I'm Glad You Came (One Direct...

By inactiveLRH

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"Love is like a staircase, it has its ups and downs, sometimes twists and turns, but in the end, it puts us w... More

I'm Glad You Came (One Direction Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Nice To Meet You, Love.
Chapter 3: Truth or Dare?
Chapter 3.5: Behind the Truth or Dare.
Chapter 4: Boys, we are going to meet again.
Chapter 5: The Plan
Chapter 7: Best Day Ever
Chapter 8: Sleep-Talking
Chapter 9: Meeting with girlfriends, Comforting the ex-girlfriend
Chapter 10: I think, I'm falling for you.
Chapter 11: Guy Best Friend
Chapter 12: Haven't I told you?
Chapter 13: Just leave me alone.
Chapter 14: Are we done already?
Chapter 15: It wasn't your fault.
Chapter 16: Cry
Chapter 17: End or Not?
Chapter 18: Reasons, Facts, Effects, and Mind-reading...
Chapter 19: Five Months Later...
Author's Note/Message :))
Chapter 20: Nobody Compares To You...
Chapter 21: Can I Atleast Do This?
Chapter 22: Right or Crime?
Chapter 23: Change for the Better.
Chapter 24: Go.
Chapter 25: I Need You.
Chapter 26: I'm Glad You Came. (Last Chapter)
Decision has been made.

Chapter 6: #NialLore is Trending!

6.8K 119 34
By inactiveLRH

Niall's POV

When she said the word 'YES', I mentally jumped and shouted. Instead of doing that literally, I gave her my best Horan hug and I heard her chuckle, the most adorable chuckle I ever heard. I sounded like a girl, but who cares.

We're not officially together but we might get into that moment... I'm taking her out, and on the second or third time, I'll ask her to be mine.

IF I could convince her for another time, for another stage.

"It was nice having you all!" Liam shouted through the mic, and the crowd cheered.

"Without you all, we wouldn't be able to be where we are now!" Harry added

"SO WE WANNA THANK YOU ALL!" Louis shouted and the crowd cheered louder.



"AND WE LOVE YOU!" We all cheered and the crowed grew louder. We bowed and the lights dimmed.

We headed towards the backstage...

"...No thanks" I heard a familiar voice said.

Then when I reached the backstage, I saw Lore, sitting on the couches and I think, some crew talked to her or something. Before I could greet her...

"HI LORE!!!" The boys said in unison and hugged her tightly, leaving me here standing.

"I was just about to do that..." I thought to myself and found my shoes interesting.

"Oh, Nialler, you can do it now..." Louis sing-sang and I gave him a what-are-you-talking-about-look and he rolled his eyes.

"You said, you're just about to do that..." Zayn pointed out and I mentally slapped myself, I looked over to Lore, and she's blushing and biting her lip, trying not to laugh. This is so embarrassing...

"did I said it out loud?" I thought and look over to the surroundings.

"Yes, you said it out loud." with that voice, I look over to see Lore, smirking.

"Uhh--Uhmm..." I lost words and before I could look to her again, she hugged me. I was shocked at first but I smiled and hugged her back, tightly.

"Uhh, Niall?" I heard Lore said.


"You can let go now?" she said and I swear, she's trying her best not to laugh. I mentally face palmed and let go of her.


Lore's POV

When Niall let go of me, I saw him blushing slightly. I want to playfully pinch his cheeks, he's so cute when he blushes.

"...you're cute when you blush." I informed him, like the last time he informed me too. He blushed harder and I chuckled.

"HEY! Sorry to cut the moment but I'm really starving..." Louis announced

"...and sweaty." Harry added

I chuckled at their expressions when they tried to smell themselves.

"C'mon, let's go somewhere to eat..." Liam said and I saw Niall's face lit up...

"Well, I guess I'll see you soon..." I said and smiled.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked and I raised my eyebrow...

"Uhh, home?" I said, more like a question.

"You're coming with us, silly." Louis said and I gave an oh-look. They chuckled and we made our way out and I remembered.

"Hey guys," I said and stopped at my tracks

"Yeah?" Niall asked.

"I forgot that I have my friends with me..." I informed.

"They could come along," Liam informed and I mentally did my happy dance.

"Thanks." I muttered and I grabbed my phone and called Jaycie.

*Ring ring*

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Jaycie boomed over my phone and I had to place it a little farther to save my ears.

"Hello to you too." I said.

"Seriously, where are you?" She asked.

"I'm here with the bo--"


"Uhh is it a bad thing?" I asked right after I made sure my ears are safe...

"HELL, NO!" she shouted again

"Jaycie! I have ears!" I shouted back

"Ohh... Sorry..." She replied sheepishly. I rolled my eyes.

"So, the boys and I will be going to McDonald's, the nearest one. I thought you might wanna co--"

"OH GOODNESS, YES I WANT!" she shouted again.

"JAYCIEEE! EARS!" I said and she calmed down and muttered sorry.

"Okay, we are on our way there. Just bring the girls with you. And I left my car keys to Brielle, I'm sure she can drive it. Alright? See ya." Then I hung up. I looked at the boys, who had an amused expressions plastered in their faces.

