Switched ┆切り替え


496 76 76

❝ WHO ARE YOU? WHO AM I?❞ In which two worlds with different perspectives collide ❝あなたは誰?私は誰?❞ 異なる視点の2つの世界... More



46 10 8

Chatters filled the whole cafeteria as countless of men and women in blue jumpsuits huddled together to eat their dinner, today's special was a peach cream pie, it was sweeter than sweet the prisoners there commented, the sole reason today's special was a run through on who can get it first.

He looked around the room, a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face as one of the guards greeted him while he entered, he's respected by the officials, not because of what he has done but what he believed he didn't do.

Mook Jin spared effort in his arrest, he knew even how much he denied, he would get sent off to jail anyways, that's what made him even more mysterious, how he willingly went with the police as he said those last four words to the press.

I didn't do it

It always lingered in the officers' mind when they see him, how peacefully he looked while he sat, how diligently he followed when he was ordered, most of people there knew it was all an act, but in Mook Jin's perspective, it was all pure with no alternative motive, he has 4 years left to touch the green grass again.

"Mook, you seem rather happy tonight, what gives?" the officer the greeted him earlier asked as Mook Jin gave him a faint smile.

          "The novel one of the lady in charge gave me, it had a good ending. Almost made me cry actually, it was that good." he answered, the words that he read lingering in his mind almost dreamily.

"Well I'm glad to hear that, if you want your day to be the best one yet, I say go ahead and be in line, today's special is to die for as I heard, note sarcasm." Mook Jin flashed him an unamused look before a light chuckle escaped his lips.

          "You shouldn't say something like that to people who were killed, Daniel, but I'll let it pass and take up to your offer." he concluded, patting the offer's shoulder then went to get a tray for his own.

Unlike the officers and officials here, the prisoners acted differently to him, they didn't believe he was accused for such a big murder scandal, but yet they wondered how he bewitched everyone with authority in the damn prison, their trust went deeper down the hole when it came to him.

He stood in line, casually get bumped from up front yet he knew better than steer up a fight, but he knew it was intentionally, he heard the whispers, saw the looks, their actions said it all, yet he did nothing, he's a pacifist of course, he couldn't afford to fight even if he needed to.

"Mook Jin?! there you are! Come up front lad, i'll give you a gift for your behavior!" the old lady who served and cooked the food behind the counter shouted, she was very nice to him, he would occasionally help her with dishes or cooking whenever it was task time, no wonder the two got very close instantly.

He coy away, the looks from front and behind the line stared him down, but the intimidating look from the old lady made some look away, yet her loving and motherly gaze settled on him urging him to cut in line.

He hesitantly did so, not one to keep eye contact with many he focused on walking till he was at the very front, the old lady smiled at her, putting the most delightful food and the day's special dessert on his tray, flashing him a warm smile which he returned.

"This is the last of today, so you're very lucky I caught you in time and give it to you." A bead of sweat traveled down the side of his face as he bowed in appreciation and went to his usual seat, alone.

He noticed the big one, as he calls him, wasn't present inside and he most certainly knows he hasn't gotten today's specialist, pray to God no one rats him out for taking the last one.But he spoke too soon.

"Hey there pipsqueak, I heard from one of my men you went ahead cut in line and got the last one of the pie, why don't we make this easy and simple and give it to me before I remove your head from your body, yeah?" the deep, loud voice behind him said as the big one harshly placed a hand on his shoulder playfully, careful to see there were guards around the room examining them.

He stayed quiet, unable to answer properly, so he went to the stupid route he always went when it came to guys like him, act smug and cool, he tilted his head to the side and flash the big one a soft smile before turning his body directly at him, leaning on the table where he sat on.

"Now now let me ask, why do you need mine when there are others who also have the same pie as me? You and I, we aren't in the best conditions remember pal?" he said in a cool and low tone earning a brow from the big one as he snickered at his ridiculous state.

     "Because I'd rather deal with the official's pet than those low life extras, where's the fun in that right?" he said in a harsh yet cool tone contrasting to his, he cursed to himself as he tries to come up with another response to his stalling while thinking of a way to escape the talk.

"You know, I always wondered if your body is just as strong as your words, I heard before that you cried so hard because you hit your little toe on the door cell, which is as worse as it can get, made out of metal! Man, I would've died just to see that." wrong, stupid why did he answer that.

He regretted that decision immediately as he was lifted off his feet, two hands holding the collar of his jumpsuit tightly trying not to choke too much on the big hands the held him in the air.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU MOUSE, OR I SWEAR I'LL BREAK YOUR SORRY EXCUSE FOR TWIGS IN TWO TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT WITHOUT WALKING." it wasn't long till the officers on duty saw the scene as they immediately rushed to Mook Jin's side in protection, trying to get him down.

The veins from The big one's forehead propped up as he harshly threw Mook Jin to the ground as he was restrained in time out to come close to another prisoner for the time being, Mook Jin stared directly at his eyes that screamed terror, chaos and anger.

          "I'm not done with you pipsqueak, next time I see you, you'll be out cold." those were is final words before he left to his cell, Mook Jin was helped stand up from one of the officers as they checked any minor or major injuries and let him off.

"Jesus Christ Mook, You leave for one second and you're already stirring up a fight for the night, trouble always comes to you, ain't it?" Daniel said in a worried tone, Mook Jin gave him a reassuring smile.

          "Seems at it always does, but I'm not dead yet, aren't I?"After that, he went to his cell to read off the last of the novels given by one of the female officers, he was about to drift off to sleep with the lock to his cell was fiddling, almost like trying to break lose, when it did, he regretted his decision after that night.  


written by Ierea Yuuri Fujikawa

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