Numb (Revising)

Oleh Liber_Tee

68.7K 12.5K 4.2K

"Behind those eyes, there's a girl in there desperately trying to break free. A girl who needs to be wanted s... Lebih Banyak

🌸Read Me🌸
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
🍻Discuss (Spoiler + Mystery Alert!!)
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 20

698 141 24
Oleh Liber_Tee

Kissing is disgusting.

Song: Sad Songs. Little Mix.


"Slap her! Slap her!! Slap her!!! " The chanting was deafening.

But her eyes were captivating.

No doubt she was sad, her facial expression gave out nothing.. But her eyes begged for help.

At least that's what I saw.

She was at fault, we both were... But only she was being punished... By being publicly humiliated.

"Guy make I help you?" Kenelum growled behind me, his hand raised up to strike Munachi.

And moved down quickly-but not so quickly.

I caught his wrist and threw it back at him. And glared.

This was all his fault! He'd pushed me and I'd crashed unto Munachi, her oily spaghetti plate had stained me... Stained my trousers completely and this.. This.. This was all...

"Your fault! What the fuck's wrong with you? " I shouted at him... Chiamaka gasped beside me.

Everyone in the cafeteria laughed... And then I realized what I'd just done to him.

Disgraced him.. Yelled at him in public... Worst of all wounded his ego.

I turned to mutter an apology but he was already walking towards the door.

Well let him go and die!

"Rooney?! " Chiamaka squeezed my bicep and I groaned.

"What the fuck's your problem?! Just because of her? This thing, this disgusting flat ugly worthless shapeless thin figure? You yelled at your bestfriend"

He's not my best friend... Arthur has that title.

"She's not shapeless" Arthur snorted out and shoved Chiamaka, she wrapped her nails round my hand and I pushed her away.

Her nails hurt.

She clearly didn't understand why I'd pushed her because she gasped louder than the first time... And ran out of the cafeteria, following Kenelum.

Okay, good riddance to bad rubbish now I can focus on someone important.


She was still standing awkwardly in front of me... I wanted a reaction, I wanted an action.

She gave me none.

"Enough oh! Face your food, don't be stupid! "... Darrel.

"Una no get TV for house(Don't y'all own TV's at home?)" Darren.

How can two different people be so similar in many ways?!

By being related.. By being twins you can't differentiate easily?

How can I have so much hatred for these two people?!

Because they take the spot light off you?

How can I hate my brothers?

They're both dick suckers.

I snarled at their voices and shoved past Philip... An A eight grader.

That dude...

He fell down beside me and another loud laughter erupted... An annoying one.

And I was reminded of my situation... I was dirty... My trouser was oily... There was no fucking way this stain could go if I scrubbed at it before night prep.

I was scarred!
All thanks to... Her!

No... Thanks to that bastard! Kenelum, if he didn't shove me those stupid older attention seeking brothers of mine won't had have a reason to interfere in my life... I hate them all! I hate people who compared me to the both of them.

I hate older girls who were nicer to me because they wanted a chance to flirt with any of those two fools.

I hated my female classmates that touched me while imagining they were touching any of the twins...

I hate the fact that no matter what I fucking do, I won't ever be seen as an Edwin.. But as their younger brother!

Fuck this shit... Fuck them all.. Fuck thi-

"-Rooney! " Who had that voice?!

Who had that feminine voice?

Who was holding my hand?

I whipped my head backward and had to blink twice to make sure I was seeing properly.

Did Munachi just yell out my name?

Did Numb just yell? Did Munachi just touch me?

I quirked an eyebrow at her. She looked down.

"I'm sorry." She let go of my elbow.

I nodded at her with a smirk...

Heck all my anger was gone!

"I can help with the stain. " She muttered.

My smirk grew broader.

"How? " I quizzed.

She stared blankly at me.

And walked out of the cafeteria and into the cold night.

Thankfully the street lights were all functioning efficiently tonight.

I followed closely behind her, ignoring the cheers and perverted claps from most seniors in the cafeteria.

I didn't give a fuck about what other people thought, good or bad.


"Slow down. " I grumbled at her.

Our two minutes walk was boring, she didn't start up a conversation, she didn't look back... Didn't act like I was walking to the school with her.

She stopped and turned back immediately.

And I lost my breath... Was this what they called love at first sight?