"What?" I asked an raised my eyebrow

"You seriously talk like that?" Liam asked. I forgot that I set the phone call to loudspeaker mode. And they heard my friend, fan girling.

"Well, uhh, kind of... Just in particular times... Like this." I replied sheepishly, hoping they know what I meant, which is I'm with them.

"Uhh, sorry, but I don't get it?" Louis said and the other lads nodded in agreement. I sighed.

"The particular times, I meant, this time that I'm with you, lads. They're one of your huge fans." I explained and they nodded and 'ohh'ed.

"Well, we gotta get moving now. Paul texted me that the van is already outside, waiting." Liam announced and we nodded. We walked towards outside and piled into the van. Thank goodness, there weren't too much fans that would notice us.

-----*After the drive*-----

When we arrived at our destination, I saw my car parked, few meters away where the van is. So the girls are already here.

We entered the food chain and went to order. After that we headed towards the back portion of the place, I texted the girls to choose seats that is unnoticeable. When we got there, I saw the girls, talking to each other, calmly, but when I approached them, their eyes grew wide...

"Y-you're O-one..." Brielle started.

"D-direc-t-tion...?" Lynel added

"Am... I... Dreaming?" Jaycie asked and the boys chuckled. I gave the boys an apologenic look about my friends, 'fan girling' side and they just chuckled and shooked their heads.

"Oh, yeah. Boys this is Lynel, Jaycie, Brielled, and Pat. Girls,--"

"HI, WE'RE ONE DIRECTION!" The lads cut me off and said that in unison. I chuckled and the girls squealed. We sat down and right on cue, the food was served.

Then, here goes questions...

"So, how old are you, girls?" Liam asked.

"I'm 19" Pat said

"19" Lynel said

"18" Jaycie said

"18" Brielle said.

Then, they all turned to look at me.

"Oh, am I included? I'm 18" I informed and smiled.

"So, boyfriends?" Louis asked

"Actually, we all have. I don't know for Lore....?" Lynel said while I'm busy eating my burger. I was about to bite that time she said that, but I stopped. My eyes landed to the boys, who have grins plastered in there faces, except for Niall, who's blushing and looking at his lap.

"Me?" I asked.

"Well, Niall just ASKED me out. But besides that, I don't have one." I added. Then I saw the guys 'ohh'ed with grins on their faces while Niall is blushing furiously, still looking at his lap, while eating.

"How's your lap Niall? You've been staring at it since..." Louis teased and acted like he's thinking hard. "since the time Pat, right? Said something about Lore's relationship." he added and Niall glared at him and they all chuckled, I'm busy eating.

"Don't worry, Nialler. I'm sure Lore would love to be with you..." Louis said and I merely chocked onto my burger. Thanks, Lou, for teasing. Note the sarcasm. They all chuckled at my reaction and I glared at them.

"Awww, they look like two cute tomatoes..." Brielle cooed and they all laughed. I rolled my eyes and continued eating. Then I felt my phone buzzed.

From: NH

Can I talk to you outside? :) x

I smiled and I looked over to Niall, across me, who's looking at me expectantly.

To: NH

Sure. :) x

We stood up and everyone looked at us.

"Uhmm, we'll just talk outside." Niall informed and everyone made wolf sounds and we rolled our eyes.

"Don't have too much fun!" I heard Harry said and we made our way outside.

"So...?" I said after the awkward silence.

"So...?" He copied.

"What were you going to talk about?" I asked and his head snapped up.

"Oh, yeah... I forgot." he muttered and I looked at him expectantly.

"I'll be, uhh, picking... you up tomorrow." he informed and I smiled. I thought he forgot already about that.

"Sure. I'll text you later my address. Uhm, what time will you pick me up?" I asked and he thought for a moment.

"4 noon." he said and I nodded.

"Uhmm, should I wear something nice...?" I asked

"You look beautiful with anything." he said and winked. I felt my face heat up.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked and he smiled.

"That'll be a surprise." he informed and grinned. I sighed. It bothers me when there's surprises, like I can't sleep properly.

"Ughh... Fine." I said, I know he wouldn't say it to me.

"So, let's go back in?" he asked and I nodded. He intertwined my hands with his. I was a little bit shocked (blushing at the same time) but I smiled and just let it.

The rest of the night were just talking and laughing. Then we had to go home.

"See you, guys, soon!" Lynel said and we all waved. The lads, each, gave us hugs. But Niall hugged me the last and longer.

"See you tomorrow, Love." he whispered and I smiled. The he let go. Before I could react, Niall kissed my cheek and I heard 'aww's. I blushed and I saw him winked at me. Then we all separated and said good byes for the last time.

The girls and I piled at my car. They continued to tease me with Niall, I just laugh at them and drove them to their flats. After they're all at home, I drove to my flat.

I parked my car at the car park and went into my apartment.

I flicked the lights on. Still the same, no ones here. I went to my bedroom and grabbed my PJ's and went into the bathroom and did my business.

After, I went to my bedroom and grabbed my laptop. I sat on my bed -with the laptop at my lap- and checked my twitter.

There are articles spreading.

