Anxious Love

By AuthorUnknown02

21K 672 99

The idea of having alternate universes is fun to think about. It's easy to be able to pretend that in a diffe... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part title
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Note, important
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 9

668 24 0
By AuthorUnknown02

A/N- hello guys!!! I am so happy with the amount of reads this book has gotten, 79!!! I can't believe it, I honestly only expected like two cuz my writing isn't that great and I kinda made this story on a whim. Anyway.....this chapter took me forever to write and idk why. It was hard and long work, at one point I had over a thousand words on the page and I just completely scrapped it all and started anew. I hope you like the chapter, it's not my best work, but it's something!:)
Harry could not be any more frustrated. Ginny seemed to be taking up all of his baby's time and when he finally did get to spend time with his Draco all he talked about was Ginny. Ginny this, Ginny that. Harry was trying so hard not to act on his primal instincts, trying so hard not to lock Draco away, keep him from ever being with Ginny ever again.

Harry couldn't stand how Draco seemed to just adore the girl with the red hair. He couldn't stand how Ginny would smirk at him whenever he got even a glimpse of the two when they hung out. He just couldn't stand Ginny. He knew Ginny wanted Draco for herself, but he couldn't, wouldn't, be the one to take away Draco's happiness. Even if his happiness came from the girl Harry despised.

Harry and Draco were in their room, sitting on their bed. Draco was currently rambling on and on about what he and Ginny had done the other day when they hung out. Harry was trying his hardest not to roll his eyes nor snap at his baby. His anger was rising after each passing second of Draco's cute rambling. Ginny, Ginny, Ginny. He wanted Draco to be thinking about him goddamnit, not Ginny.

"...a-and then we went to the Whomping Willow! Had s-so much fun there we..." Draco rambled on only slightly stuttering because of his excitement.

Harry barely even heard the rest of Draco's sentence before rage consumed him. Whomping Willow was their spot. It wasn't to be shared with anyone else, yet Draco had gone with Ginny. Fucking Ginny. I'm going to kill you! Harry's thoughts were murderous. His eyes turned to angry slits and he bunched his hands in anger. Harry's mood change did not go unnoticed by Draco and being his overly sweet and concerned self, he decided to ask Harry what was wrong in the hopes that he could fix it.

"What's wrong Harry? You can tell me. I can fix it just like you fix my problems!" Draco exclaimed in excitement. He wanted a chance to show Harry that he wasn't some useless child that needed fixing and that couldn't help anyone else. He wanted to feel adequate and he didn't want Harry to think less of him because of his neediness and fragility. He doesn't yet know that those qualities are what make Harry want him all the more.

At Draco's voice Harry snapped.

"Shut the fuck up Draco! I can not stand your voice anymore it's so annoying. All you do is cry or complain or talk about fucking Ginny. I'm sick of it, I'm sick of you!" Harry instantly regretted the words as soon as they came spilling out of his mouth. He didn't mean them, not a single word. He loved his Draco yet the talk about Ginny had him on edge. He couldn't stand it and he just snapped at the closest person. Draco was unfortunate enough to be that person.

Draco sat there, shocked. Tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't believe his Harry just told him all of that and in a fit of anger too. Anger that was pent up and finally released in a wave of hurtful words and insults. And Draco believed them. He knew this was too good to be true. See, Harry doesn't want you. In fact he thinks you're an annoying git that is just plain pathetic. You heard him, he can't stand you. Draco didn't push his thoughts away, instead he let them consume him.

Harry watched, horrified as the aftermath of his words came in the form of a crying Draco. The tears were streaming down his face, his sobs wracking his body. Harry was horrified at himself. How could I say that to my baby?

"Shh, Love I didn't mean it, I'm sorry lovely. Please don't cry, please stop crying. You're beautiful, and smart and I'm crazy about you. C'mon love look at me," Harry tried coaxing Draco out from his curled up ball of sorrow. The sound of Harry's voice just made Draco cry harder. Lies, Draco thought, all lies.

Harry tried a different approach. His words weren't working so he tried with his touch. He reached out and wrapped his arms around his Draco with the intent to drag him into his lap and comfort him. Draco flinched at his touch. Draco never flinched at his touch. He sprung up from the bed and backed away as if Harry had burned him. Harry had tears of his own in his eyes. He fucked up badly and he might not ever get his baby back.

"N-no, don't touch m-me!" Draco screamed at him, backing into the door. He turned the knob and opened it, running through the threshold and into the castle halls. It took a second for Harry to register that Draco had ran away from him. Never in a million years would he have ever thought that his baby would be running in any direction other than towards him. Harry sprung up from the bed, his momentary shock disabling him from easily catching up to his love. He ran into the halls and looked around. Draco was nowhere in sight, but Harry would not be giving up this easily. Over my dead fucking body.

