The Crimson Prince(Eremika/Ri...


17.1K 356 265

The Crimson Prince a story you would tell you're children, he's nothing but a legend. The world we live in i... More

Chapter One Childhood Arc Act 1
Chapter Two Childhood Arc Act 2
Chapter Three Childhood Arc Act 3
Chapter Four Childhood Arc Act 4
Chapter Five Childhood Arc Act 5
Chapter Six Childhood Arc Act 6
Chapter Seven Royal Family Arc Act 1
Chapter Eight Royal Famliy Arc Act 2
Chapter Nine Royal Famly Arc Act 3
Chapter Ten Royal Family Arc Act 4
Chapter Eleven One Shot
Chapter Twelve Master Clans Tournament Arc Act 1
Chapter Thirteen Master Clans Tournament Arc Act 2
A/N Story will be updated.

Chapter Fourteen Master Clans Tournament Arc Act 3

1.1K 27 20

Okay this chapter took a lot longer then expected, but it's worth it.
Sorry if it's to long!!!


Mikasa POV

As Annie-san instructed me to, I shrouded my heart with a false face; since I was still very much a child, I could not stop my spirits from falling as I approached the site of the party.

Though Mother is right beside me, I would give everything to have my boyfriend with me now.

His uncaring attitude towards the world would have ease my rumbling feelings.

After all, if I know my boyfriend, he would probably say that this party is nothing more than a gathering of overly stiff people, flaunting their influence and wealth at each other while trying to drink each other under the table with wine and champagne.

Just the thought of that made me giggle.

"You seem to be in good spirit, Master." I looked at Sasha-san. Unlike me who is wearing a formal, cocktail dress, Sasha-san is wearing a pantsuit that is also the formal uniform of Ackerman Guardians.

Her outfit is identical to Annie-san's.

Sasha-san sat beside me, considering that she is my Guardian, while Annie-san sat beside Mother for the same reason.

Levi went off talking with his new friends, I'm not sure who they are but a small girl with orange hair keeps looking at me.

Looking at Mother, who was speaking with Annie-san, I address my Guardian. "I am just imagining what Eren-kun would say if he is with me right now."

The smile on Sasha-san's face faltered at the mention of my boyfriend.

Sasha-san and Eren-kun do not dislike each other, but Sasha-san is scared of him.

Eren-kun could careless about her; he is neutral to her like he is to the majority of people that we are acquainted to, which gives me mix-feelings.

I could remember their first meeting.

It was a nightmare.

When Sarah-san was assigned to me, I decided to introduce her to Eren-kun. We were still best friends at that time and I want Sasha-san to meet the person who I spend most of my time with outside my immediate family.

I brought her to Eren-kun's house and when I knocked on the door, and Eren-kun answered, Sasha-san pushed me aside and tried to attack my Eren-kun.

At that time, Sasha-san made two mistakes.

One, she pushed me so hard that I fell to the ground. Eren-kun is quite protective of me and he perceived that as an attack to my person.

Before Sasha-san was assigned to me as my Guardian, the last person who attacked me ended up having a crack skull and punctured kidney courtesy Eren-kun.

Second, Sasha-san attacked Eren-kun. Funny trivia about Eren-kun, any threat that he perceives, he deals with it violently and immediately. I don't care what training Sasha-san underwent in the main house, her chances against him is so below zero, it is not funny anymore.

Long story short, it took Eren-kun three seconds to incapacitate Sasha-san. He could have done it in under a second, but because Sasha-san pushed me, Eren-kun took his time dealing with her.

And it showed through the list of injuries that Sasha-san received from Eren-kun.

In three seconds, Sasha-san sustained a shattered ankle, a broken knee, a bruise liver, eight broken ribs, a broken wrist, a dislocated shoulder and elbow, a broken jaw, a broken nose, and a broken orbital bone, this and a concussion.

And I could not fault Eren-kun for doing that to her.

I warned Sasha-san not to look threateningly in front of  Eren-kun, I also told her, very strictly, not to attack him.

She ignored my warnings and attacked him anyway, and she suffered a beating for it.

Still, Eren-kun was kind enough to heal her but the damage was done.

Sasha-san became deadly afraid of Eren-kun.

"I think Jäger-san would not fit in nor like these kinds of events." Sasher-san assumed but I could see the logic behind her words.

"Yes, he would not, but he would also be excellent in this kind of environment." Nobody would try to trick him and when he speaks, people would listen. It might be through fear but sometimes, fear is a good incentive in getting people's attention.

Let them hate, as long as they fear were the words that my boyfriend lives by.

