An Unexpected Calm

By fanjerriefics

17.2K 518 100

Thank you to the person that suggested I try writing something out of my comfort zone. Enjoy this story in wh... More

An Unexpected Calm
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5

Part 3

1.7K 66 8
By fanjerriefics

I slowly started to wake up. I felt groggy and somewhat stiff. I must have been asleep for a while. Shit I must have been asleep for a while!

I instantly jerked up into a sitting position at the realization. I knew better than to let myself sleep for too long. The longer I was asleep, the more vulnerable I became. I have heard way too many stories of zombies attacking whilst people were sleeping. My head jerked around as I scanned the cave, making sure that no zombies were inside. Once I scoped out the cave, I held my breath so that I was extremely quiet. I was listening to the sounds outside, checking to make sure I didn’t hear any peculiar noises.

That’s when it hit me. I couldn’t detect anything. No sound, no other being, nothing. I should be able to detect one thing: Perrie.

I couldn’t help but feel rage fill my body. Perrie knew she couldn’t leave me. She was the reason my foot was throbbing with pain right now. She had to stay and take care of me. I can’t even walk properly right now. How can she expect me to survive on my own? It’s official. Perrie is heartless. She has to be to leave me alone to fend for myself like this.

The fact that she had the nerve to leave me while I was sleeping is even worse. She probably knows just as well as I do how vulnerable a person is when they’re left sleeping for too long. I honestly thought Perrie cared about me a little bit after last night, but I guess I was wrong.

I hated to admit it, but I need Perrie. I realized that when I tried to get up off of the cave floor. I had thrown the blankets off of me angrily and then attempted to get up on my feet. I wanted to get up and search for Perrie. Maybe she hadn’t left long ago and I could catch up to her. I had a whole lot of things I could say to her right now.

The second I placed my weight on my injured foot, I let out a loud shriek. The pain was almost unbearable. I felt tears spring up to my eyes. I dropped down to my knees so I wouldn’t have to endure any more pain.

Once the pain subsided slightly, I shifted back onto my knees. I knew it was going to suck getting around like this, but it was my only option at the moment. I slowly crawled towards the entrance to the cave, making sure to keep my injured foot up in the air as I did so.

Once I made it outside, I glanced around the clearing. The air smelled fresh, but there wasn’t any dew on the grass anymore, so I’m guessing it had to be around ten in the morning at this point. I sighed out because I realized I had been asleep for such a long time.

As I glanced around the empty clearing, anger filled me again because there was definitely no sign of Perrie. She just left me in my time of need. I let her into a place I hadn’t shown anyone before and she just used me for a place to sleep before she was back on her way to her ‘I don’t give a shit about anyone’ lifestyle. I should have expected this to happen. Perrie was somewhat predictable at this point.

I sighed out, pushing Perrie from my thoughts. All of these negative and angry thoughts would not help me recover. Instead of wallowing in anger and self-pity, I should be thinking of ways to move around. I should be rewrapping my foot in new cloth. I should be doing something to keep my mind off of the pain and the blonde girl who had betrayed me.

I gingerly reached down to my foot and slowly unwrapped the cloth Perrie had put on it the previous night. I hissed out as the cloth fell to the ground and I saw my foot. It was even more swollen than last night and now the bruising had gotten so bad that it almost looked black. I looked at one of my toes and realized that a toe nail was missing. Great.

After I had enough of looking at my terrible foot, I slowly peeled my pants off, making sure to be extra careful with my foot. Once my pants were off, I crawled until I was at the brook. I slowly slid my legs into the water. I let out a happy sigh because the water was the perfect temperature and felt great on my foot. I could sit here all day, just relaxing. I straightened up and scolded myself at the thought. I couldn’t be here all day. I needed to be productive. How many times do I have to tell myself not to let my guard down?

I obviously couldn’t follow my own advice, because ten minutes later, I was zoned out once again. My muscles were relaxed, and I loved that. At some point, I had leaned back on the grass. I stared up at the sky, occasionally glancing at the water my legs were in. I couldn’t stare at the water for too long though, because it was a particular shade of blue that brought up images of Perrie’s eyes. I didn’t want to think about Perrie right now. The water was relaxing me, and I loved it. I didn’t want angry thoughts of the blonde tainting my peaceful moment.

