You Were Meant For Me - Larry...

By LarryWriting

27.6K 577 138

Harry and Louis feel like they've been drifting apart. One day, a few simple arguments push Harry over the ed... More

You Were Meant For Me - Larry Stylinson One Shot

27.6K 577 138
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: This is dedicated to PartWhiteEskimo! For giving me the one shot request to write this! It's based off of the song You Were Meant For Me by Jewel... hince the name of the one shot. BUT YEAH, I hope it lives up to your standards, my friend!

[Harry's P.O.V]

I woke up alone in bed. Again. Sighing, I sat up and rubbed my eyes before glancing at the clock on my bedside table. Only 8AM? Why on earth was Louis getting up so early? We had always cuddled first thing in the morning, but the past couple of weeks, we'd just been... off. I wasn't sure what was wrong, either. We couldn't have been tired of one another... I didn't think that could ever happen.

I climbed off the bed and wandered into the living room in just my boxers to find Louis. I found him seated at the kitchen table eating a piece of toast. As I walked into the room, wincing at the feel of the cold tile on my bare feet, Louis looked up at me and frowned.

"Would it kill you to put clothes on?" he snapped.

I raised my eyebrows at him, "Says the man eating toast shirtless at the kitchen table."

"There's nothing wrong with shirtless," Louis huffed. "You just parade around in your boxers all the time."

"You clearly need to go back to bed," I scowled, walking over to get the milk from the fridge. "You've never had a problem with me walking around in my boxers before."

"It's just getting old, okay?" he stood up from the table, brushing past me to angrily drop his plate into the sink.

"I expect you want me to wash up after you?" I asked mockingly.

"It'd be nice, yeah," he replied curtly before disappearing down the hall towards the bathroom.

I pulled a glass from the cabinet to pour my milk, and jumped when Louis yelled from the bathroom, "Harry! Did you leave the light in the bathroom on all night?"

"My bad!" I called back.

Louis stormed back into the kitchen and tried to talk to me in the middle of brushing his teeth. It was evident that he was clearly unhappy with me, but I had no idea what he was saying around his toothbrush.

"Maybe you should finish brushing your teeth before you talk to me," I rolled me eyes.

He stormed over to the kitchen sink, spitting into it, "I said, you left the cap off the toothpaste again! And you just left your wet towel laying on the bathroom floor and I nearly cracked my head open tripping on it."

I flicked on the faucet in an irritated fashion, "That's disgusting. I hate it when you use the kitchen sink for your teeth brushing purposes."

"I hate it when you forget to do the simplest things," he replied stonily.

"Well I'm just a screw up, yeah? Maybe that's why things have been so weird between us this past week! It's all my fault, hmm? I've made you stop loving me? Well fine, then I won't be a burden to you anymore. Liam probably want's me more at his flat then you want me here," I ranted, storming past Louis and into my room to throw things into a bag.

He followed me, "You're being ridiculous!"

"You're being ridiculous! You've done nothing but nag me since I woke up! It's been over eight days since we've stayed in bed together just to cuddle! I'm tired of you acting coldly towards me Louis! We need a break," I explained furiously as I shoved clothes savagely into a bag.

I pushed past him to storm towards the bathroom, and he remained right on my heels, "I'm not the only one who's been acting cold," he hissed. "You haven't been very lovey dovey to me either!"

"It's because I haven't wanted to force myself upon you. We should just want to be loving towards each other mutually!" I shoved my toothbrush into the bag, and made a grab for the toothpaste.

Louis however slapped his hand over it before I could pick it up, "I still think you're being ridiculous."

I unscrewed the lid without him removing his hand, causing some of the toothpaste to spill onto the counter. I held up the cap to show him what I had, and then I launched it out of the room. It ricocheted off of the wall outside the door and disappeared down the hall.

"Harry!" Louis yelled angrily.

"Have fun finding the cap. I'm going to Liam's. I probably wont be back for awhile so don't bother asking," I hissed, pushing past him to grab my keys from the kitchen. I snatched them off the hook they hung on by the refrigerator before I stormed out of the flat and to my car. As I backed savagely out of the drive, I took into consideration how he hadn't tried to stop me. If he didn't need me, I didn't need him either.

[Louis P.O.V]

To be honest, I was slightly confused as to why Harry had flipped out. Clearly, however, we were both annoyed with one another. He apparently thought I nagged to much when I had every good reason to nag. He was constantly doing careless things, like leaving a light on when left a room, or just dropping his used towels wherever when he was done with them, he always left the cap off of the toothpaste, and if he had showered, he'd shake his hair and splatter the mirror with water droplets, and it would streak later.