"One Direction's: Niall Horan, asked a girl he met at McDonald's, at their concert tonight?" the article read. I went to the WWTT's and I read;

Niall Horan

One Direction London Concert

Niall's Mystery Girl.

Seriously? Then I went to my interactions and many people followed me. Wow, they even caught my username.

Then some were sending me hate like "You and Niall aren't good for together!" then "Seriously? You don't even look good for him!" then "Back off! Nialler's mine! Stay away, b*tch!" I replied to this 'girl',

@(username 1D/Niall related): really? Have u told Niall about this news? Does he even know u? ;) x

I scrolled some more and saw some good tweets too,

"You and Niall are so cute! I ship you, guys! #NialLore :) x"

"Niall and Lore are meant for each other! @NiallOfficial @LoreRivers94_ #NialLore Xxx"

"You are very stunning, Lore! You're fit with Niall! twitpic.09njh13 #NialLore ;) x"

"Pic of Niall, kneeling in front of Lore! So adorable!

"i know ur not a celeb but i'm already a fan of urs and i idolize u since i saw u on that stage. I ship u and Niall. #NialLore"

I felt so touch with this tweet, so I replied.

@(1D related username): Thanks, love. U were the 1st one to say that u were a fan of mine. Appreciate it a lot. Love you lots! Xxxx

I followed her and some of those who said good things about Niall and I and about me.

I've decided to tweet,

@LoreRivers94_: thanks for the lovely tweets i receive, but let me clear some stuff, @NiallOfficial just asked me out, we're not officially together. :) x

Then my mentions bombarded,

"I still hope u and Niall would end together! @LoreRivers94_ @NiallOfficial"

"I ship #NialLore @LoreRivers94_ @NiallOfficial"

Then this,

Niall Horan followed you

Niall Horan retweeted your tweet

Then another mention,

@NiallOfficial: Me and @LoreRivers94_ aren't a couple yet. I just asked her out. :)

Then another one,

@NiallOfficial: there's no need t send hate to Lore, she did nothing to u guys. Pls understand. x

I smiled at this and retweeted each of his tweets. Then I saw some fans replied to his tweets,

"@NiallOfficial @LoreRivers94_ aww Niall's so sweet!

I smiled then my phone rang. Without looking at the caller's ID, I answered


"Hey, Lore." I heard the familiar Irish accent and I smiled.

"Hey, Nialler!" I replied in a cheery tone.

"You okay?" he asked

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why'd you ask?" I asked

"You know, the hate they send you on twitter, I tried fixing it but some won't understand, I'm sorry, I can't he--"

"It's okay, Niall. I don't even care about the hate. I can handle it." I cut him off and I chuckled as he rambled those things.

"I'm sorry." I heard him sigh.

"It's okay Niall." I said

"So... Good night, Lore." he said

"G'night, Niall." I said and I hung up.

Then I saw another tweet,

"@LoreRivers94_ will there be a chance that u would say 'yes' to @NiallOfficial if he asked u t b his girlfriend? :) x"

Wow, this girl knows how to ask difficult things. But, would there be a chance? I mean, of course, many girls would die just to be Niall's girl, and I'm the lucky to be the one. Maybe there is but the question is, would he ask me?

@(1D related username): might. Only if he'll ask. ;) x

After that, I signed out and set aside my laptop. I dived into my duvet and later on, fell into a deep sleep.


Niall's POV

While I was checking my twitter on my phone with the lads, I saw this tweet,

"@LoreRivers94_ will there be a chance that u would say 'yes' to @NiallOfficial if he asked u t b his girlfriend? :) x"

I payed attention to this tweet and what would Lore will reply. I was planning to ask her to be my girlfriend but I have no idea if she'll accept me.

"@(1D related username): might. Only if he'll ask. ;) x" Lore replied and I literally jump on my seat, not caring thr lads would thing of me and made my happy dance.

"What's got into you?" Zayn asked while the lads laughed in hysterics.

"DID YOU SAW LORE'S REPLY TO THAT FAN?!" I shouted, full of joy. I continued to dance.

"Aww, Nialler's got a lover soon!" Louis cooed

"Gawd, time flies so fast! I can't believe our Nialler's growing up!" Harry faked sobs and leaned at Lou's shoulder.

"I'm happy for you, mate!" Liam patted my shoulder and I smiled. I calmed down but I'm still grinning. I HAVE A CHANCE!

"I'm guessing that Niall would talk about this through his sleep." Zayn joked and everyone laughed, except from me.

"Am not!" I protested

"Oh, I was just joking! But the half percent was true." Zayn winked and they were still laughing.

"Hey, leave the poor guy alone!" Harry said, but still holding his laugh.

"I'm off to bed now..." Liam announced and all of us nodded in agreement.

"Night guys!" I said and made my way to my room.

"G'night Niall! Don't dream about Lore too much!" Louis said and I stuck my tongue out at him.

I reached my room and changed into my sleeping clothes and got under my duvet. Then I fell asleep.


A/N: YAY! ANOTHER UPDATE! I'm still thinking what would the date will look like. I'll update soon! Sorry, if this is VERY short for all of you, I don't write that long... Love y'all lots! Comment/Vote? -Lorena Xxx

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