But I'd been seeing her over four years. Why did today feel different?

The moonlight and the fluorescent street light combined to give her this angelic look, her high afro seemed so sponge like and shiny... Made me want to pinch at her hair or just press it down... Her eyebrows were flat against her face, her eyes... Sparkled perfectly in the dark... Her eyes were so full of emotions... She looked exhausted, bored... Amazed and at the same time happy... She looked glad. Her nose and lips complimented God's artwork in her life...

She looked... Divine.

"Walk fast. " She muttered and turned back again.

I groaned and stretched out my leg.

"Where are we going to?" I asked...


"How sure am I you won't kidnap and rape me? " Still no response.

Normally, most girls would've turned back to quirk at me.

"You're two times my body mass... Almost trice my height... You weigh more than I do and I'm alone... I can't kidnap you. Raping you... That's impossible." She turned to look at me.

I smiled at her... She had this mischievous glint in her eyes and I began to doubt that.

Stretching out my hand I grabbed her and yanked her backwards.

She didn't shriek at me or feign anger even after her forehead hit my chest.

She didn't struggle or kick me... She didn't act like most girls.

"You raping me isn't possible. How'bout me raping you... You're a mathematician, calculate your chances of escaping. " I murmured into her ear.

She stared up at me. And blinked blankly.

"Seventy to thirty. " The mischievous glint was back.

"Who has the thirty? " I had to ask... And for the first time tonight she smiled at me.

I let go of her and she distanced her self from me... Walked three feet ahead of me.

This was actually part of my plan.. Gauging her reaction, I needed to know what'd made Numb.

Was she raped?

Assaulted? Harassed? And her reaction was going to answer that.

And so far, she didn't seem uncomfortable with the rape talk...

I just hope this wasn't an act and I wasn't hurting her.. Or anyone.

I fully despised rapists... People who took advantage of other people sexually deserved to die.

Men deserved to have their dicks cut and fed to them.

And women deserved the same...

"But you won't. " Her voice was barely audible now, her thick deep Ariana voice had taken on a raspier tune.

"Why won't I? " I asked her

"You won't. "

Sighing slowly I said, "I could, men have a physical advantage over women. But I won't. I'd never rape anyone. That shit is fucking wrong. "

I knew venom was laced in my voice in my sentence... But I didn't expect her to act on it.

This wasn't the loud girl I knew... The Munachi I knew would unleash some serious world play at me after this stunt..

Instead, she was walking away in slow strides...

I didn't like this new her... I didn't like the old her but, this version of her was terrible... She wasn't the lonely one... My clear memories of her... At least before primary four, proved she was an extrovert by nature.

... Now she was just a timid introvert...

I hated this...

"Why'd you change? What turned you into Numb. " She stopped walking immediately..

Too quickly that I could swear that was a reaction.


My joy was short lived when she hit play on her body and continued walking....

Okay! This was getting annoying.

"Munachi.. " She ignored me.... Again!

"Munachi! "I called out and she quickened her steps.

Fuck this!

I followed her.

"Munachi! " I yelled and dragged her hand back.

She hissed.

"Let go. "


"Rooney.. "

"Munachi... "

"Let go of me! " She yelled and shoved me backwards.

I stumbled back and almost lost my footing.

How was she this strong?

"Econs Lab. " She said with her palms up in the air in apology then continued walking.

Did she just push me?

Did a girl just? Shove me?!

Fuck this!

"Meet you there." I muttered and walked past her making sure I slammed my shoulder against her body.

Now we're even.


"Took your precious time, didn't you? " I snarled down at her when she was finally in front of me.

I still wasn't over that shove.

She ignored me and stuck a key into the door and fumbled with it for a few seconds before pushing it open.

"I'm helping. You're not commanding me, only mother tells me what to do. " She glared at me her eyes widening with every word she said.

Fuck. Why was that was frightening?

Why was this frail looking girl intimidating?

I followed her into the lab... The dark lab. And my fear increased.

"What are we doing in here anyways? " I asked her, inhaling the 'formerly locked space' scent in the room as she switched on the light bulb.

"Dried eggshells... And detergent, it'll get the stain off rapidly. "

"You pay attention in class huh? " I smirked at her and plonked down on the high wooden chair.

"I always did. Sadly you always beat me... Took my position and made me second best. " She picked up a pocket knife and rotated it in the air while she spoke and when she finished I gulped at her....