And then he was always flaunting his perfect body by walking around practically nude. Alright... so that part I didn't mind, but seeing him always reminded me of how perfect he was, how I didn't deserve someone like him. He wasn't always a slob. He would do my laundry occasionally, and he'd do the washing up even if he hadn't dirtied up any of the dishes that needed washing. So it was probably for the best that he was going to Liam's. If he didn't need me, I didn't need him.

I stood at the sink and washed the dishes and tried to get Harry out of my mind. He'd barely been gone twenty minutes, there was no way I could miss him already. I refused to miss him. But as I finished the washing up and put away the dishes, I went and crawled back into my bed. It used to be a shared bed, but now it was big and lonely. And it would probably be lonely for awhile.

[Harry's P.O.V]

Liam, being the great guy that he is, said that of course he would let me crash at his place for as long as I wanted. I'd have to sleep on the couch, but it was whatever. I just didn't want to be back at the flat with Louis. I don't need him, I continued to tell myself, sure we've been together for what seems like forever, but that doesn't mean I need him.

"Harry..." Liam had asked when I first showed up. "What happened?"

"We don't need each other anymore I guess," I shrugged simply.

"Is that what Lou said?" he pressed.

"No," I answered quickly. "That's what I say."

He hadn't bothered me about it after that. Which I was perfectly fine with. I didn't need someone to talk to me about what happened, because I wasn't affected by it. Not in the slightest. Sure, I didn't have Louis to lay my head on when we watched films on the telly, didn't have his fingers running through my hair, but I didn't need that. I'd be fine.

Days passed, and I was tired and grumpy from sleeping on Liam's couch. But I still didn't miss Louis, and he probably didn't miss me. Each morning I would wake up at 6AM and make breakfast for Liam and I. I'd make eggs, sunny-side up, and bacon, and then I'd make a smiley face out of two eggs and the bacon on two plates. Or I'd make pancakes and make a happy face on them with the syrup. It only made sense. I was happy. Liam would make coffee, and he'd try to make small talk, but I didn't feel like talking. Louis would always somehow make me laugh so hard during breakfast that I'd choke on my food or apple juice would come out of my nose. But I didn't miss him.

If I began to think of how I wanted to go back to the flat Louis and I shared, how I wanted my own bed, I'd simply push the thoughts aside and find something to preoccupy myself. I'd tried listening to music, but somehow I just found myself listening to songs that Louis loved. I'd tried to read books, but a character would remind me of Louis. Reading the paper wasn't even in the question, because there was always something way worse than my little predicament going on.

On about the fourth day of staying in Liam's house, I began to feel a tad boxed in. I decided to call my mum, just to see how she was doing. I caught her in the middle of her morning walk, and she suggested I do the same to try and clear my head. So I took her advice and slipped out with my coat. I walked the streets, feeling a tad lonely without a warm body next to mine, without a hand in my own. But I didn't miss Louis. As I walked, it began to rain, which was just my luck.

I decided to slip into a theater and catch a film to get out of the drizzly weather outside. I somehow managed to end up in a movie that Louis had said he wanted to see. It was of course a happy movie. Happy, singish, and cheery... Louis' favorite things in a movie. I had to leave about halfway through. It's not that I didn't like it, because it seemed like it would be a great movie... it was just... Louis wasn't there to watch it with me.

I got back to Liam's flat just as it was getting dark. I showered, remembering to toss my towel into the hamper so that it wouldn't be left on the floor. I brushed my teeth, screwing the cap back on when I was done. I wiped the moisture off of the mirror, making sure I didn't smudge it, and then then I put on my pajamas. I figured if Louis didn't like me walking around in just boxers Liam probably wouldn't appreciate it either.

As I searched Liam's hallway closet for another blanket, I found a stuffed carrot that Louis had left. I don't know why I did it, but I took it to the couch with me. It still smelled a bit like him. I crawled underneath the blanket on the couch, clutching the stuffed carrot to me so I could bury my face into it. I pulled my face away from the stuffed vegetable slightly to glance around the room. I could only make out shadows in the darkness. The dark was always much darker when you didn't have a warm body to snuggle against next to you. Turning my back to the room, I held the carrot tighter to me. I had probably thought enough for the night, and I just wanted sleep to take over.

"Harry, love!" Louis called to me from the couch.

I bounded from the kitchen towards him, and he outstretched his arms for me. Flinging myself onto his lap, I curled up against him and nuzzled my face into his neck. I could feel his fingers stroking my hair, and he pulled me back slightly to kiss my forehead.

"I missed you," I mumbled against his collarbone.

"Then why'd you leave, silly boy!" he chuckled, one of his hands stroking my back soothingly.

"I didn't like fighting with you," I admitted.

"A little fighting is okay... as long as we only do it because we love each other," he told me fondly.

I looked up at him a moment before craning my neck to meet his lips with mine. We kissed softly, but the kiss felt oddly different. His lips weren't warm and soft like usual, they just kind of felt like... fabric.

