Scream Queens • Season 3 - Ch...

By superultralazy

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Chanel Oberlin & Co. move to a mysterious town, after the event of Season 2. With a new danger and mysteries... More

Chapter One: Open Season

51 0 0
By superultralazy

Chapter One - Open Season

------------ 1990 ------------

In a small town far away from the nearest city. Four group of was dragging a body through the forest mud.

"This can't be happening!" said Amber, exhaustingly.
"This is you're fault, if is wasn't you not following those dumb message, you "mysteriously" got via fax!" said Harper and she was carrying most of the weight.
"Yeah, well now we know it wasn't a prank!" responded Amber, on the verge of tears.
"Shut up! We need to cover your mess." said Susanne, madly.
"She's right!" said Alex

The four girls, through body in a hole they found and beganning digging the body up.

"Wait, who buried this hole?" asked Alex, curiously.
"Just start digging, bitch! Who cares about who dug up this grave." said Harper, sharply.
"Mmmhh!" the sound Alex made as she agreed.
"What did the fax say after we're buried the body?" asked Susanne.

Amber reached for her bag and pulled out a long scroll of paper out of her bag.

"Ever hear of scissor?" asked Alex.
"How long is this damn message?" said Susanne, annoyingly.
"Uhhmm... A half a page! Shut up, I'm trying to focus and find it" said Amber, anixousingly, as she was sitting near in the mud near the grave.
"Here it is, we're bury the body and ... pretend like nothing happen!" said Amber, has she pulled her hair back.
"Mmmmh! Sound about right!" said Harper "Alright, ladies, I'm not missing the premiere Catchfire for this." as Harper walked the way they came from.
"Poor, Ally, aren't people gonna wonder where she went?" asked Amber.
"No, she was orphan, they probably gonna say she ran away or was pregnant or moved to Mexico to live with her Aunt." said Susanne and she followed Harper.
"Are you coming? It almost midnight." Alex asked Amber, dumbly.
"I'll be right behind ya." responded Amber, has Alex followed Susanne's footprint.

As the three girls exited the forest. Amber still waited at the grave, as she stood up and looked over the grave. She dusted herself off and gave a smile and walked away.

------------ 2016 ------------

Chanel screams, in the car as the Red Devil is weilding a knife in the back seat. Chanel, starts the car and start driving, the Red Devil pulling her hair.

"No! Not my hair! Leave me alone!" as Chanel screamed, she sped up and opened the driver side door and jumped out. As the car wearing the Red Devil was in crashed into one the buildings.

"Oh, no!" whispered Chanel.

As Chanel #3 came riding behind on a gold cart. She jumped out and help Chanel up.

"What happened?" said Chanel #3.
"The Red Devil, he, he in the backseat like the creep he is and was weild a cooking knife at me! And he started pulling my hair and I just out of the car and crashed the damn thing. I think he/she is still inside." said Chanel and she gasped for air.
"The Red Devil?" asked Chanel #3. "I'll go check."
"Where is everybody? My right arm is broken!" shouted Chanel at Chanel #3 as Chanel #3 slowly walk to the car and opened the backseat door.

Chanel #3 gasped and faced Chanel.
"Chanel, there is no one here!" she shouted back at Chanel.
"Wait, what! Nuh-uh! That phycopath was right here and was prepared to knife like a steak" replied Chanel as she got up.
"Chanel are you sure?" asked Chanel #3.
"Yes! Why would I lie!?" said Chanel.

Bing. Chanel's phone got a message, Chanel #3 took it out of her bag which was in the car. Chanel checked the car and went to Chanel #3.

"Chanel, you got a message." said Chanel #3.
"It's probably my dumb Chanel #13, she's doing a horrible job as an assitant." said Chanel as she grabbed the phone out of Chanel #3's hand with her right hand.
Chanel #3 looked haunted.
"What is this!" said Chanel.

The message read "Leave town now, or I'll pin all those Hospital murder on you."
"I'm not leaving, because some idiot threatened me over a text." shout Chanel as if someone was listening.

Second later, Chanel's phoned ringed.

