8 Letters- A Why Don't We Sto...

By JasonMcCanngirl

1.5K 88 64

Meet Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Zach and Jack. Life is amazing for this group of five but what happens when it ta... More

We're taking over
Love's quarrel
Chains or death
Freddie's house
An escape
Choose 🖤
Blood lust
Stranger danger
Safety first
Unwanted visit
In Too Deep
Bro code???
Who are you?

Girl drama

259 8 9
By JasonMcCanngirl

"DANIELLLLL" David yelled from the board room. "Shit" he muttered under his breath. Corbyn flipped a Sprite can. "No doubt he saw the tweets" he cackled. Zach and Jack laughed at the comment while Daniel scurried off to David. His hands were crossed at his chest while he motioned for Daniel to shut the door and take a seat in front of him. He slowly walked across the floor and slumped in the chair and spun in it staring at the tablet before David's hands as he rested his hand on it, the chair came to a stand still, Daniel's blue eyes twinkling scared for the worst. He picked up the tablet and showed Daniel the tweets that he did minutes before his name was bellowed out through out the suite putting him to shame after all David was responsible for all 5 boys. "I can explain" Daniel stated. David cleared his throat and waited.

"You know how I am with the guitar" he spoke "High school just isn't for me, it's not what I want to do. I mean what am I going to do with Math down the line, Science or any of that stuff" he paused looking down. "The sound of the guitar, the beat if any instrument... that is what I want to go after.... music" David stared at him blankly before answering. "Those boys look up to you" he told him "What happens when you stop, don't you think the other four would want to also?"

"David it isn't about them, it's about me" he said disgruntled. "They're my family, god knows how they feel also"

"What about the last tweet?" Daniel hesitated before answering "Umm." he paused "High school stuff"

David stared at him once more, he didn't want to force any of the boys to do anything that they wanted to, it wasn't right. "Bring them in"

Daniel got up and opened the door "CORBYN, JONAH, JACK AND ZACH COME HERE!!!!" Footsteps were heard as the sound of Zach and Jack yelling at each other were heard when Jonah was shoved through the door barking at the other two. "Cut it out" Corbyn shoved past all of them flopping himself in a seat before anyone else. "Alright boys" David looked at all of them "It's time we have a chat"

The tablet twirled in David's hand.

"Let's talk school, I saw you on those tweets, who likes it, who doesn't. This is how we're going to do it. I ask the questions, show by the raise of hands if you're in or you're out. You're free to voice your opinions, from their I will talk to your parents and get back to you. Understood?" They nodded.

He looked around the room "By show of hands, who likes the idea of attending high school" he gave a slight smile "Be honest"

Jack and Zach looked at the boys before raising their hands.

"Only you two? Jonah?"

"Don't really feel it" David looked at Corbyn who raised an eyebrow "It really does suck" They all knew how Daniel felt about it.

"What's your take on music? Singing, playing, doing music"

"Music comes from the soul" Jonah spoke smiling. Corbyn agreed "Yeah it comes from the heart"

"I wouldn't mind doing it" Jack stated. Zach looked at the boys "We all have the talent to become something big, we all know it. What's the point in wasting talent that we all have"

David thought for a while "So I'm assuming music is something you all want to pursue, am I right?" The boys agreed. "What if I can get you there" They took the information in. "It's going to take some time, first off I need to contact your parents, I know you're in my care for now but there's more to be added, this business comes with risks guys, your entire life will change if you turn into something big. You will have fans, fame, money, your life will no longer be private, you will become closed off from your families, it gets tough, think you can handle any of that"

"It's worth a shot" Daniel was now glued to everything David was saying. He liked the idea and wanted to pursue it further. "It's settled, I will talk to your parents, in the meanwhile you go to school, do your homework, do whatever you have to survive the year at least and then we talk a career, after all I will need to get you into a studio, I will need lyrics, it's a lot of work boys, know that" David began tapping on keys on the tablet and then switched over to his phone. The boys got up and walked out of the door closing it behind them looking at each other. "Is this is the beginning?" Zach asked. Daniel bit his lip "Maybe it is"

*AHS-The Next Day*

"Jack, Jack Avery isn't it" Kaylen walked up to Jack by his locker when he slammed it meeting face to face with the devil herself but to Daniel she was everything. "Yeah" he eyed her closely. "That tweet you tagged me in, I mean what does it have to do with me" Jack drew closer to her and whispered "Don't say I told you this but I think my buddy Dan has the hots for you" she smiled evily. "Okay but whose girl number two" It was at this point Kim walked past over hearing the conversation and scoffed looking at Kaylen, the two girls made intense eye contact before walking into Math class with Jack's eyes gazing after them. Things were about to get heated.

Daniel was already in his seat and both Kaylen and Kim took up their original positions, he stared at them both and then looked away. Corbyn, Jack and Zach all knew what was going on but where was Jonah... in the Janitor's closet.

The air in the small space was tightened in the area with mops hanging and shelves dusty but that didn't stop him from having a steamy make out session with Emily Alvarez. He slowly travelled to her neck but before planting a few kisses, he felt the urge to sink a bite but stopped himself. "I can't do this" he mumbled looking at her lips. "Do what" she whispered softly. Jonah looked at her hurt and removed himself from the space "I gotta get to class, I'm sorry" he walked out leaving her to wonder, but before making his way there he took a sip of his blood bank and tucked it away in his book bag before sneaking into his seat near Corbyn Besson who looked utterly terrified and relieved at the same running his hand through his messy blonde hair. They could only now prepare for the worse.

