Blinded by their betrayal

By reshell90

1.1K 66 9

Growing up in a broken household, Shelby had Chase the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. Or so she thought... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 11

43 3 0
By reshell90

A week later I found myself standing before my bathroom mirror, looking at the red and yellowish bruises on my face that was fading too slow for my liking. I decided to apply some makeup and made sure my hair covered my face. I gave myself a small smile "Well it's now or never, you will get through this."

When I got to the kitchen my mom and Steven were busy eating cereal, she looked at me. "Good morning Shell, did you sleep well?"

I gave Steven a side hug and sat next to him, getting myself a bowl. "Morning mom, I did yes. Did you?"

"I slept well, are you sure you want to go back to school today? You could always just wait a bit longer before returning?"

"Mom, I will be okay. Plus, the girls will be there too, so don't worry."

She came to me and hugged me so tight I could feel the love I hugged her back with the same amount of affection. "Okay, but if anything, and I mean anything should happen you call me. You hear?"

"Yes mom I hear you." I hugged Steven bye and headed for the front door.

"Shelby, wait. Me and your dad have something for you tonight, don't be late."

"Yes mam, bye now."

Things have been dared I say better, except for the incident when I was walking home from the store, Steven was with me. A guy I don't know along with his friends were walking behind us mocking us. I was scared out of my mind but couldn't show Steven I was scared. But I had to be brave for the both of us. I whispered to Steven; "Bud, if anything goes wrong you run home and call for help." Before he could respond I turned around and addressed the guy that looked like he was the main man in their group.

"What the hell is your problem dude?"

He looked amused. "Problem? There is no problem, I was just sent to deliver a message to you.."

"Then deliver your message and move along, you are getting on my nerve!"

He looked at his group and they all started laughing, then he turned his attention back to me. "Oh, you are a feisty one aren't you? Too bad I'm already taken, or I would claim you."

"Claim me? No dude, I'm not some wild horse you can tame and claim!" He was starting to annoy me.

"Tsk, tsk" he shook his head. "Don't test me girl, you know what they say about wild horses?" He was talking to his group now. "They are very difficult, but so fucking worth the ride!" This caused all of them to burst out with laughter, he was clearly enjoying himself.

I ignored the laughter. "Just get over yourself asshole!"

He walked towards me, and he had danger written all over his face. I looked at Steven and showed him to run, he didn't hesitate and did what I told him to do earlier. The guys were about to follow him, when this asshole stopped them.

"Let him go, we ain't here to spill blood, just to deliver a message." he looked back to me, he was extremely close to my face.

"Okay where was I? Oh, right I have a message for you. Natasha said that they are not finished with you. That when you least expect it, they will make you pay for all the shit you caused."

" Tell her to bite me, I didn't tell anyone anything." this started to freak me out, she was clearly well connected with all the wrong kinds of people.

He stroked my cheek; I turned my head away from his touch. "I'll be sure to tell her that, I'd be careful if I was you."

"Oh, don't worry I will, can you leave me alone now?"

"Yeah sure, you take care of yourself girl. I'm sure we'll meet again in the future."

"I hope not!" he ignored me and motioned for his group of thugs to follow him. I waited until I was sure they were gone, then picked up my grocery bags and walked as fast as I could home.

When I entered our yard, Steven came running towards me hugging me. "Sis, I was so scared they would hurt you! I called mommy and she told me to stay put, that she would be here as soon as she can."

I hugged him back. "I'm fine bud, let me go wait for mom."

When my mother came home, she pulled me and Steven in for a hug. "Are you guys okay, what happened?"

"We're fine mom. It was just some thugs, looking to stir trouble. I think they backed off when Steven ran off, they must've thought he went to fetch help."

"I really thought this neighborhood was safe but goes to show that nowhere is safe." I was relieved that mom believed me.

I was in my room listening to music on my earphones, when Steven came in, he looked super excited. I took my earphones out. "What's up twerp?"

He giggled. "Mommy and daddy are in the garage, they said I should come get you and take you to them."

"Ha ha okay? Let's get going then."

He grabbed me by my hand and walked fast almost jogging. When we got to the garage, mom and dad was standing by a white Honda it looked so posh, they were both also very pleased with themselves. "Guys, what's going on?"

"You tell her Frank, I can't hold it in anymore." Mom looked so giddy.

"Well Shelby, your mom and I have been talking and considering all that has happened. We decided that you can't walk around anymore, it's just not safe. So, I spoke to a younger boy who works with me, and he said he had an extra car he would sell to me." he handed me keys. "We trust you and know that you would be responsible, you still have to get your driver's license though. You can't drive around with a learners permit."