A distored voice over the phone.
"Leave now or be killed!" said the person.
"No! I'm not, I have a TV show to run!" blasted Chanel back.
"Actually, I run the show." said Chanel #3.
"Leave now! Or I'll start pinning all those swamp murders and future murders on you." said the person.
"Who is it?" Chanel #3 asked Chanel.
"Who is this!? I am a famous and respected TV personality!" asked Chanel to the person on the phone.
"The Blue Banshee." said The Blue Banshee.
"Lol! What?" said Chanel laughing.
"The Blue Banshee!" a roar came from the phone.
"I heard!" said Chanel #3.

The call ended.
Chanel got a another message.
The message "Leave for Brottin Arces now" with a coordinates.

Suddenly there was a loud ticking and the 'Lovin' The C' building exploded.

Chanel & Chanel #3 screamed and left in the gold plated golf cart.

------------ September 2017 ------------

"I can't believe, the network is still suing me! I did not blow up The Lovin' The C studio place!" said Chanel as she switch off the TV.
"Well at least we got this house, from the money The Blue Banshee sent us." said Chanel #3, as she was filing her nails.

The girls, were sitting in a life sized dollhouse replica house of Kappa Kappa Tau. In a little town called Brottin Arces

"I need to relax, I'm getting a vag steaming!" said Chanel as she got up and headed to the door. Chanel #3 following her.
Through the atrium out the door.
Chanel and Chanel #3 were driving in a second hand car. And Chanel stopped the car in the middle of the road next to a billboard. As a couple cars behind them were honking.
"Hey, move it, terrorist!" said one driver.
Chanel got out the car, with Chanel #3 following her.

"Oh my god, this is not happening" said Chanel.

The giant billboard, had Dr. Dean Munsch's face on it, she had begun franchising Sexpert and was moving to Brottin Arces.
Chanel and Chanel #3 standing on the side walk and looking at each other, terrified.
Cars were continuing to passing by, Chanels car which was just standing the middle of the road.
A car stopped ... and Chanel heard "Chanel!".
Chanel and Chanel #3 turned around dramatically.
It was no one else than Chanel #5.

"What. The. Hell! Are you doing here?!" Chanel shouted at Chanel #5.
As Zayday was in the driver's seat and looking at her watch.
"We're moving here, to open up our own hospital!" said Chanel #5 happily.
"Damn it Number 5." sighed Chanel and Chanel #3.
"What happened to the C.U.R.E. Institute?" asked Chanel #3.
"Well funny story. I'll tell you about it later... Is that Dean Munsch?" said Chanel #5 as she looked up at the billboard.

"You should visit us." said Chanel #3.
"No! Don't invite her!" said Chanel.
"Okay, We'll be right over! C'mon Zayday." said Chanel #5, as she climbed back in the car and head to KKT #2.

Chanel sighed and drove back to KKT #2.
Chanel, Chanel #3, Chanel #5 and Zayday entered KKT #2.
"Wow, this place is exactly the same as Kappa!" said Zayday.
"I know, how did you afford this? How did they move the house from Wallace?" asked Chanel #5.
"It was a gift, by some idiot, who framed me, for arson." said Chanel.
"Who give's a house away as a gift?" asked Zayday
"We don't know." said Chanel #3.


The girls were sitting in the dinning room. Chanel went to change her clothes.
"So, what happened to the Hospital?" asked Chanel #3 as she was sipping on her banana daiquiris.
"Who made that?" asked Chanel #5.
"Oh, we get it at the supermarket." replied Chanel #3.
"Me and Chanel #5, moved to Brottin Arces... because the C.U.R.E. Institute got demolished by accident."
"What!? HAHAHA!" said Chanel, as she laughed as she entered the room.
"Yeah, we were supposed to be fumigating for terminites and rats, but someone!" said Zayday has she looked at Chanel #5 "Accidently called the demolition company instead of the fumigation company."
"I swear I called the fumigation company!" said Chanel #5.
Chanel and Chanel #3 rolled they're eyes.
"Wait... what about the swamp?" asked Chanel.
"Well, the swamp is still here and is gonna be left untouched." said Zayday.
"Dammit." said Chanel.
"So, me and Chanel #5 had nowhere to go, until we got a offer to open up a hospital, here in Brottin Arces." said Zayday.
Chanel #5 nodded.
"Can we move in? We were headed to motel, and we kinda don't have money." said Chanel #5
"Yeah, sure, whatever." said Chanel #3
"What! Uggghhh... Okay, we do need maids." said Chanel.
"Yay!" said Chanel #5, happily.
Zayday, smiled. "... Back in the murder house."

