Recovery // Seth Rollins

By cjleighwrites

127K 2.2K 276

"Do you fear me?" "No, I fear loving you" Caitey Gillon has the opportunity that some could on dream of and... More

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Seqeul is up


1.6K 34 0
By cjleighwrites

I was glad that my morning sickness had toned down, the constant pulling over whilst on the road was quite annoying. Not for me, for Colby. He could never be late. I was nearly at the three month point of my pregnancy, and it was slowly starting to feel real, despite the fact I spent the first two months not even being aware of it. I just had a bad feeling about today. I didn't want Colby to attend raw. I begged him all day. But here we were anyway, in another city that I've never heard of for Monday night raw.

I wandered around the arena like I quite usually did. I was wandering and trying to find my place and this new environment. I wasn't so scared anymore after the whole kidnaping incident. I don't know if they were going to do it, but the thought terrified me enough. Colby and I's wedding announcement had gotten mixed reception, which lead to me not using my social media at all. By now my family probably knew about Colby and the baby. I wondered what they thought sometimes but I knew it was a waste of energy. Calling Colby my husband was still strange to me. The fact that I'm pregnant has only just started to sink in, so god knows when I'll realise I'm married. I did think whether Colby and I would get a honeymoon, but I guess with all the travelling we do we could class that as our honeymoon.

I found myself a quite spot by the back entrance of the arena. There was no crew rushing around or any superstars having a beef with other superstars. I had time to myself. Since coming here it had been from city to city and no me time. I thought I would settle in to road life quicker, and take it easier. I often thought of my life pre Colby and laughed at it. I was a lonely, shy, and depressed girl, afraid of the world. I didn't even want to do my prac with WWE, and now I'm married to the man. Colby showed me a side of me that I didn't know existed. It was a side of me that I never thought I would know, or have someone show me. Nathaniel broke me down so much I never thought there was any chance of me being built up. Colby was in one way, my lifesaver. There was still parts of my past that he didn't know, and I didn't want him too know.

"Deep in thought?"

I looked up and saw the mop of hair I had grown to love. I smiled up at Colby and lifted my head from its resting position on my knees.

"Sitting like that could hurt the baby" Colby lectured. Lately, Colby was the fun police. Everything I do could hurt the baby.

"Colby, the baby is the size of a strawberry" I laughed and patted the ground next to me. I smiled in content as he sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer. Colby fixed all my problems.

"I just want you two to be okay" he whispered, kissing my hair as he pulled me closer.

"I'm more worried about you" I whispered back, looking up at him.

Colby sighed and met my gaze. "C, everything is going to be okay, alright? I'm going to go out there win my match and come back so we can cuddle."

But I didn't believe him.

Something just didn't feel right. But I knew there was no way in stopping him from doing his match, so I had to hope I was just feeling things.

"Come on its nearly time." I took Colby's extended hand as he stood, pulling myself to my feet. I watched as he got ready for his match, wondering what he'll be like when the baby comes.

"Are you going to stay here?" He asked, pulling a shirt over his head and wetting his hair. I nodded and waited for him to finish before placing a small kiss on his lips.

"Be careful" I whispered, my worry still evident.

"I will be" he kissed my cheek before leaving and heading for the gorilla.

I just hope so.

I laid on the couch and watched Colby's match. Despite the fact I cringed every time he got a hit, I loved watching him. I hop he has the same smile on his face when the baby arrives. I kept my hand on my stomach as the match continued.

I screamed when Colby was picked up and thrown head first into a ladder, the ladder breaking underneath him. Colby didn't move. He laid emotionless on the ladder until he was pulled off it and pinned. But he still didn't move. Every worse thought went through my head as I ran though the hall to the gorilla.


I turned and saw someone with a gurney motioning then to come with them as they went down the ramp. I followed in panic, running into the ring.

"Colby!" I yelled as I touched his face. He was unconscious and I didn't know what kind of damage the ladder did. I saw both men looking at me waiting for direction. Someone from the sideline motioned backstage, that they wanted him out of the ring quickly.

"Slowly move him on to the back board, slowly we don't know what kind of injuries there are" I said, pulling at my scrub top. I never wanted to have Colby as a patient.

"On three" I said, as half of Colby's body was lifted for the back board. "One, two, three."
I slid on a neckbrace before Colby was slid out of the ring and onto an waiting bed.

This was the worst day of my life.

Half of Colby's face was covered in blood. From what I could see, he had a cut on his forehead that was deep. I tried to cover my panicked face as he was wheeled backstage.


I looked down to see Colby's eyes fluttering open, and breathed in relief.

"Don't talk Colby" I whispered as we arrived in the treatment room.

"Do you know where you are?" I asked him, the doctor taking his vitals.

"Raw" he mumbled out, squinting at the light.

"Can you tell me what day it is?"

He tried to frown. "It's Monday, Raw is on Monday."

"Can you tell me your name?" This answer terrified me, I didn't want there to be any brain damage.

"Caitey, my name is Colby, you know this" he laughed lightly before groaning.

"Alright Seth, can you tell what hurts?" The doctor asked, lightly pushing me out of the way, much to Colby's annoyance.

"My head" he mumbled back.

"Anything else?" The doctor pressed. "Back, neck?"

Colby shook his head, "no, just my head."

Colby reached for my hand and the doctor began cleaning the blood off his face. There was so much.

"I'm sorry for scaring you" he whispered, squeezing my hand.

"You didn't-"

"No I did, I can see it on your face."

I smiled lightly down at him, sitting on the wheely stool. Colby's eyes were fixed on me as the doctor began putting staples in his forehead.

"This will be one to tell the kid" he joked, wincing.

I shook my head, "if our child knocks themselves out on a ladder, you're dealing with it."

The doctor smiled at our interaction and the two cameras captured it. One was filming, most likely for raw, and the other was taking photos.

"Alright, we're done" the doctor announced, putting the stapler down. Thank god.

"How many? Feels like a hundred" Colby grimaced, touching his forehead. I slapped his hand away before he could.

The doctor laughed, "21."

Colby frowned and starred down the camera. "I will get you Owens" Colby spat before looking at me. I smiled at him even though I was thinking 'really Colby, know?' He leant up and kissed me before standing. "Let's get out of here."

When we got back to the dressing room to collect Colby's things we were met with Jon and Joe apologising for not getting to him quickly. I think I was more angry than Colby about the whole situation. I don't think he realised the damage that he could have done and what I thought he did.

"How about a nice bubble bath?" Colby asked as we walked out to the car to go back to the hotel. I didn't really want one, I wanted to check him over and make sure he was okay.

"Only if there's lots of bubbles" I said getting into the car.

Colby laughed and smirked, getting into the driver seat. "Whatever you want" he leant over and kissed me before starting the car.

I grinned and giggled, "so Chinese?"

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