Till the End of the Line: Our...

By LittleMissMalik

127K 4.4K 9K

After waking up in a new century, Steve Rogers, the famous Captain America, finds himself struggling with the... More

Part One - Acclimate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Part Two - Appetency
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Part Three - Alleviate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Part Four - Assurance
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Our Future

Chapter Four

5.6K 205 1K
By LittleMissMalik


Read with caution.


"What's the plan?" Sam asks, arms crossed and brow furrowed. He's watching Steve, like everyone else in the room.

Steve, with his own arms crossed, watches Wakanda from the window. "We fight. We fight until our nails bleed and our feet crumble. We fight until we can't see straight. We fight until Thanos is dead."

T'Challa moves to stand beside him. "And how do we do that?" he asks.

"Together," Steve says, turning to face his motley crew of Avengers. "We may have lost Tony. We may not have Thor. But we do have a plan." He points to Vision. "Shuri, you're sure you can get that out of his head."

Shuri smiles. "It will take some time, but I believe I can have it out before Thanos gets here."

Steve nods. "Take Bruce and Wanda with you. Dr. Banner might be able to help you get into the framework of Vision mind quicker. Wanda, destroy the damn rock as soon as they remove it." He turns to T'Challa as they exit the room. "We'll start to get ready. How-"

Wakanda rumbled with the Black Order's ships hitting the forcefield.

T'Challa and the Dora Milaje jumped into action. T'Challa and Okoye shouted commands as they swiftly exited the room.

Steve nods towards the exit. "Follow T'Challa. He'll tell you where to go." Natasha starts to guide Rhodey, Sam, and Bucky out the door. "Barnes stays with me," Steve warns. "We'll meet you guys out there in a moment."

Sam glances between the two, his I'm-concerned-as-both-a-friend-and-a-trained-counselor face.

Bucky shrugs as he joins Steve's side.

The super soldiers watch as their friends and comrades leave to prepare for battle. As the door shuts, Steve's shoulders fall and with that, Captain America is gone.

"You alright, doll?" Bucky asks softly, caressing Steve's bearded cheek with his metal hand.

Steve gives him a tight smile, eyes a little red. "I've got a feeling in my stomach, Buck."

Bucky cocks an eyebrow. "A feeling?"

"This... It feels like the train, Buck," Steve whispers, holding Bucky's hand to his cheek.

"The train?" Bucky moves a little closer. "Steve, baby, I'm right here. Ain't goin' nowhere."

Steve shakes his head. "I had this feeling when we were ziplining that you should have stayed home. I couldn't shake it while we were fighting and then-," Steve squeezes his eyes shut.

Bucky pulls Steve into a hug, lips pressed against the man's temple. "I'm a hell of a lot more trained than I was back then, Stevie. I'll be okay."

Steve holds him tight. "I can't lose you again, Bucky. It'd tear me in half."

"You ain't gettin' rid of me, Steve. Not till we're old and gray and wrinkled as all get out," Bucky whispers.

"You promise?" Steve asks, voice breaking.

"On my Ma's grave."

Steve pulls away, glaring. "Don't do that. I don't like that."

Bucky shrugs. "You gonna kiss me before we head out or am I gonna have to fight without a good luck kiss?"

Steve's hands run along Bucky's kevlar covered back and up to Bucky's neck, fingers running through the silky strands of his hair. He brings their lips together into a soft, simple kiss.

Bucky smiles into the kiss, tugging Steve's hips close. He hums, nipping at Steve's plump bottom lip.

Steve pulls away with a chuckle. "Buck, we've got a fight to win."

"There's my captain," Bucky cheers. "Guide the way, Stevie."


"So what's the plan?" Bucky shouts over the noise.

They're surrounded by Outriders, the nasty aliens charging at them without a second thought.

Steve slices the head off one and guts another with his shield. "We talked about it, Buck! Fight till the fuckers are dead," he calls over his shoulder as he round-house kicks another Outrider.

Bucky's machine gun is firing off at a constant pace. His back presses against Steve's. "Not the one I was talking about, Rogers. Our plan. Our very sensitive, personal plan."

"I've barely had time to think," Steve says, grabbing one of Bucky's knives and stabbing an Outrider in the face. He tosses the knife back.

The sergeant grabs it mid-air with his right arm and stabs an Outrider on his left, then on his right. His left is still shooting, blowing their brains out with a single bullet. "Don't bullshit me, Rogers. You're always thinking," Bucky says.

