Storm Of Arrows ➝ The Lord of...

By _imagine_fantasy_

283K 11.4K 1.2K

Storm Of Arrows ➝ Lord of the Rings [Legolas] ✓ 2014 Hunting Spiders in the forest of Mirkwood, Legolas, Pri... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six

Part Twenty-Eight

4.6K 203 22
By _imagine_fantasy_


Lindir returned a few hours later; elves had visited previously, assuring all their needs were satisfied and they were content. But this time, he announced Elrond was ready to receive his guests. Legolas and Tathar had changed their attire also, and the fresh, clean trio followed Lindir in silence.

"Ah, a pleasure to see you again, Legolas, my dear friend," Elrond greeted as soon as they entered the council chamber. Legolas and Tathar stepped forward and swept into a bow. After a moments hesitation, Taryn followed their lead and swept up her dress in a curtsy, feeling slightly awkward.

"Introduce me to your companions, Legolas Greenleaf," he said, gesturing to Tathar and Taryn, lingering slightly behind the Prince.

"This, Lord Elrond, is Tathar. A bold warrior and fine companion," he introduced as Tathar stepped forward with a slight dip of his head. A small blush crept onto his cheek. "And this beautiful lady is Taryn." She gingerly took a step towards him and smiled, her hair swishing over her shoulders as she inclined her head.

"Pleasure to meet you, Lord Elrond of Rivendell," she greeted politely, hoping she was using the correct term.

He smiled warmly. "The pleasure is mine." He suddenly turned back to Legolas, gazing at him expectantly. "Now, why is it you are here?"

"King Thranduil sends me with important tidings: A pack of Uruk-hai have been sighted through Mirkwood, travelling along the Old Forest Road; their route seems to be leading them to the High Pass, near your borders. He is worried for your safety."

More like 'he wants you to deal with them', he thought to himself.

Elrond nodded thoughtfully. "I'll have scouts sent out immediately. Thank you for informing me, I appreciate your father's concern," He smiled, his fierce gaze coming to rest on Taryn. "But I can tell that's not the only reason you're here. Tell me your story."

Taryn's eyes grew wide with wonder and her jaw dropped slightly. "Well... I... er..." she trailed off, looking slightly puzzled.

Elrond chuckled. "It's alright, dear. Take your time. How about you come with me and we'll discuss this more privately." He nodded to Legolas and Tathar, who took their leave immediately. Taryn followed Elrond to a table, around which were clustered several wooden chairs. Her footsteps echoing solidly off the marble pillars. The Lord of Rivendell didn't utter a sound as he took a seat and gestured for her to do the same.

"Well, where do I start?" She inquired, feeling small and trivial under the wise glare of Elrond.

"How about your first encounter with the witch?" He prompted, much to Taryn's surprise. "I can feel her power lingering on the borders of your mind," he continued, answering her unspoken question.

Taryn nodded, suppressing a chuckle, and began her tale from her brother's death. No grief or sadness rippled through her as she spoke; the story dripped from her tongue on its own accord, bringing with it no emotion. And she was glad for it, else she'd be welling up with tears before the Master of Rivendell.

As her story came to an end, halting at the point of riding to Rivendell, she lapsed into silence and stared expectantly at Elrond. He gazed at her thoughtfully, and she took the liberty of prompting an answer from him.

"Is there... um, anyway you can help?" Her voice quavered in her eagerness, a small spark of hope flaring in her heart. Perhaps she could finally be rid of the witch's presence and continue with her life as normal.

He regarded her with an intent thoughtfulness, before shaking his head silently. The hope that had sparked came to a sudden end, like a flame being distinguished in the mere blink of an eye. Her face fell.

"Only you can deal with that which is plaguing you. I cannot do it solely, but I can help you along the way. First, you need to accept the fact that she is not there to hurt you; rather bringing forth what you truly desire. You desired revenge on the elf that murdered your brother, but you were not prepared to take action. The witch saw what was in your heart and acted upon it for you," Elrond explained, proceeding to stare vividly into Taryn's eyes, as if obtaining his knowledge from her own thoughts.

"Why me?" The question dripped from her tongue before she could stop herself; it was a question that had been deeply troubling her since she had discovered the source of her violence.

"Hmm. That I am not quite sure. You say you were the only survivor of the Orc attack?"

Taryn nodded.

"Then perhaps she saw inside you a great strength. She must find you intriguing in some way. For certain I am not sure."

Taryn lowered her gaze to her fingers, slender and pale, twisting awkwardly and clasping together as she fidgeted under the elf's keen gaze.

"I understand she's not trying to hurt me," she said after a pause. Something inside her urged her to speak. "But why is she hurting those around me? I am worried for their safety."

"I'm sure, in time, she will come to understand that not everyone in the world seeks to hurt you. Perhaps she has lived through a similar situation and desires to protect those who deserve such protection."

Taryn nodded thoughtfully. "So what's the next step?"

"How about trying to communicate with her?"

The human frowned, a small crease appearing between her brows. "How?"

Elrond lifted his shoulders in a shrug. "Only you can find that out. As I said, she lingers in your mind."

His shoulders slumped again and a sigh wracked through his old body. A ripple of exhaustion passed through his features, and Taryn took this as a sign to excuse herself.

"Thank you, Elrond, Lord of Rivendell. I will ponder on all that had been said this evening with deep intentions. If you will excuse me, I'm feeling rather weary myself."

"Of course. I shall send elves up shortly when food is ready. I have ordered a feast upon the arrival of many guests."

Taryn nodded, bobbing a curtsy, and slowly made her way out of the council chambers. As she ambled down the corridor, she was too lost in her thoughts to notice the elf walking directly towards her, deep in his own thought. That is, until she walked straight into him and sent them both toppling to the marble floor with a yelp and a thump!

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