I was in a whole other world with my thoughts when suddenly the vines swishing behind me caught my attention. I straightened up immediately, hating myself for letting my guard down. I was injured and halfway in the water of a brook in an awkward position. There was no way in hell that I would be able to easily maneuver myself and prepare for a fight.

Regardless of that though, I knew I had to get up. I hastily and clumsily pulled my legs up from the water and swung them to the side, splashing water all over myself in the process. I used my hands to push myself up, and I instantly shot up to my feet, overestimating the amount of force I had used.

Let’s just say that I put way too much of my weight on my injured foot, which was bad because it was no longer wrapped. It didn’t have any cushioning whatsoever as I placed a lot of weight on it without warning. I let out an ear piercing scream and felt myself lose my balance.

“Fuck,” I screamed as I felt myself tip over, falling to the side. I honestly wouldn’t have had a problem ending up on the hard ground, but that wasn’t what was about to happen. Before I had time to recover or try to regain my balance, I went splashing into the brook.

The brook wasn’t deep, and I soon felt myself hit the bottom. It hurt a lot. I had hit it at a weird angle, and my back would probably bruise from the contact.

I tried to peer through the semi clear water in an attempt to see who had entered my home, but all I could make out was the rough shape of a form. I just prayed that it wasn’t a zombie because I would be a goner if it was. Fuck Perrie for leaving me vulnerable and alone and basically getting me into this situation in the first place.

Before I had time to gather my thoughts and resurface, I saw two hands plunge under the water and then I felt them wrap around the collar of my shirt. I reached to their wrists and tried to pry them off of me, but they were strong. They were probably going to keep me under here and drown me. I couldn’t believe that after all of this time of surviving, this is how it was going to end. God, I hate Perrie so fucking much.

To my surprise though, the hands ended up pulling me up and out of the water. I gasped for air and coughed up some water that I had accidentally swallowed. My eyes were still blurred from keeping them open under the water, so everything looked fuzzy and I could only make out vague shapes.

I felt the person, I’m guessing they’re a person because a zombie wouldn’t be this generous, pull me a short distance away from the brook. They were strong, really strong. Then, they laid me down on my back and pushed all of my wet hair out of my face.

“Jade, are you alright?”

I knew it was Perrie. I would be able to recognize that voice anytime and anywhere. I felt myself relax instantly knowing that it was Perrie that had entered. I wouldn’t have to worry about any intruders, plus I was just so much safer with Perrie looking after me.

But then I remembered how Perrie had abandoned me for a little, and her little surprise reappearance is what got me into this whole mess. I straightened up into a sitting position, and shoved away the towel Perrie was using to dry me off.

“Of course I’m not alright! You fucking left me! You left me to fend for myself!” I blinked a couple of times, finally getting all of the water out of my eyes. Shit, Perrie looked really hot right now, but I pushed that to the back of my mind because I was mad at her, and I wanted to stay mad at her.

“I can’t even walk on this poor excuse of a foot. How would you expect me to get around without you? You saw what happened. I ended up splashing into that brook like a complete idiot!” I saw Perrie’s features light up at those words, and it made me angry that she was stifling laughter at what had just happened. She should be concerned for me, not laughing at my pain.

“Don’t fucking laugh! I could have gotten seriously hurt! Or what if I didn’t know how to swim?! I could have drowned!”

I opened my mouth to continue my rant, but Perrie obviously didn’t want me to do so. She reached over and clamped a hand over my mouth to stop me. I was really fuming though, so I bit into her palm, making her let out a hiss and then pull her hand back.

“Jade, you better fucking listen. You do not, I repeat not, want both of us angry right now. That’s going to get us nowhere, and it’ll most likely make me leave right out where I just came in and never fucking come back.”

