Diamond Sky

By Neonballrooms

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Diamond Sky

Chapter Two

11 1 0
By Neonballrooms

The long drive through the town was almost over. Frankie pulled up to the large fence and it opened for us to drive through. He parked the car in the garage and he and Eli got out and walked inside. John sat there in silence, looking at me out of the corner of his eye

“Where do you want to go?” I asked feeling uneasy where I sat.

He shuffled around in his seat til he was looking me in the eye.

“I miss you Loulou.” The outburst shocked me a little. The regret I was feeling before spread off through me again. “I mean I really miss you, like how we used to be, before Margot’.” He said.

“Where is Margot’ John?” I realised suddenly as he spoke her name. He went back to looking out his window even though there was nothing but the garage wall to look at. I could tell his anger was rising.

“She left the coven.” He whispered. I was amazed. Normally John wouldn’t rest until the betrayer had be caught and put to rest. He would have the death walkers out on the streets searching every area for her. That’s what should be happening. It had happened to many times before.

“Isn’t that a crime, punishable by death?” I whispered.  He turned his cold eyes to me. He was angry, his eyes were black and his white fangs were now visible. He growled as he nodded to me. “You cant though, can you?” I whispered.  He glared at me and continued to growl.

“How could she do this to me? TO US!” he roared smashing his fit against the door swinging it clear off its hinges. I placed my hand on his back.

I smiled at him. He seemed to be calming. The colour was slowly cascading back into his eyes and his teeth seemed to be back to normal.

John slid inside, I followed closely behind him. The house was dark and had loud music playing, like most houses on a Saturday night. Only I’m sure people in those other houses didn’t take the meaning of the cocktail ‘bloody Mary’ seriously. In our house, a Bloody Mary was literal, Blood with vodka.

The members of the house would dance together, would drink together, would do anything you’d have at any human party, only here, we had more fun. John swiped me off my feet and jumped effortlessly up to the second floor banister.

“You were taking too long; I knew you’d get distracted down there. We have new comers to the coven. You will look after them.” He informed as he pressed his hand against the small of my back to hurry me along.

“New comers? We haven’t had any new comers in, well, a hundred and twenty years.” I Proclaimed. He nodded as he walked. We reached he chambers; he pushed open the large double steel doors.

He flicked away his cleaners and servants with his graceful hand and left me to stand in the middle of his glorious room. The ceilings were high and had carvings all over them of our past. The walls draped in thick green velvet, the only areas exposed were the many bookcases around the walls. The room was long. A large Fire place to the right and his desk to the left, I had seen him study there so many times. Large leather armchairs sat around the fireplace and at the end of the room a four poster bed sat, like it owned the entire room. I had not been in this room for many years. But the memories were still fresh in my mind. It hadn’t changed at all.

“Yes, I decided to let others join our Coven.” He said as he threw off his jacked and started unbuttoning his shirt. I stood still awkward in the middle of the room waiting for his direction.

“Oh.” I said lightly. He looked up at me as he threw his shirt on the ground and started to step towards me. I looked at him. My black jeans and grubby old band t-shirt made me feel a little underdressed in his presence, even though he was standing in front of me in nothing more than his trousers.

He looked deep into my eyes. He was calm now. He leaned forward and pressed his icy lips against my forehead. He smiled down at me. I encouraged myself to smile back. It was nice, I had to admit, being his centre of attention again, I had only been that way for 50 odd years and then Margot’ decided to join our coven. Pushing me out of the picture, and I made it worse. I may as well of fallen right out of the frame as well as the picture.

I started to hang around with Frankie a lot, become a little less involved in being perfect for John. Now, I was this grungy, bad tempered Vampire. I would have to try and be more elegant around the house.  I couldn’t actually believe I was talking myself into being with John again. He still angered me beyond belief but he had a magnetic power over me. I would have to try.

He walked over to his bed and threw himself on it.

