The Sky's the Limit

By dawndwrites

172K 9.9K 1.6K

Nicole Dunbar and Skyler Pennington. The swoon-worthy, Skyler Pennington, becomes the CEO of his father's int... More

Natalie |Beyond Heights|~ Publishing Date
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By dawndwrites



I went to work Monday Morning, with my new puppy assistant carried in one arm and my briefcase in my other. All of my female employees went nuts. They ran up to me, as I entered the building. I was surrounded by women oohing and aahing over my temporary canine guest. I tried to escape to the elevator, it didn't work as planned. I had to tell them she wasn't my dog, but that I was watching her for a few days for a close friend.

I tried to make it to my office, but my secretary, Maryanne, stopped me. "Oh Mr. Pennington, I didn't know that you had a new dog. She is beautiful. I absolutely adore Teacup Yorkies." She put her hand up to her mouth and made a gasping noise.

At that point, I started speaking through gritted teeth. "She is a friend's dog, that I'm taking care of for a few days. Can I give you my car keys to get someone from maintenance to bring her dog bed and toys to my office?" I handed her my set of keys, getting her attention.

"You are watching her here, while you're at work too?" She held her hand to her heart and sighed.

She was still making a fuss over Princess. I cleared my throat. "Right away, Sir." She immediately got on the phone with the maintenance department.

I entered my office and shut the door. I put Princess down and she started inspecting her new surroundings, right away. I had a few phone calls to make.

I crouched down and pointed at her. "Do not chew on the furniture and be very quiet while I make an important phone call." I put my finger to my lips, as I stood and walked to my desk.

I can't believe I'm talking to a dog. I shook my head and chuckled in amusement. I've never had a dog in my life.

I got her groomed at Pet Smart yesterday, and they added a pink bow. I wanted her to look her best for her office debut. Nicole would have a fit if she knew how much money I spent on Princess. They saw me coming from a million miles away.

There was a loud knock at my door. "I have your dog bed and toys, Sir." The maintenance man brought everything in and left quickly. Princess started chewing on her rope right away, which bought me time.

After my phone call, Maryanne buzzed my intercom. "Mr. Pennington, Shayne Carrington is here to see you."

"Okay, send him right in."

Princess ran to the door and started barking at Shayne, as he entered. "Be nice to Uncle Shayne." I had to make light of the situation. I know Shayne was wondering what in the world I was doing with a dog in my office.

"Skyler what's up with the dog? She is so cute. Your taste in women changes by the day. I didn't know you had a puppy?" Shayne gave me a bro hug, and bent down to pick up the toy dropped at his foot.

"She is actually Nicole's puppy. I'm watching her while she stays in Savannah, with her family for the reading of the will." I explained, as I sat down on the sofa, unbuttoning my suit jacket. I observed him interact with my favorite puppy.

Shayne rubbed his shadowed chin scrutinizing me, with his steel grey eyes. "I see! You've really changed, bro. This girl has really gotten to you. I know you say you're just friends, but I've never seen this side of you, ever. Now your brining a puppy to your office, Mr. Particular?"

"Haha very funny. It just so happens, that I'm not as particular as you may think. I love dogs, and other things you may not realize about me." I had to say it, just to wipe that smug look off of Shayne's face. He already thinks he knows everything.

"I doubt that. Everything, including your designer suits, has to be just so." He pointed to the current suit I had on, as an example.

He put his thumb and pointer finger under his chin and bottom lip. "There is something that you aren't telling me. I've come to know you enough to tell that you're hiding something." He sat down on the gray leather sofa, observing me quietly.

Princess kept dropping a ball for me to play fetch with her. Shayne just sat there with his arms folded, waiting for me to spill the beans.

"What? I'm just being a good friend." I didn't make eye contact, instead I kept playing fetch with Princess.

"Sabine and I knew there was something up when we met Nicole at our wedding. But you insisted that you didn't even know her. Now, you're her puppy sitter?" He fell back on the sofa laughing hysterically.

"Are you done finding humor with my situation?" I spoke dryly and a little irritated.

I sat in a paisley chair across from him. "I didn't know her at your wedding, for your information. I was reintroduced to her this year at Pennington Inc. We have become good friends since spending time together in Savannah."

"Her mama died when she was born, and she was raised by her aunt and uncle. Her father remarried and lives in Savannah. She never knew him, or any of his family. Her grandfather passed away and her grandma wrote to her, wanting to meet her." I stood and walked over to the window.

I was starting to get angry. I felt the muscles in my face and neck tense, thinking about the way Nicole was treated. I leaned my left shoulder against the window frame in a somber mood.

