed over the door and made my way to Michael who was waiting for me.

He gave me a boost up and I crawled into the ceiling. I helped Michael in. We sat there for a moment catching our breath before making our way to the tunnels.

I stopped and grabbed Michael. "Thank you, by the way. Thanks for everything," He smiled at me for a moment. I could feel the space between us slowly get smaller and smaller. At one point I think we were so close I could feel his breath on my skin.

I cleared my throat breaking the silence. I placed the plastic bag on the ground, opening it up. I reached inside and grabbed the necklace.

"This is for you and Lincoln," I smiled. "My dad got it for me, I never liked it anyways. Hopefully you will be able to get some money for it. If it's from my dad it's gonna be.... expensive," I sighed.

"Thank you," Michael smiled. "But, I cannot take this from you, you're going to need this. Link and I will find a way," he said.

I frowned and tried to compromise with him. I stook my hand out to him and said: " How about one-third for each of us?," I raised my eyebrows.

Michael hesitated before shaking my hand. I smiled placing the necklace back in the bag and leaving it behind me in the tunnel. I made my way back to the cell, leaving Michael behind with a CO's uniform.

I quietly climbed onto the top bunk and pulled the blanket over me. An image of Sara suddenly came to my head. I knew I needed to make a move, a move I wasn't going to like, but a move others lives depended on.


11:30 pm

I heard the toilet being shoved against the wall before the heavy panting. I looked down from my bed to see Michael on the ground, lying on his stomach.

I could see sweat dripping off of him, that was before I saw the gigantic burn on his lower shoulder. I jumped out of the bed trying to get to him.

"Jesus, Michael! Are you okay? What happened?" I asked, kneeling next to him on the ground. He groaned loudly. I looked up to see if any CO was around. Not one in site.

"I - I went to the phy-physic ward," he panted. "I was s-so close to being caught. I tried to stay out of view and- and I leaned against this pi-pipe and it...."

I hushed him, understanding his story. My hand ran circles on his back, trying to calm him.

"You need to-you need to rip it off," he gulped. I felt as if my eyeballs were to fall out of my head.

"Are you crazy?!?!?" I whisper shouted. I groaned and shook his head. I stood up, leaning over him. I grabbed the caller of the uniform before taking a few deep breaths.

You could end up in a lot of trouble for this, Vanessa I said to myself.

"Okay take a few deep breaths, I'll count to three," I panicked. I was more talking to myself but Michael nodded anyways. "One...two...THREE!"

As I pulled the uniform, not only did I hear the stitching rip but I heard the most brutal, bloodcurdling scream I have ever heard in my entire life.

I pulled the entire uniform off him, shoving it into the hole behind the toilet. Within moments after I closed the escape tunnel, two officers were at the cell door.

I was blinded by the torch they shone in at us. I realized what they were probably thinking just as they shouted: "OPEN ON 40!" More officers arrived to witness me standing over a bloody Michael Scofield.

I felt absolutely horrible and useless for Michael, he lay on the floor unconscious. Two officers ran inside and cornered me. Pushing me against the wall, they tightly placed the cuffs around my wrists.

They pushed me out of the cell, making sure I was in good distance away from Michael. I stared into the cell, I heard other prisoners shouting.

Some were giving out about the noise we were making and some were curious as to what had just happened.

I didn't even get the chance to give Sucre-who was in the cell next door- a heads up before I was being dragged down the hall. Literally. I couldn't even walk the cops were moving so fast, it was as if my feet were dragging behind me.

Before I knew it I was standing in-front of the Wardens office. Dread filled in me, I didn't know what to say, I obviously wasn't about to fess up about everything.

"So tell me again, what exactly happened, Reynolds!" Warden shouted.

"We're-we're not sure boss, we heard him scream and next we know it she's standing over him and he's covered in blood," the officer stuttered. I looked at the ground as the Warden stalked towards me.

"What in the name of God happened in there!?!?" He shouted. I flinched but sat still in the chair. He paced around the room for a moment before he turned again, placing his hands on both arm rests of the chair. His face was about fifteen inches away from mine.

I could barely feel his heaving breath fanning my face. He picked his tone up a notch sounding more harsh this time.

"Tancredi! If you don't tell me what happened, so God help me, I will keep you in the shoe for weeks!" By this point he was so angry not only was his face red but he shook the chair violently with every word he said.

I gulped before shrugging. I was still unsure of what to do and what to say. Without any warning, I was grabbed by the collar and pushed out the door.

By the time we reached the shoe, I started to protest. "Let me walk for goodness sakes! Let me fucking walk!" I shouted trying to halt by pressing my feet on the ground.

It was no use though, all it did was trip me up. I was pulled off of my knees and grabbed even harder as they vigorously pulled me towards and empty cell.

"Vanessa?" I heard in the distance. "VANESSA! VANESSA!" I frantically looked around until I saw a face staring at me through a small, barricaded window on the door of the cell.

I stared sympathetically back at him as my cuffs were undone and I was pushed back. I stumbled into the 'room'.

I looked around the dark, damp place. Sitting on the bed, I wondered if Michael had been taken to the infirmary yet or if he was being questioned.

I lay back thinking to myself.... everything would be okay in the end..... and if won't be okay... well, it won't be the end.

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