"We are here, Mikasa-san." Mother announced, which also signal the end of my conversation with my Guardian.

Annie-san and Sasha-san went out first. They looked at the vicinity for any threats to our person before opening the door and motioning for us to vacate our transport.

Mother went out first, slowly followed by me and Levi.

We are already within the hotel grounds.

How pointlessly ostentatious — this was only my subjective opinion, but — I could already see the entrance.

With a deep breath, Mother and I advanced on the battlefield of depression and tedium.

In the lobby, there were dozens of people speaking with each other, none of them trying to standout but I still needed to resist the urge to snort.

Snorting is not something a well-mannered person would do.

But really know, none of them are capable of fooling my eyes.

I've spent the majority of my three years, three wonderful years, with a person that rarely displays emotions, and when he does, it is to the most barest minimum that it can be question if his change expression or showed emotion at all, and I can detect those slight changes with ease.

Detecting the intentions of those people is a walk in the park for me.

It was not any of my business, but they made me want to tell them that they should train more, considering the life that they are living. Against someone like Mother, and especially against the likes of father,those people will be torn apart without them even knowing what hit them.

Stopping at the reception hall, we were greeted by a familiar looking man.


Channeling my inner-Eren-kun to ignore the dramatic manner in which Kanny greeted us work like a charm.

I never realize how fun it is to ignore the unique yet unnecessary quirks of people. This is probably what Eren-kun felt most of the time.

Still, I could not help but think of Kenny as someone childish.

Really now, greeting us in such cheesy way.

"Thank you for coming, Akane-san,Mikasa-san." He told us with a welcoming tone and smile.

Still, as expected, the location was too big a site for a private party. As expected, an extravagant table was being used as a backdrop. And more important, as expected, Kenny-sama came out to meet us clad in an expensive suit and I made the perfunctory greeting. For this kind of thing, there was no reason for creativity.

"Thank you for inviting us, Kenny-sama." I smiled back and bowed my head in respect.

I am smiling for a different reason though.

That smile on Kenny-sama's face, it is strained, very strained.

Compare to seeing through Eren-kun's façade, this is child's play.

Note, Eren-kun does not wear a façade whenever we are alone together, but he wears a façade whenever we are in public. He might be detach and unfeeling most of the time, but his emotions sometimes show when dealing with truly annoying people.

"Dramatic as always, Kenny-san."Mother greeted her cousin with a small hug and a kiss on both cheeks.

Mother looks absolutely radiant with her black Victorian-style, lace dress.

"And you look absolutely stunning, Mikasa-san." Kenny-sama complimented me as he appraised me from head-to-toe.

Good luck,Kenny-sama, you will need it. There are no gaps in mothers defense, unlike yours.

"You have been as beautiful as Akane-san since you recover from your sickness." It was still a mystery for me and for the rest of the Clan how Mothers health took a turn for the better.

More than three eyes ago, Mother was a sickly person but all of the sudden, her health improved to the point that she can now constantly used her magic without any consequence.

"And Mikasa-san..." As Kenny-sama turned his attention to me, I adopted the best fake smile that I could give.

Eren-kun's method would not work for me. I do not have his monstrous, near demonic presence and aura that can scare people to submission or turn them away from him.

I am not Levi who is a virtual wordsmith, who can weave truth and lies as if they are cloth.

I am not Mother who has both the charm and charisma of a Goddess, who can make anyone bow before her with just a smile.

I am Mikasa Ackerman , and my only ability is to hide my thoughts, emotions, and intentions by deceiving myself.

That is the only ability that is within my reach at the moment.

" look more of a lady since the last time I saw you." He complimented me but I knew that this is merely a test from his part.

I am ready for this.

"Thank you, Kenny-sama, and I must say that you look quite handsome tonight." Think of Eren-kun! Think of Eren-kun! Think of Eren-kun! "Armin-kun must have a lot of admirers, considering that he took after you when it comes to his looks." I commented with a bright smile.

(I know but it goes with the story)

To prevent the bile from reaching my throat, I just imagine my Eren-kun holding me.

It worked.

Kenny-sama looked extremely smug with my compliment and he did not even bother hiding it.

I was surprised though that I was able to make him lower his ground with that lie.

When looking at my older brother he grinned,"Levi, have you grown a few centre meters?"

"Tch Kenny, watch you're tone unless you want me to burn you alive." Elder brother spoke with a grim tone making Kenny-Sama back off.

Armin-kun actually looked more like Amina-San than Kenny-sama.