"Oh, so that's why you were going with her to the Memorial Service?" Shayne inquired.

"Yes, I wanted to support her since she didn't know her family at all. It happened quite by accident. I unexpectedly stopped by her house after she had been crying on the phone. Once she told me about the letter from her grandma and the Memorial Service, I offered to go with her." I was lost in thought about the evening.

I didn't realize Shayne had crept up behind me. I felt his hand cup my shoulder. "Well, that explains it. . . . You just so happened to stop by her house after she was crying on the phone? How were you accidentally talking to her on the phone? I don't get it!"

"What is going on with you two? You don't know each other. But you go to Savannah, Georgia to her grandfather's Memorial Service. And she doesn't even know him. I'm so confused right now." Shayne quirked his eyebrows at me, with a puzzled look.

"I think we need to go for drinks, and you can explain in more depth. I'm buying. Your secretary can watch the dog while we're gone." Shayne wore a confused look on his face, smiling as he shook his head and grabbed his car keys out of his pocket.


I told Shayne the whole story about me and Nicole, from beginning to end. It did sound really weird. I always seemed to be rescuing her under the strangest circumstances. You would think that I've known her for years.

"Are you sure that you don't know this girl from somewhere? Anywhere. . . .?" Shayne was simply perplexed. I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't believe it, if I wasn't living this story.

"Dude, have you ever really been in love before? I know that you dated Sabine under false pretenses, and then you dated Alexa, a.k.a Barbie. My wife still calls her that till this day." Shayne did air quotes, and flung his head back in amusement.

I took a swig of my cold beer at the bar, "No, I've dated off and on over the years. But I don't think I've actually been in love. I'm too busy with my father's shipping business. I'm especially busy now that I'm CEO."

"There was one girl, that caught my eye back when I was in high school. You just sparked my memory." I started reminiscing.

I was at football practice after school. I was sitting on the bleachers going over some plays. I noticed a very pretty girl being teased by some of the upperclassmen. She must have been a freshman, I was a senior.

Some of the kids were teasing her and calling her names. Joe, knocked her books out of her hand and told her to pick them up.

I left the bleachers, and went over to see what was happening. I came to her aid.

She was bending down, and picking up her books out of the mud. Her glasses fell from her face.

I came across the football field. "Is there a problem, Joe?" I eyed him threateningly.

"No, we were just having a little fun. What's it to you?" Joe shrugged his shoulders casually.

"Leave her alone!" All of the kids quickly dispersed. They knew I was serious.

I gathered her muddy books and glasses. I wiped them off with my football jersey, handing them back to her. "Here you are. What is your name?"

I didn't hear her say her name. She spoke very softly at the same time Coach was blowing his whistle.

The coach motioned for me to come back. "I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you around." I ran back to the football field and I never told her my name. She was beautiful and I never saw her again.

End of Flashback. . .

"I just remembered that incident that happened in high school, as I was talking to you. . ." I asked the bartender for another beer and chugged it down.

"That's some story, bro. You've been rescuing girls since high school. Maybe you have a hero complex, with Nicole to make up for that girl." Shayne grabbed some peanuts out of the bowl we were sharing.

"Maybe I do."

"I don't have an exciting love story like you to tell anyone." I elbowed him.

"I have a feeling you will, if you keep hanging out with Nicole Dunbar. If your mama likes her, it's a done deal." Shayne spoke like an authority.

Now that he's married, he knows everything about relationship advice. I rolled my eyes thinking, here we go. . . .

"Actually, I kissed Nicole the night before I left Savannah." I confessed, I couldn't hold it in any more.

Shayne stared at me in stunned silence." I knew there was more to the story, and you were holding out on me. Now it all makes perfect sense. The puppy sitting and your changed demeanor."

"We were at Mimi's house, out back by the pond. I was telling Nicole that I was leaving in the morning. It was apparent that she didn't want me to leave. My heart liquified within me and I had to kiss her. I had been holding back before that because we are just friends. But something changed between us." I started sharing my feelings.

"She changed me. All of the other women I've dated were superficial. Nicole is full of life and has so much depth. She's completely genuine, open, and honest. I love being in her presence. I could go on and on about her." I sat back in my barstool, and beamed just thinking about her.

Shayne reached over and clapped me on the back. "Bro, I hate to tell you, but you two are not just friends. Especially, after you kissed her. I'm not an expert on romance, but even I can see that." He took a sip of his drink.

I blew out a long breath and slid my hands through my hair. "I know that. . . that's why I didn't want to tell you, of all people. I have to figure out what she feels and how to proceed from here."


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