When The Angel Fell For Devil...

By extinct__

454K 8.2K 1.3K

(Slowly re-writing) MATURE CONTENT (18+) What will your reaction. If a nerd of your college, you save from... More

c h a p t e r 1
c h a p t e r 2
Chapter 4 (real)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Authors note
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
sorry not an update
Chapter 26
not an update
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
c h a p t e r 3 0
new story
c h a p t e r 3 1
c h a p t e r 3 2
c h a p t e r 3 3
c h a p t e r 3 4
c h a p t e r 35

Chapter 7

10.8K 279 13
By extinct__

Alex's pov
I was sitting on couch at my home.. My breathe is uneven.......
My heart is weak as compare to normal humans.... And I have extreme phobia of living alone ...
God I should have take jennie with me

What to do?? I can't breathe properly ... Where is my phone

I quickly search my phone to dial my parents no... Yee parents they said they want to visit meet me.... They live in different state.. But still have barely time to meet me....

They don't give me attention.but they said they love me and wants to meet me this weekend ..

I found my phone so dialed there no.

" *ring *ring "
Hello?? " my mothers 's voice

Mother!! " I said with a heavy breathe

"Oh my child.... How are you "

"I am fine mother... I was so excited to meet you and father "

"Ummm..!! Alex!! Baby!!! I want to tell you something "

" what mother?? "

"Umm.. Baby!! We can't make it this weekend.. But I promise you we will come next month.. "

Again!! I was lost on words... Why they are always like this... Okay calling them was a bad idea

"You guys are always like this " I shout on phone and cut with a heavy breathe..

She called several time after that but I didn't picked up....

Now my breathe was more uneven...
I stand up from sofa and make my way to kitchen's drawer to find my inhaler (I am not asthma patient, but sometimes I use inhaler when I have breathing problem, because of my heart)

I quietly stand up from sofa and made my way towards kitchen..... Every step is feel like I was climbing mountain... Its feel likes someone just tie something heavy in my legs.... That's how it felt.....

Reaching kitchen was like fighting battle... My head was sipping and my heart was ready to come out any second

Today was very bad day for me..... First at school coach suspend me, and edward shouted on me, than again at his home we fought, and than betrayal of my parents...

And now I am alone!! Jennie..?? She also didn't

care?? No no she love me. My phobia is speaking non sense... Jennie loves me and edward will also love me

I am in worst condition right now... I can't see properly... Also. I was trying to hard to maintain my consciousness

I open drawer and search for inhaler.... I can't bear anymore... I will unconscious any second... But suddenly there was red drop of a liquid blood??... Its blood on my hands.... I slowly move my hands towards my nose.... Oh so my nose is bleeding.. This is not good sign...

My heart is beating soo fast and sweat covers all my body..

I found it!! I found inhaler

But holding it was like holding a million ton heavy rock...why this is soo heavy

My vision gone fully blur and inhaler dropped from my hand.... To balance my self I tried to hold near by dining table but expect dining table, I hold dining cloth...

I couldn't stand... Everything was blur and dark...... I couldn't stand anymore
I fall on my backward and dining cloth also came with me.... All the things shattered here and there

I fall on my back. I tried to hard to breathe... But its not working.... I tried to calm myself but my phobia not helping

I rolled on my stomach with close eyes... And a fat tear dropped from my eyes

I don't want to die.... Jennie will be upset.. Edward I still want him

I love him and that's it.. Everything broked In me...

Darkness consume in me.... And with a heavy breathe I lost my every ounce of consciousness


Edwards' pov

Breaking all the fucking traffic rules... I reached Alex's house... Jennie and Luke's car parked just a second before me.... I quickly climb off the car and saw jennie and luke do the same... and we run towards door...

"Where's the key... The fucking key... God" I jennie was digging in her purse to find key... But I can't wait any longer

"MOVE!!! " I shout and push her aside...

I kick the door with all my energy and the door brust open...

"what are you a hulk?? " jennie said

"You want to joke jennie?? " luke asked than she come to her sense and run inside the house....

Me and luke also did the same...

We reached the hall but no one was there

"Kitchen " jennie said and run towards kitchen..e and luke also run towards kitchen....

I don't know what I am thinking... Do I feel anything for her?? Of Course I do.. I know myself and I can't deny the feeling.. This feeling is not that strong but maybe I have some soft corner for her?? ...

I just was her to be safe..

"ALEXX!! " jennie's voice make me come out of my thoughts I run more quickly towards her and saw... Alex on the floor... Jennie was beside her.. She puts her head in her lap

I run towards her.. There was blood dripping from her nose.... her face was pale..

"She is not breathing Edward.... God fuck.. She is not breathing " jennie yell She was shaking.... I was not in my sense... My alex.. My always smiling Alex was laying lifelessly.. In front of me. If I didn't push her. Away she won't be here alone

"Jennie I called ambulance they are coming.. Don't worry.. " luke said, he also kneel down

"She i-s n-not b-breathing " she said between her sobs

I go near her...kneel down and take alex from her lap... I stretch my one leg and fold another one and make alex lay on my stretched leg..

"ALEX can you hear me?? " I whisper is her ear

I put my hand on her heart... Her heart was beating...

I press her heart little .....
"Alex I am here... I am here.. " I continuously murmuring in her ears.... I never felt like this before.... I have seen people hurting in front of my eyes everyday.. Its not new for me to see someone lifeless in front of me. But this time its different.. Why this is happen.. I don't have feeling for alex so than why I am feeling like this

"Dude ambulance is here " luke said... And siren of ambulance grew louder..

" alex.. Just little more " jennie said

Than some male nurse come running with stretcher and quickly take alex from my hands.. And put her on stretcher and start taking her outside

We also follow them..
We came outside the house and saw them putting alex in ambulance... And giving CPR to her.....

I run towards ambulance to get a clear view

"do something. Make her wake-up now " I yell

"Sir we are doing "a nurse said

"Do IT FAST!!!!! " I yell and than they start closing the door

"Why are you closing the door " I asked putting my hand on door not to make them close

"Sir we cant drive to hospital with open doors " one them yell

"I am coming also.. " I said and start climbing
I sit holding one hand of alex and said luke and jennie to follow us behind

Door of ambulance closed and we are heading towards hospital...

I saw towards alex... There was oxygen pipe connect to her mouth and she was looking so weak.. I cursing myself to even shout on her

Just wake up ALEX and I will never misbehave with you


This is little short.. Guys

Umm I am thinking to add little more chapters till Edward fall for Alex..

And guys I am planning to make trailor.. Anyone have any suggestion plz give mE

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