Steve rolls his eyes and pushes his bangs out of his eyes. "Remember that thing we used to do in the war?"

Bucky grunts out his acknowledgment. "You seriously think that'll work?"

"Worth a try!" Steve takes one of the guns off Bucky's belt and starts to shoot at the Outriders. "Ready baby?" he asks, voice relatively quiet - hidden in the sound of alien growling and the gnashing of teeth.

"Always, dollface." Bucky runs forward, still firing at the aliens.

Steve has one of his new shields punching at Outriders, the other held at his back, waiting.

Bucky runs forward and jumps about a yard away from Steve. Steve raises his shield with Bucky's feet and propels the super soldier into the air. He quickly drops to the ground, both shields covering him. Bucky unleashes a spray of bullets from two guns as he flips through the air, yelling at the top of his lungs.

Outriders drop left and right.

Bucky lands a couple of feet away, squashing an Outrider with his boots. "All clear, Rogers," he calls.

Steve stands to his full height, shields extended on both hands. "Nice work, Sarge. Let's go," he says, nodding towards the thicket of Outriders running towards them.

"Don't act like we're done with that conversation," Bucky says as he runs alongside Steve. They take out Outriders as they go, shooting and punching respectively.

Steve huffs, blowing at his bangs. "Thinkin' we get married. Like a real wedding," Steve says.

Bucky raises an eyebrow. "Like with actual tuxes and flowers and groomsmen?"

"And rings and a priest and all of our family and friends watching," Steve says, grinning.

"We gonna tell 'em beforehand or just show up?"

Steve winks at him. "Might give Tony a heart attack, but I think the pay off would be worth it."

Bucky shakes his head. "You're such a punk, Rogers."

"Gotta get it from somewhere, ya jerk."

They start to separate, drifting towards the other side of the battlefield. "Hey," Bucky calls. "Till the end of the line?"

Steve pauses, panting. He grins. "You know I'm always with you till the end of the line."


Steve watches Thor's ax dig it's way into Thanos' chest.

The Titan looks up and in a soft, gravely voice whispers, "You should have gone for the head." He brings the gauntlet up and snaps his fingers.

And the world goes still.

Steve takes a step forward where Thor stands. He's numb, breathing ragged from his adrenaline. The world feels off, the feeling in his gut growing with each passing second.


He glances over his shoulder in time to see his world turn to dust. Steve stumbles toward Bucky, reaching out to him as the man evaporates.

One by one, his friends, his comrades, his family, turn to dust.





The captain stumbles to the ground, eyes watering and mouth agape. "Oh god," he whispers as his hand cards through the dust left in his Bucky's wake. "Oh god," he cries.

Steve's fingers grapple at the mound of ash, lip quivering. His gloved hand shifts the dust around, a silver glint catching his eye.

He cups the ash (Bucky) in his hand, the dust spilling from his glove.

Steve gasps, his hands tightening around the object.

Tears prickle his eyes.

He brings his fist up to his lips, kissing the metal softly.

Captain America stands and wraps the metal chain around his fist. And just like that, Steve and Bucky's dog tags are reunited.

"Thor, that thing works the Bifrost, right?"

"That is how I arrived," Thor says.

Cap looks to him, a tear spilling down his cheek. "Find Tony. Find Scott. Find Clint. Find every goddamned Avenger you can. Find the raccoon's friends. Hell, gather as many aliens as you can. I don't fucking care." He heaves a heavy breath, jaw twitching beneath his beard.

"Find me anyone who can fix this," Cap orders.

Natasha takes a cautious step forward. "Steve, I'm not sure this can be."

Steve glares at her, eyes aflame with rage and grief. "Then you better believe I'll die trying to fix this. I haven't gone gray and I sure as hell haven't wrinkled, so I ain't given up on Bucky being alive."

The captain moves to walk past the Avengers, back to Wakanda.

He pauses, at the edge of the little clearing. "C'mon. We have work to do."


Steve and Tony worked for a week straight. They came up with theory after theory, reexamined their battles and discussed their mistakes. They talked circles around themselves.

The other survivors were in and out. They helped where they could. They tried to get their leaders to sleep, or at least shower, but Steve and Tony were both adamant about working through it.

Eventually, Thor made them leave the lab.

Steve trudges into his room, Thor behind him.

"Steven, are you okay?" Thor asks as he closes the door behind him.