“No, you listen to me, Perrie! I never get to be the angry one, you always parade around and just act like you don’t give a shit whenever you feel like it and I’m honestly so-“

Perrie was obviously trying to silence me again before she exploded in my face. I was actually rather impressed that she had managed to stay so level headed for this long. Usually, she just blew up in my face the second I started using an accusing tone.

This time, instead of trying to clamp a hand over my mouth, I felt her rest her hand on my thigh. That shut me up quickly as I glanced down at her pale hand, which was coming right in contact with my tan skin. All I had on my lower half was underwear, and Perrie definitely seemed to notice that.

I opened my mouth to continue talking, but Perrie squeezed my thigh gently. What made everything worse was that she was staring into my eyes innocently like she had no idea what she was doing.

The thing with Perrie was that whatever was between us was so confusing. We hadn’t kissed yet, but sometimes it felt like we had. She could be so caring towards me one minute, but then act as if she didn’t give a shit about me the next. Prime example: she leaves me alone and vulnerable, but now she’s back and slowly rubbing my thigh.

I definitely liked Perrie though, but I wasn’t sure of the magnitude of my feelings. I think it was just a simple attraction at this point. I did like having Perrie around, and I think that was just because I was sort of tired of being alone. It was nice to have someone to interact with. The fact that she was beautiful was definitely a plus.

“You were saying?” Perrie quirked an eyebrow at me and then slowly moved her hand to the inside of my thigh, rubbing it gently. I had to fight the urge to lean my head back and soak in the pleasant feelings shooting up my skin. Perrie obviously wanted me to give in though, so she moved her hand just a little bit higher up my thigh and started rubbing soothing circles into my skin.

I really wanted to scream at her for being an ass, but I was afraid a moan would fall from my lips on accident. I sucked in a deep breath as I prepared to talk, because if I didn’t say anything Perrie would just be a smug asshole all day. If she did end up staying.

“I’m mad at you,” I managed to grumble as Perrie still moved her hand higher and higher up my leg. She was slowly but surely approaching dangerous territory.

“And why is that?” I fucking hated her for having all of that joy and cockiness laced with her voice.

“You had no problem with leaving me to be alooooooohhh,” I said. I fucking regretted letting that moan fall from my mouth, but I couldn’t help it. Perrie had accidentally brushed her pinky against me through the material of my underwear. Sure, it had been a barely there sort of contact, but my senses were so heightened right now that I had picked up the contact. I’m pretty sure Perrie hadn’t meant to do it though, because a surprised expression settled onto her features.

The surprise didn’t last for long though, and soon a smug smirk highlighted her lips. She gave me a victory look and pulled her hand away. Perrie loved this more than arguing. She loved being the winner. I could just tell from how pleased she looked with herself right now.

“Sure, I left you. But you jumped to conclusions. Look over at the table Jade.”

I wasn’t sure what Perrie was getting at, but I looked over at the folding card table I had brought into here about three years ago. It was old and tattered, but it got the job done. On top of the table was a huge mix of fresh fruit. Shit, Perrie had been out foraging for us. She hadn’t left me. She was doing a great job taking care of me. I felt like an ass now, but there was no way I was going to admit to it. I wasn’t giving Perrie that satisfaction.

“You could have at least told me you were going out,” I grumbled under my breath. I looked over at Perrie and I saw all of the joy leave her face and get replaced by anger. Shit, I had brought out the angry side of Perrie. I should have been more careful.

“Perrie, wait,” I said as I saw her stomp over to the table. I wasn’t exactly sure what she was planning on doing, but I was scared. She was menacing, and I was worried that she would take all of the food and leave. I needed her in order to survive.

She picked up an apple roughly and then stomped right back over to me. She stared down at me for a couple of seconds, and I cowered back towards the ground as her gaze pierced my skin. She looked absolutely terrifying when she was towering over me like this.

“A fucking thank you would have been nice,” she said. Then, she raised the apple up and threw it down at me. It hit me in the chest with a loud thud. It wasn’t hard enough to break anything, but it was hard enough to hurt. All of the breath was knocked out of my chest, and all I could do was sit there and glare up at Perrie.