"I'm not going to kidnap or kill you. " She rolled her eyes and sliced a nylon... What the fuck?

"Though if I had a chance back in primary school I would... " She smiled again... That mischievous glint was back.

... Creepy.

Was she normally this chatty? If she was why was she labelled quiet and weird?

Or was she this conversational with me because... I was me?

Her former primary classmate and rival?!

Wasn't I supposed to be the only one she hated and avoided??!

"Thankfully you never had one.. " I told her and she giggled evilly..

"Yeah,thankfully." she whispered and poured the content from a small bowl into a larger bowl.

Her tiny frame moved towards a tap and she turned the knob. She stretched so her hand could touch the knob a bit, my eyes immediately moved to her ass.... That's if she had one.

Fuck, she was thin.

She switched off the tap and grabbed a napkin and moved towards me.

But then she was thin nice... Short yet tall thin.

It was attractive. I'd describe her height as feminine and submissive.

"Stand." Her tone was commanding and I obliged.

But then regretted my action when she dropped to her knees in front of me.

I was way past the rotten stage to misread that.

"You're really big." Wait what?!

I leapt backwards immediately and blinked thrice to clear out Chiamaka's face.

"Why'd you do that?" Munachi moved back and slapped her palm over her left knee repeatedly.

She was dusting off her leg.

"I'm not diseased. " She continued.

"Why'd you do that? " I repeated to her, why'd you attempt to give me a B. J?

"Leave the door unlocked. " She dropped the soapy content bowl and made for the door.

"Nachi." She stopped and turned. I really didn't know what had changed her into an insecure quiet beauty.


Emerald academy enrolled fools... But these fools couldn't change her... Right?

I'd heard tales of how she was treated... Mocked and discriminated against, but there was no way it could scar her.. Right?

"I'm sorry.... For everything" And I'd just apologized for the first time in weeks since our last encounter.

Only she could make me easily feel empathy enough to apologize.

Immediately after Dad's death, because I didn't cry and I became extremely withdrawn mom took me to this therapist guy who wanted to diagnose me with Anti social personality disorder but mom told him he was mad for trying that with a minor and I never saw him again. But apparently, for a long time I've always struggled with the ability to feel empathy.

"Okay." She muttered and pulled out another high wooden chair in a different part of this lab.

Time to move. I go wherever she goes. Like a moth to flame I follow her.

A moth to flame.

A flame... I guess that's the perfect word to describe her with, she was bright like a life source.

"Help me... Please. " I muttered and placed the bowl on the table in front of her.

She picked it and turned over to stand in front of me.

Her eyes scanned my face from her lashes and she suddenly had that flirty look... She was about to kneel in front of me.


Bad thoughts away... Keep the bad thoughts away... She was not about to suck me off...

Not about to suck me of-

"-Fuck." I groaned when the damp cloth touched me.

"Huh? " She pulled her hand back...

Why did her touch feel so good?

She was just touching my upper leg, inches away from my groin area.

"Do you have to do this? " I asked. She was under me again and was staring up at me through her lashes.

"No." But I just want you in my mouth... I want to taste you and


"If I disgust you so much. DIY." She pushed the bowl into my hands.

The force she'd used to shove it had splashed water against my chest.

"Basic science. " I said loudly. She blinked.

"Reproductive health. Arousal, blood, brain... And erection.. " I went on while she stared up at me.

I continued, "You're intelligent. You should know this. " Her left brow raised.

"When you touched me... You put my brain into actio-"

"-You have one?"

How dare her?

"Says the second best." I rolled my eyes at her. She pursed her lips together.

"Yes. I'm a boy so I also have a dick."

"Why? "

What the fuck?!

Because I'm a male?

"Why do you have it? " She subconsciously inched closer to me.

"Reproduction? Pleasure? "

"What's reproduction?" Nothing was funny but yet I'd laughed at her.

"See, this is why you were second best... You never read ahead. Never experimented.. And never learnt." I spat at her...

This question was way too annoying and although I could tell she was honestly naive.

I didn't like that!

Someone could take advantage of her innocence.

You mean, like you are right now?

"Okay. I will read ahead." She moved away from me and walked to a table.. Pulled out its drawer and walked back with a textbook, that type of textbook that had 'JS1-JS3' printed boldly on it.