The blond shakes his head as he stares at the picture on his bedside. It's a sketch he did of himself and Bucky as teens, with Bucky's elbow using Steve's head as an armrest. "No," he squeaks, eyes watering. He clenches his hand around the dog tags, squeezing as tight as he could.

Thor moves to stand beside him, a comforting hand hovering over his friend's shoulder.

As soon as he makes contact, Steve crumbles.

Steve falls to his knees, sobs ripping out of his chest as he cries. "It's not fair," he sobs. "It's just not fair!" Steve tugs at his hair, rocking back and forth.

Thor watches in horror as the captain's facade falls away.

Steve punches at the ground and jumps up. He flips his bed. He throws the dresser to the opposite side, spilling its contents over the room. He punches the walls, leaving gaping holes in the sheetrock. Steve rips apart shelves, breaks lamps and frames, tears the doors right off its hinges.

And Thor just watches, stunned.

"It's not fair!" Steve bellows, voice raw. He tears his pillows to shreds, feathers raining around him. "It's just not fair," he sobs, falling to his knees again.

Steve cries into his hands, loud, ugly cries that echo around the room and the compound.

Thor glances at the entrance, where Pepper and Natasha appear with furrowed brows. He shrugs, motioning to the captain. "I don't know what happened," he whispers.

"Rogers," Natasha announces, stalking forward. She kneels beside the crying soldier as the rest of the Avengers huddle around his door. "What's wrong?"

Steve looks up, face red and drenched in tears and snot. "What's wrong?" he spits. "What's wrong is I just lost my everything. I just lost my will to fucking live. Don't act like I'm being irrational for being upset," he hisses.

Natasha raises a perfectly trimmed eyebrow. "Your will to live?"

He rolls his eyes and stands. Steve paces away, kicking at the broken headboard on the floor. "Why is everyone acting like we didn't lose half the fucking universe?" he demands, glaring at his fellow Avengers. "You guys are sulking and moody, but none of you, except Tony, have done anything to show you're upset. None of you have- Don't look at me like I'm in the wrong here!"

Pepper glares at him. "You can be upset. You can grieve. But destroying property is for angsty teenagers who can't handle their emotions. Not grown ass men like yourself."

Steve turns his icy blue eyes on her. "Oh, fuck off, Potts."

Tony steps forward, face red. "Watch it, Rogers. You can throw your tantrum or whatever, but don't come after everyone else." He shakes his head. "I get your upset about Barnes-"

"Upset?" Steve bellows. "I'm fucking hollow!" He beats at his chest. "Don't you people realize that Bucky and Sam were all I had? They, god, they were my everything and Thanos ripped them from me with the snap of his fingers!"

"Thanos took everyone from us, Cap," Tony snaps. "You're not the only one."

Steve shakes his head, fists still clenched. He turns around and pulls out a leather case. It's small, about the size of his hand, with a gold latch. Steve flips the lid open and pulls out a cigarette and lighter. He lights it in seconds and leans against the window sill. "'M not saying I am," he drawls, voice drained of emotion.

"Can you not smoke in my compound?" Tony quips.

"Tony, pick your battles," Rhodes calls.

Tony rolls his eyes.

Steve takes a drag, eyes fluttering shut with the image of Bucky blowing rings of smoke into their apartment. He's laying in their bed, shirtless and hair covering half of his face with the sheets covering his lap haphazardly. It's messy, it's lazy, it's heaven. If he thinks hard enough, he can feel Bucky kissing him softly, the taste of tobacco on his lips.

He opens his eyes to the open field outside his window. "I'm a mess, Buck," he whispers, the smoke flowing from his lips.

Steve sits on the upturned bed frame, cigarette hanging from his lips. He's still crying, the tears splashing onto his lap every few seconds.

"What's even happening," he hears Rocket ask.

"Pretty sure Cap just went insane," Tony mumbles.

"Poor thing hasn't slept in a week and a half, he's lost both of his best friends, and he's been working his ass off to reverse the snap," Pepper whispers. "I think it's understandable," she sighs.

Natasha makes her way through the wreckage of Steve's room and kneels in front of him. "We can talk about this tomorrow. Steve, you need to sleep, shower, and eat. You want to try and get them back, then you need to be at your best. This isn't it."

Steve nods, taking another drag. "I can't live without him."

"You have before," Natasha says.

"That wasn't living," Steve grumbles.

The Avengers shift in their place. "Steve, what do you mean by that?" Thor asks, crossing his arms.