“Come.” He demanded. I rolled my eyes and strolled towards him, stopping once I got to the foot of the bed. He looked up at me, Confused. “What are you doing, Lacuna?” I wasn’t exactly sure what he was wanting of me.

“I’m confused. I thought you wanted to talk.” I said as I sat on the end of the bed. He sighed very loudly and exasperated.

“We have talked Lacuna.” He growled. I rolled my eyes again.

“Then what do u expect me to do?” I asked frustrated.

“Be with me like I asked. Take my mind away from the horrible pain that’s growing inside it because of her. Distract me, talk to me, like the old times.” He whispered as he lay back down.

“That was a hundred and twenty years ago John. I’m not sure I know how to be what you ask of me. I certainly can’t just jump back into that role. I haven’t been a lady of the house in many years. If you haven’t forgotten I am a hunter, I bring you the scum of the earth so we can have food-“

“Stop.” He interrupted. I looked over at him, still lying flat on his bed. “Why don’t you go hunt then? I give you an option to be with me, Lacuna. To help me and you reject.” I began to interrupt but he held his hand up to silence me. “I made you to be my companion, through everything. You’re one purpose is to be with me. Just leave, I don’t want to look at you right now.” He growled.

I wanted to desperately to yell at him. To demand to speak my mind, he would have nothing of it though. The lies that just came out of his mouth were horrible. Still, I kept my composure, only letting an inch of my anger show through my eyes. I turned swiftly and marched out the room, slamming the steel doors behind me. The rage that filtered through me was almost out of my control. I had to get out, I had to go hunt. I stormed my way down the stairs and whipped over to Frankie.

“The hunt is on. Round up the Newbies. They learn tonight.” I whispered in his ear. A cruel smile spread over his face as a dark chuckle emerged. He stamped his foot three times. Each time a deafening crash on the wooden floor, the music died down, all faces turned to him. The new comers clearly petrified of the giant man standing before them.

“New Comers to the coven, tonight, we go on a field trip. You are to come to me in the next 5 minutes. We leave in 6.” His loud voice boomed across the open hall. He stomped his foot again and turned his back on the crowd. I smiled to him as he walked towards me, clearly happy that he had frightened all of our new members.

I scanned the room, observing every movement. The music had started again, and they were dancing once more. My eyes shifted to the second floor banister where, to my surprise, John stood staring at me. I smiled at him. He lifted a bottle of vodka to his lips and took a large swig, saluting me with the bottle after he had swallowed. I had to admit, his eyes dug into the soul of me. Stretching every desire I had into forming around him.

While Frankie was gathering up the new comers, I made my way upstairs again, walking slowly towards john. His gaze fixated on the large crowd below him, drinking from the large bottle in his hand. I reached his side and leaned over the banister with him.

“I’m sorry. I’ll come back and make it up to you.” I whispered to him, leaving my eyes on a woman dancing below us.

“I’ll be waiting.” He said effortlessly, he then slid back into his room and shut the door loudly. I hated the power he had over me, it was like a disease.

When I headed back downstairs, I found that Frankie was leading the new comers into the garage. I rushed after them, pulling my tattered t-shirt off as I ran, leaving me in my black singlet, and threw my black leather jacket on. Frankie had just started instructing the new comers as I entered the large room. I didn’t look them in the eye, I just stood next to Frankie getting the weapons ready.

“This, Gentlemen, is my right hand man, well woman, Lacuna. She is your superior-“Frankie stated. A chuckle emerged Frankie’s eyes darted over to a skinny rat like man, whose eyes darted back and forth. “Something funny?”

“N-no.” the man started obviously scared of Frankie, as anyone should be. Frankie eyed him up and down, taking a few steps closer to him, clearly standing inside his comfort zone. Frankie let out a low, menacing growl.

“You temp to change me with your foolish sniggering, do you?” He was now inches from his face.

