
By rmorningstar21

4.5K 192 8

(Castiel x Reader Fic) I'm sitting here flowing with ideas and hoping these actually stay with me. I'm not e... More



403 17 0
By rmorningstar21

The next couple of days had been the same, despite the fact that you started to focus more on the research you were doing than the work that you normally plagued yourself with. Sadness was something that plagued you more and more throughout the day, but somehow it always seemed to just miraculously turn into a sense of calm. One thing that did egg at you with each day that passed was who this mysterious shadow was in each dream that you had. They made you feel so relieved, so calm, and so happy. It was almost like you were starting to trust this shadowy being that visited you each night, though you had no idea what it even looked like.

Those piercing blue eyes.

They held so much beauty and sincerity, and sometimes you would just close your eyes to imagine them. It would have made for a funny show for anyone if they walked in while you were imagining them, as you talked to the being. You would tell it how much you needed it, and though you were unaware, the being was watching over you with each step you took. The being did not entirely know why you had captured his inhuman heart, but there was something so deep within you that just made him wish to comfort you - wish to be around you - and wish to protect you.

This was the last night that you were supposedly going to be alone at the bunker, and you bowed your head while sitting on the couch. It was shortly after your research, and shortly before you planned on sleeping, and your hands weaved through your hair as you bowed to the ground from the couch. Your breathing was barely stable, and your lips quivered as you whispered. Part of you wished for the being to hear you, but another part of you believed you were just going crazy. "If you're here..." you started, trying to catch your words as they poured out. Your voice was no longer strained as it used to be, but instead it was vulnerable. Human. "...I wish you would show yourself. You make me...feel." Your body started to shake, and you hugged yourself while a couple of tears spilled down from your beautiful eyes and down your cheek. "I...just want to know, that you won't leave me as well..." By this point, your hands were clenching your shoulders as you held yourself. Conflict pierced through your heart. Falling for some imaginary being, and begging them not to leave you. 'Really mature, Y/N,' you thought to yourself.

Through your mix of emotions, you let out a light chuckle, still quivering your lips as you brought your right hand shakily through your hair. "I must just be going crazy..." you continued, letting out a sigh and laying back onto the couch. You shook your head multiple times, but you couldn't get it off of your mind. A couple more tears burned your eyes and dripped down your face as you finally drifted off to sleep once again.

Once again, your beautiful stranger wrapped you in his arms as you slept, curling you close. He hated seeing you so sad, and he bit his lip as he stared down at your sleeping figure. "I promise," he whispered to you, not audible to you, but just audible to him. He left a kiss on your forehead and held you through the night, only leaving once he heard the boys coming in from their hunt. He disappeared to the other room, pretending that nothing was going on and that he had just been doing research as you slept.

The two brothers went off to their separate rooms to sleep, and the inhuman being went back to your side for the little bit of time that he had left until you were to wake. He brushed a hand through your hair lightly, being careful not to wake you, but instead to simply comfort your being.


Today you woke up to the men - well, it sounded more like boys - arguing in the kitchen. You opened your eyes lazily and made your way to the kitchen, smelling delicious coffee ready for your consumption. Ignoring the two bickering initially, you slid past them without a word and poured coffee for yourself, relishing the feeling of the hot liquid sliding down your tongue and throat. It tasted slightly different than how you made it, but you could accept it regardless. It was caffeine anyhow, and your favorite drink for that matter. Once you had downed a couple of sips, you glanced over to the two boys and finally noticed the absolute mess they were making.

Letting out a tight chuckle, your eyes narrowed on both. "You know, I just cleaned this kitchen," you said with a hint of snide in your words, seeing the flour all over both boys and covering the floor. There were a couple of broken eggs as well, including one on Sam's head that did make you snicker. "And now you're making it an utter mess. I guess I see why I'm here now." You let yourself be a little playful, hiding your new found emotions despite your little slip ups. One slip up that you had made was a little smile that tugged at the corner of your face.

"Good morning to you too," Dean said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as you took another sip of your coffee. Dean tossed one last hand of flour onto Sam, receiving a 'hey' from his brother as his face was now covered in flour.

After their whole ordeal was done, you set your coffee down and nodded to both. "Good morning to you both, and welcome back," you said lightly, still a little aggravated that the first morning at this unfamiliar place you had woken up fully alone. Your eyes skimmed from one man to the other, checking their eyes just to make sure that the piercing blue eyes did not come from either of them. Nope, not even close. You let out a small sigh of relief, knowing that neither truly made you feel the way your being did anyhow. It was so odd, though. You just wanted to know if you were crazy, or if there was someone...and if they would abandon you too. Your heart dropped a little bit at that last thought, and you grabbed your coffee again quickly to hide that frown that was now pulling down your lips. "How was your - uh - adventure?"

Cocky Dean starts with a smirk, saying, "Got the whole hive down, no problem!"

"The alpha was a struggle, seeing as he -almost- bit Dean, though," Sam interjected, kicking his brother down a level with a harsh look. Through the harshness that he showed, you could even tell how worried Sam must have been for Dean. They really did seem close, and still children at heart based on what you had walked into this morning. "What did you do while we were gone?"

You laughed lightly. Should you tell them about that mysterious being that you've been seeing in your dreams each time you slept? No, definitely not. You barely knew the two men in front of you, and trust was not something that you threw around. "Research and work," you stated simply. "I still do not entirely believe in this whole 'supernatural' business that you boys have been talking about, but when I haven't been dealing with my clients, I have been reading through your library. There are some interesting things I have run across so far, but it all seems so...farfetched."

"Farfetched, says the girl with so many supernatural beings after her," Dean says with a cocky laugh.

You sighed. "I don't see why they would want me, honestly."

"Well, to kill you," Dean corrected, making your whole being shake a little bit. "Pancake?" Apparently they had not completely destroyed all of the eggs and flour, because in front of you he held a small plate of pancakes with a cocky grin. You shrugged and gave him a light smile before taking the plate from him.

"Thank you," you whispered before spreading a light layer of butter on the pancakes and taking little bites. After a few, you swallowed and turned to the two brothers that were devouring their own plates. "As messy as you two are, you managed to make some good pancakes."

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