"True, my dear son is quite popular with the ladies, but it is not my son's fault. After all, having such a devilishly handsome father like me, it is inevitable for him to have girls eating out of the palm of his hands." Kenny-sama boasted with a smirk.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and, even without looking at my side, I know that Mother also felt the same.

Allowing Kenny-sama to have his moment, I looked at Annie-san and Sasha-san for a moment. I motion for them to take their position by the walls.

Kenny is a person that I would call an Ackerman to his very core. He sees the Ackerman Guardians as tools and treats them accordingly, something that I find appalling; regardless of the fact that manner of treating them is the supposedly proper way for Ackermans to treat them.

Understanding my silent message, the two took their positions swiftly. Gazing once more at Kenny-sama, I spoke.

"Pardon me, Kenny-sama, but is Armin-kun and Yelena-san present?" I inquired softly. "I want to catch up with them. It has been quite some time since I've last saw them and I would really want to know what they have been doing since then."

To be precise, I haven't seen them since last winter, when the clan had a gathering.

Kenny-sama, seemingly shaking out of his stupor after hearing my inquiry, gave me a toothy smile.

"Oh sorry, I have kept you out here talking. Now, come inside. Both Yelena and Armin will be glad to see you again, Mikasa-chan." Kenny-sama led us inside the reception hall and I felt a sense of relief washing over me.

So far, so good.

Dealing with Armin-kun and Yelena-san is much more preferable than dealing with Kenny-sama.

"Guard up, Mikasa-san." Mother-sama whispered to me. "That is merely the opening salvo. It is still a long night." Mother told me with a gentle whisper.

"Of course, Mother." I replied with an equally gentle whisper.

As Kenny-sama led us further into the reception hall while engaging Mother in a conversation, I took note of everybody that came within my sight.

Kenny-sama organized quite the circus.

Men and women, all of them powerful and influential and one way or another, they can affect the society to a certain degree.

They were gallivanting around the reception hall, mingling with each other, laughing with each other. They were exchanging smiles and pleasantries, complimenting each other's appearance, from their clothing to their jewelries.

Some were even openly flirting with each other.

I wonder how many of them can detect the farce that was right in front of them.

Most of the smiles, pleasantries, and compliments that were being casually thrown around by most of these men and women were fake, so fake that even someone as inexperience like me could see through them.

The sad part about all of this, I have expected this even before I entered the hotel.

I am a child born in upper-society. The first thing Mother taught me is that when you are born in upper-society, most words that sound pleasing are nothing more than sweet-nothings that holds no meaning and are merely use for deceit.

It is a sad fact that those of upper-society want nothing more than to elevate themselves even higher. Even though they have already reach the highest peak of society, they want to go further, and most of them are willing to use and manipulate anyone and everyone possible to achieve their goals.

They would smile, they would compliment, they would offer hands of friendship, and they would even open the doors of their bedding chambers and offer their wives or even husbands to people that can assists them in their thirst for power.

They would do anything to elevate themselves to a higher stature, even if it means dragging those above them down to the ground, even if it means breaking and stepping on people, even if it means murder.

Those of upper-society, including my entire clan and me, are the worst vermin that walks the earth.

And the depressing part, a lot of people desires to join us.

How sad.

Filtering out all the chatter around me, for I have no desire hearing men and women flaunting their wealth, power, and influence to one another, I smiled a genuine smile when I caught a glimpsed of my cousins, my favorite cousins.

The Ackerman Clan, though there is small tension between its members, is still a tightly knit family.

Armin-kun and Yelena-san are twins. They are the son and daughter of Amina. Setting aside some of their quirks, they are the two most pleasant people in the Ackerman Clan, at least for me.

"Mother, Kenny-sama, may I speak with Armin-kun and Yelena-san." For formalities sake, I asked permission from them.

"You may, Mikasa-san." Mother gave me permission as she motioned me towards them. "Kenny-san and I have further business to discuss."

"That we do." Is it my imagination or is Kennys voice a bit tense?

Shaking my head a little, I bowed my head in respect for them before making my way towards my cousins.


Suddenly, a chill went up my spine.

It was not an unpleasant chill.

Quite the contrary, it was an exhilarating chill.

I wonder why.

Historia POV

When I looked at my Master, I was suddenly taken aback.

My Master was smiling, and not just an ordinary smile, this smile was the smile that can make anyone swoon over him.

My Master never smiles, much less smile like that.

Not unless he was within the presence of his mother or Mikasa-san.

So, why is he smiling like that all of the sudden when those two are not even within the vicinity?

"Three days," My Master whispered with a smile. "I haven't seen her in three days. I am shameful that I have almost forgotten how breathtakingly beautiful she is."

