Lillianna and the Sand (1)

By auph_83

225 5 1

What happens when Lillianna, an almost ordinary girl finds out she's a demigod? How will her story turn out? ... More

3: Lillianna
4: Jake
5: Lillianna
6: Lillianna
7: Jake
8: Lillianna
9: Lillianna
10: Jake
11: Max
12: Jake
13: Jake
14: Lillianna
15: Jake
16: Lillianna
17: Jake
18: Lillianna
19: Jake
20: Lillianna
Info Page for Series (I used this as brainstorming)

1: Lillianna

51 1 1
By auph_83

     Look I never wanted to be special, but I'm different. At first I thought it was because I had ADHD and Dyslexia, that all changed on my birthday (December 8).
     I was having a fantastic dream when suddenly I heard a noise. I woke up with a start and fell of my bed. There was a knock on my door and a woman entered she had jet black hair, amber eyes, and a small smile on her face. "Lily what are you doing?" She asked though I suspected she already knew the answer. "My alarm clock went off and I fell off my bed." I mumbled, this has happened before but it's still embarrassing. "It's all right dear, I have breakfast ready." She said in a sweet face. She started to walk out when I realized it was Saturday and asked "Hey mom why did my alarm clock go off it's a Saturday?" Immediately she turned around a little red in the face. "Well I scheduled a tennis lesson." She said afraid of my reaction. I immediately got up, slammed the door and yelled, "I'm not going, you know I don't like those kind of sports. Stop trying to take my mind off it!" I felt bad for yelling at my mom but she knows how much I hate this.
     A little while later I could hear footsteps. "Lily please at least come out and eat breakfast!" My mom said through the door. After a few pleads I said fine and went to the Kitchen. "Did you make it purple at least?" I asked. Now I know what you're thinking purple are you crazy who colors their food. Well when I was little this snake attacked me, there was a plate of food next to me and on the other side was purple paint. When the snake lounged at me I rolled away, I was 2 by the way. Instead of bitting me it swallowed some purple paint and stained its mouth. It tried to lounge at me again but I dodged and it spit purple venom at the food. Before the snake could turn around I was somehow strangling it. You're asking how do I remember, well I don't my mom saw the whole thing as she was running towards me. "Ahem, Lily I answered your question stop staring off into space." my mom interrupted my thought of the snake. "Huh what?" I replied. "Yes the food is purple now eat." She said annoyed. I started eating but I kept thinking about how many  schools I've been kicked out of. I'm in 8th grade right now and I've been kicked out of at least 9 schools maybe 10. Most teachers have the suspicion I'm a troublemaker when they see me. I have sea-green eyes (my mom says I get that from my dad but I'll tell you about him later), jet-black hair like my mom, tan skin (also from my dad), and a mischievous smile.
     I mean the only reason I get in trouble is because people bully me and I stand up for myself but no one ever believes me. Anyway, my dad left when I was only a month old. My mom said she saw him sail off ( that's what she said, I don't believe her). She always said we both smelled like the sea. One thing she would never tell me was his name. I was fine with that but I knew she was hiding something. One day I came back from school and saw her holding a blue ball point pen. Now you might ask what's wrong with that well first she was just staring at it thinking (looking sad too) and second   this has happened before a lot with the same pen. So what was so special about that day in particular well she said it was my dad's pen. It even has a name Riptide, it says it on the side of the pen in Ancient Greek. Somehow I could read it.
     After I finished eating I started walking back when my mom said "Lily, if you don't want to go to tennis then do you want to go to the beach today?" Instantly my face brightened and I turned around "Really mom? Oh thank you so much! We haven't been in forever!" I replied. She smiled at how happy she made me. You might say why get so excited going to the beach. Well it always reminds me of my dad I don't know why. You might also say shouldn't you be mad at him, well truth is my mom said that he loved us a lot and that he couldn't stay with us. I'm not mad I know he loves me I just miss him, I know I never saw him but still.
    I ran to my room and got out a bunch of bikinis. I started to go through them one by one. Eventually I chose a plain green one like my eyes. I got out of my room and got my iPhone 60 or iPhone LX whatever you want to call it. I was playing a game when my mom came out of her room. She grabbed the keys to her Ferrari. Ok it sounds like we're rich but we're not really rich it's just my mom is a famous writer so she gets a lot of money from that. She wrote the New York Best Seller The Shallow One by Rita Ace.
    We walked down the stairs of the apartment to the garage (by walked down the stairs I mean there were these hovering platforms that lowered us down). Now don't get jealous but our car is a prototype flying car it's the first one on the market. I only used it once and it was awesome. The feeling of wind in your hair, the view below, the sky around you, and the occasional water vapor becoming a little more "solid". Today though we weren't flying because we had time and weren't rushing (it's also easier).
    When we arrived it was almost empty which is unusual. But then I realized that there had been a shooting yesterday. I was kind of glad because we basically had the beach to ourselves. I had recently bought a surf board and I wanted to start teaching myself. I was probably gonna be bad at it but I'm glad no one is around to see me fail. I mean I watched a few videos on basics but I don't think that will help that much.
     "Hey mom! I'm going to go surf!" I yelled. I didn't wait for a reply as I ran down to the water. "Alright dear! Be careful!" I heard her reply but I didn't care. My heart was pounding in my chest with excitement but I was also nervous. I quickly thought of all the things that could go wrong. I pushed down the thought and paddled out to where the waves would form.
     After a whole day surfing I realized I was a natural and that made me happy. I was about to go on another waved when I realized it was late. So late that it was dark and I couldn't really see. I thought something bad happened to my mom she would've come and gotten me. At the thought I paddled back to shore and ran to our spot panicking. When I got over there a wave of relief washed over me. My mom had fallen asleep. I nudged her and said "Mom, wake up!" She started to get up. "Wow! It's so late! Why didn't you come wake me earlier?" my mom asked. "I got caught up in my surfing and was about to go on another wave when I realized I couldn't see." I replied hoping she wasn't mad. At the moment she did something I wasn't expecting she burst into a fit of laughter while I stared confused. "Oh Lily, you got so caught up surfing you didn't even realize how dark it was!" she exclaimed. She then burst into another fit of laughter. "I don't think it's that funny" I mumbled. "I know but we shouldn't go home in the dark let's just stay at the cabin there. It's for rent I saw it on the way here." She said.
     Once we arrived I took shower, changed and plopped on the bed. I immediately started to drift to sleep. The last thing I heard was my mom saying something I couldn't register.

(A/N: this is my first time writing books so I'm sorry if it's not good. Also if you find any mistakes don't hesitate to tell me.)

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