Lost In The Dark (Evil/Dark J...

By openmind_11

74.6K 2.3K 584

What if Jacks adventure with the guardians never happened? What if the isolation and loneliness got to him fi... More

Lost In The Dark
Children Gone Missing
He talks to you?
You can see me
Still Weak
No Different Than Me
Painful Memory
The Voice Inside My Head
We have to Help
Truth Hurts
Jacks Fall
Jackson Frost
The True Monster

It was an Accedent

7.7K 219 84
By openmind_11

Jack Frost POV

It made me sick.

Sitting here everyday,

Every Goddamn day!

Watching the same stupid kids play

And listen to their same loud obnoxious laughter

Seeing the excitement and joy received from MY snow!

And witness them having


The thing that makes me most angry...

So pissed!

Is the simple fact that it was ME who gave them this!

So much happiness!

So much joy!

And what do I get in return?


Nothing, but the pain of being neglected, ignored...

And brushed off as something that doesn't even exist...

I clench my jaw and tighten the grip on my staff

But that all ends today.

I'm sick of being avoided!

Standing up from my seat on top of a parked car, I moved over to the children. Today is the day.

Stepping lightly through the busy streets, I paid no mind to the passing trucks, cars, or busy sidewalks. I new all to well I would successfully make it across. I'm a myth after all, it;s as if I'm not even here, because to them, I'm not. 

I reached the small group of kids around the age of eight or nine who religiously played in this area of town. The kids that have only ever taken advantage of my gift. The kids who left ME, the creator, alone to sit and watch on the sidelines. 

I felt nothing but anger and distaste toward the group, and finally, I would do something about it.

"Look guys, all we gotta do is each of us make one big snowball, sneak up behind Johnny and his friends, and then BAM! We ambush them and make a run for it." The smallest kid in the group confidently informed his friends about his plan of attack.

Their heads bobbed up and down in mutual agreement as they started making their snowballs. I decided on watching, seeing how everythung turned out, it wouldn't hurt anything. It's not like I was in a hurry, or had anything to go do for that matter.

They moved as quiet as possible, for feet against snow, to some teenagers a few yards away.

Almost immediately I recognized the faces of those who were soon to be victims of this small army of midgets.

They were the bully's of Burgess high school. Known for torturing the small defenceless elementary kids.

Well, a small smile spread a cross my face, this should be interesting.


What you would expect is exactly what happened next.

The small group of children threw the snowballs hitting the older kids. Older kids got mad, older kids chased little kids, older kids catch little kids, older kids threaten little kids, and... Well you get the picture.

I decided to make this little fiasco here a little bit more interesting. Using my power to control wind, I cause the same small kid that came up with the idea earlier, to fly up into the air and out of the older kids grasp. The teenagers stared up dumbfounded as I circled him through the air leaving a trail of snowflakes behind him. 

As more attention was attracted I decided to go in for 'the kill' and make this even more exciting.

when the kid was about two hundred feet in the air I dropped him into a nose dive, slowly picking up his speed. His face twisted from fun to fear in a mere second. Panic filled all the peers around, just wait till they see. Right before he hit the intended target, he manage to pushed his feet in front of him. He slammed into the oldest looking teen of them all throwing him a good ten feet.

I rolled on the ground laughing. The pitiful sight of a buff teenager getting face planted into the snow by a mere eight year old was priceless. Both sides got what was coming for them, fear and a little bit of embarrassment, right?

But my laughter soon faded as I heard adults screaming for help.

I opened my eyes to see nothing but people panicking and some calling for ambulances on their phones.

I mean I didn't do anything bad right?

I was just having a little fun.

Confused and a little scared, I slowly walked over to the circle of people, and gazed down at the ground to the source of all the panic.

My cold heart stopped.

My eyes widened in horror

This isn't right, this wasn't suppose to happen.

My knees buckled beneath me

Oh God...

The young boy was sprawled on the ground, with bones broken and sticking out in multiple parts of his legs. His face was stained with tears and appeared to be screaming but was in to much pain to make a sound. But what was worse was how the older kid looked. His body laid disfigured in a pile of snow. His spine was twisted all wrong where the boy had landed on him. And as far as I could tell, he wasn't moving at all, nor did he appear to be breathing...

I began to panic.

Tears threatened to pour out of my eyes.

Look at this, look at what I have done.


Slowly I stood up and backed away my eyes still glued to the horrid scene. A woman bent down beside the little boy, cradling his head in her lap.

"J-Jason! Jason sweaty can you hear me!" Tears started pouring out of her eyes.

"Oh God please help me!"

I squeezed my eyes shut and did the only think I could force myself to do,


I ran as fast and far as I could.

My lungs soon began to burn, but I didn't fly. I couldn't. Those kids...

I did that. How could I!?


I'm so stupid!

If only you would have thought it through!

Then that little boy would be okay and that older kid wouldn't be dead!

I gasped and shot my eyes open.

That kid,

H-he's dead...

And I...


Before I knew it, night had fallen and the moon started to shine.

My legs began to shake and soon gave out, leaving me to drop down into the cold and all to familiar snowy ground. Since I have always been using my staff to fly my body wasn't used to such physical things, such as running.

My heavy breathing echoed all around me as I laid down. My eyes gazed upon the night sky finding their way to the bright full moon. As soon as they did tears of anger and sadness burned my swollen eyes.


"What wrong did I do to suffer in this body!?"

"Why would you create me, if all I ever am is alone and in pain!?"

My voice began to crack as cold tears ran down my face.

"For years I've tried to be good and protect people! But how can I do that when I can't touch them! How am I suppose to be good, how am I suppose to stop bad things from happening! Now look at me! I am better at causing disasters more than anything! What the Hell kind of punishment is that!?"

"Why am I so terrible at being good dammit! Why do I always screw up and cause messes instead of making things better!"

"It's been this way since the beginning! Even during wars when those men with guns would come into towns! When they would point them at the children mercilessly! Because of the curse you've put on me..."

"...I couldn't save them."

I hugged my knees against my chest, trying to hold back the pain of those horrid memories that were burned into my mind


"Why have you forsaken me?"


Hours passed by, and it was now currently around three in the morning.

Not that it mattered. I don't need sleep anyway.

I hate to admit it but I've been waiting. Waiting for the moon to talk to me. To answer my questions, to tell me what I'm suppose to do, to explain my existence, or...or at least just speak to me.

But now I know that will never happen.

To the moon I'm no more than entertainment. He's probably watching me and laughing at my failed attempts to be seen.

My eyes widened. Yeah...this is just his sick game. He wants to use me, to see what I'll do, to keep himself busy with his endless life.

 That's when I felt it happen. I felt the snap, the cold fog swarm in my mind, the sinking feeling in my body, my thoughts... change.

I'm sick of it. My breathing came out faster. I'll show him! There's no way I'm letting this sick bastard get away with this!

I stood up glaring at the moon. Rage circulated threw me like poison.

"I'll show you!"

"I'll make them believe! There won't be a soul in this word that doesn't know the name Jack Frost!"

I felt my face twist into a smile bigger than I could have ever forced before. I chuckled at the pure thought of what I'm about to do.

Haha. Even the moon won't expect this.

"I'll force everyone to believe."

"And I won't stop."

"I won't stop!"

"Till I've achieved that goal!"

My eyes darted to a town in the distance.

A smile spread across my face as I began to walk to the nearest house.


"Shall we start the game?"

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