We Need To Survive

Par TheStrangeWay

4 1 2

A DBD fanfiction, using the games killers but my characters as survivors Plus


4 1 2
Par TheStrangeWay

A pale skinned figure began to shuffle on the ground. A groan could be heard as blanket of black covered the body.

'Where am I?' The figure though as they stood up.

The figure brought their hand to their head, but stopped halfway.

"That's my name.."

A black device was wrapped around their wrist.

Four names were laid on the device and a grey heart in the top corner.





'Jerry is here,' Panic rised in the figures chest 'I need to find him.'

The figured stepped out from behind the trees and into the moon lit night.

Her black hair dragged to her knees. She wore a black tank top, jeans and converse. Her green and yellow eyes pierced the night.

She walked carefully through the field of corn, but quickly stopped and looked around.

There was a  rustling noise behind her.


The black device vibrated against her forearm. The small grey heart in the corner began to expand, turning into a dark red before switching back to grey.


Heavy. Breathing.

The girl glanced up.

A tall man with spikes coming out of his right shoulder had his back turned to her as he bend down in the field.

He was down for a second or two before he got up and walked away.

The vibrating slowed down until it came to a stop, the small heart doing tye same before remaining grey.

She crawled toward the thing the man laid out before her.

The rusty orange was scattered across the silver thing, sharp teeth were around the edges.

A trap.

A bear trap.

The girl jumped slightly as she heard the crunching sound of leaves in front if her.

She stayed silent and watched the direction the sound came from.

A pink figure was in the corn. They were crying.

'Jerry..?' The girl thought as she moved around the trap and toward the figure.

"..Jerry" she whispered toward the figure.

Bright terrified brown eyes met hers.

"Matilda!" Jerry said happily as he limped toward the girl. Almost tackling her in a hug.

"Matilda where are we!? Where's Spencer?? What's going on?" He questioned.

Matilda frowned at him, not knowing how to answer, she changed the subject.

"What happened to you? Why were you limping?" She question, but noticed that Jerry was in his sleeping attire, which was his favorite pink hoodie and sweat pants. He didn't even have shoes in, just socks.

"I-I was walking and this thing on my arm wouldn't stop shaking.. And this thing hit my back! I ran as fast as I could..I think I lost him, but I almost ran into him in the way here.."

Jerry was I complete panic.

He could escape death and back, he's done it before.. So why was he afraid.

Before Matilda could say anything, the device opened, revealing bandages and a knife.

The pale girl grabbed the bandages.

"Lift up your hoodie." she demanded, wanting to heal her love quickly.

Jerry nodded and did as told, the little figure above jerry changed into the same standing figure as the rest.

Continuer la Lecture

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