Steve chuckles, a harsh, bitter, wet chuckle. "Before I crossed paths with Sam and met Bucky, that wasn't living. That was me existing at the bare minimum, not that you guys would have known. We weren't all that close," he mumbles.

Natasha rests a hand on Steve's knee. "You need to get out of your uniform, Steve. You haven't changed in nearly two weeks. It's gross."

He shrugs. "And the point is?"

She rolls her eyes and starts to untie his boots. "Someone start a hot shower as hot as you can stand it."

Steve blows a ring of smoke into the air. He watches it, eyes dazed and droopy.

He lets Natasha tug off his dusty, gross boots.

She peels off his socks and gasps, a little breathy intake of air that causes the whole room to freeze.

Tony's bloodshot eyes widen. "Rogers, is that a tattoo?"

Steve glances down at his foot and ankle, where the markings of Bucky's dog tags and ring wraps around his appendage. He nods, taking another draw from his cigarette.

Natasha runs her fingers over it hesitantly, nails lingering on Bucky's name and serial number. "You got Barnes' information tattooed on your ankle?"

The captain nods as he takes his foot back and stands. He shrugs out of his jacket, revealing his undershirt and chest plate. He lets his fist loosen, the dog tags clanking as the dropped in his hand, the chain still wrapped around his palm. "Used to stick it in my boot on missions. Kicked about a dozen Nazi's skulls in with that foot. 'S what they deserved after they killed my Bucky. Had it on me when I froze. Had it on me when I thawed out. Kept it on me until Bucky returned. Figured he'd want 'em back eventually, so I made other arrangements," Steve explains robotically around his cigarette.

Tony shakes his head. "I'll never understand what your deal is with Barnes. How can you just blindly follow him like that?"

Steve glares at Tony. "I'd follow him into the gates of Hell and he'd do the same. We're together till the end of the line."

Steve walked into his bathroom, where Pepper had started a hot shower, with the slam of a door.


Steve cries himself to sleep every night, hugging Bucky's pillow close to his chest.

He visits their grave site and spends hours tending to his mother, Bucky's, his own, and all of the Barnes' graves. He talks to them. Tells them all of the people he lost, like Sam, Daisy, T'Challa, Wanda, Darlene, and oh so many more. Lets them know how the world's been sent to chaos, with everyone grieving. How there are not even bodies to bury, just dust and ash in the wake of the dead.

He mostly talks to his Ma. It's too hard to talk to Bucky knowing there's nothing there.

Sometimes he falls asleep leaning against his mother's tombstone.

He doesn't sketch. He doesn't paint.

Steve's just numb, void of all feelings and emotions.


Months passed.

Steve and Tony spent every day working together, feuds long forgotten. Thor helps as much as he can, so does Bruce and Rhodes. Everyone pitches in when they can.

It's not until Steve's taking one of his three daily jogs around the compound that it hits him.

He's going through everything that happened leading up to the sidelines. The first invasion, Edinburgh, Tony and Strange dealing with the Guardians, Steve and the Rogues in Wakanda, Thor and Stormbreaker, the final Battle of Wakanda. It's replaying in his head, each action, each battle, everything.

And then it hits him.

"Wong!" He shouts, eyes wide and skin drenched in sweat.

Steve sprints back to the compound, bursting through the doors. He barrels through the hallways, coming to a halt in the common room. Tony, Thor, Nebula, and Rocket are sipping coffee on the couches, the Looney Toons Show playing softly on the TV. "We need Wong," Steve pants, hands on his hips. "He and Strange told you about the stones, to begin with, Stark. What if he knows what happened? What if he can reverse it?"

Tony gasps, standing up. His coffee crashes to the floor, shards of ceramic splintering across the floor. "Oh my god, Rogers. That's it!"

Thor stands, too, grinning. "I know where the Sanctum Sanctorum is. I'll go with you."

"If Thor's going, I want in," Rocket says.

Steve grins. "Then suit up."


They end up in the library of the Sanctorum, pouring over magic books. It's mostly Wong, with Tony and Thor helping out a little bit.

"In theory, if we figured out a way to create a portal to another dimension, is there a way we could get into that dimension?" Steve asks, pacing in front of the table they were reading at.

Wong nods, flipping through a book. "If the soul stone really does have a dimension within itself, then yes, it'd be likely."

Steve glances at Tony. "Is it possible to make something to jump through dimensions?"