“Franklyn,” I stated. Frankie backed down, his growl still low and fierce. He looked at me and smiled slightly with one curl of his lip. “We’ll start at the Clubs down town. Blend in, be casual. Those of you that can’t follow these instructions, wait in the cars. You four-“I started separating the room. “Go with Franklyn and you four, come with me. The rest of you stay with Eli.” I finished. They stood there staring at me. “MOVE!” I shouted at them.

I turned back around to gather up the weapons for my team. I placed a solid silver dagger in the pocket to my jacket. I turned to look at the new comers, all as nervous as the other, except one. He was oddly calm, with a small smirk across his perfect lips. His eyes a soft blue with waves of amethyst, his confidence was overwhelming.

“Take one of these each.” I handed out a silver dagger to each of them.

“What are they?” The youngest looking one asked. Fear radiated through his eyes and trembled through his body.

“What’s your name?” I demanded as I stopped in front of him. He looked up at me shyly.

“Henry.” His voice was barely a whisper now; the fear had clearly stripped him of all confidence. “Have not been turned long, only a month.” He stated. My eyes drifted through him, I kneeled in front of him so I could look him in the eye.

“How old are you, Henry?” He looked afraid that I was so close to him, I could feel the vibrations of his body shaking.

“T-twelve, Miss.” He was tall for his age, definitely looked a lot older than he said. You never could tell with vampires. It all depends on what age they were turned. I could tell he was telling the truth. He still smelt like a human almost.

“How about I get one of my friends to find you something to eat and show you around the house? You don’t have to come tonight; you just relax and make yourself at home.” He looked up at me and smiled. Relieved that he didn’t have to leave the house, so relieved he handed the dagger back to me and walked over to the doorway. “Just go inside and ask for Sophie, say that Lacuna said she would help you.” I smiled at him.

“Thank you, Miss.” He said as he ran off.

I turned to the other three men standing in front of me. I sighed a heavy sigh; we needed to make a move.

“Alright, Jumpy, you can drive-“ I pointed to a thin man who was clearly excited about going out, his energy and excitement was over flowing. “-Stretch-“ The tallest one out of all of them, still built with strength eyes dark and full of potential, looked at me when I talked to him. “-You get in the front with Jumpy. Go.” I flicked a set of keys towards Jumpy; he grabbed them with a small squeal, and ran towards the car.

“Uh, Excuse me?” Even his voice was over confident. I turned to face him with an eyebrow raised. “What? No nickname? How disappointing.” He smirked. He was so familiar somehow, like I had met him before in a dream.

I rolled my eyes.

“Never Fret, I was leaving the best for last. Get in the back, Tinker bell.” I sniggered as I watched the smirk on his face turn to amusement. He rolled his eyes and walked towards the car, Muttering and shaking his head as he did so.

As the car pulled up outside a downtown club, the atmosphere seemed to change. I sat forward leaning in between the leather seats in front of me. I reached over Stretch and fumbled through the glove box, pulling out four ear pieces. I threw one at each of them.

“Put these in your ear, you’ll be able to communicate with all of us, even the other teams just by pressing it down and talking quietly, we’ll be able to hear you. Jumpy, I would like you to circle the block until we are finished, then I want you to park the car down the south end ally-way. Stretch I would like you to patrol the outer perimeter, mainly the front, the rare exits for this place can’t be opened. If you don’t smoke, now is the time to start. Makes you look less suspicious. Don’t worry, its not like you can get lung cancer and die. Finally, Tinker bell, you are coming with me.” I winked at him. “Are we all clear boys?” they nodded one by one. “Good.” I said slightly proud of myself for taking such command, if only John could see me now.

To others passing on the streets, I imagine we would look quiet intimidating.  All dressed in dark colours, skin as pale as snow dark circles beneath our eyes and a constant gleam of evil boiling beneath us. Our eyes Black as the night, thirsty, a craving for something menacing that lived inside us, waiting for us to release it. I took the leather jacket from my back and threw it in the trunk of the car, messing my hair around until it looked somewhat appropriate to humans. I tied my singlet in a knot just above my navel.

“Uh, what are you doing?” Tinker bell asked as I applied a red tint to my lips. I turned and pouted at him.