The front door bell ding-donged.
"Ugh! Mmmmh!" Grunted Chanel as she headed for the door with the girl following her.
Chanel opened the door. "WHAT!?"
A silhouette, the sun burning brightly behind this person.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here!" said Chanel.
"Hello Chanel, Chanels, Zayday." said Dean Munsch as she stepped into the atrium.


"Chanels, Zayday, this is my soon to be husband... Jacob." as Dean Munsch pulled Jacob out of the sunlight.
The girls gasped, because he was so beautiful.
"Hello, ladies." said Jacob.
"Hiii...." said Chanel.
"No, this is not happening again, keep it in you pants!" said Dean Munsch to Chanel.
"Wha...?" said Chanel, annoyingly.

Dean Munsch walked through to the living area with Jacob in the other arm.
"Wow, it's like we're back at Kappa! It's shocking replica. How did you afford it, Chanel?" asked Dean Munsch.
"Cut the crap, why the hell are you here, Munsch?" asked Chanel from the atrium.
Dean Munsch turned around, "As you saw around town, I'm a franchise and will do my work in this beautiful cosy small town." said Dean Munsch.
Chanel sighed.

The television over the fireplace suddenly switched on.

"Who switched that on?" asked Chanel #5.
"It does that, why? We don't know yet? It also so much easier." said Chanel #3.

The girl stepped into the living room and all eyes on the TV.
The TV was on BATV, the local TV station.
"In three day times will mark, the opening of hunting season. That time of year when it is legal to hunt and kill a particular species of animal, here in Brottin Arces. Happy Open Season, and happy hunting. And welcome all our new tourist!" said the goofy Anchor dude.
"Oooh! I could do with a new fur coat." said Chanel, exictedingly.
Everyone else was sighing and rolling there eyes expect for Jacob who was smiling.


Two days, tourist were flocking into town. Chanel, Chanel #3 were sun tanning at the pool, while Chanel #5 and Zayday were serving them.
"Number 5, blend this a little more! It's just pulp!" as Chanel threw the glass to the side, while only moving her lips and right arm.
"Okay!" said Chanel #5.
"Make it snappy, will you!" said Chanel.

Suddenly there was scream and all the girls ran into the house and went upstairs.

"I think it's coming from Chanel's closet." said Chanel #3.
"Again!?" said Zayday.
The girls grabbed the first thing they saw and was about to enter closet closet, when a body on a rope dropped down the entrance from the second floor of Chanels closet. All the girls screamed and headed down the stairs.

"What was that? This is freaking terrifying!" said Chanel.
As the girls stood in the middle of the atrium.
"Should we call the cops?" asked Zayday.
Chanel #5 breathing heavily after the descent down the stairs.

Then a bowling ball came rolling down the steps.
"What is that!? Lightning?" screamed Chanel #5.
"Shut up Number 5, the freaking sun is out!" said Chanel.
"HAHAHAHA!" a laughter as someone descened the steps.

The girls gasped.

"Neckbrace!" screamed Chanel. "What are you doing here?"
"What happened on Blood Island?" asked Chanel #3.
"Well! Living on a volcanic island isn't fun, is it! The island sinked and we were forced to evacute, as the island sinked like the Maldives in fast foward"
said Hester, as she descened down the last steps.
"Where's Dr. Holt?" asked Zayday "He is... dead?"
"Boo!" said Dr. Holt at the back of the girls. Which made everyone scream and jump.
"Brocky!?" said Chanel after see calmed down.
"Hi." Brock greeted Chanel, with a hug.
"This is where you guys used to live?" asked Brock, looking around "This house is massive."
"Yeah, wrap it up!" said Hester, has she pushed Chanel out of Brocks arms.
"We wanted to give you guys a real scare." said Hester "Me and Brock decided to move Brottin Arces, since we heard you moved here and to keep me protected from the FBI and it's open season! Since we saw Chanel #5 posts on Snapchat that she just moved in, we thought you'd be happy to have us."
Chanel gave Chanel #5 the side eyes and whispred "Dammit Number 5." and Chanel #5 grinned.


