The Presence of Color

By d3ceased

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The Presence of Color

10 0 0
By d3ceased

Once, when I was younger,

I thought that white crayons were useless.

A white crayon has no value

Not to color the sun, or the sky, the grass, or the night,

And so I went on living, searching for a use for the white crayon.

Once, when I was older,

Not old enough yet to vote, but not young enough yet to think.

I thought that white colored pencils were useless.

A white colored pencil has no value

Not to color homes, or the cars we drive, the people we know, or the money we wish we had,

And so I went on living, searching for a use for the white colored pencil.

Once, when I was tired,

Tired enough to ignore everything, but not tired enough to sleep.

I had long stopped thinking of the white colored pencil.

I had believed that white colored pencils had no value.

Not to color friends, or my family, my memories, or the love that i wished so desperately to feel,

And so I went on living, searching for other colors to replace the white colored pencil.

Once, when I was off guard

You had colored my world white.

And it was so easy for you because my entire world had become black.

You had a way of working with negative space,

As that was my nickname at the time,

And you colored the clouds, and the sun, and a house.

And I was completely stricken,

Because I had never noticed how bright white was.

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