“Looking appealing to the scum of the earth, that is currently spying on some innocent young girl having a good time through those doors.” I pointed to the club. He looked puzzled.

“That’s how you hunt?” He stated with one eyebrow raised, questioning me. I slammed the car trunk closed and walked over to him; I stood inches from his face looking up at him through my hungry eyes, listening to his unnecessary breathing hasten.

“Like you wouldn’t want a piece of this?” I stared at his lips, so familiar for some unknown reason. A sly smile spread across my face as I watched him relax a little and focus on me, his tongue running over the edges of his lips as he stared at mine. His breathing now a little faster than before, his eyes dripped away from my lips and down my body. “I thought so.” I stated as I turned and walked forward. “Come on, Tinky, Let’s go have some fun!”

The Club was muggy and hot, full of people, Tinker bell stayed to the other side of the room, watching me the whole time. I had told him to get a drink and relax, to ignore his desire to pounce on every single human before us and watch me. Watch for those of other covens, Lycans, anyone who may be of an issue to us.

I walked over to the bar, ordered straight vodka, and went to lean against the wall, watching all the people dance and fall over each other. It was only moments before I saw I had a few eyes upon me. A large man with a menacing grin on his face strode towards me. I took a sip of my drink and smiled innocently when he got closer. He leant up against the wall next to me.

“Hey, you don’t look like you belong here.” He stated. I rolled my eyes at him.

“What kind of line is that? Come on you could’ve done better.” I joked he laughed and moved closer. His eyes were bright blue and his face had the look of time on it, he was a lot older than he was pretending to be.

“I just mean, you don’t look like you belong here, against the wall, you should be dancing. Showing yourself off!” he tried to compliment.

So that people like you can decide how they’re going to rape and murder me? I think not.

My thoughts made me smile; I pretended to be blushing with embarrassment. People have a presence, we don’t just walk into Clubs and take the first man that hits on you, we can sense danger, and all of our senses are highly evolved. He smelt like tobacco and liquor, His eyes were scanning my body up and down every chance he got, I could tell, I could sense that we wasn’t just going to be the kind of man to kiss you on the cheek and say goodnight. He already had his mind made up. We simply shifted the focus from an un-expecting, intoxicated, innocent teenage girl, to me.

He noticed I wasn’t saying much. I could feel him relax more; he was thinking his plan was working.

“I’m Seth, What’s your name?” He asked. His name wasn’t Seth. he had been calculating what name his was going to say the entire time I was silent.

“Louise. I’m Louise.” I said with a hint of innocence on the tongue. I smiled at him.

“Lovely name, you come here with your boyfriend tonight?” He hinted towards Tinker Bell over the other side of the room, He was talking to the bar tender, every now and then looking over his should at me. I gave a laugh.

“Him? No!” I chuckled. “He’s my brother, I’ve been trying to ditch him all night but he won’t budge. He’s meant to be watching me so that nothing happens. I shouldn’t even really be here, but my brother caught me sneaking out the house and said he had to come with me.”  I could see his excitement grow in his eyes.

“How old are you?” He asked eagerly. I tried to look as innocent as I could.

“Just turned 18.” I smiled. “And yourself?” I added taking a sip from my vodka.

“I’m 22.” He stated.

Yeah right.

“So are you meeting friends here?” He asked, this was it; he was getting into singling me out.

“No, I’ve just moved down here from Dublin, Thought it was a good way to meet people. You seem nice.”

“You want to go somewhere else?” He started looking me up and down. He was testing the waters. “Somewhere, more private?” Did this really work on people? I was always amazed at how easily these scum bags work.

“Anything to get away from my brother, Do you have somewhere in mind? I don’t know London very well so I wouldn’t have the faintest.” I smiled

“I’ve got somewhere in mind, I’ll surprise you.” He said “shall we go?”

“Let me just freshen up in the bathroom, I’ll meet you outside.” I said sweetly as I began to move away from him.

