By The Rules

By 400_SoKold

44.7K 2.2K 335

Imagine being the daughters of a deceased drug lord, wanting to live a normal life, knowing that could never... More



3.6K 139 15
By 400_SoKold

later that night

Adela DuKane

The music plays throughout the club as a few others and myself dance. I shake my ass to the beat while grasping the pole, squatting down in my transparent platform heels. I throw my Brazilian weave over my shoulder while looking back at the customers. I stick my tongue out bouncing one cheek at a time, causing the men to wave money. I collect it in my g-string as I move closer towards them while still doing my thing. This was my last dance of the night so I'm definitely doing all I can to collect my coin. That meant tricks, duos, strip teases and a little touchy feely fun with other strippers for extra cash. The nastier the better. Once the song ended, I step off of the stage and head to the locker room. I open my locker and grab my clothes out, laying them out on the bench behind me.

"Good job tonight sis." Jay says, slapping my ass as she walks by. I smile while removing the money out of my g-string.

"I was doing it for you ma." I chuckle, causing her to laugh.

"That's why you're my best bitch!" She exclaims causing myself and a few others to laugh. I get dressed and collect my earnings from Stevie when she hands to me. I place my money in my purse and make sure to leave out my weekly pay. After placing on my coat and hat, I close and lock my locker back. I travel to my bosses office and walk in since the door is open.

"This week's pay." I announce, tossing the money on his desk.

"I thought I told you to knock before entering." Mace grumbles.

"It was open!" I holler while making my exit out of the club. The harsh winds hit me as I stuff my hands in pockets. I look up and down the street and sigh, grabbing my phone to request a ride. It was something I was use to doing at two and four in the morning every night.

"You need a ride?" A familiar voice questions, causing me to look up from my phone. Rolling my eyes, I place my attention back on my phone.

"Go away Buddha." I tell him annoyed.

"You and I both know I can't do that. Get in the car." He orders. I look up from my phone with squinted eyes.

"And if I don't?" I challenge.

"Kris is only a phone call away." He threatens, holding up the phone. I thought about it, thinking that it would be a reason to talk to her which I don't want to do. I also don't want to wait out in the cold for another ride. Heading towards the BMW, I open the door and hand Buddha my bag. He sits it in the back seat and grabs his phone again.

"I'm not scared of her you know, so you can stop threatening to call her." I tell him while getting in and closing the door. I sit my phone in the cup holder and sit back. Buddha scoffs a laugh while scrolling through his phone.

"You got that ass in the car though didn't you?" He questions, cutting his eye at me with a smirk.

"Because it's cold as shit outside. I don't feel like waiting for a ride. I'll call Kris myself and tell her I refused to take a ride from you."

"You wouldn't though."

"Why wouldn't I?" I question to make sure he knows the for sure reason.

"You don't talk to your sister." He mumbles while deep in his phone.

"Exactly, now come on because I'm tired."

"Safety first."

"A thug who cares about safety. That's a first." I click my seatbelt and sit my head back on the head rest.

"You damn right. My job is to protect you not put you in harms way. Kris would kill me, than you would never see my handsome face again." I scoff as he shift gears and pulls off.

"Please nigga. Kris is not about that life and if you would of offed me, I'd be dead before I'd even get to see what would happen to you." I sigh while crossing my hands over my chest.

"So you agree that I'm handsome then?" Buddha questions while licking his lips.

"That never came out my mouth." I chuckle at his sly comment.

"You didn't say I was ugly either." He laughs. I couldn't lie and say that he wasn't attractive, because he is. He was definitely my type. Tall, dark, handsome and medium built. When we first met, I use to have a huge crush on him because he was in my face all day every day. We couldn't date of course because he worked for my father. He was ordered to be my body guard which he still is although he's working for my sister now. Me crushing over him has long gone, because it was something that wouldn't happen. Buddha and I still have a good friendship though.

"Cocky much?" I question with a smirk.

"No, I'm more thankful than anything." He chuckles, gripping the plywood of the steering wheel with one hand.

