
By the_impssible_girl

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Victoria Stilinski never knew that her long time crush would even look at her let alone hook up with her. Jus... More

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Unexpected Cast
Part 2 Aesthetic
Short Q&A
Cover Contest
Cover Contest Results
Part 3 Aesthetic
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


12.4K 280 27
By the_impssible_girl

Chapter Six

The Truth

I sat in silence the whole way to school, Scott and Stiles kept glancing back at me the whole ride. I didn't say anything, I was too stuck in my thoughts to even speak. I'm glued to the idea of the baby growing inside me and what it's going to do to me... what it'll do to my life. Thoughts of how my whole world will change flip through my mind on a loop.

And lately its been getting harder to think of giving it up, getting rid of it. That's why I'm terrified of my appointment in two days, based on what I've read on the internet, the moment a mother hears the baby's heartbeat, is the moment she falls in love. I can't afford to fall in love with it. It's too costly to everything.

As soon as we get to the school I practically jump out of the car, racing to class knowing that I don't want to be around Scott or my brother anymore, they'd know something was wrong with me.


My hand subconciously grips to my locket while my eyes scan over the article on motherhood as a teen, I find myself cringing and laughing a certain points. It's all so much, research is the only thing keeping me sane right now.

I turned down the volume of my music, as I hear the sound of the Jeep starting and I watched both Stiles and Scott drive away from the house. Oh no they don't. I actually have been feeling really worried about Stiles lately, and I think it's all the hormones coursing through my body. So, I put a tracker on the Jeep. Only so that I can make sure he's okay... I know it's crazy but, I'm actually curious as to where they sneak off to every night. 

I quickly go to my closet, me being me, I decide to put on black leggings with a black long sleeve and a black jacket. Along with a black beanie to keep my head warm. Turning on my phone, I leave the house. The GPS tracking system is showing me the direction in which he is driving. I quickly hop on my little bicycle and begin pedaling towards my brother.

It takes a while and I don't get there till fifteen minutes after him, but I get there. I look up at the building, its an old apartment complex. I turn on my phone flashlight and walk in, the door creaking closed behind me. I walk around the building, finding the stairs. This place is so creepy at night, I can practically feel the chills running down my back.

I place my fingers on the railing as I walk up the stairs, and memories fill me. I've been here before, in a nightmare. I remember seeing the man wolf things fighting at the top floor in the penthouse. My body tenses up as I know where I should go. My feet move swiftly as I make my way to the top floor. I hesitate at the door, finally deciding to not enter, but rather eavesdrop from outside.

I place my ear firm against the door and listen. I can hear them, the boys. Along with some other people.

I hear Stiles first. "One of the robbers was lowered into this shaft. Now, this space is so small that it took him twelve hours to drill through that wall. The wall is stone by the way. Then through the rest of the night they siphoned the cash up to the guys back on the roof through that one little shaft in the wall. Boom." What the hell? Are they planning on robbing something? Or are they studying something on robbing? Is this History...

"Can we fit in there?" Scott asked, answering my question, yeah they're going to rob a bank. "Yes, we can but very, very barely." Stiles responded. My head swirled not processing what they were saying, why do they want to rob a bank? I gripped onto my locket, trying to calm my thoughts. Is Stiles trying to pay off dad's bills? Is Scott trying to buy the house for his mom? And what about the other guys? Oh my god, I had sex with a criminal--- even worse, I'm having his criminal baby!?

I pause to listen more, trying to get as much info as possible before barging in and saving the two from a life ruining mistake."Look, forget the drill. If I go in first, how much space do I have?" The voice is unfamiliar. Stiles gasps at the man. "What do you-What do you think you're gonna do, Derek?" Derek, Derek Hale? "You gonna punch through the wall?" Punch through a wall? That's-that's impossible...

Derek responds. "Yes, Stiles, I'm gonna punch through the wall." How? Stiles quickly retorts back. "Okay, big guy, let's see it. Let's see that fist. Big, old fist. Make it, come on. Get it out there, don't be scared. Big, bad wolf. Yeah, look at that. Okay, see this? That's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid..." I hear a bang and the sound of Stiles groaning in pain.

Without thinking I quickly burst into the room, breathing heavily with my heart pounding in my chest. "Stiles?" I shout, gaining everyone's attention. Scott, Stiles, Derek Hale, and some other guy look at me. Stiles and Scott have a blank look of confusion and utter fear.