She dropped the book in front of me with a loud thud and I picked it up while watching her drop to her knees again in front of me.

The damp cloth touched me again and I was too distracted with scheming through the textbook for that to have an effect on me.

Ah han! Found it.

"•Reproduction, this is a term used to define the biological process by which new individual organisms, also known as offsprings are produced from their parents.•" I read out to her.

"Okay... Your 'dick' is the biological process.. " She asked me... She asked stupidly.

"How do you know what rape is but not what reproduction?"

"I don't know what rape is. I just know it's bad and shouldn't be done. I couldn't rape you because physically you're bigger. I can't do bad to you, you are bigger. "

This naivety was annoying me now...

"Where is it? " She dropped the bowl and stared up at me..

I pointed at my crotch, she nodded and.. Poked me.


Glad, at least one thing about her didn't change... She was still inquisitive.

Even though that came at my expense.

"Nachi... " I growled at her when she tried to poke me again.

"Hurts? " She asked and picked up her bowl.

"No." I muttered and she nodded before scrubbing again at the stained spot on my trouser.

"Can I see it? "

"No! " I snapped. She looked down and continued scrubbing.

"I'm sorry. Just that this textbook didn't give any appropriate definition... And you just can't see it."

"Why?... I won't kidnap your reproduction. " She was using that childish tone...

That... Child-like voice that brought back memories.

"You can't kidnap it. " I stated and she nodded.

"Do I have one? " You've got to be kidding me.

"No. But you have something else.. " I smirked


"Pussy.. Vagina... Toto? " I explained and she shook her head.

And blew against me... Damn.

"What're you doing? "

"Night prep starts soon.. Needs to dry quickly. " She said and blew air against my crotch...

Rooney, ignore... You can ignore this...

"Where's my pussy, like pussycat right? Do all cats have a pussy too? " Her hand grazed my area and I began to twitch.

Ignoring was getting harder to do with every passing second.

"Down there. " I told her... She nodded.

"Mother doesn't tell me anything... I don't have a phone either... I don't watch TV, neither do I listen in on dorm mates... " Mother??

Who calls their mother.. Mother?!

"And you're like... thirteen? fourteen? Have you even had your first kiss yet? " Her hand grazed me again.

"Thirteen... And you're fifteen, why do you know so much? Also I haven't had my first kiss, I think kissing is disgusting" She looked at me with her dark orbs.

Kissing is disgusting?

"Siblings. I'm the last born and I'll be sixteen soon... Darrel and Darren are my brothers? " I explained to her and she nodded.

Well, go on... Mention something great you've heard about the twins..

She didn't say anything, just stretched out and poked me... Again and again and I squirmed uncomfortably under her.

Munachi sprang up and walked back to the table with the textbook. Bent down and fumbled with something and returned with a long book and pen.

"Why do you have so many privileges? From the key, to the homemade detergent.. And the textbook and now.. This. "I told her.

She ignored me and knelt down under me again.

"I want to take notes. " She murmured and wrote at the centre page of the book.

"Male reproduction... Organ: Penis, changes size. " She poked me.

"No. Don't do that anymore. "... My trousers felt a bit drier now.

"Why? " She asked while standing up and tore out the page she wrote on.

"Because why has two branches and a tail." I smugly replied expecting her to give me her own retort or something like 'if I slap you you'd go to Jamaica' but all she did was blink and then the Munachi I once knew was gone..

Numb, was back.

The mood is ruined I guess so I stared at my watch and told her.

"Dinner's going to be over in five minutes, we should return" She raised her brows..

Munachi nodded and walked out.

And I took the pains of returning the book and pen, poured the soapy water and returned the bowl.

This girl was a pure headache!

I turned the key and pulled it out.

"Took your precious time, didn't you? " She was still here?

And she just repeated my words at me..


"Shut it. " I put the key into her hand.

"My bag's with my guys.. Where's yours? " She shrugged.

And walked away.

Not this time.

I followed her and drew her back.

"Please don't shove me. " I begged remembering the way I almost fell.

"... Obobi! No yarn that shit give me (Dude! Don't tell me bullshit!)" Someone suddenly yelled close by... He wasn't alone.. I'm sure, they were among those guys who ate fast and ran to school to escape 'Senior harassment', it was a term coined to describe being forced to walk very slowly behind the seniors because you were nothing but a junior.