I squealed and jumped into his arms! "Thank you, thank you!" I hugged mom also.

Steven jumped up and down. "Yes, yes now we can cruise around town in style. You should see the amps and speakers sis, this car has sound!" Me and Steven explored the car and decided we would name it Optimus Prime after the character in The Transformers.


"I wonder what the big announcement is going to be?" Kazelynn was lying with her head on my lap, it was recess, and we were sitting under a tree next to the rugby field. The principle delayed our Monday morning assembly this morning to after recess, saying it is something very big.

"Well, it's probably a teacher who's retiring, oh how happy it would make the entire school if it was that witch Mrs. Grayson who decided to get on her broom and fly straight to hell!" We all laughed at Amanda; she was right though I think there wasn't a single student in our entire school who didn't hate her for being so evil.

"If pigs could fly, then yeah!" I said, I guess she doesn't have a life outside of her career and gets off on putting down some of the less privileged students.

"Hey, don't joke, I've watched a video where an actual pig flew on YouTube guys! So, nothing is impossible!" Mandy was so gullible sometimes; she didn't realize that with today's technology people could make anything look believable.

The bell rang and we got up walking to the assembly point with all of the other students. Everyone was discussing among their group of friends about what the announcement was when principal Jacobs stood in front of the microphone.

"Settle down students, I'm sure everyone is eager to know what the announcement is." he waited for the students to quiet down and continued. "As you all know the Education department was here last month to do a routine check-up on our school, well they said that there would be budget cuts and we were either forced to close down the school or merge with another high school. This being a public school, we had no choice and along with St. Dominic's boys high decided that our two schools would merge. We will be moving everything over to their premised soon, there will be letters sent out to all patents. The merge will be completed next year, meaning we will all be at the new school then. We are hopeful that this merge will bring endless possibilities. We are still however debating on the name and will announce it as soon as it is official. That's all for now, enjoy the rest of the day and work hard."

"Well shit!" I said being in the same school as Jessica is already a challenge, I can only presume how it would be with the two of them and their gang.

"Shit is correct, we all will have your back!" Kaz gave me a reassuring smile. Her, Mandy and Amanda hugged me and it made me smile.

The rest of the school was loud, everyone had their own different opinion about what we heard. I noticed Jessica and Natasha looking my way and giggling, I looked away and rolled my eyes. Clearly the angel responsible for my wellbeing was on indefinite hiatus!!

Kas and Amanda greeted us before leaving for their classes, Mandy and me had Science together. We nodded to Kaz and Amanda and walked to our class. I was silent, trapped in my own mind coming up with all the possible scenarios that would go down next year.

"Shell, are you okay? I know this is not the greatest news, but you are a warrior, and you will have us right by your side." Mandy rubber my back, it brought me back to the present.

"Honestly Mands, I can't think of anything worse than having all of them in the same school just to think of it gives me the creeps!"

"Well things will be different; those assholes won't get the satisfaction of getting to you as long as we are all by your side. And also, Miguel and Timmy will be there as well making it a bonus, they will also protect you!"

Oh crap, I forgot all about Timmy and Nicholas damn it!

Science was one of the subjects I loved, partly because it fascinated me and for the most part it was because of Mr. Manickum he was an awesome teacher. You get people today that choose professions only for money, but with Mr. Manickum you could see it was his passion to teach! He made class super fun and focused on all his students, no one felt left out in his class. I forgot all about my worries for the hour-long science period, me and Mandy worked together on an assignment.

We were walking to our next class, when she looked at her phone and smiled. "So, Timmy wants to hang out after school?"

"Timmy? You've been talking to a boy, and he wants to hang out with you after school?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

She blushed. "Don't do that, he added me on Facebook. At first I thought it was weird, but he is actually not that bad."

"Aww Mands that's so cute and yes he is a great dude." I mean he and Nicholas were my silent heroes, coming to my rescue when I needed them.

"So that means you won't object if I asked you to go with me?"

"I don't know Mands, why don't you ask Kaz or Amanda?"

"No Kaz is going to her boyfriend's house after school and you know Amanda, she's always studying. Please Shell, it would mean a lot to me. And also, we can't go to my place. So, I was hoping we could hang out at your house?"

"Ha ha okay fine, whatever." I rolled my eyes at her. Kaz and her boyfriend Randal was basically like a married couple already she even called Randal's mother mom. And Amanda was on the honour roll also, we had to drag her away from her books if we wanted to do something.

"Yay, thanks Shell! I'll text Timmy and tell him it's a yes!"

She looked so adorable; I couldn't help but laugh at her. I felt a bit nervous knowing Mr observant would probably there also and at my house of all places.

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