"Victoria? What are you- what the hell are you doing here?" Stiles yells at me, clutching his hand in pain. I go towards him and grab his hand, examining it. "Well, it's not broken..." I mumble to myself. "Victoria!?" Stiles' voice roars over me, my eyes snap towards his quickly.

There's a pause and I breath heavily before speaking. "Look, I know I shouldn't have followed you, and I know that I totally invaded your privacy or whatever but, clearly I needed to. Stiles- you're going to rob a bank?" I look at him with disappointment and frustration. "Why the hell do you need to rob a bank?" I look toward Scott. "You too, why would you guys ever think of doing thi-" Scott cuts me off.

"We're not robbing a bank." He states firmly. I roll my eyes and walk closer to him. "I heard everything from the other side of the door, I know-"

Derek pipes in. "We don't have time for this. Who's going in with me?" Everyone goes silent and Derek looks toward the man on the stairs. "Don't look at me, I'm not up to fighting speed yet. And honestly, with Isaac out of commission, you're not looking at very good odds for yourself."

Derek shakes his head. "So what? Am I supposed to just let them die?" the man replies, "One of them is already dead." What? Someone is dead? What have these boys gotten themselves in to? My hand goes onto my stomach protectively.

"We don't know that." Derek sighs irritated. The other guy speaks next. "Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of Alphas. All of them killers. And if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant Alpha."

"What in the world is going on here?!" I stop all conversation with fear in my loud voice. "If someone doesn't explain all of this right now I'm going to call the cops." I look at all of them, letting them know that I am 100% serious.

Scott speaks first. "Look, Victoria, can't we talk about this after we save everyone? I promise Stiles and I will explain everything. Just, let us deal with this first." Scott turns to Derek. "If Boyd's still alive, we've got to do something. We have to try."


I sat with Stiles on the stairs outside of the apartment, I nervously was running the locket up and down the chain, the metal digging into the back of my neck as I did so. Scott and Derek left a few seconds ago and that Peter guy is sitting inside. I let go of the necklace and sigh. "Stiles, tell me what's going on. And don't feed me lies because honestly, I am really annoyed and worried and lying to me isn't a good choice for you right now."

Stiles let out a breath. I didn't know what to think or feel. Basically all I've gathered from this is that Scott and Derek have to break into a bank that's been closed down, so that they can save Boyd from an Alpha pack. "Tori, you know those drawings that you make?" He asked. "Yeah, but I don't see-"

"They're real." I looked at Stiles with confusion. "Everything you dream of, all of those drawings, they're real things. Werewolves, Alphas, Packs, hunters, all of it is real. And I really wanted to protect you from this truth." My breath caught in my throat.

"Stiles..." I stood up and looked at him with worry. My brother is going crazy. He really believes all of this. He's gonna end up like mom, mom went crazy too. And now Stiles is. "It's going to be okay, maybe-maybe they can help you if we get you treatment soon enough?" I began pacing. "I don't know, maybe we can sell our Jeep- use the money to help get you better." Stiles placed his hands on my shoulders. "Tori, I'm not going crazy, it's all real. And I'll prove it. Peter! PETER COME HERE." Stiles yelled for the strange man.

I sighed and gave Stiles a sad smile, I'll play along if this is what he needs. "Okay. Prove it." Stiles looked at Peter who looked annoyed. "Peter, show her. Show her your little werewolf trick things. Show her that it's real." Peter rolled his eyes but obeyed.

I watched in complete horror as this man turned into something out of my drawings and nightmares. His eyes, they turned a glowing icy blue. His teeth grew from his gums giving him terrifying fangs that could tear through flesh. He grew claws and his face, it transformed into something else, giving him pointed ears and everything. I stumbled back as I tried to process what was in front of me. No, no this can't be real. It can't be happening to me- to us. For some reason I was clutching onto my stomach as I placed myself behind Stiles and grabbed him, dragging him backwards.

"Stiles, we-we we need to run- Now." My voice shook and cracked as I spoke in pure horror. Suddenly Peter returned to his previous form and left, a smirk on his face. "See, I told you!" My eyes widened and I backed away from my brother. "Are you- are you one of them?" Tears formed in my eyes. All of my nightmares, they're real. How-how is that possible. How is any of this okay? Normal?

"No, I'm human. And they're not all monsters Tori. These guys, we're the good guys. We try and save people from the bad guys..."Stiles stopped speaking, probably because my face was white as a ghost. "Why don't you go home? We'll talk about this all tomorrow. Here, let me drive you there really quick."

I nodded and followed him to the jeep. My entire body was numb. How is any of this possible?


Edit: 4/2/2020

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