"You're welcome." I mumble, turning my attention out of the window. After a forty-five minute drive, we arrive to my apartment building out in Brooklyn. My keys are already in my hand because all I wanted to do was take a shower and go to bed. Buddha reaches back for my bag from the backseat and hands it to me. I get out and close the door, traveling up the steps to the entrance. I enter the key in the knob and twist it. The door opens and I enter, turning around to close the door. I witness Buddha slowly drive off so I head up the steps to my apartment. When I get to the door, I roll my eyes to loud music coming from it. Tristan was definitely home which doesn't even surprise me. He's always here. I enter the place and close the door with a screw face.

A guy who I don't know closes the fridge with his foot. He has a bag of chips dangling between his feet with his arms and hands full of food and liquor. He nods his head in greeting and leaves out the kitchen down the hall. When Tristan's door opens, the music blasts and then drowns out through muffles once it closes. I travel up stairs to my room and shut the door, locking it. As much as I wanted to take a shower in peace, I can't. Tristan has company over and I don't need none of his bitches or niggas seeing me naked. You think I'd be use to that with being a stripper and all but I'm not. I've only been working at Aces for six months and I'm planning on quitting soon. Once I get another job and save up to leave this apartment of course. I'm in a lot of debt and I'll be paying it off for a while. I could stop all of this bullshit and run back to my sister, but I refuse to bitch out. My father didn't raise a bitch. I hang up my coat and take off my hat, placing it in the sleeve. I step out of my Timb's and place them up against the wall with the rest of my sneaks. I change into something more comfortable, hearing a knock at the door. I go to open it and reveal Tristan.

"Hey, one of my homies just told me you were here. I wanted to let you know that we'll be wrapping up soon because I know you need your rest." He says. I narrow my brows while shaking my head.

"It's cool, you're fine. I understand that you have a job and you have to make your money. It's no big deal." I shrug.

"True but you pay bills just as I do and it's out of respect. To come home to loud music after working all night, has to be frustrating. If you could move out now I know you would." He laughs, causing me to do the same.

"You do have a valid point. I don't say anything though, because when I come home you do call it a night. I would never stop you from your hustle."

"I guess we just too damn respectful to one another then."

"I guess so." I agree while hunching a shoulder. We here the buzzer go off notifying that someone is outside for one of us.

"You expecting some one?" Tristan questions, pointing to the stairs with his thumb.

"Not to my knowledge." Exiting my room, I follow behind Tristan to the stairs and stop at the bannister. I didn't know who it could be at this hour, but I hope it's not who I think it is. I lean over the bannister and notice Buddha stepping up the stairs.

"It's for you." Tristan yells from downstairs.

"I see." I mumble, resting my hand on my hip while my other is on the bannister. Buddha smirks while stuffing his hands in his coat pocket.

"You were in such a rush to get out, you left this in the car." He says, extending my phone to me. I take it and press the home button screen, witnessing the notifications of missed calls and text.

"Thank you." I mutter annoyed.

"No problem. You need to get a new number. That nigga Malachi blowing your shit up. " He says. I roll my eyes up to attention of him.

"And you need to get some business and stay out of mine." I point. He scoffs a laugh while lifting his bushy brow.

"You know that'll never happen until one of us is six feet under and I ain't ever letting that happen." He assures. I couldn't argue with that, because Buddha will always stand by his word. We have plenty of body guards but Buddha is the most loyal, because he worked close with all of us. He'd take a bullet for either one of us.

"Mm. As much as I want to argue with you on that, I can't."

"I know, now come lock this door behind me." He orders while traveling down the steps. I follow him to the foyer and hold the knob of the door watching him step out. Before leaving he turns and says, "we're going to get that number changed in the morning." I don't say anything which causes him to arch a brow.

"You hear me?" Crossing my arms across my chest, I look him up and down.

"I don't get up early so I'll call you when I'm ready." I tell him. Buddha scoffs and shakes his head, turning on his heel to leave. Once he exits the building I close the door to my apartment and head upstairs. While doing so, my phone rang in my hand and ignored it, heading to my room. After locking my door, I switch off the lights and climb in the bed. I turn my phone off and sit it on the nightstand, turning over until I drift off. I got another day of work tomorrow.

a couple days later

"We'll keep in touch Ms. Berks." Justin, the manager of Ruth's Chris says, standing to his feet and extending his hand. I do the same while smiling.