"Harry!" I jolted awake to see Liam giving me an odd look. "Are you... kissing that carrot?"

I blushed, "No... I was just..."

"Mmhmm... you should get up and get dressed. Louis is coming over," he told me, studying my face.

"What?" I gasped. "Why?"

He shrugged, "He just said he wanted to visit me. But I think you and I both know that I'm not the one he want's to visit."

"We don't miss each other," I mumbled.

"Whatever you say, Haz... Whatever you say."

[Louis' P.O.V]

The flat was lonely without Harry in it. But there was no way I was admitting I missed him. I'd tried to get Niall and Zayn to come visit me, but both of them were suspiciously off "visiting their own families". It'd nearly been a week since Harry had gone to Liam's, and I'd done nothing but wander bored around the house since then.

I kept waiting for a mop of curly hair to fling itself into my lap. I constantly checked the bathroom to make sure the light was off, and the cleanness of the bathroom mirror was really getting on my nerves. My bed was big, empty, and cold, so I usually just ended up laying in it and staring at the ceiling. Sleep didn't come easily anymore. The only thing that felt natural was the lidless toothpaste since I hadn't managed to find the lid. I wasn't mad at Harry for losing the lid, and I definitely didn't miss him either.

I did miss Liam however. I hadn't seen Liam in awhile either... and sure, Harry was over there too, but that didn't mean I couldn't go visit Liam. I didn't miss Harry, so nothing would happen if I went over there, because I doubted that he missed me. After shooting Liam a text that said I'd be coming over, I got dressed in my lonely room, and then walked through my lonely flat and to my car. Lonely was getting old.

When I arrived at Liam's, I simply let myself into his flat like always. Liam greeted me from the couch, and on the other side of him, Harry sat looking at his feet. At the sight of the curly boy, I was suddenly overwhelmed with how much I did miss him. He was sitting right in front of me, and I missed him so, so bad.

"Harry," I breathed.

His head snapped up. He had dark shadows under his eyes as if he hadn't slept much either these past few days and he swallowed hard, "Louis."

"I..." I stuttered. "Sorry."

And then he was leaping off the couch, sprinting across the room, and throwing himself into my arms.

[Harry P.O.V]

I'd told myself that I hadn't missed Louis, but when he showed up at Liam's with sleepless eyes that matched mine, all of that was instantly out the window. I had to look at the floor to keep myself from ravaging his face with my eyes. That was until I heard him utter out a, "Sorry..." And then not being in his arms was killing me, so I was off the couch and hugging him as tightly as I could in a matter of seconds.

"No, I'm sorry! I must be a horrible flat mate," I rambled into his chest, fighting back tears. "I'm careless, I forget things, and it upsets you and I'm sorry."

"You're not careless," he  tightened his grip on me and stroked my hair. "You don't upset me... but I missed you."

"I missed you, too." I whimpered into his chest.

"I'm sorry I griped at you so much, Hazza... I honestly don't know why I did it. You had every right to be mad at me. Actually, I love how you never turn off lights in a room, and how you always leave the toothpaste capless, and how you just leave your wet towels wherever you feel like," he went on. "It's what makes you you... it's what makes you my Harry. And I'm sorry that we haven't been as loving with one another like we usually are. We can cuddle again, as much as you want... because I miss it. A lot."

By this point I'd started bawling, "I love when you eat toast shirtless at the table."

He laughed, pulling out of the hug gently to kiss the tears off my face, "Don't cry love... Everything's alright now. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect... you were meant for me."

I sniffed, "You were meant for me..."

Liam, who had been watching the whole thing, threw his hands up in exasperation, "You we're meant for each other! Kiss and make up already!"

Louis reached forward and cradled my face carefully in his hands. He brought our lips together for a gentle kiss. I tangled my hands into his hair, and Louis moved one hand to  rest on the small of my back and the other in between my shoulder blades so he could hold me close. As he finally pulled away, I leaned forward again to sneak one more quick peck. He gave me a loving smile and lowered his forehead against mine.

"Now, not to kick you guys out or anything... Harry's been waking me up every day at 6AM, and I could really use some sleep," Liam laughed.

"Can we go home, Boobear?" I asked Louis.

"Of course we can, love," he kissed my nose.

So we said goodbye to Liam and returned to our own flat. We crawled into bed, hugging tightly to one another as we simply lay in silence with our eyes locked on the others face. This, I thought, this is what we were meant to do. To just be together... because we do love each other. We may fight sometimes, but we love each other so, so much.

"I love you, my Hazza," Louis kissed my forehead gently.

"I love you too, my Boobear," I whispered back, slightly choked with emotion. I squirmed closer to him and buried my face into his chest. Wherever Louis was was where I belonged, and no amount of disagreements could ever change that. As we lay in each others arms, we drifted into the first peaceful sleep we'd both had in a long while.

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