Later that afternoon, Hester and Brock were on the couch in each others arms. As Chanel headed for the door, in her fur coat and new Chanel dress.
"Oh, Chanel, where are you going?" asked Hester.
"The supermarket." said Chanel.
"Oooh, can you get us something. Champagne, sushi, cheese, you know." asked Hester sarcastically.
"Sure. Whatever." sighed Chanel and she head for the door.
Chanel opened the door and Chanel #13 was standing right here.
"Hi Chanel!" said Chanel #13.
"Where the hell have you been? Where is #12?" asked Chanel as she looked down the street.
Chanel put on her glasses as she head for the car. Which Chanel #13 following her.
"Number 12 said she arrived two days earlier." said Chanel #13.
"Then where is that, whore, I need someone to keep guide when I sleep." said Chanel as she opened the car door. Chanel #13 climbed in the passenger seat.
"Where are we going?" asked Chanel #13.
"The supermarket. I need cotton balls." said Chanel as she started the enigine and left the drive away.

"Where have you been?" asked Chanel.
"Okay, well, I had to finish summer school, and I got recruited as a councillor at the local summer camp here in Brottin Arces opening in a few weeks." said Chanel #13.
"Your a councillor! Wow." laughed Chanel "It's not even summer."
"Oh this are for college student who graduated and are... lost." said Chanel #13.
"How weird." said Chanel as she started the engine.
"Oh, I need a place to stay, can I stay with you at your massive house?" said Chanel #13 "I'll be your slave if you do let me."
"Sure. Whatever." said Chanel as she speed and made a shape turn.
"Great." said Chanel #13.

Chanel started fiddling with the GPS. "Useless. Trash." said Chanel to the GPS.
"It's getting really dark." said Chanel #13.
"Shut up, Number 13. I think we're lost." said Chanel.
"How are we lost?" said Chanel #13.
"I don't know, it not my fault that is dumb town has dust paths for road, okay, it's not my fault that this town it built like a freaking maze." barked Chanel.
"I don't think it was built this way." said Chanel #13, softly. As Chanel got out the car.
"Where are you going?" asked Chanel #13 as she too got out of the car.
"To this rancid fruitfly infested fruit store." said Chanel. As she walked in high heels over to the small shack like stall that sold fruit and vegetables.
Wolves were starting to howl and Chanel and Chanel #13 looked around.

"Helllooo, is anybody here?" asked Chanel "We're kinda lost and could you give us directions? I have a dollar."
"You were gonna shop with a dollar? And nobody is here!" said Chanel #13.
"No! I picked up a credit up back at the house." repsonded Chanel. "Okay, no one here, let go back to the car. Quick, I don't feel like being eaten by wolves."
Chanel and Chanel #13 rushed to the car, go in and heard a weird bumming noise. Chanel and Chanel #13 looked to the boot of the car.
"What was that?" asked Chanel.
"Please tell me you have a pet dog, that you forgot in the boot." smiled Chanel #13.
Chanel and Chanel #13, got out of the car and check opened to boot of the car slowly.

They screams echo through the trees and made the wolves howled more.
"Oh my god, she's still alive." said Chanel.
"Poor, Chanel #12, who could've done this to her?" said Chanel #13.

Chanel #12 was screaming and kicking. Chanel #13 ripped the duct tape off her mouth.
"Oh my god, help me, please." panted Chanel #12.
"What happened you look like a turkey that as was shot." said Chanel.

Chanel and Chanel #13, well mostly Chanel #13 help Chanel #12 out of the car.