“Oh, cut the shit and stop looking at me like that, Jade! We both know that you jumped to conclusions and are too stubborn to admit it!” Damn, she could read me pretty easily. I didn’t think her and I were that close that she could easily infer that.

“Sure, I left, but I thought I made it pretty clear yesterday night that I wasn’t going to leave you!”

“Just hold on one second Perrie,” I growled before she could accuse me of more things and make me seem like the bad guy, “You have never once made it clear! I honestly can’t figure out what the fuck you’re actually going to do, because one minute you’re being all caring and tucking me into bed, and then the next you’re chucking apples at me! Like seriously, what the fuck?! Why do you have to be so damn cryptic?!”

Since Perrie was Perrie, she obviously couldn’t just give me a straight up answer. Instead of telling me what she was planning on doing, she just knelt down next to me. She took a damp strand of my hair and moved it behind my ear and then said, “I’m going to stay and take care of you until you’re better.”

It was actually so typical of Perrie. She just went from being fuming to being all gentle and sweet. I really need to start expecting things like this so they don’t leave me speechless and catch me off guard. I just swallowed heavily and nodded.

“Do you want to eat first, or do you want to change into dryer clothes?”

“Clothes,” I mumbled sleepily. I don’t know why, but whenever Perrie was being caring and nice, I just felt so calm and at ease. It always made a fog settle over my mind, and the only desire I could associate that with was the desire to curl up and go to bed.

“Where are some fresh ones?”

“In the cave. In back, where you found the blankets last night.”

“I’ll be back in a flash. And don’t freak out Jade, I’m not abandoning you. Just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m gone.” She flashed a playful smile at me, mocking me for all the times I’ve freaked out at her for leaving me. I punched her arm somewhat playfully, but it had still been a hard hit.

“Or I don’t have to help you at all?”

“No,” I interjected, “Please get me some more clothes. I’m sorry Perrie.”

“Haha geez, calm down Jade. I was just joking. Can’t you take a joke?”

“Fuck off,” I mumbled under my breath. Perrie must have heard it though, because she let out an angry huff of breath and then stalked off to my cave to retrieve my clothes. I couldn’t tell if this was still her being fake angry, or if it was the real deal. Gosh, I hate how fucking confusing this girl is.

She came back a few minutes later with clothes in her hand. She dropped them right next to me and said, “Take your clothes off.”

I inspected the clothes and then said, “What the hell? These don’t even match…I’m positive that there were better matching clothes in there than these.”

“Stop complaining and take what you can get Jade. You should be thanking me for helping you, not criticizing me for basically everything I do.”

That’s when I realized that this wasn’t Perrie joking around. She was angry at me again. She had probably picked these clothes out deliberately to piss me off. She wanted them to be mismatched. She was probably just pissed that I had told her to fuck off earlier. Gosh, she’s so easily angered. It pisses me off so much. Why couldn’t I just have a simple and less complicated person looking after me?

“I’ll just get some new clothes myself,” I grumbled. I hesitantly and rather slowly raised myself to my feet, making sure to keep most of the weight off of my bad foot. It was definitely a struggle, but soon I was on my own two feet. I was close to Perrie and since we were almost the same height, I was looking into her eyes with a determined look. Hers were filled with anger and something else, but I couldn’t really figure it out. I didn’t take the time to either, because I was determined on getting to the cave without her help.

The first step forwards was good. I had stepped forward with my good foot and nothing hurt yet. I was pretty much standing next to Perrie, and this next step would bring me so that I was walking past her and to the cave. I couldn’t wait for her to stand there staring at my back as I triumphantly made my way to the cave. The thought of that brought a smile to my face already.

My happy thoughts were spoiled though as I brought my bad foot forward. I placed it back on the ground and then I was unfortunately forced to put some weight on it. An immense amount of pain shot up my foot and through my leg. I let out yet another pain-filled shriek and could tell that once again, I was about to fall to the ground. This time, I was going to be colliding with the grassy ground.