Harry was no longer upset or sad. He was angry. Angry at Draco for running away and not letting him speak, angry at himself for saying the things he did, angry that he didn't have enough self control to push his anger away and not snap at his baby. His baby, of all people caught a glimpse of the Harry that wasn't supposed to be seen by him. Harry didn't want Draco to know about the darkness that lurked inside him. The darkness that made him do things like beat people to the brink of death, or in mild cases, say the most hurtful things he could think of.

Harry ran aimlessly, he didn't know where Draco could have gone and he was getting frustrated. A thought crossed his mind to ask Blaise and Pansy because, other than himself, they know Draco like the back of their hands. He completely dispelled the thought. He didn't want anyone to know of his misdoings, he needed to fix them before anyone found out. Namely their friends because he knew, being the protective arseholes they are, they would never allow Harry near Draco again. Harry could not let that happen.

So he ran and ran and ran. People were giving him weird looks, everyone wondering what was going on with the lion who looked, dare they say aloud, frightened and frantic. When Harry passed the kitchen he crashed right into a house elf. Harry caught himself before he could fall to the floor after basically tripping over the short creature. He growled in frustration at having been slowed down. The house elf was horrified with himself, he didn't mean to make Mister Harry angry.

"Dobby is terribly sorry Mister Harry. I's wasn't watching where Dobby was going!" The house elf, Dobby, screeched out. Harry resisted the urge to say anything hurtful to the little creature, something he should have done with Draco.

Harry looked down and saw Dobby crouched down, trying to make himself smaller under Harry's penetrating gaze. It was this action that made Harry think of Draco, his sweet, fragile Draco that always shrank away shyly from his gaze. Harry's eyes softened and his voice came out smooth as honey. "It's alright Dobby. I am looking for someone very important to me. I made a mistake and I need to fix it," Harry let his hurt show through his half mumbled words. Dobby perked up at this, Mister Harry wasn't mad and Dobby thinks he can help.

"Oh Mister Harry! Methinks Dobby knows who yous looking for. The little snake yes? Mister Draco?" Dobby cried out in triumph at knowing. Harry's eyes lit up, he frantically shook his head yes.

"You know where he is Dobby?" At this, Dobby grabbed two of Harry's fingers and started dragging him towards the kitchens. Harry was confused as to why they were going in there, students weren't allowed, but he didn't say anything. Maybe he just has to grab something first? He questioned in his mind, his brows furrowed in confusion. Dobby drags Harry all the way to the back and positions Harry in front of a door. He gestures towards it, making Harry fall even deeper in his pit of confusion and bewilderment.

"Mister Draco," Dobby said simply, pointing at the door. Realization dawned on Harry and he hastily reached for the knob. As he was about to step through the door Dobby screeched something that made his blood run cold and thoughts of murder to fill his head.

"Oh Mister Harry! There be two people up there too, they is not very nice. Hurt Dobby and made Dobby take them to the little snake. Dobby meant no harm, but Mister Harry must hurry, Dobby doesn't know what is happening!" Harry barely even heard the rest of what Dobby said before he is wrenching the door open and barreling through. There were shelves with food stacked on them, there was no one here. For a moment he thought that Dobby tricked him, but then he thought better of it.

Up there, Dobby had said up there. There must be a hidden stair case somewhere. Harry ran his hands along the parts of the walls that weren't covered in shelves. There was no odd brick that pushed in nor pulled out to reveal a staircase. Think Harry, what else would trigger the moving of a wall? As he thought this Harry's eyes landed on a particularly old jar of jam. The house elves never let food go bad, they always used it up or threw it away and got more. Harry walked over to the far shelf and pulled the jar of jam.

The room shook a little and the shelves disappeared into the wall. An opening big enough for one person to go through revealed itself, cut into the wall. A stone staircase traveled up. Harry made a noise of triumph and quickly ascended the stairs. He had a feeling he knew who was up there with his baby and he was not going to let anything further happen.

When he reached the top there was a wooden door. He brought his hand out and twisted the knob. It was locked. One measly door is not going to prevent me from getting my Draco. Harry slammed his body into the wooden door. It splintered and cracked and finally let up. It crashed to the floor, making a noise so loud it sounded as if a cannon had gone off. He stepped onto the terrace that seemed to wrap around the top of the tower he was on. Harry scanned his surroundings but he didn't see Draco nor the two disgusting gits that were said to be up here.

Sniffling coming from his right caught his attention. Harry walked around to the other side of the terrace. At his approach he could tell that the sniffling was coming from his Draco, his movements sped up.

"P-please don't, n-not again," he heard his baby's wobbly terrified voice and he heard a cackle right after.

"Don't ya worry whore. Imma take good care of ya."

When Harry heard those words he started running. The desperation and helplessness that leaked out of Draco's voice was enough to make him see red. He rounded the side of the terrace and what he saw made his blood boil. His Draco was on his knees, in front of Goyle who was palming himself through his jeans. He had a tight grip on Draco's hair and Draco's hands were tied behind his back, he was completely immobile. Where is Crabbe? Harry let the thought cross his mind, but dismissed it as soon as Goyle opened his mouth, "ah just in time for tha show Harry. I'm gonna use yer lil bitch, then you can 'ave the seconds." Goyle had a nasty smirk on his face.