I stared at him for a second with an unsure expression before I followed his gazed.

Ah, that answered my question.

There are two specific and special beauties that can capture the undivided attention of my Master.

First, the beauty of his mother, Ackerman Carla, the beauty of the darkest and silent night, the allure and seduction of sin and evil materialize in human flesh.

Second, the beauty of his lover, Ackerman Mikasa, the beauty of the purest and coldest winter, the temptation of innocence and elegance embodied in human flesh.

The lesser evil is Ackerman Mikasa , by a long run.

Ackerman Mikasa , the one being in the world that my Master cherishes aside from Carla-dono.

Ackerman Mikasa , she is the beauty that can turn this ferocious dragon to a star struck lover and a hopeless romantic.

Ackerman Mikasa , the first being, to my knowledge, that my Master every wanted.

Ackerman Mikasa is currently in the vicinity.

My Master is currently on cloud nine, just by the sight of her.

Beauty truly conquers monsters.

"Remind me to thank my mother later." I wonder, and I know my Master is thinking the same even though he is currently in a state of euphoria, what game is Carla-dono playing with him right now?

"What do you think would she prefer tonight, white rose or red rose?"

To be young and in love.

"Go with white. It will go lovely with her dress."

"Have I ever told you how useful you are sometimes?"

Again, to be young and in love.

For someone who views emotions as nothing more than superficial, you sure cherish and revere love to an unbelievable degree.

That is one of your most alluring trait.

Mikasa POV

For some reason, as if lightning struck, the entire reception hall, in my perspective, became extremely silent.

The music, the chatter of everyone, including my cousins, disappeared.

Suddenly, I could not hear anymore.

But for some reason, I did not care.

My eyes suddenly move away from my cousins to the dance floor once again. I do not know why but my body move without my mind ever registering it.

Something unspeakably amazing happened in front of me.

The many pairs dancing in the dance floor, those many pairs, as they dance, parted to create a clear path before me.

On the other end of that path, I saw a person that I have been praying, hoping to be with me since before I stepped foot in Rose.

Eren, my first friend outside of my clan, my first love, and my current boyfriend.

He was several meters across me but I could see him completely.

From his silver colored tuxedo to the apple cider that he was drinking to the white rose that he was holding with his right hand to his usual passive expression, I could see him as clear as day.

Finishing his drink, he handed his glass to Historia-san, who was beside him wearing a dress that makes me uncomfortable with her standing so close to my boyfriend, before his gazed fell on me.

Our eyes met, ocean Green eyes met Jet Black eyes.

I almost dropped my glass when I saw the pure, unhidden desire in those eyes of his.

My knees actually quivered when he moved from the wall that he was leaning on and made his way towards me.

My body was filled with excitement and in anticipation as he approached me, each step echoing his aspirations to be with me.

And that made me fill love inside.

I wanted to move from where I am standing. I wanted to meet him halfway and embraced him to show how much I missed him, but I could not move. I was bound to where I stood as I looked only at him.

I do not know whether this is his magic or something else, but my Eren-kun always had this effect on me.

He has always been capable of bewitching to the point where I could not move my body, to the point where I am totally at his mercy.

As an Ackerman, I should never be vulnerable to anyone like this, but because it was Eren-kun, my Eren-kun, I think I am safe even if I bare myself to him.

As he walked towards me, I've noticed that the path became wider as he walked through it. They are not noticing him but they are, to an instinctual level, were sensing his monstrously overwhelming aura. To a subconscious level, to the part of the mind that only values self-preservation, they knew that he could do away with them as easily as he breaths.

That part of him, his power, is truly intoxicating.

"Who is that?" I heard Yelena-san asked out of nowhere. I barely noticed my cousins looking at my boyfriend with two pairs of curious eyes.

"I don't know, but he looks cool." Armin-kun, you don't know the half of it.

"He's coming over here." Yelena-san muttered as she tried to appear nonchalant though I could tell that she is somewhat interested.

She is, after all, running her hands all over her dress in an attempt to straighten out those nonexistent wrinkles on her dress.

If it wasn't so cute, I would have been irritated.

Still, all thoughts disappeared from my mind as my Eren-kun was finally within arm's reach of me.

He walked passed my cousins, not even acknowledging their presence. The two of them, unconsciously and unknowingly making way for him, their eyes widening was a testament to their surprised that they did such a thing for a stranger.

"You look immaculate and unbelievably angelic." He greeted me in his usual way, his eyes softening from their usual expressionlessness, voice laced with fondness.

