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By ParkPinkuu

140K 5K 296

"What the hell?" "Ah, ah, ah, that's 11,313 won for the jar, Kitten. Unless you want to be punished." They've... More

From Now On.
2 | Our Day
3 | Drinks
4 | Swear Jar
5 | Let's Talk
6 | Vanilla
7 | City Adventure
8 | Dress She Loved
9 | Sleeping Beauty
10 | Just Protective
11 | Helping Hand
12 | Super Dad
13 | Thought
14 | Forever I Will Be
15 | Rise n' Shine
16 | Joviality
17 | Time
18 | First Day
19 | Memory Lane
20 | Release
21 | Secrets
22 | All I ask
23 | Company
24 | Warmth
25 | Cooties
26 | Out the Window
27 | Farewell
28 | Confidants
29 | Sunshine
30 | Ultimatums
31 | For the Best
32 | What's the Deal?
33 | Make a wish
34 | True Loves Kiss
35 | Choices
36 | Lost Loves
37 | No Place Like Home
38 | Noodles
39 | The Realization
40 | Overcast
41 | The Plan
42 | Approval
43 | Life
44 | Incomparable

1 | Shifts

15K 271 33
By ParkPinkuu

Little A/n at the start, okay background info(I think)that's important. You and Jimin have known each other since college(were dating all through it). He got you pregnant, the both of you tried to work but things weren't seen eye to eye. Now you both look after a 3 three-year-old boy named Jiwoo. Okay, I think that's all you need to know...enjoy!


"Daddy?" a little boy with the softest voice asked creeping up on his father who was passed out on the couch with the remote still in his hands.
"Daddy?" he asked again failing to wake him up.
The little boy ran into his room grabbing his stuffed blue bunny off his little table making his way back to the living room approaching his still passed out dad. He threw the bunny in his face waking his dad up finally. He giggles seeing his dad waking up in a panic trying not to cuss.
"Jiwoo, what's wrong?" he asked with a raspy voice while rubbing his face
"I'm hungry..." he said rubbing his belly
"Didn't you just eat something?"
"That was three hours ago!" he said frowning
"Really??? Last time I checked I fell asleep at 6:45 and it's...7:52, exactly...an hour and 7 minutes ago."
"It felt like three hours!"
Jimin couldn't help but laugh at his son's sudden cuteness.
"What do you want then?"
"I want mommies noodles!"
"Mommy isn't here right now...can you think of something else?"
"I'll just make you a sandwich, come on..." he said getting up taking his son with him.
"I'm home! Where are you guys- oh there you are. How's my baby doing?"
"I'm doing fine! Thanks for asking!" Jimin said leaning against the counter crossing his arms shining his smile
"Not you, Jiwoo. Babo."
"That's a mean word, mommy!"
"Yeah, how could you say that to me?" he said

