Never Cry Wolf

By SuzanneK17

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Seven years ago, Devyn Fredericks mother went missing, her older brother ran away, her dad stopped talking, a... More

All Rights Reserved
Devyn Part 1
Devyn Part 2
Author's Note
Devyn Part 2
Devyn Part 3
Devyn Part 4

Devyn Part 5

3 0 0
By SuzanneK17

"Can you sing for me again?" I turned around and stared at Lucius. He had to ask at the lunch table didn't he? My eyes narrowed as his smile grew bigger. Fine if that's how it's going to be.

"No." Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and stared at us, but we were already in a stare down of our own.

"What if I asked you nicely?" He arched his eye brow.

"The answer would still be no." I had a smirk on my face and before he could say anything the bell rung. We didn't look away from each other as everyone else got up awkwardly trying to sneak away. When they were all gone I got up taking my trash to the trash can by the door.

"Is it really a no?" He wrapped his arms around my waste and whispered the question in my ear. I pulled his arms away and turned around.

"As of right now yes. If you thought I'd cave in front of everyone you have been mistaken." His smile grew. "But I'll think about it and you'll have no choice of when I choose to sing and you'll have to deal with where and when it happens." His eyes narrowed slightly, his smile turning it into a smirk.

"If that's the game we are playing. Bring it on." He pro-annunciated the last three words slowly making sure I did not miss one.

Once I entered my class I sat down and started to brainstorm when I could sing to Lucius. It has to be at a time he would least expect it, but not completely humiliate him. No actually completely put him on the spot. This is going to be a tough one.

"Have you decided?"

"Like I'd tell you." I pushed him away from me but couldn't keep the grin off my face. He grabbed my hand before I could snatch it away.

"I'll figure it out eventually." He had his game face on.

"No you won't." I sang it just to annoy him. It seemed to work because he threw me over his shoulder and walked me all the way to his car with his brothers trailing behind him laughing. "You know, this somehow never gets old." Lucius set me down by the car door.

"How so?" I leaned against the car and looked up at him.

"Well, it seems that whenever I say or do something that goes over an imaginary line I get to just relax and stare at the scenery without actually having to take an actual step myself." He arched his eyebrow. "You see, I just get so tired of walking that it's nice to relax and have a big strong man carry me five feet to the car. Plus it's not like I do it on purpose." My face portrayed that I was completely lying about the last statement.

"Oh, so you purposefully say things to make me carry you?"

"Well, I don't make you." I stuck my tongue out and Lucius' mouth dropped open. Before he could respond his brother's joined us at the car. By the looks on their faces they had heard the entire conversation and were trying not to laugh.

"Dude, you just got served." Once Nik said it, no one could stop laughing. Lucius at first just glared at me, but after a while he relaxed and laughed with us.

"I'm going to Jessica's for a while." Lucius finally looked up from his homework.

"For how long?"

"Not for more than a couple hours, I promise." I walked over and kissed him on the cheek, but before I could leave he pulled me down into his lap and kissed me.

"I'll miss you." I smiled.

"It's only like 3 hours tops." He started to pout. "None of that." I lightly punched him in the arm before standing up. I walked over and grabbed my back pack and when I turned around Lucius was still pouting. "Don't be like that."

"Like what?" He crossed his arms over his chest and glared. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"You have no idea how ridiculous you look right now." He arched his eyebrow. "Seriously, stop." I couldn't stop my smile. "I'm leaving." He watched me walk all the way out the door and before I was even down the steps my phone buzzed. I pulled it out to see it was a text from Lucius.

I miss you

I miss you too, but I'll be back soon. I walked out the door to Jess' waiting car.

Come back I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" I showed her the text conversation and it took her less than five seconds to start laughing too. "That's adorable."

"He is." I smiled before putting my pone back in my pocket.

Once we walked into Jess' room I felt my phone buzz again.

You get there safely

Yes you dork

I'm just protecting what is mine

Again you're a dork. After a couple minutes and still no reply I felt good that he wouldn't bother me for the rest of the time I was at Jessica's. buzz buzz But I spoke too soon.

What did the ocean say to the other ocean? Since when did he ever tell jokes?

I don't know

Nothing, they just waved

Oh my gosh you're such a dork

Did you sea what I did there? This is not going to end.


I'm shore you did

Jesus Lucius you are killing me

No need to be a beach

Why am I still responding?

Water you saying?

You're distracting me.

Shell I stop then?

Lucius I'm shutting my phone off. Instead of shutting it off I decided I just wouldn't reply. He is driving me crazy! It's funny and very distracting. I didn't know he was so funny. That sounds bad, but what can I say? We still have a lot to learn about each other.

Noooo I fish you would come back

I won't sand anymore messages

Or at least my responses won't be as pacific

Whale, I guess you're not coming back.