"Okay, thank you." I tell him, shaking his hand and pulling back. I grab my purse off the bar counter, taking my résumé. I place the folder in my bag and head to the exit. I had an interview today for a waitressing job and I'm hoping I get this. Lord knows this will help with having money in my pockets, and moving into my own place would be amazing. I do have experience in waitressing. I worked at a diner on my college campus to pay for my classes and the materials I needed. Leaving out of the restaurant, I travel down the block to the train station. It's going on eleven thirty in the morning and I wanted to catch up some z's. Tristan is out today at the studio so I wouldn't have to worry about seeing him till later. However, I do have to meet someone before I can even go home. As I travel down the block, I adjust my bag on my shoulder. I witness two cars driving slowly near the curb with distance between them. I knew one of the cars, but the other I'm not too sure. The driver of the Audi A3 drives up to view, causing me to roll my eyes. I keep my attention forward while watching the window roll down in my peripheral view.

"So you ignoring me now?" Malachi questions into the cold air. Horns honk through the air as other cursed him out.

"I know you hear me Adela." He says as I continue to my destination.

"Get in the car Adela." He orders.

"We don't have anything to talk about." I mutter.

"I think we do now get in the car." I stop in my tracks and turn to him as he slams the brakes.

"For what huh? For you to lie to me and get my hopes up. I'm good Malachi. You said how you felt so Ima keep it moving. Do you my dude." I tell him. He sighs while shaking his head, looking ahead of him.

"All I'm asking is for you hear me out. You didn't give me a chance to explain anything. Get in the car, please." Groaning, I walk towards his vehicle and get in. I know that I could of kept walking and ignored him, but I figured I could waste time. Not to mention I don't really give him a chance to explain himself either. He said what he said and I went on about my business. We haven't talked for a week and I planned on making another week more. I sit back with my arms crossed, watching as we made our way through traffic.

"Start talking." I tell him. I knew we were going to be in the car for a bit, so i figured I let him know now.

"Damn you can't wait until we get some where-" I cut him off.

"No I cant. I have somewhere to be. You either get straight to the point or drop me off at the next corner." I order. Malachi exhales deeply and flexes the muscles in his jaw.

"You scare me ard." He mumbles, stopping with traffic. I scrunch my face up amused.

"I scare you?"

"Yes you do."

"How Malachi, please tell me how?" I argue, turning my attention towards him.

"You want marriage, family, and we've only been dating for six months. I'm not ready for all of that shit just yet."

"You acting as if I want that today or tomorrow. I was only telling you what I wanted, because I'm ready to settle down. I want to settle down with you but you don't want that." I argue annoyed.

"I never said I didn't want that." He sighs in irritation. I roll my eyes in the other direction.

"You didn't have to say it. You're actions truly showed it when you were fucking different bitches left and right." Malachi blows a breath through his teeth, smacking his lips next.

"This shit isn't easy for me Adela. Women like you don't just come out the blue." He says. I scoff a laugh while turning my attention towards the window.

"Story of my fucking life." I chuckle.

"I'm serious." He says.

"So am I. You know how many niggas tell me that I'm different and that I'm everything they dream of, but don't fucking want? What's your excuse, I'm too good for you? If we do this you might break my heart? You wish I wouldn't have caught feelings because we're only fucking? You only see me as one of your niggas? I've heard it all my nigga." I argue while punching my palm. Malachi says nothing as he steers with one had, poking his cheek with his tongue. I knew I had him stumbled at this point and there was no going around it. I didn't have to hear what he had to say, because the answer is still the same for him. He isn't ready to settle down and I understand that. Instead of straying me along and fucking random bitches, he could of came to me and told me that but no. He wanted to act single so he can be the fuck single. I refuse to step down that road with him.

"Adela-" he cuts himself short getting choked up on his words.

"Take me to NYC please." Malachi does as told while shaking his head. I was tired of having the same conversation over and over again. It was clear that we did have something, but he's not ready for what I'm ready for. Therefore, I have to move on and do me. I'm twenty-five so I have time to find a man. I hate that society believes that at this age you should already be married with a family. When in reality, someone like me is still trying to find themselves and their way. My life isn't even together. After about a hour ride, we arrive to the city. Malachi pulls over to the curb and stops the car. Hopping out, I slam the door closed and walk down the block to Walgreens. I pick up a few things and head to the register when I'm done. I pay for the things I bought and leave out to travel up the block. When I get to the place, I enter and travel up the steps to the receptionist desk. I sign in and sit the pen down, walking off down the hall.