"He's coming!" said Chanel #12.
"Ew. What. Who?" said Chanel.
"No, listen, I've been in the car for the past two day. Why didn't you check you boot!!" said Chanel #12 "And why do you listen to music so loudly in the car, I was kicking and no one heard me?"
Chanel laughed sarcastically.
"Who exactly is after you? And were you in my car?... for two day." asked Chanel.
"He put me in here!" said Chanel #12.
"Why would anyone want to put you in the boot of my car, for seemingly no dumb reason?" said Chanel back.
"No listen, I was in the front lawn of KKT2 and..." trailed Chanel #12 off, as Chanel and Chanel #13 froze, eyes wide as kitchen platters, as someone in a Blue Like Curtain with a evil looking white mask slowly walked behind Chanel #12 and sliced her head with a machete.

Chanel and Chanel #13 ditched their shoes and ran into the woods.

They ran and ran and then suddenly shot went off. Chanel and Chanel #13 screamed and screamed. Until someone reached Chanel shoulder and she scream even louder while she pulled Number 13's hair infront of her.

"What the HEELLL!!" scream Chanel.
"Oh, hi, why are you scream?" His a young farmer-like dude.
"Please I don't wanna get shot! Please." said Chanel.
"Don't worry, we're hunting, nocturnal birds." said this farmer-like dude.
"Oh." said Chanel.
"Are you lost?" said the farmer dude.
"Yeah, me and my friends, just nearly witnessed a murder! Oh my god" said Chanel #13 on the verge of a panic attack.
"Get it together Number 13." said Chanel as she turned to the boy "I'm sorry what was you name?"
"Uh, Justin." said Justin the farmer-like dude.
"Well, hello, there ..." said Chanel, shyly. As #13 went off.
"Okay, we need to call the cops, the murder squad, there is someone who attacked Chanel #12!" said #13.
"A what? Okay, I'll give you gals a ride, do you live around here, what are pretty young girls, doing here running around the woods, shoeless and stress, c'mon."

Chanel told Justin to pass where #12 got murdered and there was nothing, no blood, just Chanel's car, which was reparked nicely on the side of the road.
"Oh no, I'm not getting out. Number 13, you go and get my car!" said Chanel to Chanel #13.
"No, please!" said #13 crying.
"Okay, fine, we'll go home! Stupid hippo." whispred Chanel to herself. "... Justin we'll just go home, you know the incredibly big house on Greece Road. Chanel #13 will get my car tomorrow."
"Oh, I know where that it." said Justin as he drive off in the truck.
"What about... the food?" asked Chanel #13 through her tears.
Chanel sighed and smiled sweetly to Justin.


Chanel walked into KK2. With #13 and Justin behind her.
"Hey, bitches, listen up..." said Chanel.
"Where's are food?" asked Hester.
"We just witnessed a farm murder, so go get you own food" snarked Chanel at Hester. Justin acting suprised.
"Who died?" asked Chanel #5
"Number Twe..." said Chanel until being interrupted by #13
"She's dead, you guys, what's gonna happened, why aren't we doing anything?" panicked #13
"Who is this?" asked Chanel #5
"Chanel #13, show some respect Number 5." said Chanel. "Okay, some weirdo in a curtain-y blue sheet and white mask, walked behind Chanel #12 and stabbed her right in the heart or whatever"
"Oohh. Ouch." said Chanel #3 "Where is she?"
"I don't know? Dead. Probably on her way to a wordchipper." said Chanel, as she checked he nails.
"This can not be happening again you guys!" said Zayday as she stood up from the couch.
"What's happening again?" asked Brock has he came down the stair.
"Yeah, whats happening?" asked Justin.
"Another serial killer." said Zayday.
"Maybe, wasn't a killer, maybe it was a deer with Argyria, who rammed into #12... by accident." said Chanel #3
"You idiot, it was a person." said Chanel. "Number 3 and Number 5, can I see you. My closet, now." as she walked up the stairs. "Justin we'll be right back."
"Okay." said Justin as he made himself comfortable.

