Drifting away from you: A Tan...

By TinyDancerLover

514 15 1


Drifting away from you: A Tanner Foust fanfiction
Chapter 2
chapter 3

Chapter 1

119 4 0
By TinyDancerLover

*Daynah's POV*

It was a quiet day, Mason was with some friends at the beach, and MacKenziegh was sleeping.  I just sat on my bed, with my macbook air, watching random old TV shows on Hulu plus.  everything was quiet and calm.  I almost fell off of my bed when I heard my phone vibrate against the table. I checked it, and it was just another Email. God, I really need to change the tone for that. I always think that an Email is a text because they have the same alert. I locked my screen and put it back.  I logged off of twitter and shut down my computer.  MacKenziegh has been sleeping for a while, so I decided to go check on her.  Still out.

A few hours later, Mason had returned home, and MacKenziegh was awake.  They actually get along, which is unusual for most children their ages.  Mason is 15 and MacKenziegh is 12.  Right now they were sitting on the couch talking  about the latest news at there schools.  I walked upstairs and grabbed my laptop, I guess I should take inventory of some Emails, even though they are a pain in the ass.  I logged in to my account, the second I did, I was in for a big surprise. There was an email, from an account called RockStarRacingTeam@gmail.com.  I read through it, and I had actually won the contest that I entered.  I was going to ride in a rallycross car with Tanner Foust. "Mason! MacKenziegh! COme here please!" I heard some shuffling and they came through the door.  My lazy son crashed down on my bed as hard as he could, and MacKenziegh sat down next to me, "What is it? Are you dying or something?" I chuckled, "No, I won." my daughter screamed with excitement, and Mason hopped up."Who are you with???" I clicked on the image in the attachment and showed him that it was Tanner Foust. "Isn't that the guy from Top Gear?" he got exciteded. "Yup, We are going to fly out next week to meet him and drive in his car. My daughter looked at the picture and said,"Oooooooohhhhhhh he's cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." I raised an eyebrow at my delusional child,"He's old enough to be your father. He's 41." She crinkled up her nose and walked off. 

*Tanner's POV*

So the girl that won my contest hasn't responded to the Email.  If she doesn't by at least Monday, they will be forced to pick someone new.  That would really suck for her.

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