
By necr0misis

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(COMPLETED) INCUBUS!MUTSUKI TOORU X READER Bumping into someone on the streets is a cliché straight out of a... More

I : Bumping
II : The Power of Virginity Compels You
III : La vie Comme... Proie?
IV : Bills, Bills, Bills
V : New Rockstar in Town
VI : Forever
VIII : The Aftermath
IX : Not Sick, Just Abnormally Horny
X : Grotesque
XI : Venting
XII : Humanity
XIII : Amends

VII : Humans are Food, not Friends

758 27 8
By necr0misis

A/N: I can't believe I called my bae Karren a bitch...

"Hey, hey, check it out!" Saiko whisper-yelled next to you, smirking. You followed her extended hand which discreetly pointed to a customer, recognizing her as soon as your eyes spotted her purple hair. "It's that girl from the other day! I used my psychic powers to make sure she sat down in your section, you better thank me!"

You rolled your eyes at the bluette, ignoring her odd statement. Instead, you grabbed a pen and your notepad, walking over to the familiar girl. (Also pretending you didn't just hear Saiko whisper-yell 'get that German ass, (Y/N)!')

"Hey, welcome back!" You greeted, giving her a friendly smile to hide your nervousness when you spotted her tail waving behind her.

The German woman looked up to you and smiled back, showing off her sharp teeth. "Thanks, I zee you're still marked..."

You scratched your arm in an awkward manner. "Yeah, I sort of refuse to lose my virginity to him..." You said in a low voice, making sure no one else could hear you. Once your brain built your next sentences, you couldn't help but smile while you pronounced the words. "But even if I have to deal with him... He's pretty nice for a demon, I gotta say. I don't really mind having him around."

It was becoming a recurring habit, smiling at the thought of Tooru, smiling whenever he was around you (which was quite often, therefore you would always go to bed with sore cheeks). You weren't going to go through the whole denial phase, asking yourself 'what's this feeling?' and all, you knew a crush when you saw one, but still... On a demon? Why did your brain have to make you like him?

Deep inside, though, you had a feeling that maybe, just maybe, he liked you back. After all, he was a lot better around you, he was more considerate, caring, and he seemed to let loose, be himself for once. He also seemed to like being close to you, whether it be emotionally (ever since that whole 'I want to feel human' ordeal) or physically. Yeah, you might have a chance here... Whether you liked it or not, it was worth giving a try. Can't judge a book... Er, relationship... By its cover.

The girl frowned for half of a second before it disappeared without any trace. "I zee... Anyhow, my name's Karren Fon Rosenvald, I just remembered zat I hadn't introduced myzelf before." She spoke.

You nodded. "My name's (Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you, Karren. Can I call you Karren?"

"Of courze." She answered.

"Hey, where's (Y/N)?" Tooru asked, a shy smile on his face as he faced Shinsanpei. "I can't find the... uh, the..." The olive eyed boy stopped, his eyes fixated on the ceiling as he dug through his brain for the word he was searching for. "The... Uh, you know... The thingy, for sifting powdered sugar and flour and stuff..."

"The colander?" Aura asked, causing the small boy in front of him to blush out of embarrassment.

"Yeah, that... (Y/N) was the last one to wash the dishes, they'd know where it was." Mutsuki explained, his face still burning. "Do you know where they are right now?"

Apparently Mutsuki had gone blind because within an instant, Aura pointed right in front of the two, where you were chatting with a woman. He would have been completely fine with the situation if it weren't for the black horns coming out of her skull, or the long but thin tail trailing behind her in fluid movements as the two of you seemed to get along well. Extremely well. A bit too well. It made Tooru seethe. The possessive, demonic side of him getting out of hand for the first time in years.

"Thanks." He muttered between his gritted teeth, watching as you nodded with a small chuckle, writing something down before excusing herself, probably to get her whatever she had ordered. Once you passed next to him, you gave Tooru a small but happy smile, making him only that much more angry, knowing it was because of another succubus.

He stomped in the purple haired demon's direction, tail standing threateningly tall behind him, baring his sharp canines to the female. He looked back, satisfied when he saw that Aura had gone back to doing whatever he was doing before Mutsuki interrupted him. Literally no one was paying attention to him at the moment (a very big change compared to his first days at Quinx). Perfect.

The incubus leaned down on Karren's table, giving her the most intimidating eye contact he could conjure up. "What are you doing here?" He growled.

"Can't I just hafe a nice drink in a nice coffee shop vith nice employees? Pretty rare zese dayz, isn't it?" The succubus answered nonchalantly.

You frowned from behind the counter as you somehow managed to listen to their exchange. Mutsuki seemed more scary than usual. Were they simply not good friends? Then again, demons don't seem friendly, period. You decided to stop thinking and keep eavesdropping, hoping to get more answers than questions. Another thing you needed to stop was wondering how in the ever loving hell (heh) you could hear their conversation from here.

"I recommend you leave and never come back. This place is mine." Tooru retorted, making you frown even more. His? The hell is he saying, his? If anything, this was Urie's place. He's the manager, not Mutsuki.

"I'fe noticed." Karren hummed, unnerved. "Pretty possessive, huh? All for a human, too. You know vhat happens, so vhy bother trying to protect zem? You know vhat they could do to you if you fail."

Seems like Karren really isn't who she makes you think she is, either. She sounds rather... Bitchy.

"It's not going to happen." Tooru said threateningly. "I'll find some loophole."

"You're villing to screw up everyzing for zis human you barely know? I knew you vouldn't last long, but zis... It hasn't efen been a hundred years! Vhat do you think you'll do? If you don't tell zem, it'll happen but if you tell zem, you risk zem hating you. And I'm zure you're too deep into zis human Kuhscheiße to want to efen consider ze second option. How negligent." She said, smirking. "How pathetic."

"Shut up and leave. They're mine, this coffee shop is mine, and I won't let you ruin them somehow. Go get food somewhere else, Rosewald." Tooru said, apparently ignoring her last statement.

Your heart sank at the last sentence Tooru spoke. Food? He still thought of you as food? While you treated him how he wanted to be treated, while you helped him escape the reality of his demonic side, he still thought you were food? What the fuck. Or in this case, vat ze fuck.

"It's Rosenvald." She corrected before getting up from her chair and dusting herself off. "I vas just trying to help you get food before it vas too late. I suppose my efforts vere futile." With that, she turned to you but you managed to pretend you were busy doing something before her eyes fell on you. If you were lucky enough, she'd think you hadn't just heard the entire conversation.

"Zorry, but forget my coffee, (Y/N)!" She called out, giving you an apologetic (and possibly fake) smile. "I hafe zings to do." She said, flashing Tooru one last glare before leaving.

Once the bell chimed, announcing that Karren was out the door, Tooru gave you a shy but confident smile, as if he got rid of your abusive ex for good or something. You simply ignored his 'heartwarming' smile, bitterly muttering beneath your breath.

"Humans are food, not friends, eh Tooru?"

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