I blushed at those words as my hands unconsciously strayed to the upper portion of my skirt. He always knows what to say to make me flustered.

"And I am shame to admit that I almost forgot how breathtakingly beautiful you are in the mere three days that we were apart."

Have I mention the perverse delight my beloved feels whenever he makes flustered? I swear, he enjoys the sight of my cheeks being tinted in red.

Composing myself and drinking in the fact that my beloved is here in front of me, I offered him a smile that I reserved only for him.

"You looked handsome yourself." I am doing my best to not jumped into his arms. The two of us both know what would happen if I do such a thing. "I am pleased to see you." I confessed to him.

I really, really missed him. Three days of not seeing him, and I already missed him as if I haven't seen him in years.

"So am I." He replied before he raised one his hands to gently caress my left cheek with his fingers.

I moved instinctively and tilted my hand to the left as I rubbed my cheeks on those fingers of his.

"I miss this." I told him with a sigh of joy.

"You are not the only one." He assured me before he retracted his hands from my cheek before gently tucking a white rose on my right ear.

He then bowed before me while offering a hand. "Can you honor me with a dance?"

For a guy that has such a limited degree of emotions, he sure is a charmer.

With my heart already beating wildly, I chuckled softly before taking his hand with mine. "It would be my genuine pleasure."

Straitening his posture, he led me to the center of the dance floor.

I have almost missed the shock expressions of my cousins.

Normal POV

Kenny Ackerman took the stage with a serious look on his face. "Everyone please pay attention, right here and fight now. We will have the Master clans tournament, I'm sure everyone is aware what this means."

"Fight to survive, all the people inline to take over the clans will fight, whoever is victorious will be the dominant clan in the new generations to come. It starts now.."

With that moment all the adults left using teleportation magic, the rest of the clans members was ready to fight to the death.


Levi scream firing his black flames nearly hitting Mikasa in the process, with that alone Eren was pushed to the edge.


"That boy who is that? What kind of magic is he using, those green flames" Kenny spoke watching from a the screen.

The tournament was being broadcasted around the world.

Footsteps could be heard walking into the room, an Ackerman Guardian entered.

"Everyone, the Master is coming." Haise-san greeted.

And she entered, the devil herself, the ruler of the Ackerman clan. Carla Ackerman. Her Crimson eyes scanned the room soon spotting her twin sister Akane.

"I've arrived my dear sister."


Green flames scattered around the entire building, three Dragons was created.

"You,How dare you attack Mikasa"

"I'm going to kill everybody."

"I'll kill you again and again, death isn't enough."

Out of all the times Eren's had fights he never once went over the edge, but once Mikasa got put into harms way he lost it.

His Magical power could be sensed across the entire world, Everyone in the room couldn't move. His presence alone was enough to knock most of them out cold.

Levi, Yelena, Armin, Sasha, a guy who looked like a horse, a small dude with a bald head, and two big guys, one with blonde hair and one with black.

Historia was inside Eren's flames with Mikasa witnessing his Rage, both two afraid to move.

A small flash of Green attacked breaking Eren's flames and knocking him unconscious...

Once his body hit the floor, Levi attacked ready to kill him.

The second his flames come into contact with Eren's body they disappeared, his green flames was still protecting him.

"Fuck, the need to kill him now. Armin think of something? Anybody." Levi demanded.

"Didn't you just feel that magical power? He's on another level, he's can't kill him it's impossible.

"Kill Eren did I hear?" Historia said guarding his body, "I am Historia Guardian Of Eren Ackerman, if anyone comes near him I'll kill you. She threatened, "Dimension blade one thousand slices." She used her new Magical spell Eren taught her.

It creates invisible blades in different dimensions protecting an area.

"I'll fight to, I'll protect my beloved with all I have". Mikasa spoke her breathe become cold, the air in the building changed the temperature changed to pure ice.

Mikasa released all her magic power, creating an ice dragon around her body. Her skin become more pale, her eyes colour changed to light blue.

"Older brother I won't go easy."

"Tch, you're truly annoying. But once I kill him Mother will see why I'm the only one who can have you." Something inside Levi was coming out, his black flames come together making perfect black Armour.

(Basically a susanoo)

Incase you didn't know what it was^^

"Let's begin" Levi said firing his first flame arrow.


Eren opened his eyes, a room covered in all green. A tall man could be seen standing looking at something underneath him.

"Who are you and we're are we?" Eren questioned getting you walking towards him.

He turned around showing his face, long brown hair going past his neck, tanned skin, a bandage covering one of his eyes.

"I'm you, from the future." The older version of Eren said.


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