Chanel was standing on the second floor of her closet. While Chanel #3 and Chanel #5 came walking in.
"Chanel, what it is? A person was alledegly killed... again" said Chanel #5, looking to where Chanel is standing on the second floor.
"Oh, shut up Number 5, this is nothing new." said Chanel, looking through the closet. "I realized something."
"You did!" said Chanel #3.
"Yes. Number 3, have you forgotten the reason why we're here?" said Chanel.
"Uhm, you were framed for Arson, and blowing that studio?" replied Chanel #3.
"Yeah. Well I didn't." said Chanel "You idiot, the call we got from The Blue Banshee."
"The what? Is that a cereal that like famous in this town?" said Chanel #5
"Number 5, for the last time. Shut up!" shouted Chanel.
"The Blue Banshee, Red Devil, or whatever horrible colour this masked loser has chosen this time, is after me again, for unknown reasons!" said Chanel.
"But there is video proof of you being the last person to leave the building? The bigger question is what, were you doing that time of the night, there?" said Chanel #5.
"Well I didn't cow!" barked Chanel "And that is none of you're damn business." as she came down the stairs.
"I'm lost." said Chanel #3.
Chanel sighed. "Reason why we're here in this creepy house we used to live in, is someone sent us here to live here. Why?"
"Mmmhhh?" murmured Chanel #3.
"To kill us, Einstein." said Chanel.
"There is another serial killer after us? No, no, no, this is insane, Chanel, what are we gonna do?" said Chanel #5.
"You're gonna go down stairs and pretend like everything is fine, thats what we're gonna do. Now go!" said Chanel.
Chanel #3 and #5 left. And Justin came in as they left.
"Woah, this place is huge, what is this?" asked Justin.
"It's my closet, this house is a replica, I don't have any other details." said Chanel and she could closer to Justin.
"We'll I'm about to leave, it's getting really late" said Justin, nervously.
"Really! Oh ok, I'll see you around, around town." said Chanel as she winked and Justin left.
"Hey, since it is open season, do you and you're friends wanna do some hunting? We don't have to kill any animals, if you want to." asked Justin.
"Yeah, sure." said Chanel.
"Great, see ya." said Justin.

Chanel came down stairs.
"Good news, idiots. We're joining the open season tomorrow." said Chanel, as she walked into the living area.
"What are you doing?" Chanel asked Zayday.
"Oh, just a list of people living in the house, for security purposes. Does anyone else live here, that we might not know of?" asked Zayday.
"Nah." said #3.
"Ok, it's me, Chanel, #3, #5, #13, Hester & Brock." said Zayday.
"It's Chanel #6." said Hester, happyily.
Chanel sighed.


The next morning, everyone was ready to hunt and shoot some birds. The Chanels all looking identical, in pink hunting clothes and boots.
"Where did this clothes come from?" asked Zayday, in her safari clothes.
"We have clothes for each occassion, duh." said Chanel.
Everyone left the house with no one bothered to lock it.

Brock was driving with a paste on beard to prevent to be spotted.
"Isn't Hester supposed to be wearing the beard?" said Chanel #5.
"Yes, we still don't want to get spotted" said Hester as she pulled out a blonde wig.

The group got out of the car and Justin greeted them.
"Hey..." said Chanel.
"Okay, we'll start with practicing how to shoot. Does anybody know how to shoot a hunting gun?" asked Justin.
Hester raised her hand, as everyone looked at her.
"What! I am a known serial killer" said Hester addressing everyone.
"Nice jokes" said Justin laughingly.
"Hey girls, Brock" said Dean Munsch as she walked up to the group.
Chanel sighed.
"What are you doing here?" said Chanel #5
"Well, the town famously known it sport of hunting, so... Why not indulge" replied Dean Munsch.
"Okay, let get started" said Justin.