I'm tiding up the place All the buzzing seemed to stop. Jess and I looked at each other and started laughing. He is so weird. An hour later my phone buzzes again.

What did one river say to the other?

Damn you.

I'm going to make you walk the plankton when you get back

Are you tide of these jokes? I'm doing them on purpoise☺

Here I have another one, what did one volcano say to the other?

I lava you!

I was at Jessica's longer than expected, because it took us forever to stop laughing at Lucius's jokes. I was surprised he wasn't hounding me to return, but I guess he understood that we couldn't concentrate. When Jessica dropped me off all the lights were off and when I entered our bedroom he wasn't there. Where the heck is he? I hope he isn't freaking out and ran all the way to Jessica's. I decided to text him so he wouldn't freak out.

I hope you didn't go to Jessica's. I'm at home. Once I sent it I felt better until I heard buzzing on Lucius' bed. His phone. Why the hell would he leave his phone? Maybe he went to hunt? He never usually does it at night, but I guess he was bored. I get ready

for bed and try not to panic. What if he thought I was serious when I didn't text back? Ok calm down Devyn calm down. There is no need to panic.

* * *

"Lucius?" I stretched out on the bed, but when I reached over he wasn't there. I sat up to find the room empty. If he went on a hunt he should have been back by now. What the hell happened? First he was being playful over text and now he's freaking MIA. I was starting to lose my freaking mind when it occurred to me that maybe he'd sleep downstairs, so he didn't wake me. I bolted out of bed and ran down the stairs, but when I turned the corner he's not on the couch. He's not in the kitchen. He's not here.

"You're up early." I turn around and see Mikhail standing across from me in the entranceway to the kitchen.

"Where's Lucius?" Mikhail responded with a shrug, but there was something in his eyes when I asked. They grew dark and angry, but also sad. "What's wrong?" He looked nervous as he moved to the cabinet and pulled out a coffee mug as I walked over and entered the kitchen.

"Lucius decided to stay out last night." My brows creased. He was freaking out because of that?

"I noticed that, but where is he?" He poured himself a cup as my eyes slowly narrowed. "What aren't you telling me?" He paused in his movements. It didn't take him long to start moving again, but I noticed the change in his posture.

"He is going to be back late with Spar. Don't worry, he's ok." I sighed. I was starting to panic. What if he got hurt or something? I'd want to know about it. What is going on? I hate not knowing what's happening with my own boyfriend.

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous." Mikhail smiled, but it was small and again sad.

"It's ok. I know you worry about him, but believe me when I say that he will always be here for you." I smiled and I quickly hugged him. I expected him to be awkward and push me away, since it's what he usually does, but instead he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. It made me smile.

* * *

Lucius wasn't back by school nor for the next 3 days. No one in the freaking house will tell me what's going on and I thought Mik said Lucius and Spar would be back late 3 days ago. With each passing day I grew more restless. I couldn't sleep, so instead I did every piece of homework I had even if it was due a week or more later. Jess greets me at the school parking lot, but today it is just Mik and I. He hasn't talked to me much and we never see him during lunch.

"Where's Max?" I look over at Jess' anxious gaze. She knows Lucius has been gone and doesn't want Max to somehow disappear either.

"He and Nik stayed home today. They said they weren't feeling good, but in my opinion they have a case of PMS." She raised her eyebrows. "It's bad." She nodded her head taking my word for it.

By the end of the day there was still no sign of Lucius. I was about to count it as day four when I looked down the hall and saw him at his locker. Why is he cleaning it out? I walked through the crowd as fast as I could hoping he would still be there when I got there and he was.

"Lucius, where have you been?" He didn't respond. "Did I do something wrong?" I finally got up the nerve to ask. I stood there next to him for about five minutes trying to come up with what to ask and how to ask it. Damn, that is such a girl thing. I haven't seen him in days and to make matters worse he won't even look at me. He ignored me as he continued to empty the contents of his locker into his backpack. Where is he going? He never takes everything home. Shit what am I saying? He only takes a folder home. "Lucius please talk to me." I reached out to touch his arm and he jolted back dropping his bag and spilling some of its contents out. The last few passer-bys looked at us, but continued walking nonetheless. I was embarrassed. Why did he do that? My arm froze in the air before slowly dropping back to my side. I haven't seen him in days and he won't let me touch him. I knew something happened that day he was gone when I came back.

"Don't touch me." His tone was sharp and clipped. When he reached down to pick up his bag, I didn't help. When he finished he slammed his locker and started down the hall to the exit leaving only the picture of us still taped inside and never saying anything else to me.