"Um excuse me, may I help you?" The woman questions in chews. I turn around and head back to the desk.

"I'm sorry, I'm so use to Evah being at the desk and letting me through.

"Evah is out for the day, I'm Blanch. Now what can I help you with?" She questions while filing her nails.

"I'm here to see Teresa Berks." I inform annoyed.

"She's finishing up yoga meditation down the hall. You can either wait for her in her room, or meet her down the hall." Blanch snarls, looking over her prescription glasses with a deep frown. This lady was lucky my mother taught me to respect my elders, because I would've gave her a piece of my mind. Giving a fraudulent smile, I travel towards the room where yoga is being held. Looking through the glass, I witness my mother sitting on the mat in meditation. The instructor ends the class as everyone claps including my mother. She smiles which causes me to do the same, so I know she was good. I put my mother in one of the best rehab centers in the city. Mountainside Rehabilitation Center is know for helping people with addictions, and I knew this would be the right place for her. My mother was crying for help in ways that I couldn't explain. The love of her life was gone and she felt that there was no need to live anymore. The drugs numbed her to the mental pain she was enduring. Kris and I have been trying to help her, but I didn't give up. I already lost one parent and I don't need to lose another. I move out of the way when I see the crowd heading towards the door. I watch as a few people exit and wait for my mother. When she leaves the room she gasps while covering her mouth, hugging me with her other arm.

"Hey ma." I greet as we hug one another tight. I haven't been here in about two weeks, so I knew she would be excited to see me. We pull back as she places both her hands on my face, grinning with tear filled eyes.

"Hi sweetheart. I promise you I won't cry." She laughs, causing me to do the same.

"If you do it's ok."

"No. I promised myself I wouldn't. Are these for me?"

"Yep. I haven't got you a card or a bear in a while, so I figured I'd give you one. An early Christmas gift from me." I shrug, causing her to frown in awe.

"He's too cute. Come on so we go down to my room. I have something for you too." She says, taking my hand. She leads me to her room while still holding my hand. I couldn't help but to smile because she was always excited about something whenever I came to see her. It brought joy to my heart, seeing that she was doing well and getting back to her old self. Entering her room, I grin at the Christmas decorations that are up. She has snow flakes hanging by string from the ceiling. Christmas stickers on the window with red and green steamers hanging as well. In the corner of the room she has a fake tree that she decorated with ornaments, tinsels, lights and candy canes. She also has the ornaments my father, herself, Kris and I made together.

"It looks real nice Mom." I smile, turning to see her tack my card on the cork bulletin board with the others. She also has pictures that I brought up here a few weeks back. Her marriage photos were definitely recommended.

"Thank you. I wanted to do much more, but I'm satisfied with this. You know me and how I'm always ready for the holidays." She smiles having a seat on her bed. I grab a folding chair and push out the seat, unfolding it. I take a seat and watch as my mother folds her legs pretzel style, sitting in the middle of the bed. She was looking like herself again even though it's only been a month. Her hair has grown and her skin is clear. She looks bright eyed and not dull or exhausted. These last six months have been really good to her.

"How have you been?" I question to start a conversation.

"I've been doing good. I would be even better if you would come around more often." She says while picking her nails.

"Mom, we've been through this. You know I'm working, trying to find us a place to stay." I explain. She nods while shaking her head.

"I know and I thank you for that. It would just be nice to see that pretty face twice a week, instead of twice a month." She says, causing me to laugh a bit.

"I know, but you know I wouldn't leave you astray. Unlike some people." I say, mumbling the last part.

"Don't do that." She says.

"Has she been up here to see you?" My mother exhales deeply while raising her brows.

"No Kris hasn't been here, but I'm not giving up. Have you even talked to her and told her where I'm at?" Shaking my head no, I cross my less while shrugging.


"We'll how do you expect her to visit me if you haven't told her?"

"If the bit-" my mother cuts me off.

"Adela Marie. Don't talk about your sister that way." My mother defends. I exhale in annoyance while.