Jiwoo and Jimin were looking at you leaving you with your mouth open. You look at Jimin, then to Jiwoo eating his sandwich. Stilled jaw dropped, you roll your eyes and take a deep breath looking at Jimin shyly.
"You're right, you both are. I'm sorry for saying that Jimin, do you forgive me?"
"I forgive you too!" Jiwoo said raising hands in the air dropping his sandwich on the counter
"Hey, watch what you're doing Jiwoo. You're lucky it didn't fall on the floor."
"Sorry, daddy."
"Anyways, let's get you ready for bed, it's getting late. Go pick out your pj's while I talk to your dad."
"Okay!" he said jumping from the bar stool almost losing his balance, still cute.
"He's clumsy just like you," you say smiling at the little boy running to his room
"A great trait really."
"Okay, I need you to watch him on Sunday for me."
"Uh, yeah...what's wrong?"
"I was supposed to go out with Seulgi on Sunday!"
"So? Reschedule, who goes on a date on Sunday anyway?"
"We do, that's when she's off. What're you doing anyway?"
"I have to work another late shift."
"AGAIN..." he said overdramatically
"Yes, again. Most of us adults have jobs that help us financially to support what I call a family."
"Just drop him off my place. The boys will watch him for me."
"No, Jimin this was the first time in two months you properly watched Jiwoo. He wonders about you ya know like why he's always with his uncles and not you."
He sighs
"Watch your son and be the dad he needs."
"Oh come on..."
"Jimin, I don't have time for this. I'm tired and we shouldn't really be having this conversation, you should be happy to spend time with him."
"I am but..."
"But what?! You rather spend time with your girlfriend than your own son?! Pathetic, you're watching Jiwoo and that's it, now get out of my apartment. You already pissed me off enough."
"Yeah, yeah, I was just leaving anyway"
"I mean it Jimin, you leave him with them and I'm coming for you."
Jimin gathered his things and walked out the door giving you the peace you wanted. You proceed what you were originally going to do and get Jiwoo ready for bed. Yes, Jimin pushed your buttons again, and the only thing calling your name was a glass of what you told Jiwoo 'your special mommy juice that's off limits'. You take your own shower and go back to the open living room area fixing a glass of wine in the kitchen taking a seat on the couch flipping through tv channels to watch. Ever since your first sip, the worries and anger went away.
"Okay, you know the rules, I'll be back at about 8 or so."
"Got it...," Jimin said looking through the long list holding Jiwoo on his left side
"Good. See you later!" you say giving Jiwoo a kiss on his cheek
"What about my kiss?"
"What about it? Seulgi can kiss you any time."
"Like she could've today?"
"Jiwoo, how about you go see uncle Jungkook, he's probably playing overwatch again."
"Okay..." Jimin let him down and you pulled him outside slamming the door behind him
"Jimin don't you fucking go there."
"I just said-"
"Shut up and let me speak, be a fucking dad for Jiwoo. He needs you more than you think. You and Seulgi can go out any time, but being with your son is way more important than her."
"I get that."
"No, no you don't! You shouldn't be moping around because you're not getting to tap that tonight. Get over it and show Jiwoo your care for him. I'm serious."
"Wow, being a mom a really changed you."
"Being pregnant changed me too, thanks to you"
"Any time."
"Whatever, I'm leaving."
After no trace of you was left Jimin ran back on the inside speed walking towards Taehyung and Jungkooks room where Jiwoo was.
"Hey, guys...?"
"Yeah?" Taehyung said scrolling through his phone not even daring to make eye contact
"Can you and the rest of the boys watch Jiwoo for me?"
"Going out with Seulgi again?"
"Not important. Can you just watch him?"
"Sure, for 112703.00 won. Each."
"You heard me, this is like the seventh time we've done this for you."
"Fine...I'll give it to you after, kay?"
"Whatever, you have until midnight," Jungkook said not losing focus in the game along with Jiwoo
"Okay..." Jimin said walking out of the room getting ready for his prior engagement.
"Where's my favorite person?!" a familiar voice Jiwoo recognized shouted down the hall.
"I'm in here uncle Hobi!" he said running into the hallway
"Jiwoo's here?" Jin said walking behind Hoseok
"Of course, Y/n had to work late."
"Awesome! Jiwoo, do you wanna make some cookies with me?"
"Did I hear someone say cookies?" Jungkook said at his door
"Yeah, we're gonna be some, wanna join?"
"Sure, I need a break from my screen."
"Do you have to ask?"
"Alright, let's go to the kitchen..."
Knock! Knock!
"I'll get it!" Jungkook said running towards the door
"Hey Jungkook, I think you know why I'm here," you said with a tired but warm smile
"Come in..."
"Thank you. Where's Jimin?"
"He went out."
"WH- I mean, what?"
"He went out, I thought you knew."
"No, I didn't know. I exactly told him not to as well. He needed to spend more time with Jiwoo."
