The Cursed Alpha

By GoldMoona

2.4M 76.7K 8.8K

- Although this story is being rewritten, there won't major changes to the story just the grammar and the st... More

(0) Epigraph
(1) The Beginning
(2) The first werewolf
(3) More tragic than Romeo and Juliet
(4) Goodbye for now
(5) 30 shirtless Alphas..
(6) werewolves that can read minds?
(7) Day 1 at a rogue pack: not dead yet.
(8) Attempt 1 of trying to escape:Fail.
(9) The Renegade
(10) Just like beauty and the beast
(11) Retail Therapy
(12) What?
(13) Marked
(14) Connecting the dots
(15) Two weeks later
(16) The truth
(18) The Beast
(19) No Take Backs
(20) Close as strangers
(21) Magic comes with a price
(22) Alpha Heath POV
(23) Fate is a funny thing
(24) The side effect of kissing
(25) Surprise, I'm kidnapping you!
(26) cameron POV
(27) Let's give US a chance
(28) On My Mind
(29) Mate?
(30) Do you realise what you've done to me?
(31) Pack Meeting
(32) Thank you?
(33) Mated to the alpha of rogues
(34) Goodbye Again
(35) Going for a run
(36) I'm a monster
(37) Closer
(38) Always expect the unexpected
(39) I was in the dark so darkness I became
(40) The worst is yet to come
(41) Brotherhood
(42) Luna of the rogues
(43) I've got the scars from tomorrow
(44) This is war
(45) It's a mate thing
(46) In the eyes of a teenage crystallised
(47) The Blood Moon
(48) Take all of me
(49) wake me up when it's all over
(50) Oh, sister, I will help you out
(51) What a heavenly way to die
(52) On top of the world
(53) Alpha And Luna
(54) The End
Author Note (read if you want a sequel)

(17) Nice to look at

41.4K 1.3K 378
By GoldMoona

Chapter 17 (EDITED)

Nice to look at 

"Do we have to wear these shirts? they're itchy" Chris groans scratching all over his chest, I don't understand why they didn't like wearing shirts, they wear shorts! it's sort of the same thing.

 I look around the alphas even though they weren't complaining at all, I could tell they were uncomfortable, some were scratching themselves across the wall pretending to clean the floor, some were using utensils as a scratching tool. 

" keep sweeping you psychopath!" Dave glares 

" Luna, don't speak to him, he's crazy" 

"Hey, I am not crazy!" Chris defends himself 

I smile at the little alpha, he was too adorable to be a psychopath.

" Don't worry Dave, he's my friend," I say wiping the counter 

chris turns to me "we are?" he asks surprised.

I nod " yes" 

" cool cool" Dave nods glaring at Chris 

I take note of the clean kitchen, even the window was fixed and it only took them two hours.   "this is what happens when we all work together" I tell them 

"can we take our shirts off now?" Chris asks 

" if you want?" 

"Alphas, an hour until sunrise" Samuel  reminds everyone  walking in, " we should head out now" 

"bye luna Amma!" Chris waves running after Samuel, he was so cute I almost wanted to coo at him but I held myself back. 

"you know he killed his whole pack including his mom and dad right?" Dave says washing his hands 

I didn't know that, I know that he killed his alpha but the whole pack? How?

" He was so obsessed with becoming an alpha and joining our pack that-" 

"and what did you do to get into this pack?" I cut him off, i already knew Chris was mentally insane. what kind of 14-year-old boy would want to be here or be stuck being a 14 year old immortal? 

"nothing, you could say that Andrés and i were childhood friends" he smirks  

I nodded walking to the sink to wash my hands, Samuel did say that when he and his brother joined the pack it was only andrés, Dave and Naois. 

"so you never answered my question," Dave says 

does he mean the 'are you  single question?' 

i turn to the alpha raising my brows " uhm, you do know that i'm your alpha's mate right?" i ask 

"yea, but alpha Andrés hates you and you hate him" 

" dave!" 

Both Dave and i freeze at the voice that sounded exactly like Andrés.  Slowly i turn to the door to see a angry looking alpha, an amused cameron and a bored teivel standing there. 

They looked rugged, tired but Andrés looked flawless not a single dark hair out of place.  My eyes couldn't turn away from the brown-eyed alpha. 

He's so beautiful! 

My breath hitches when we make eye contact, I look away shly  " alpha, how was the trip?" i hear Dave says 

I don't why i felt weird out of nowhere,  my palms were starting to sweat and my stomach felt weird. 

my heart was also beating so fast like I just ran a marathon. I've never felt like this before, am i getting sick? 

" do you guys feel that? the tension... man the sexual tension" Cameron sings 

wait what? sexual tension? 

there's no sexual tension here. i clear my throat.  " so did you bring back any moose?" 

good save, amma! 

"yes three" Teivel answers 

"cool" i nod, 

 awkwardly i say "except for the moose, poor thing" 

The moose is all I had! what now? 

"we should get going, let's go dave," Teivel says walking out of the kitchen 

"I'll talk to you later, amma" Dave smirks 

A low warning growl is heard from Andrés?  both Cameron and I look at eachother, I was shocked at the possessiveness that coming off him- oh my goddess! i just felt his emotion! 

"or i won't talk to you, e-ever again" Dave stutters before running out 

okay now it's quiet, say something before it gets awkward 

" hey Cameron" I smile " i haven't seen you in a while" 

"Yea" the alpha nods and looks at his brother " Andrés didn't you bring Amma something?" 

