The Nerd Who Rules The School

By Crazy_Fangirl2524

510K 25.9K 3.3K

"Who do you think you are? You are just some nerd." He sneered at me, looking down at me like he already owne... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's note
Asher's pov: first meeting
10 minutes before heaven
Horror movies

Chapter 21

6.7K 413 16
By Crazy_Fangirl2524

"Laura Clark, you cannot give up." Maya repeated that sentence over again and again. Everyone was talking about what had happened, the 360 change in Asher. Now he hung out with the 'cool kids' aka Catherine and a few of the 'popular' students.

"He acted like we were never friends so I guess we never were!" I said bitterly, I can't believe I fell for that.

"There must be a reason, something must has happen to make him suddenly like that." She insisted, her eyebrows scrunched together as if she was thinking deeply.

"Or maybe I'm just too naive and fall for his trick and really believed he wanted to befriend-" I was interrupted by the bell, signaling that the period had ended and lunch had started.

"Maybe we can ask his friends?" She suggested, as we walked towards the cafeteria.

I scowled, "No thanks."

She rolled her eyes, and dragged me towards the table, where Asher's friends-or former friends sat on.

"What's wrong with Asher?" Maya demanded.

The girls shrugged while the boys said, "He stopped texting us a few days ago."

I could feel the stares on our table, I couldn't help but look across us. A few tables away, were Asher and his new friends. They were all laughing and Catherine was sitting on his lap, the two of them acting liked a couple. My face scrunched up in disgust.

Maya pulled me down and we were sitting with them, they kept on talking and making theories to why Asher was acting like that. I was too caught up in my own thoughts, my mind spinning with possibilities of his sudden change. None of it was positive.

"We will figure it out." Maya interrupted my thoughts, she noticed that I was more quiet than usual.

"Whatever, I don't care." I said, trying to be nonchalant.

As always, she saw right through my act, "We will have a talk with him. Today."

"Fine, Whatever." I rolled my eyes as a reflex.

Throughout the day, it seemed liked he was purposely avoiding us, we never saw him in the hallways, and in class, he would always be the farthest away from me. Even in history, he changed seat with someone at the back, and of course Mr Sean did not noticed. And this made me mad. By the time the last bell had rang, I was fuming.

"I deserve an explanation." I said furiously as I slammed my books into my locker.

"Damn right you do." Maya nodded along, agreeing wholeheartedly.

We got in Maya's car and drove as fast as the speed limit allowed us to Asher's house.

Once we arrived, I started to rethink and regret my decision. I'm being reckless right now, what if he isn't home? If I confront him, what will I say anyways? Tell me what's wrong? Why are you acting like that? Why are you treating me like that?

"Maya... maybe we shouldn't-" but I was too late, Maya had already rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later, a male, who looked identical to Asher answered. He had jade green eyes instead of Asher's blue eyes. His body was covered in tattoos, colorful tattoos that must had hurt liked hell. His ears had so many piercings it was a miracle that it was not in pieces. He was much more muscular than Asher; while Asher was lean, he was ripped, his muscles bulging.

"What do you girls want?" His tone was not impolite, but it's definitely not inviting. It's almost cold, similar to Asher's tone this morning.

"Hello, sorry to disturb. But I will like to know is Asher home?" Maya asked bravely, but one of her hands was fiddling with the hem of her flannel. A habit she did whenever she was scared or nervous.

"No, my little brother is not, if you girls are looking for company, I can help you instead." He now had a smirk on his face, that was very different from Asher's. Asher's were more playful, suggestive. While his, seemed liked a smile that's not quite right, as if it was hiding something dark.

"Actually, we were looking for him for a project. But thank you." I said politely, lying smoothly.

He slammed the door right at our face once he heard we were not interested.

"That was definitely helpful." I said sarcastically.

"Yes, so is your comment." Maya fired back as we got back in her car.

I rolled my eyes, and we sat in silent as Maya drove back to my house. We arrived and got into my house, still had not spoken a single word.

"We can stalk him!" Maya broke the silence.

"Stalking him as in following him around or social media?" I asked warily.

"Of course social media, what era do you live in Lau." She shook her head in mock disappointment.

"You might be the type to stalk someone in real life." I shrugged.

She gave me a dramatic, exasperated sigh and got out her phone, I turned on my phone and opened Instagram, I barely started to type anything and Maya exclaimed, "Found it!"

"How are you so fast." I wondered out loud.

"Practice, my friend, practice." She spoke in an old woman's tone.

She showed me his Instagram account. Luckily, he didn't make a new one or delete his old post so we scrolled all the way to the bottom and started to stalk each photo.

I just scanned through each photo, while Maya, read the captions and comments.

"Wow, he sure was wild back in his old school." She showed me a picture of him skinny dipping into a public fountain, you could tell he was drunk.

"Where is his old school?"

"Philadelphia, Overbrook high school, his last year there was senior year, but around mid year he was expelled because of a fight and then changed here after a few months just as we started school." Maya said breezily, liked it was not some detailed information.

"How did you know all of that?" I said, awestruck, and a little afraid.

"Rumors, gossips, students. As soon as he transfer, he is like this mystery that every girl wanted to solve since he is hot and mysterious. People talk about him all the time, if you listen to other people's conversation you will find out a lot. Also there's this Facebook page that allows you to post anonymously about anything that's related to our school and there's a lot of juicy information about Asher." she explained.

"Wow, I don't know what to say." I was stunned, maybe I should pay a little more attention to the school.

"Laura, your assumptions are correct. He was a play boy." Maya emphasized on 'was', "Apparently, he was the school's bad boy and did almost all the female in his school, he was a wild party animal, almost every Friday he would have a party in his house and there's alcohol, weed, and sometimes even other drugs."

To say I was surprised was an understatement, the old Asher, according to Maya and the social medias, was what I despised. But the Asher, in our school, was a complete opposite person. He did changed a lot, good changes, but now did he went back to his old ways? What made him that way? Why the sudden change? The same questions kept on swimming in my mind, with no answers given.

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