"O-oh, well...this is awkward."
"Mhm, very."
"Mommy! Mommy! Me and Uncle Jin and Hobi are making cookies!"
"That's so nice, I guess we'll stay for a bit so you can finish. I don't wanna ruin your time with them."
"How're the others?" Jungkook asked out of the blue after you took a seat on the couch
"They're fine, actually better than me," you said making eye contact with him
"Hey, where's Jimin's room?"
"Down the hall. Why?"
"No reason just wanted to know..."
"Uh oh."
"You're giving me that stare!"
"What stare?"
"You're scheming something, I want info."
"All in good time. Just know your favorite hyung is about to get some karma."
"Hey! I thought I was his favorite hyung!" Taehyung yelled from the bedroom
"I have a lot of favorite hyungs Tae!" he yelled back with an annoyed face towards you
"Sorry" you mouthed back
Jimin didn't come home until 10. The house was dark and no one was to be seen. He forgot Jiwoo was supposed to be there and you were already off work. He was caught in the moment with Seulgi, the two were kissing. Not softly, more rough and sexual. He pushed her against the wall and continued kissing her roughly. The smile she pushed against his lips made him smile back. His hands traveled to her chest and his lips down to her neck. He tries to take her top off but she stops him.
"Don't you think we should do this in your room?"
"How come?"
"I like your bed better."
"Okay, anything to make you happy."
He took her by the hand smiling and they walked towards his. They giggle at the sudden darkness, he flips the switch finding a very fired Y/n sitting on his bed. He knew his death was coming soon, Seulgi sensed it too. Down inside, Y/n intimidates her, she's seen her mad and doesn't wanna see that side again.
"Surprise," she said with a devilish grin on her face
"I'll be in the living room."
"Thanks...I was just about to say that."
Seulgi walks out awkwardly leaving silence between you two
"Care to explain, Mr. Park?"
"I-I know this looks bad..."
"I don't think you do. I can't seem to get the fact you should spend time with Jiwoo through your head! I told you Seulgi is someone you can see anytime, your son? Not so much! I do anything for you, and when I ask you one thing to do for me and for some reason you can't do it for me."
"I'm not done Park fucking Jimin. Jiwoo is in the other room and I'd hate for him to hear the things I really want to call you. Jimin this was your last straw."
"What do you mean?"
"Jimin if you screw up your time with Jiwoo again I'm filing for custody."
"You heard me, this is considered child neglect. You aren't showing Jiwoo any presence of yourself."
"Okay! Okay, I'll do better. Promise, don't file for custody."
"You still haven't proven yourself."
"I will! Promise, I'll do something with him tomorrow."
"Right..." you said sarcastically and rolling your eyes
"I mean it, I'll do anything to see my son on a regular basis."
"You better stick to it, I'll end you for real this time."
"Oh really? What would you do?"
"Stop you from getting with Seulgi and having any more kids."
"You asked for this Jimin. Don't screw it up," she said poking a deep hole in his shoulder making sure it hurt after she got out of his room leaving with Jiwoo. Jimin walked her to the front door, Seulgi still standing in the living room awkwardly.
"Bye Daddy," he said waving while resting on his mom's shoulder
"See ya later, Buddy," he said blowing a kiss resulting in him smiling
"Wait!" he shouted stopping you from walking
"What's wrong Jiwoo?" you asked
"Who's that?"
"That's...my friend," Jimin said looking back at her
"What's her name?"
"Seulgi," you said
"Ok, bye," he said again, you try to walk out the door for a second time, succeeding in the process
"Why can't you tell him we're dating?"
"I'm sorry?" Jimin said pretending he couldn't hear what she said the first time
"Why don't you tell him about us? We've been dating for about a year. Don't you think it's time?"
"I don't think so," he said scratching the back of his neck
"Why not?" she asked crossing her arms
"Because he's only three. And I don't feel like throwing the fact I'm not with his mom anymore."
"But he's only three like you said."
"It's more complicated than you think."
"How come?"
"It just is! He's already confused about me and Y/n, telling him would be too much."
"Jimin what if we get married? He's gonna have to find out the truth sooner or later."
"I never said that it'd be right now. Anyway, it's getting late and we should go to bed. You're staying right?"
"Yeah I guess so, do you have a shirt I can borrow?"
"Look in my closet," he said putting his hands in his back pocket looking in the direction of his room


END OF CH. 1! I hoped you liked it! Tell me what you think, and don't be afraid, I like feedback. Strangers don't count! Like I've said before(I think), I don't bite. Updates for this fanfiction and others will most likely be posted on my Instagram and Tumblr under the name parkjamjamz. Love you guys~ParkJamjams

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