Tony scratches at his head. "Maybe? I'll need to research it. I'm not sure our science is advanced enough for that."

"But Wakanda's is. I'm sure Shuri and Bruce could work with you and figure out a way to get them back." Steve turns the chair around and straddles the seat. "C'mon, Tony, we gotta try this," he pleads.

Tony glances at Thor and Wong. "You two really think this may work? I'm all up for the challenge, but I can't toy with my own emotions like this."

"I've heard legends about the soul stone's victims living within it," Thor says, voice rumbling through the air.

Steve, with his big pleading eyes, looks to Tony. "Tony, do it for Peter."

Tony sighs. "Call Natasha, get the quinjet ready."


"I hope this works," Bruce says, fiddling with the controls.

"It will," Shuri says.

Tony raises an eyebrow. "How do you know?"

She grins. "I made it, didn't I?"

Steve runs a hand over his beard. "Start it up. Thor, are you ready?"

Thor spins Stormbreaker in his hands, the axe twirling beside him. "Bring it on."

"Cap, you want to go over it one more time?" Clint asks, adjusting his bow. Rocket nods beside him, grumbling something about not understanding Cap's accent.

Steve nods and turns to look at the remaining Avengers. "Once the portal opens, Thor, Tony, and I check it out. We give the all clear and we work like hell to free our people."

"How are we supposed to fit half of the universe in Wakanda?" Natasha asks.

Steve sighs. "We don't. We get our people and come home. It's selfish, it's awful, but with our team back together we might be able to figure out a way to reverse the snap," he says.

Rocket shrugs. "I'm all for being a selfish asshole. When do we start?"

The captain turns to Shuri and Bruce. "You two ready?"

They nodded.

"Thor? Wong?"

They nodded.

Steve cracks his neck and braces his shield in front of him. "Tony, when you're ready."

The Iron Man suit clinks as it appears beside Thor and Steve. "Banner, hit it."


"How long have we been in here?" Peter Parker asks, pacing in the middle of their little circle of Avengers and Guardians.

Quill huffs. "Too long."

"Do you think Mr. Stark will find us?" Peter asks, fiddling with his now empty web shooters.

Dr. Strange sighs. "There's a chance, but it's hard to tell," he says.

"Don't get the kid's hopes up, Strange. You know Stark cares about you, pal, and he'll try his damnedest to get to you, but you can't get your hopes up," Bucky says.

"I am Groot," Groot asks

Drax nods, pointing at Groot. "He's right. How can you be sure Stark is looking for us?"

Bucky rolls his eyes. "Cause Tony's a hell of a lot like a better version of Howard and Howard Stark never gave up on Steve and I. He spent years looking for us. Years."

T'Challa raises an eyebrow. "Were you not the one to kill Howard Stark?"

Sam steps in between Bucky and the group. "Now hang on, that wasn't Barnes. That was the Winter Soldier and we're not about to hash that out right here." He turns to Bucky, with a tired smile. "C'mon, let's take a walk."

The veterans walk away from the group, hands in their pockets and heads tucked down. "We ain't ever gettin' out," Bucky sighs once they're a good distance from the Avengers.

Sam shakes his head. "I don't even want to think about what's going down back home."

Bucky lets out a shaky breath. "Steve's probably gone insane."

"And they probably haven't noticed," Sam snaps.

"Dammit," Bucky curses. "You're right. They're fucking assholes who don't know shit about Stevie."

Sam pats Bucky's back. "Trust me, it pisses me off too."

Bucky shakes his head, blinking quickly. "I just don't get it. I just don't." He balls his fist up and takes in a deep breath. "They ain't takin' care of my baby."

Sam squeezes Bucky's shoulder.

"I can't believe I left him," Bucky whispers.

Sam pulls Bucky into a tight hug. "We've been through this, Barnes. You didn't leave him. We got dusted or something. It wasn't by choice. Don't beat yourself up for this."

Bucky holds onto Sam for dear life. "Steve's been through so much," he whimpers. "He doesn't deserve this."

"No, he doesn't."

The air around them shifts, turning cool. There's a loud banging coming from one of... wherever they are.

The soldiers pull away and jog back to the group. "The hell is that?" Sam asks.

"It appears to be something hitting the wall," Mantis announces.

A familiar blue lightning bursts from the opposite end of the soul stone.

Wanda gasps.

Parker squeals.

Groot perks up.

