lovers ;; kalian

By midnightxmuke

4.5K 305 42

shitty kalian fanfic that i wrote 1-2 years ago ;-; - title before; the cute girl meets the bad boy status; c... More

1 ;; New Neighbor
New BF ✔️
New Pet ✔️
Gettin' Ready! ✔️
Kalel's Ex ✔️
Ian + Hospital= :(
Oh No!
Flight Home
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Happy New Year!!

FunNight ✔️

286 11 0
By midnightxmuke

I fixed up the place, find my cozy blue sweater from my girlfriend Melanie. I popped the popcorn, set up the chips and brushing my hair. I heard the doorbell rung, so I went down and opened the door. It was Felix and Marzia.

Felix and Marzia met because of me during our 1st FunNight. "Hi Felix, hi Marzia! Glad you'd make it!" I said cheerfully. "Ya! It was a boring flight!" Marzia said in her cute voice. "Where did you 2 went?" I asked. "We went to Paris because yesterday was Marzia's dad's birthday." Felix answered cuddling up Marzia.

Those two maybe still jetlagged from the flight, but oh well.

While me and Felix were talking, Anthony barged in through the door and said. "Ian, am I late??!" "Nah, it's still 6:30. Guys can you all wait for awhile I'll just get my friend up." I said opening the door. "Ya, sure ok." Felix replied back.

I went to Kalel's and knocked. "Oh hi Ian! Is it already 7:00?" Kalel asked in her sweet lovely voice. "Nah, I just went to pick you up earlier the 7:00, by the way you can bring Kiki and Trachi along." I answered trying to be cute. Kalel picked up Trachi and tied Kiki in her pink fluffy leash. I went and open the door while Kalel entered.

"Marzia, Felix, Anthony I would like you to meet Kalel, she lives next door.." I introduced Kalel with pleasure. "OMG!! CutiePie, Pewdiepie!! Imma big fan!!" Kalel screamed like a lil' fangirl. "Oh hi Kalel, You've must be in the Twitter username of @CutiepieFan003. You've been following me for 4 years now!" Marzia said.

Kalel and Marzia became friends easily. Felix went out to buy some root beer and we planned to prank him.

"So guys here's how we do it...." I explained.

When Felix entered Kalel was at the middle pretending to cry with fake blood all around the PRANK has started!! "Oh My God! What happened here?" Felix yelled. "Ian, he he was killed by Anthony!!" Kalel said. It was Anthony's cue to come out with a blood stained shirt. "Well well well, here is PewDIEpie time to die maybe? Well let me kill Marzia first!" Anthony said in his creepy voice. I almost giggled seeing PEWDS get scared "No!! Not her!!" Felix screamed. "Poods save me!" Marzia said in a corner. "Pewds before I die I wanna tell you something.." "What babe?!" "This-this THIS IS A PRANK!" Marzia Yelled out. "1..2..3.." I said. "GOT YA HARD PEWDS!!" We all yelled. "What the fuck man! You scared the fucking shit outta me!!" Felix said. "We got it on tape as well!" Marzia said.

-After that-

*Doorbell ringss*

"Oh hi Joey! Glad you'd make it!" I said happily. "Sup man! Who's the new girl?" Joey asked. "Oh yeah! Kalel come over here. Meet my new friend Kalel, she lives next door." I said while playing with Kalel's hair.

"GUYS JOEY'S HERE!!" I yelled!

The parteyy started! We watched the movie "Despicable Me 2" it was Hilarous!

Joey's P.O.V

Kalel, ahh this new girl is cute, awesome and pretty and all but Zoë she's the one. My mind got crazy with this two girls. Zoë or Kalel? Um.. Umm.. It was midnight snack time. We ate popcorn and chips. I sat beside Kalel she smells like pink princess perfume like what I gave to Zoey for her birthday. "Um hey Kalel can I have you're number?" I said nervously. "Um.. Yeah sure here.." She said with her gorgeous smile. I saved it and named Mrs. Graceffa. I hope she doesn't sees it. I quickly changed it to Kalel. Hehe..

-4:00 am-

I woke up 'cause I had an urge to pee. I bumped right in to someone and thought it was Ian because he normally wakes up like that. But I bumped into Kalel! OMG! "Im-I'm sorry Kalel! oh my gosh are you ok?" "Ya, just hurt my back a little bit." Kalel said touching her back. "Oh gosh!" Kalel went and fell to the ground. I helped Kalel to her sleeping place beside Marzia. She went back to sleep.


"Good Mornin' Everyone!!" Ian said as he stood up. As Anthony woke up he accidentally slapped Kalel's hurt back! Kalel fell but luckily I caught her into my arms. Whew, that was close.


Guys do you think Kalel and Joey will get along? BTW Joey here is not yet gay well ya. I'm not sure if Joey is really gay but ya! Thanks!! Next Chapter! xx

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