"If she really wanted to see you Mom, she would find a way. I'm pretty sure Cass has already talked to her because I told him. He's the only one, other than Buddha's annoying ass that I really talk to." I mumble, playing with a ring on my finger.

"Buddha huh?" My mother smirks causing me to smile and jolt my head back.

"You tried it." I chuckle while grinning.

"I tried it, but your blushing and grinning for days." She points out.

"What?" She twist her lips up while arching a brow.

"You know what. Are y'all dating yet?" She questions. I stretch my eyes wide as she falls out amused.

"No! What do I look like dating someone Buddha? He's not even my type." I mumble, narrowing my eyebrows as I play with my ponytail.

"You're scared to consider it." She says, sitting back up.

"I'm not scared of anything." I assure with confidence.

"You sure about that?" She challenges.

"Positive." My mother smiles while tilting her head a bit.

"You two remind me so much of your father and I. I liked that he challenged me and always kept me on my toes. I will admit that he scared me because for us to be young, he knew what he wanted." She smiles, taking the framed picture off the nightstand. She caresses the frame as the tears grew in her eyes. "Don't ever be afraid to love someone that wants to love you. They only come once in a life time." She continues while smiling, placing the picture back on the table.

"I'll remember that." I tell her.

"Good." She smiles. A nurse walks to the door and knocks.

"Group therapy is in ten minutes." The woman says. I stand to feet and adjust my bag on my shoulder.

"Well, that's my cue to get going. I'll see you in about two weeks." I assure her, opening my arms to give her a hug. She hugs me and kisses my cheek, pulling back.

"Wait before you go." My mother walks over to the tree and picks up a gift, handing it to me.

"What's this?" I question confused.

"You'll see. Don't open it until Christmas." She tells me. I smack my lips and hug her again.

"I hate when you do this, but I won't open it." I promise, pulling back for our hug. My mother smiles while putting my hair behind my ears, pulling some hair forward.

"I love you." She tells me.

"I love you too and thanks for the gift." I leave out of her room, making my way to the receptionist desk. I sign near my name on the time out box. I glance at my watch and write the time, signing my signature. Coming to talk to my mother is definitely what I needed. I don't want to bring her down with complaining about my life. Her getting out of rehab is way more important. All the drama that I'm dealing with outdoors, are non of her concern. I just need for her to focus on getting herself together. Exiting the building, I pull my hood up seeing the snow flurries. With the storm we had a week ago, I was hoping we wouldn't have any more snow. It's winter time though, so what did I expect? I witness Buddha parked up the street while leaning on the hood of his car. Instead of giving him a hard time, I travel towards the car causing him to look up from his phone arching a brow. He walks to the passenger side and opens the door for me. I get in and sit my bag on the side of me, placing my gift on the floor. The heat from the vents began to warm my body after Buddha closes the door. Once he gets in, he turns the music down to a relaxing volume and my seat slowly reclines back. I chuckle and shake my head, clicking my seat belt. I couldn't help but to think back on what my mother said. She always could make me laugh.

later that night

"I'm outside." Buddha says over the phone.

"Lies. I've been outside waiting on you for the past five minutes. It's freezing out here." I inform him annoyed. He sighs over the phone which I didn't understand why.

"I'll explain when you get in the car. I'm coming around the corner now." I witness his car turning the corner and hang up. I walk to the curb, noticing a car slowly ride down the street than speed off. As they turn down the next corner, the tires screech as they disappear. Buddha finally arrives and with no hesitation, I get in the car and sit my duffle bag on the floor between my legs. I close the door and buckle up my seatbelt.

"You good?" Buddha questions concern.

"Yea. You can go." I know I should of told him what just happened, but I can't assume anything. Living in New York, I can't tell you how many times I'ver heard or seen speeding cars. If it becomes a big deal, then I know what to do. We arrive at Aces and Buddha drives down the side street. I let him know I'll be ready by four in the morning and to not be late. He of course says that he can't promise me that, but that I need to wait inside. I wasn't going to debate about it. After seeing someone speed down the block, I'd be sure to wait inside. No problem. I take my bag and exit the car, entering the strip club. It's eight thirty which means my shift starts soon. I gotta push my thoughts behind me, and do what I gotta do. Money has to be made.

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