Andrés glances at me before glancing away... he brought me something? 

He clears his throat " Cameron found these roses growing on a tree and is forcing me to give it to you"

"actually I am not forcing him " Cameron rolls his eyes  

Andrés sighs annoyingly but then he reaches into his shorts pocket and takes out one rose " tell Amma what the rose reminds you off" cameron smirks 

Andrés sighs again " i told Cameron they remind me of you, unique and nice to look at" 

my eyes widen, was the Andrés trying to compliment me? " thank you" I smile reaching the single rose 

it was beautiful, a perfect blood red  colour " they're beautiful" I say touching the soft  petals. 

Cameron clears his throat and i look from the flower because both of them were acting weird " Andrés, doesn't Amma look nice?" 

..this just passed weird! 

i look at Cameron who gave me a  wink then I look at Andrés who looked like he was having a emotion battle with himself.

 " your.. face looks nice" he slowly breaths 

 just as he disappears "what just happened?" i ask Cameron 

" that was my brother trying to flirt with his mate and failing misberlby" Cameron laughs " he is a  working progress" 

" it felt weird" I admit 

"the bite, that's what it does... as the days go by the two of will only long for each other until finally-" 

"that won't happen" i cut him 

"it already is, amma!  it already is! " 

i roll my eyes and walk away, the truth is I was feeling flustered and I didn't want him to see it.

 I walk to the empty space sighing " this place would be better with a couch and a tv" I sigh "and a freaking door!" 

"you're frustrated..sexually?" 

"Cameron shut up! " I grit out

I turn to the alpha who was leaning against the kitchen door with a smug smile " I am just sick of this stupid castle with no couches to sit on, no tv to watch and it's full of annoying alphas "

"hmm, that reminds me," Cameron smiles "I have somewhere to be" 

"Where?" I ask

 i wanted to go with him, i don't want to be alone in this stupid castle. 

" somewhere, go to sleep" the alpha says 

"can I com-" and he's gone! 

"stupid annoying alpha" I mutter

 i was now alone why couldn't the alphas stay here in the castle?  they all didn't have to leave to go to their secret hiding place- I get an idea!

that's it!

 I am going to find their secret hiding place!


I enter my old room only to realise I have no idea where Andrés room is. Shoot! I look around the dark hallway it was so long that it would take hours for me find his room...

 there's also another staircase maybe Andrés room is there?... but this is a sign! i should go try and find their hiding place. 

'This is a bad idea' my wolf says when I step out 

I know that but I can't help myself, I wanted to see Andrés - no!  I wanted to see where all the alphas went during the day time. 

i take deep breath looking up at the reddening sky, an hour ago it was absolutely dark but now the mist was visible. Against the backdrop the trees were silhouettes and the sun was peeking over the mountain. 

It was such a nice morning. 

I was wasn't wearing shoes so as I went deeper into the woods i could feel the wet but soft grass and the energy coming off them.  

The air was delicate and each blow of wind felt like a kiss on my skin "Mmmhmmm, mmmhmmm" i hum skipping over a paddle and jumping from rock to rock. 

okay, i shouldn't get distracted, I am on a adventure to find where the alphas hide!

 ohh! look a turtle!

  I run towards the turtle "hey little buddy" i wave 

***** ** ** *** 

After a few hours of searching and finding nothing, I decided to give up and go back my stomach was growling, i am so hungry. 

the thing is, i'm kind of lost... 

It's no big deal i can find my way back but i need to do it before it gets dark..

next time I should follow them districtly, yup hopefully when I get back to the castle Cameron is not there. 


i freeze and slowly turn around to see a wolf standing there "shiit"I whisper staring at the wolf.. it looked to small to be a werewolf, please don't let it be a wild wolf.


i take a deep breath " i'm just going to slowly leave"I tell it 

The wolf looked like he had seen better days. His brown fur was thin and clung to his small frame and I could see his ribs. 

I wasn't in any danger, he was afraid of me.. i mean who wouldn't?  I give off that aurora 'don't mess me with me'.

 "I'm leaving now," I say taking a step back, and another and another 

"grrrrrr" the wolf growls 

He walks towards me slowly, I raise my brow at the way he moved,  it was as if each step he took towards me pained him.

 "clearly you need to heal, I don't want any  trouble," I say 

"if you attack me, I will hurt you" i add crossing my arms "I don't want to do that, it won't be a fair fight" 

 Except, behind the wolf on top of a hill, three wolves stand there. " you brought friends" i wheeze

i think the moon goddess hates me, why does bad stuff always happen? 

'you're  a stupid bitch that's why' my wolf snaps 

 I don't sprint away until the dying wolf howls drawing the wolves to join him like they have been invited to dinner. 

oh! i'm the dinner! or breakfast or whatever!

 I turn into a curve and look back only to see the three of them chasing after me. 

"why does this all always happen to me?" i cry kicking my feet to run faster 

"because you're a stupid a stupid girl and I wish i wasn't your wolf" my wolf growls back overtaking me 

i feel my bones crack and shift to my wolf form, on all four I am faster and smarter.   I know that. what i don't know is how  they caught up to me. 

i feel pain gush through my hind leg and i howl painfully as i fall to the ground.

 I whimper sliding away from the wolves as they push each other and growl at one another, they were fighting over me? 

this is isn't?

 i am going to be eaten alive by them.

Authors Note: 

Thank you for voting and adding my book to your reading list! i hope you enjoy reading this as much I enjoy writing. 

Don't forget to vote! 

see you next chapter

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