Falling In So Deep (Camren Fa...

By p72443

13.2K 332 46

Camila Cabello, a 21 year old college student at the University of Miami that has been trying to get a good e... More

Falling In So Deep (Camren Fanfic)
Chapter 2 - Rough Day?
Chapter 3 - Business
Chapter 4 - Tell Her the Truth
Chapter 5 - What Are You Thinking?
Chapter 6 - You Need to Know
Chapter 7 - Only If You're Comfortable
Chapter 8 - I'm Ready... or Not
Chapter 9 - Justice
Chapter 10 - Surprise For Dinner
Chapter 11 - I Care Alot
Author's note
Chapter 12 - Don't Make Promises You Can't Keep
Chapter 13 - I Trust You Too
Chapter 14- Motel Room
Chapter 15 - Disappointment
Author's Note

Chapter 1 - Back to the Old You

1K 26 3
By p72443

It was just another night for Camila again. She worked night shifts every single night at Joey's Diner, just so that she could save up money for something important; as if waitresses made that much money. Camila wanted nothing more than to be able to afford a place on her own, get a better job, and be able to get her sister back with her. She hated the fact that she was living with her boyfriend right now, only due to the fact that she couldn't afford the mortgage on her parents' house. Of course her boyfriend of three months, Austin, was fine with Camila living with him but she wasn't. She hated being so dependent on him. Where else could she go though, with no family in the U.S. and having no friends. It seemed like staying with Austin was the only option after mourning over her parents' deaths. Don't get her wrong though, Camila loved that Austin is so supportive but with everything right now, her main focus was to get her little sister back in her arms. Camila and Austin weren't able to take in Sofi, her little sister, due to Camila's financial situation. She wasn't able to support both Sofi and herself so for now, her little sister is being held in child services; and not being able to have Sofi was killing her every single second of every day.

Every single night before the diner closes, the same woman comes in and orders the same thing every single time, double cheesburger and a side of fries. Camila had gotten so used to the same woman coming in every single night that she had her plate of food ready before she even sat down in a booth. As always, the woman thanked Camila for the food, payed for the bill, and always left a generous tip for her before leaving. Camila was glad to have a regular like her because she always knew that the woman would always give her tips that were greater amounts than what other customers would normally leave.

After closing up the diner, Camila started walking home, like she does every night. A young woman, like Camila herself, should not be walking home at eleven p.m. by herself. She didn't care though, as long as it was free, she was fine with it. Camila didn't care that the walk was at least thirty minutes. With her situation right now, no one could really blame her for not wanting to take the city bus, or taxi just to get home. She needed to save all the money she could get, and this was one way to help save it.

As Camila was walking home, she couldn't help but think of the woman that comes in every night. She looked young; maybe she was even around Camila's age. It'd be a lie if Camila said that this woman was ugly because truth be told, this woman was beautiful. In fact, Camila even wishes to be as beautiful as this woman roaming through her mind this very moment. She was curious about this woman; curious as to why this woman comes to the diner every night, curious about this woman's daily routine, etc. Camila had several questions but thought it would be rude of her to start ambushing this woman with them. She even began to wonder why she was so interested in this woman. Maybe Camila began to wonder about her because for the past couple of months, this woman just shows up unexpectedly in her workplace every night before closing time. She knew it was none of her business but something about this woman just seemed to draw Camila towards her.

Camila hadn't even realized that she was finally in front of Austin's house until she finally started walking up the steps to the front door. After unlocking the door, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Red solo cups. bottles of beer, bottles of vodka, gin, rum, hennesy were scattered all around the house. Camila was more disappointed and upset than angry at the sight in front of her. She took a couple steps forward before flinching at a stinging pain in her foot. Looking down, she realized she had stepped on a piece of glass by accident, cutting the bottom of her foot. She cursed herself for not being careful while walking through the house. Camila made her way to the counter in the kitchen, and grabbed the first aid kit out of the cabinet. After cleaning up the cut and putting a band aid on it, Camila looked up to see a wide eyed Austin across the kitchen.

"What happened?" He asked her. Before Camila had cut her foot, she was mostly disappointed, but now that Austin had asked what happened to her, she became infuriated.

"Are you seriously asking me what happened?! Look around the house right now! What the hell happened here?!" Camila responded back, raising her voice. Before she could even continue her rambling, a woman came walking in the kitchen, in lingerie.

"Hey ba--" The woman began but stopped when she saw Camila. Camila looked between both this woman who seemed to be hispanic and Austin. The woman whispered something in Austin's ear and walked back upstairs. The fact that this woman didn't even say anything to Camila, gave more reason for Camila to assume that Austin was cheating on her.

"Okay... I'll be packing my bags because it's clear that you're with her." Camila said, holding back the tears in her eyes.

"Listen, all I did was have a party today while you were at work. That woman is nothing more than a friend of mine and she wanted to sleep over," Austin explained. Of course Camila didn't buy his bullshit so instead of listening to another word from his mouth, she went upstairs to their bedroom and started packing her clothes and stuff in a suitcase. Austin followed her to the bedroom, and was more furious than ever. He grabbed her clothes out of the suitcase and threw them on the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing Austin?!" Camila yelled at him, picking her clothes off of the floor and placing them in her suitcase. When she bent back down to pick up some more, Austin grabbed her wrists and pinned her against the wall.

"Listen to me, you are not walking out on me. You don't get to do that. And don't you ever, and I mean ever, curse at me again." He commanded sternly. Camila could feel his hot breath on her lips, and it smelled like alcohol. Before Camila and Austin started dating, she knew all about Austin's partying, and drinking and drugs. She knew exactly what she was getting herself in to when she started dating him. The thing was, Camila saw the change in Austin just before they dated. But now, all Camila saw was the old Austin; and she despised it.

"Put your shit back and go clean downstairs, fucking bitch." Austin demanded cruely. "While you do that, I'm going to make our guest feel a little more... welcoming here," He said before walking out the room, slamming the door.

After he left, she slowly slid down against the wall and hugged her knees, and let out uncontrollable sobs. Camila hated her life right now. She couldn't understand what she had done so wrong in her life to have God take away her parents and her little sister from her. If her sister wasn't around still, Camila would have considered taking her own life by now; and hell, she might have really did it. But she can't. She can't leave her little sister behind, and she knew that her parents wouldn't want her to. With everything going on right now, suicide seemed like the only answer for her. 

After hours and hours of cleaning the entire house, Camila finally finished. It was five in the morning and Camila had promised her co-worker that she would take her shift in the early morning; 9 a.m. Her normal routine would be to go to work at three in the evening and to get off at 11 at night. But Camila needed the extra money, so she took every opportunity there was that was going to help her financially.


Camila woke up at seven in the morning, unwillingly. Austin poured cold water on her and demanded her to make breakfast for both him and that woman from last night.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why can't you make breakfast for yourself? I need to go to work!" Camila argued back. Before she realized what she had just said, Camila felt Austin's knuckles collide with her jaw. 

"I fucking told you to make breakfast for both me and Becky. Do not fucking disobey me. And I told you to never curse at me. You're such an ungrateful bitch." He said to her. With that, he left the room, leaving Camila in pain. Little did Camila know, this was the beginning to a nightmare that maybe she might not be able to handle.


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