I started to lurch forward, but I felt a pair of slim arms wrap around me from behind. Perrie pulled me into her chest and kept her arms around me so that she could steady me. We were both breathing kind of heavily. I was breathing heavily from the shock of what had just happened, and I’m guessing Perrie was breathing heavily because she had to move fast to catch me.

We stayed like that for a little. Perrie kept her arms wrapped around my waist, and for some reason I leant back into her touch, relaxing my back muscles and molding into her body. I could feel her chest pressing on me from behind.

Perrie rested her chin against my shoulder, and I leaned my head into hers. She let out a couple of hot breaths, which hit the skin on my neck, making me shudder slightly. I have to break this contact before Perrie got another moan out of me.

“You know what? Those clothes are fine. Come on, I want to get dressed.”

“Just admit it though; you need my help Jade. Ask for my help.”

“Come on Perrie. Don’t do this to me.”

“Want help dressing or not?”

“Fine,” I grumbled reluctantly, “Perrie, I need help getting dressed. Would you be so kind as to help me?”

“Oh, since you asked so nicely, it would be my pleasure,” Perrie said in a fake voice that was dripping with pleasantness. God, I hate her so much. She placed a kiss to my shoulder and then released me from her grip on my waist. I swayed slightly on the spot, but before I had time to fall, Perrie had picked me up bridal style and was walking me to the table.

Once we got there, she brushed the fruit to the side to make enough space for me. She set me down lightly on the table and then murmured, “I’ll be right back.”

I didn’t say anything as she walked away to the pile of clothes still on the ground from where I had been earlier. She picked them up and to my surprise, she walked over to the cave rather than to me. I cocked my head to the side, curious about what Perrie was doing.

She emerged less than a minute later carrying new clothes, and I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that these seemed to match a lot better. She noticed my smile and shot me a challenging glare, and I immediately wiped the smile from my features. She winked at me when she observed my actions. It honestly boggles my mind that Perrie can change moods so quickly. Hopefully she stays kind and caring while she was helping me change.

Perrie walked over to me silently and placed the clothes down on the table next to me. Then, she situated herself between my legs. She rested her hands on my knees lightly before she spoke.

“I swear if you make one single remark about these clothes, I will beat your face in,” she growled as she shifted her gaze from the clothes to my face. I opened my mouth to speak, and I could instantly see anger fill her eyes. Her eyebrows bunched together, and she opened her mouth to speak as well, but I beat her to it.

“Thank you,” was all I said, and I saw Perrie relax. She nodded and grunted as a form of response. I smirked because I knew I had caught Perrie off guard, and as a result I had basically won. I wasn’t sure what I had won at, but it still felt good to best Perrie at something and catch her off guard.

Without another word, Perrie gripped the hem of my shirt to pull it over my head. I wanted to make a comment about how I could undress myself, but I didn’t want to anger her. It was true though, I could dress myself. Well, at least my upper half.

The part I needed help with was maneuvering my feet through pants and putting them in socks and shoes. I didn’t say anything though because the second I refused Perrie’s help she would blow up in my face and call me ungrateful or something. I didn’t want that to happen. I didn’t want her to be rough dressing me. I liked it when she was caring and gentle like she was now.

She slowly peeled my somewhat damp shirt over my head. I lifted my arms up so that she could easily remove it. Now, I was sitting in front of Perrie in just my underwear. I saw Perrie’s eyes scan over my covered breasts quickly, but then jerk over to the clothes next to me. I know didn’t want to get caught checking me out. I bet she knew I would give her so much shit for it. I just smirked to myself quickly but was caught off guard as I felt Perrie reach around me and unclip my bra.

I looked down at Perrie in front of me. Her eyes were situated on my chest, but they were situated in a way that made it look as if what she was doing was a chore. She was looking at me as if clothing me was simply business, which I guess it was. Her and I weren’t involved romantically. She was just helping me get dressed.

She reached up to both of my shoulders and slowly pulled the straps of my bra down my arms. She looked up at this point, and soon her intense blue eyes were making eye contact with mine. My gaze locked onto hers. For some reason, I couldn’t look away.