I took her hand and walked away with her... I may not give an F about what people said about me, but trust me.. I wasn't dragging her into my shit.

I knew the type of rumors that would spread from Numb and Rooney alone hiding in a corner after we walked out of the cafeteria together almost an hour ago.


"Guy, where you dey since na(Where have you been?)" Arthur asked immediately I sat down beside him in class.

" Oil stain my trouser na.. 'dey wash am(Oil stained me? I was washing it)." I lied smoothly and opened my school bag.

" Mai see(Let me see) " Segun poked his head in between Arthur and I.

"Guy, the thing's clean oh. Waitin you do(What'd you do?)" Dominique asked, he was standing directly in front of our table.

"Home Econs project. That egg shell and bull stuff. " I dropped my bag again.. What I was looking for was gone.

"Where's my fanta? " I asked no one... Chidinma walked in... With a half finished plastic bottle.

And they all started laughing.

"Dinma, what are you holding? " I stood up and walked towards her.

"A drink?... Fanta, what happened? " She smirked and took a sip.


"Who give this girl my bag na(Who gave her my bag?)" I groaned loudly.

"Na me help you carry am na(I helped you carry it!)" This sexy goddess told me.

Damn, if you weren't so sexy... I'd be mad at you.

Chiamaka walked in and our eyes greeted each other.. She smiled at me, pushed Chidinma away and replaced her.

"Rooney! I'm really sorry... Please forgive me. I'm sorry for yelling at you in the cafeteria." She hugged me and pressed her chest against my body.


"Carry your love play outta here. We're trying to read. " a feminine voice complained and we both ignored her.

There's no love play.

"Close your eyes or focus on your book! Chioma stop being so stupid abeg." Chiamaka let go of me but my hands remained on her butt.

A session ago she wasn't like this. Do I corrupt women? Is there something in me that rottens everyone I touch?

We were standing close to the door... Directly opposite the door's hinges.

Jasmine walked in and eyed us... Eyed Chiamaka mainly, shoved me out of the way and walked further into the class.

This girl had problems.

"You're forgiven." I smirked at her... I know I was meant to be the one apologizing right now...

Do I do this to women?

I took her hand, the hand that had pressed it's nails unto my skin. Caressed it softly and muttered my own apology.

"I'm also sorry for this. "

"You're prolly starving. I heard you stabbed dinner. " She puckered her lips at me and I glared at Chidinma who laughed and threw the empty bottle at me.

"Yes. And someone stole my snack. Guy, Arthur God go just save una two if my Rite no dey there o(God will save you two if my Rite isn't there any more)" I turned back to look at Arthur who was frowning at Chiamaka...


I walked back to pick up my bag and then Kenelum walked in... Thankfully without a sausage roll in his hand.

I searched my bag and growled.

"Dominique! Where's my rite?! " I glared at him.

"Guy, ask Kenelum. "

I quirked at Kenelum.

"Guy, no dey lie for my head abeg. Ask me watin(Don't lie against me please. Ask me what?)" Kenelum leaned on my table.

Arthur stood up angrily and dragged Chiamaka out with him..

What was that all about?

"After all, the disgrace I receive for cafeteria no fit suffice with ordinary gala(The humiliation I received in the cafeteria can't suffice with just a Gala)" Kenelum smirked at me and stood up.

Put his right hand into his trousers pocket... Brought out a fumbled wrapper.

Brought out a fumbled yellow Rite sausage roll wrapper and threw it at me... There was a tiny stone in it so it bounced against my chest and touched the floor.

I stared hard at the wrapper and tried to understand the bull that'd just happened.

"Five seconds... " I raised my eyes slowly from the floor.

"Five seconds head start, before I kill you " I growled at him.

He laughed and ran out the class... I jumped up from my chair and followed him.

My eyes clearly didn't miss Chiamaka's hand wrap round Arthur's neck... Neither did I miss the hard kiss she dropped on his lips.

Munachi's words earlier on played in my head as I watched their kiss scene and I couldn't agree more with her.

"Kissing is disgusting. "

( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)

1.12K reads😍😍Thanks!

Thanks again everyone, I remember when I was celebrating 200views😂😂😭... This is so wonderful 🦋...

Don't forget to hit that yellow ⭐ down there 😊

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