"Lucius?" He continued walking. "Lucius!" I screamed. I was beyond hysterical. What is up with him? The few that passed by us earlier looked at me, but this time I was the one to ignore, but to my amazement Lucius didn't stop. If you ask me he started walking faster. Gaining up the courage, plus the rage helped, I stormed down the hall after him. I exited the door right as he opened Spar's car door. Mik was in the passenger seat already. Spar could use his small car today because there was only Lucius and Mik to pick up. I still had soccer practice so they didn't need to give me a ride. Max and Nik weren't fun to be around. Mentioning it, they've been like that for a couple days now too. What is up with everyone? Is there a full moon or something? They've never acted like this before.

"Lucius stop right now and talk to me. I deserve to know whatever the hell is going on with you." He spun around.

"You really want to know?" His face was cruel and hard as he gazed at me. He motioned to someone inside the car. Who else is in there? I didn't think much of it until I saw a girl step out and Lucius immediately pull her into his chest. She was beautiful. Wait is that? No! It can't be! That's Tanner's ex-girlfriend...She's the exact type I could always see Lucius with. My eyebrows creased as I looked back and forth between them. Seriously? What the hell?

"This is Katie. I ran into her on my hunt a few days ago." He said. So that was why he was no longer playful or really nice at all. That explains why he never came home and I didn't see him until ten minutes prior. "I imprinted on her." The truth nearly knocked me off balance. Why was he gone all this time? Why didn't he tell me sooner? Was he afraid of what I'd say? Why is he holding onto her like that?

"I still don't understand-"

"Does he have to spell it out for you?" She lashed out making me take a step back. "You were never meant for him, so deal with the fact that you were just a phase in his life." I ignored her, turning back to face him.

"But...but you said-"

"I know what I said."

"You lied?" I couldn't help the shake that entered my voice. It was taking everything I had not to let my legs give out. He answered quickly.

"Yes." Even though he said it and she made it abundantly clear I still couldn't believe it. Not one bit.

"So you're telling me-"

"Do you not-" She cut me off, but I cut her off right back with a vengeful voice of my own.

"I apparently don't know who you really are Katie, so if you would please get back in the car and let Lucius and I talk that would be great." She looked like she was going to kill me, but she stopped when Lucius told her it was ok and that it wouldn't take long. What hurt the most is they kissed right in front of me. It wasn't a short peck either. Oh, I'm going to be sick. He shut the door and walked up to me even though I knew they were all still listening, especially her. When I looked at Mikhail he looked away and wouldn't meet my eyes. He knew and he didn't tell me. That day in the kitchen, he lied. I turned back to Lucius.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I was pissed, but more than that I was hurt.

"I didn't think it mattered." I nearly died right then.

"Didn't think it mattered? Really?" He nodded, but it was more of a rhetorical question. "Three months ago you told me you loved me and you lied? This whole time you've been stringing me along, so you wouldn't have to be alone until you met her?" The venom was clear as day in my voice. He responded the same way Tanner had that day I first saw him at Lucius' house.

"Yes, I wanted something to keep me busy until then." Wow, burn.

"So when you said we'd figure out something when you imprinted that was just to make me happy?" Before he could answer I continued. "Well, I hope she keeps you happy, because honestly you're never getting anything better. You will always be stuck with that bitch." I looked around him into the car to see her glaring at me. Before I could continue this time he interrupted.

"Devyn, when will you realize that you weren't worth it?" He grabbed my shoulders. "You never were." I stepped back as if he had slapped me. He never cared. He never loved me. I wasn't even worth it. After a minute, I found my voice and responded.

"You chose to lie to me, to hide the truth from me and you honestly thought this was the best way to tell me?" He opened his mouth but I glared at him. "You should go." Tears started to form in my eyes. "It's obvious I never meant anything to you and that's my fault. I should have known better than to put myself in a group where it's clear that I don't belong. I should have known that you could never care and that you'd make your brother" I pointed at Mikhail "lie to me." Mikhail slumped in his seat. I took off the necklace Lucius gave me the night he told me he loved me. "This means nothing to me anymore." He didn't move to grab it, so I dropped it on the ground. "You're right. It's better on the ground with all the other useless shit in your life." I backed up when he lifted his arm. "Don't worry. I'll never try to contact you. I'll never try to see you. I'll never try to find you. I can promise you that you won't have to worry about me interfering with your future." I took another step back. "Please thank your family for everything they've done for me for the past couple months." I turned and started walking when he grabbed my arm. I could no longer control myself. I turned around and slapped him as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Please, don't come back." I turned around ignoring his stunned look and walked away never once looking back. When I rounded the corner of the school I let my misery have me. Never have I felt so humiliated. Never have I felt so broken. Never have I felt so lost. I gave him my heart and he ripped it into pieces right in front of the only other people that really cared about me. I wasn't left in the woods, but I know I'll be lost until someone cares enough to find me.

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