Once the straps were down, I felt my bra hit my lap with a soft ‘thud’. Perrie reached down and grabbed it while still maintaining eye contact with me. She placed the bra on the table next to me, and then trailed her eyes downward to my abdomen, and then rested her gaze on my underwear. She slowly reached her hands out and hooked her fingers into the sides of my underwear. I wanted to tell her to stop so that I could do this myself, but I actually needed her help doing this part.

“Up,” she mumbled. I placed my hands behind me for leverage and then pushed my pelvis off the table. She slid my underwear off of me and slowly moved it down my legs. All of Perrie’s actions were slow right now, and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. It was good because she was being slow and careful, making sure not to injure me. It was bad because her actions seemed teasing and they brought a slight blush to my cheeks.

She slid my underwear down, and when it reached the bottom of my legs, she took extreme care to make sure she didn’t injure my foot further. Once they were removed, I was sitting bare in front of Perrie, and she was still situated between my legs. She looked up at me in the eyes briefly, and then I saw her slowly trail her eyes over my body, spending extra time on my chest and exposed area. She must have done it subconsciously or something, because she didn’t seem to care that I was watching her do so.

Then Perrie coughed awkwardly and reached for the clean clothes sitting next to me. She pulled up a fresh pair of underwear and gingerly slid it up my legs. A smile graced my lips as I watched her carefully maneuver it around my injured foot.

Once the underwear was high enough up my legs, I lifted my bum off the table and Perrie slid them on me. She reached around to pull them up my bum completely, and I felt her fingers brush over the skin there. I felt a slight tingling on the places where her skin met mine, but I pushed that to the back of my mind.

Next, Perrie grabbed the clean bra sitting on top of the rest of my clothes. I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but when she wrapped around me to clasp the bra, her thumb brushed against one of my nipples. I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes, startled from the unexpected contact. I felt my nipple harden, and I opened my eyes to spare a glance at Perrie.

Perrie was such a smug little shit, and I hated that about her. Her face was practically glowing from seeing my reaction. It made me wonder if she had done it on purpose. Before I had time to ponder it, Perrie was leaning forward so that she could circle her arms around my back and hook my bra.

Perrie was now extremely close to me as she was struggling to clasp my bra. I could feel her warm breath fanning over my neck. I closed my eyes again, because this time Perrie wouldn’t notice my reaction.

Suddenly, I felt her lips latch onto the skin of my neck. I wasn’t sure how to react, but soon all of my logical thought was gone as I felt her begin to suck at the skin there.

I exhaled shakily as I felt Perrie’s hands finally clasp together my bra. She continued to suck at my neck and she slowly trailed her hands down my bare sides. Once her hands reached my hips, she brought them back up, stopping at the bottom of my bra.

She continued repeating this process as her mouth worked against my neck. She continued to bite and suck at places, lapping her tongue against my skin afterwards. I was in heaven right now. I hadn’t felt like this in such a long time, and I had forgotten how good it felt. It was nice to not be alone for once.

Soon enough, Perrie found that spot that made me shudder with pleasure. Her lips covered it, and she sucked, pulling a groan out from the back of my throat. The noise seemed to startle Perrie, because she instantly stopped what she was doing and jerked her face away from my neck.

I tilted my head quizzically at her because she didn’t acknowledge anything that had just happened. Instead, she reached for my pants so she could put them on.

I hadn’t wanted Perrie to stop though. I was longing for more intimate contact with her. It had been so long since I had felt anything remotely close to that, and I had forgotten how much I liked it. I let out a whine to signal to Perrie that I wanted more.

“Oh, just shut the fuck up. That didn’t even happen,” she said as she put my non-injured foot in the pants.

“Uh, yeah. It did happen,” I said as I craned my head to look at my neck. I smirked when I saw a small bruise on my tan skin. “See, look right here. Proof,” I said smugly, gesturing towards my neck. I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively at Perrie. She sent me an angry glare in response.

“No, it didn’t happen. At least you better start telling yourself it didn’t happen.”