*The bell before fifth period*

Zach was roaming the halls when he accidentally bumped into a brunette of medium height, not your standardized geek but she wore glasses on her face. Papers flustered the corridor. "I-I'm sorry" Zach bent down to help her gather them "Let me help you" it wasn't until they both had gathered all of them that they made eye contact. "I'm Zach" he said grimly getting up with the girl following. "I'm Hannah, president of the Student Body Council" he smiled "Cool, sorry about that actually" she smiled back "It's okay, I'm heading to History class" he bit his lip looking at her "No way, Mr. Hillcrest" Hannah laughed "That's the guy, looks like we got the same class together, let's go"


"Guys this pizza tastes like feet" Corbyn dumped the tray down at the table they were sitting at. Jonah scrunched up his face "Who needs pizza when you have blood" Corbyn made his face in a way like he was about to puke "You know what you really need to contain your blood issues" Jonah rolled his eyes and looked in the direction of Emily Alvarez "I almost sank my teeth into her" At the mention of this Corbyn had spat the orange juice he had contained in his mouth for the time being, Jonah groaned and grabbed his napkins wiping it off of himself "Are you serious?" Zach and Jack laughed hysterically at the sight of Jonah being annoyed by the clown of the group. "Has anyone seen Daniel?" Jack looked around. There he was googling over Kim which was to make Kaylen jealous. "What on earth is he doing, that's definitely not the way to a woman's heart" Jack looked on. Suddenly Zach spotted Hannah and Corbyn spotted Rachel in the corner of his eye, he had met her in Chemistry class and the two clicked immediately. Jonah realized what the two were up to "Don't even dare do it" he told the pair, I can't control myself around Emily"

"RACHEL" Corbyn yelled out.

Jonah slumped in the seat across from the group as the girls troddled over, introductions were made but Jonah couldn't help but to look over at the girl he so deeply liked and feel hurt knowing he would one day hurt her and turn her into the monster he already was, the other boys threw it off naturally but he knew to himself that the monsters within all of them would soon jump out.

*Back at the suite*

Daniel read Kaylen's tweet over and over again "Two can play this game" he smirked to himself

Daniel looked around the room as tweet after tweet popped up, he was living purely for the drama and thought high school wasn't so bad after all well for now. Shortly after tweet after tweet from the boys arose

The group looked at each other in the room. Jack broke the silence "Which one of you weirdos is whipped in this room" All heads turned towards Daniel, he chuckled "Why me?"

"Dude" Jonah spoke "You got two girls wrapped under your finger, how are you not" he nodded at this. "These girls" he shook his head.

"Wait isn't that..." Corbyn began talking but was cut off when Daniel rushed off for a paper and pen and began scribbling, within a few hours he was done. They peeked around at the paper and each gave a slight grin. "You think this is it?" Daniel bit his lip before speaking "Nah" he shook his head "It needs something more" he paused "Something that blows David's mind away" he looked around "We need to tap into those girls, you know our inner feelings"

"You do realize I'm the only one without a girl right?" Jack eyed him. Corbyn jabbed him in the arm "He has two what are you waiting for" he laughed but stopped suddenly when looking at Daniel, he wasn't amused. "Romance" was all he said before David walked through the doors.

"Great news boys I got your parents' permission, although Zach and Jack it was tough convincing your parents, they're tough cookies"

"Please do not say that again" Zach swallowed. David laughed "Right" he looked at them "Let me know when you want to begin, start off with some lyrics, you can continue school if you wish" he turned to walk away. Daniel smirked "That easy uh"

The group remained silent

"Remember tap into your inner feelings"

Next Day

*AHS-Girl's bathroom*

"Umm..." Emily looked at Jonah uneasy. "This isn't the right place to do this" He looked at her worried "I don't want to do that, I need to....." she stopped him right there

"Jonah what's going on with you? I saw your tweet, what do you mean by control? Control what?"

"Skip the day with me?"

"We're in our senior year, skipping would mean losing a credit and I can't graduate, are you insane!!!" Jonah looked at her sideways. "Maybe I am Emily Alvarez" he sighed picking her up and resting her on his shoulder as she kicked profusely "MARAIS PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT" she wailed but Jonah laughed paying her no mins and used his speeding abilities to evacuate the building. They reached the woods, far off where no one could have seen them, Jonah staring into her brown, hazel eyes while she looked at him confused and annoyed "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't scream for help right now"

"Because you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you"

"What the hell is going on Jonah?"

'Risk their secret for the person you truly like or keep it and stay in this dump?'

"This was a mistake" he breathed heavily turning his back against her. That's when he sensed it, her blood and fought every right to not attack her. "Emily run" she looked terrified "What?"

"RUN!!!" his eyes began to change and when he turned around she was gone. He sighed in relief and changed back "Shit, no blood bank" he muttered kicking a tree trunk "God damnit" he winced in pain.


"You called us here, why?" Daniel looked at him. "You do realize if David finds us missing from school grounds we can kiss that music career goodbye" Jonah glared at him before moving his eyes to the rest of the group "You and I both know you can't hide what you really are, soon the world will know"

"Not unless we let them know" Corbyn answered "What the hell did you do Jon?" He remained silent "Did you turn in front of her!!!" Zach exclaimed, he shook his head and said solemnly "I almost did"

"Think about it" he paused looking at Corbyn "We have a gift, all of us, we're freaking vamps" he said looking at Corbyn, he looked towards Jack and Zach "Shit you're freaking werewolves and you" his eyes glistened "You're a hybrid, one of the greatest"

Daniel rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah yeah would you like me to go phone Niklaus" he scoffed "You're forgetting who turned us into this catastrophe, the bastard himself"

They all stood in one circle and uttered the name

"Damon Salvatore"

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