“Don’t keep me waiting too long will you?”  I looked back him.

“I won’t.” I flirted. The plan was working perfectly. Normally it takes a few tries to find the perfect prey. I walked towards the bathrooms and pressed my finger gently to my ear piece. “Tinker bell, Got one, meet me outside in the ally-way in 10 minutes, Stretch can you hide somewhere in the ally and wait for me to call you, Jumpy, Park just down from the ally with the engine off, wait til I call you to drive up. This one is pretty easy Guys.” I whispered.

I walked into the bathroom and over to a mirror, checking myself in it to make sure I wasn’t giving myself away. Not that He would notice, he seemed a picnic short of a basket. I waited a few minutes then climbed out the bathroom window jumping into the ally outside. I looked around and saw him leaning against the wall a few meters up from me.  I began to walk towards him.

“Did I mention that you look ravishing tonight?” he stated. If only he knew the half of it, I hadn’t eaten in a while, and he was beginning to look so inviting.  I pretended to giggle and leaned close to him. He leaned forward to kiss me, this was the part I hated, actually having to be this close to these Scum bags. I shied away from his lips. He grabbed my arm. “It’s ok, I just want to kiss you.” He said his voice now harsh and his grip hardened around my arm. “Are you cold?” He asked suddenly noticing that My Skin was as cold as Ice. I tried to look a little scared.

“I think I might go back inside, I am a little cold and my brother will be worried.” He laughed at me, a deep, hateful laugh.

“I don’t think so. You and I are going to have a little fun.” He shook me, I think he expected me to scream, but I made no effort in that. “Good Girl, You just keep quiet and we’ll be fine, besides No one will hear you over the music inside.” His eyes were now harsh and anyone would be able to see what he had in mind. He pushed me up against the hard brick wall, I gave a little shudder, trying to look as scared as possible. He leant forward and kissed my neck, I shuddered under his lips, repulsed that I had let him do such a thing, the sacrifice I made for my job.  I tried to push him away, acting as weak as I possibly could, and he laughed at my attempt.

“I’ll scream.” I whispered to him. He placed his hand around my throat, I gasped as he did so, his eyes lit up in excitement.

“You can’t scream, if you can’t breathe.” He whispered to me. I gasped for breath a little more and started laughing. I watched his expression change from excitement to confusion. He tighten his grip, I laughed louder.

“It’s a good thing that I only Breathe to look normal isn’t it?” I laughed at him. He placed both hand around my neck and continued to squeeze as hard as he could. I continued to laugh, the expression on his face was priceless, I placed my hand on top of his and effortlessly pried his fingers from around my neck.  The sudden look of terror over took him. He tried to hit me, He was so scared he was doing anything he could to try and win.

“W-w-what are you?” He asked with a shiver in his voice. Stretch started walking towards us from the left of the ally and Tinker bell from the right. I began to walk circles around him slowly.

“Well, Seth, Not that that is your real name, we are the things that you most fear, we crawl from your nightmares into your reality, we are here to teach you the lesson you so deserve. You should be ashamed you know, poor little Louise from Dublin. How many other girls like her have you done that to and gotten away with?” I walked right up to him staring him in the eye. “It’s sick you know, the way you, even now, are still fanaticising about Louise, almost out of air, her skin turning blue, the adrenaline pumping through you keeps you going, keeps your hands down on her throat. Now, you have to pay.” The black bmw turned around the corner and stopped a few metres behind Stretch.  The boys started walking slowly towards him, their eyes completely dark and their low growls emerging.  They closed in.

For a hunt, it was rather successful. The coven would not have to hunt for another month. The hunters never kill. We sedate and take them back to John and the elders. We’re not sure what happens after that. The tables get filled with blood and we have a feast that lasts us a few weeks, then we feast again. For John, He feeds a lot more frequently. He works a lot with humans and doesn’t want the urge of hunger to take him over in the middle of a business transaction. He feeds every week, a break in at the blood bank is a monthly treat for us.

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