I was so confused as to why Perrie was acting like this. Why was this subject so sensitive to her? It’s not like I was going to become obsessed with her if stuff like this continued or anything. She had just riled me up and left me hanging. I just needed to feel like she had just made me feel. I didn’t want to go years again without feeling like that. It was just simple want, nothing more.

“I don’t see what the big deal – WHAT THE HELL OW!” Perrie had taken her thumb and pressed it into my injured foot. Pain shot through my foot once again, and I had to fight back tears from forming in my eyes. I hadn’t even been awake that long and I had hurt my foot a lot today. It’s always Perrie’s fault. I can’t stand her.

“So what were you going on about?” Perrie gave me a look, daring me to challenge her again.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing happened,” I said, not wanting Perrie to hurt me any further. Unfortunately, she had won this time.

“That’s what I thought,” she murmured as she pulled my pants up roughly, not really caring about the ‘ow’ I said in protest. After that, she grabbed my shirt and harshly pulled it down over my head.

“There, you can figure out the arms by yourself,” she said, “Well at least I hope you can. If not, then we have a problem.”

I shot her a death glare and made a big deal out of getting my arms into my shirt. She rolled her eyes at me as she watched, looking extremely annoyed with me.

“Want shoes and socks on?”

“Just a sock on the uninjured one. The injured one’s too swollen for anything to fit over it.”

Without warning, Perrie jabbed a sock onto my uninjured foot. Once she did that, she whirled around and went to her bag, pulling out fresh tape and cloth. It looked very pristine. I wonder where she had managed to find something like that.

“I went out and got a lot of this for you this morning because I figured we’re going to go through a lot of it while I’m here.”

I nodded my head and waited for her to start wrapping my foot. She didn’t move though. She just stood there in front of me. She crossed her arms and looked at me expectantly, obviously waiting for something. I gave her a blank look because I had no idea what she wanted.

She lifted up the things in her hands and then widened her eyes. That’s when I realized what she wanted me to say. God, she was such a fucking prick sometimes.

“Thank you,” I said in an over exaggerated tone, like she had just saved my life or something. She rolled her eyes and walked closer to me, unraveling the cloth.

“That’s all I wanted to hear,” she mumbled as she went to work wrapping my foot. She wasn’t gentle, but she wasn’t harsh. I definitely felt pain during the process, but it was bearable. I didn’t want to complain about anything, because I didn’t want Perrie’s actions to get harmful or worse.

“There,” she said as she finally finished. Her eyes moved up to meet mine again, and before she could be a bitch, I said what she probably wanted to hear.


Without warning, she grabbed me again and carried me bridal style into the cave. She set me down on the ground so that my back was resting against the cave wall. Then she left the cave before I could say anything. She reappeared a minute later with the food in her arms. She set it down next to me and then went to get something else further in the cave.

She came back with a pillow and a blanket. She hastily jerked me forward off of the wall. While my back was off the wall, she placed a pillow behind me. She released my shoulder and I fell back against the wall. The pillow cushioned my back, but it didn’t extend far enough up. My head hit the cave wall, and holy shit did it hurt.

I whimpered because that’s how bad it had hurt. I reached behind me to massage my head, unable to prevent the tears from forming in my eyes. I brought my gaze to Perrie’s eyes, expecting to see them cold and hard. When our eyes met though, her brilliant blue orbs were soft and caring. She looked like she regretted being so rough with me.

She took the blanket and spread it over my lap, making sure to be as gentle as possible with it. When she was done, she reached up and put her hand on the back of my neck. She carefully pulled my head forward slightly and then I felt her lips on my forehead. After a couple of seconds, she pulled away and got up.

“Food’s right here for you. I’m going to go hang up your wet clothes to dry. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a little and then we can spend the day doing something you want.”

I just nodded in response and watched Perrie get up and start to walk towards the front of the cave and into the clearing. She just boggled my mind. How could someone go from being so rough to so caring in a matter of a second? Perrie continued to fill my mind as she took care of things outside, leaving me with time to my own thoughts.

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