The group walked through the woods as fog was rolling in everywhere.
"Can I shoot now?" asked Chanel to everyone.
"Yeah..." said Chanel #5.
"No!" said Justin "It's too foggy."
The group had drifted away from the rest of the people. They're were walking deeper into the woods.
"What that?" as Chanel pointed to a large bart board in the tree.
"I don't know" said Justin, as everyone looked at it.
'"Anyone have a bart? said Chanel #5 "No one?"
Everyone ignored her.
"I guess we have shoot it out of the tree, in case it falls out and lands on someone" said Brock
Brock aimed his gun to the target and hit the center and the target started ringing. Then it started raining and it was red blood like rain.
Everyone started running. Until Brock started screaming his foot was stuck in a bear trap.
"Nobody move!" said Justin.
"Why?" asked Chanel #12.
"The floor is filled with traps!" said Justin.
"What. The. Hell." said Chanel.
"I think it's Mr. Big Brother watching us" said Chanel #3
Chanel looked confused as she stood still arms crossed.
"Big Brother is a TV show where people are placed in a house and cause social conflict between in each other" said Chanel #13.
Brock is crying for help, lying somewhere. As no one can spot him because the fog as become to thick.
"Brock! Where are you?" said Hester.
"Behind you!" shouted Brock.
"Where!?" panicked Hester.
A loud beep sounded around the group.
"What was that?" said Justin.
A voice sounded.
"Ahem! This is the Blue Banshee..." came the sound from the trees.
"What a lame name! Pick something else." said Chanel.
"I have trapped the floor of the forest..." said Blue Banshee.
"We know..." said #3.
"Dean Munsch, that you?" said Chanel.
"There's electricity in the wood?" said Chanel #13
"What is going on?" said Justin
"I need to charge my phone" said Chanel #5
"Call for help!" shouted Zayday at Chanel #5
"No... Shut up all of you... " said The Blue Banshee
"What do you want!" shouted Chanel at the trees.
"Is this The Hunger Games?" asked Chanel #3.
"I know how this end, I read all three books, okay, we need to... " said Chanel #13
"Silence!!!" said the The Blue Banshee as everything fell silent.
"I ask each one of you questions, if you answer it truefully, I'll let you go" said The Blue Banshee.
"I love Cluedo" said Chanel #5
"That's not... Never mind" said Chanel #3 to Chanel #5 standing next to her.
"Question 1. Chanel..." said The Blue Banshee
"Go for it, bitch..." said Chanel flipping with her hair.
"Did Chanel #5 murder Ty...?" said The Blue Banshee before Chanel asked "Yes!"
"I did not!" Chanel #5
"You did. I mean... you called me right before he died, probably as an alibi, that is pretty weird" said Chanel.
Chanel #5 started crying and grunting.
"I hate you, Chanel!" shouted Chanel #5
"Do you hate me Number 5, Hhhm!, why don't go back to whatever rat infected hole you came from and live here! Instead of follow me and everyone else around!" said Chanel to Chanel #5
"That is false!" said The Blue Banshee. As the group heard a loud crunch.
"AAAAHHH!" Brock screamed "My leg it's broken!"
Everyone gasps and started crying.
"Next question, Hester who killed Ms. Bean?" said The Blue Banshee
"Uuuuhhmm... that was Chanel" said Hester.
"You bitch! If it wasn't for this fog I would totally has be choking right now! Ugggghh!" said Chanel
"I did not conceive the idea so technically! It's your fault!" said Hester.
"Correct!" said The Blue Banshee.
The wind started to blow and Chanel something move behind her.
"What was that!?" said Chanel #5 as she saw a white sheet figure in the fog moving fast.
"AAHH! screamed Brock
And everyone screamed as the mist lifted.
Brock was dead.
As they ran to him, jumping over the traps, everyone stood around him and watched as he died.
"Is anyone gonna help him?" said Chanel #5
"This is the bystander effect" said Chanel #3
"Who's that lying there!" said Zayday as she point to something lying in the grass a few miles away.
Everyone ran to see who it was, it was Chanel #14.
"Oh, god, not Chanel #14! Whhhhyyy?" cried Chanel.
"But..." said Chanel #13
There was a newspaper note, Justin picked it up and started to read.
"The handwriting is not good, but, it says... 'I'm watching'" Justin turned over the newspaper and it was the headline of the murder of Ally Dill.
"Who still users newspaper?" said Chanel
"People who use crosswords" said Chanel #13
"What's that!" asked Chanel #3
"...Guys, this is where Ally Dill's body was found after she was murdered." said Justin
"Who's that?" asked Zayday
"In this town it's a legend that she was murdered and because she was a witch and a bunch of girls buried her in this woods" said Justin.
"Where's Hester?" asked Chanel
Hester started dragging Brock to a grave.
Everyone ran to her.
"What are you doing?" asked Chanel #13
"Brock cannot be found for what he did! I can't be sent to an asylum again!" said Hester and she threw dirty on Brock.


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