"I'll be damned," Bucky laughs. He glances at Sam and grins. "Think he can get in?"

Sam nods. "He's the god of thunder. I think he'll do just fine."

And just like that, Thor smashes through the barrier and into the soul stone.

The Iron Man suit zooms past him, landing in front of Peter. Tony quickly steps out. "You ever turn to dust on me again, Peter, and I'll end you," he hisses, voice thick with tears.

Peter burst into his own and launches himself at his mentor, sobbing into the man's chest.

Thor leads the other Avengers into the soul stone.

Okoye and Shuri rush to greet T'Challa.

Rocket tries to casually return to the Guardians, but Groot picks him up and squeezes him tight anyway. Rocket doesn't seem to mind.

And then there's Steve.

Bucky stumbles forward, eyes locked on those baby blues he knows so well.

Steve's crying, big tears rolling down his face.

Sam rolls his eyes. "Get your ass over there."

Steve starts to walk closer, his feet picking up speed as his smile grew.

Bucky pauses, eyes still locked on Steve's. There's something there mixed in with the love and grief Steve's filled with. Something that makes Bucky's heart hammer away.

Something that makes his toes curl.

Something that makes his cheeks blush.

Something that makes his stomach do flips.

Steve's full-on sprinting across the expanse of the soul stone. He nearly pushes Tony and Peter aside, slowing down as he reaches the circle of people.

He's so close. He's right there. Steve is right there.

Bucky takes a step forward and grins, his own tears prickling at his eyes. "Steve," he says breathlessly, the wind knocked out of him from just Steve's smile alone.

Steve's close enough to touch.

They stand there, a foot apart from one another and surrounded by all of their friends and family.

Bucky watches as Steve's eyes flicker over his body, checking for any and all signs of injuries.

"Bucky," Steve says, just as breathless, just as soft.

And without a second of hesitation, Steve springs forward.

The world slows down and all Bucky can see is Steve. All there is in this world is Steve. Steve. Steve.



His hands move to caress Bucky's cheeks, palms scraped from the scruff lining the brunet's jaw.

Steve's lips press against his own. It's rough and passionate and everything Bucky's needed for so fucking long.

Bucky whimpers, his eyes fluttering shut. His mismatched arms pull Steve in close.

They fall into one another.

"Bucky," Steve moans quietly. His lips brush Bucky's still, breath mingling in the space between them.

"Steve," Bucky sighs. He tips his head forward again, capturing Steve's lips between his.

Their tears spill into their kiss, but they don't care. They don't care. For once in their lives, they don't care.

It's just them.

It's just them.

It's finally, for once, just them.

Steve's hands move to wrap around Bucky's middle. Bucky's move to tug at the blond's hair.

And they're crying.

And laughing.

But none of it matters because they have each other.

Steve pulls away and holds Bucky's face in his hands again. "If I ever lose you again, James Buchanan, you best believe I'm coming after you with that good ol' Irish rage my Ma had," he whispers.

Bucky laughs and sniffles. "Wouldn't expect anything less, doll. You come after me all the time," he says.

Steve lets out a good belly laugh.

It's melodic and makes Bucky's chest feel all warm and fuzzy. Makes him feel so good that he just has to steal it with a kiss.

And he does, because he can.

"I love you," Steve breathes against Bucky's lips. "I love you so goddamn much, Bucky."

Bucky hums. "I love you, too. More than you'll ever know."

Steve's hand drifts into his own pocket and tugs out Bucky's dog tags, his lips still pressed against Bucky's. He pulls away and puts the tags back around Bucky's neck. Steve lays a hand over the tags and on Bucky's chest. "There," he sighs, "back where they should be."

Bucky steals one last kiss before he pulls away. He takes a step back and turns to a grinning Sam.

"Sam," Steve says, grinning.

"Don't expect a hello like that from me," Sam warns as he takes a step forward, his arms already opening.

Steve rolls his eyes and falls into Sam's arms, hugging the man close.

"I'm sorry," Tony cuts in.

Steve pulls away and blushes. It finally sinks in.

Everyone was watching.

He glances around, panic settling in his chest. His breathing picks up, his eyes wide.

Sam presses a hand on the nape of Steve's neck and Bucky takes Steve's hand in his.

They're staring at them, skin pale and faces slack.

Bucky and Sam share a glance. Steve's blushing skin is slowly turning green, giving the Hulk a run for his money.

Tony's looking at them with pure horror on his face. "What the fuck?"

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