Harry was furious. How dare he objectify and demean my Draco. How dare he insult Draco and me all in a couple sentences. This bitch is going to be fucking dead soon. Harry lunged. Draco was hopeful, he knew his Harry could save him from this awful experience. Even if Harry thought he was useless, annoying and disgusting like he said he did, Draco knew that Harry would save him. His hope soon diminished.

Crabbe comes out of nowhere with a baseball bat in his hand, one that he was more than ready to use. Harry didn't have enough balanced momentum to dodge Crabbe and take Goyle down at the same time. Crabbe swung the wooden bat and bashed it into Harry's head. Harry crumbled to the ground. The last thing he heard was Draco shouting his name. "HARRY!" It was a desperate cry, a plea for him to be okay, but Harry couldn't respond. His mouth was heavy and his eyesight was being clouded by black dots. Be strong my little snake, I'll find you. Those were Harry's last thoughts before he completely passed out.

Crabbe was ecstatic, he defeated the lion. The same lion that had defeated the both of them not too long ago. He looked at Goyle for approval. "Nice job Crabbe, now we gotta get this one to tha girl," Goyle pat Crabbe on the back.

What's going on? What are they talking about? What girl are they bringing me to? The unending waves of questions were soon cut off by the sneer on Goyle's face and his disgusting words.
"Ya got me all worked up little snake. Mind as well use ya before I haveta give ya up," Goyle sneered out. No no no no, this cannot happen again. He struggled against his binds and whimpered at the sharp tug that Goyle gave to his hair. He watched as Goyle pulled his zipper down and reached in to fish out his hard dick.

"Wait Goyle, if she finds out whatchya did we will both be dead!" Crabbe exclaimed. Goyle grumbled out in annoyance. He knew this was true, but he wanted to use the whore.

"Yer lucky bitch, only this time. Imma have my way with ya sooner or later," he smirked sinisterly down at Draco.

Draco was relieved that Crabbe had stopped Goyle. The flashbacks from the last encounter had kept coming back. Every agonizing second, it was torture and he didn't think he could have possibly made it through this next assault.

Goyle pulled Draco up by his hair. Draco cried out in pain and quickly stood up. The three of them walked around Harry's unconscious body, over the splintered, fallen door, and descended the stairs. Goyle was behind Draco holding him by his neck, forcing him down the stairs. When they stepped into the kitchen, Crabbe in the lead, Goyle pressed his body flush against Draco's back. This prevented the house elves from seeing Draco's tied up hands and made it seem like Draco was merely coping a feel of his dick. Goyle smirked at that and decided to have a little fun by rubbing himself over Draco's hands and plump ass.

Draco shivered in disgust. He wanted to cry for help so bad, but he knew the repercussions of his actions would be terrible so he drowned in his silent pleads of help.

Goyle harshly prodded Draco in the back every time his pace slowed down. Crabbe was still leading the way and Draco had no idea where they were going. Where's my Harry? Is he okay? I need you to save me Harry. Please. Draco was thrown out of his thoughts by Crabbe slamming open a heavy stone door. Goyle takes Draco's bound wrists and throws him into the dark, cold room. Draco falls to the floor with a thud. He winces as his face smacks into the ground, he knows that his delicate skin will soon be covered in bruises from the harsh treatment.

The last thing Draco sees before being enclosed in darkness is Goyle's ugly sneer. Draco cries. He screams for help, for anyone to come save him, for his Harry to come save him.
"P-please, let me out!" He screams in agony. Tears rush down his face and snot builds up under his nose. They never unbound his hands so he lay in the position he fell in. His cheek pressed against the cold, hard stone floor. Everything ached, everything hurt. His head, his arms, his wrists, his heart. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to blink, it hurt to move.
It seems like centuries have passed before Draco hears footsteps headed his way. "Someone h-help!" He yells out, trying to get the person's attention. "Shut up whore, no one is comin' for ya," Goyle darkly replies through the door. Draco can hear him whispering to someone. He knows it's not Crabbe because this other voice was lighter, airier. It was female.

"I told you to bring him to me, not injure him and leave him there. I want him dead and I want him dead by my hands!" He hears the girl furiously whisper. Draco knew they were talking about his Harry. They can't kill my Harry! I was doing so good, so much better. They can't take away my only saving grace!

Draco's thoughts are interrupted by the door creaking open. Light streams through and though he is turned away, it hurts Draco's eyes. The door automatically shuts leaving him and the newcomer in complete silence and darkness. Draco whimpers out, he doesn't like the dark, not at all. "P-please let m-me go. Don't hurt m-my Harry," Draco pleads out.  The person laughs, it's breathy and not very distinct, but it sounds familiar. Who is this?

Draco hears the person walking around him, hears heels clicking on the ground with every step. Soon he senses the girl standing in front of him. With a little click, light floods the room, emitting from a dangling bulb. Draco feels soft, gentle hands lift him up by his armpits. He looks at the person's smiling face and gasps.


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