Untouched wife(on Hold)

By Simply_Haha

416K 12.8K 1K

Minela got married to a stranger. Mr. Ariven Watson , a young, billionaire was forced to marry Minela by his... More

A Letter Before The Wedding
Meeting the Watsons
The wedding
Three years later
Don't go.
Unexpected happenings
Cries and Comforts
Details about characters
Yet another troublesome guest.
A letter before the wedding 2
She won't know
Let's start slow, how about we have sex every night?
Discovering perfidy
Discovering perfidy 2
Discovering perfidy 3
You're beautiful
Love making
Feeling numb
You make me happy
Pretty little arguments
Doubting you
You know nothing about love.
I promise
New thoughts
New prospects
Plans and more
Discovering perfidy 4
Everything is fine.
I'm not, you are.
News and more
Just a little pinch
When rapture turns into mishanter
Diving deeper into the incognizance
Winding off
The past never leaves

A new beginning

11.4K 352 18
By Simply_Haha

Minela returned home after paying a short visit to her parents. The house was lighted. Strange. She turned the key, the door was already open. She was not expecting this. Maybe Ariven was already there, which was vey unusual of him. He'd usually come after Minela had slept. On opening the door, a gush of laughters and voices met her ears. More peculiar.

What greeted her was a beautiful young lady dressed in a short black dress which almost left nothing to the imagination. She had the most perfect figure and perhaps if she was taller, Minela would have thought she was a model. Who is she? Her husband was animatedly chatting with the girl as if they were long lost friends. Who is she to make him laugh? Ariven always had a frown etched on his face when he would look at Minela. What brought about the change? The girl turned and, on noticing Minela, she rushed to her and hugged her tightly. Minela almost stumbled with shock. She was not expecting this.

"Oh I'm so sorry to surprise you like that! I'm Koshi. Gosh Ariven , you didn't tell me, your wife is so beautifuĺ!" She exclaimed, totally amazed at seeing the legendary business tycoon Minela Watson in front of her

Ariven gave just gave her a confused look and quickly flicked his eyes onto Minela. He never particularly looked at her for more than a second.

Koshi laughed and tapped Minela on the shoulder , almost knocking her air out. Minera gasped, startled, as she stumbled then again on the flat white-tiled, pearl-like floor. She glared furiously at Koshi, who only smiled in return.

"Sorry! I hope you understand my mood ... I'm meeting Ariven after like, what? Three years? Hihi " She laughed, showing all her white, shiny and perfect teeth.

Minela rolled her eyes as she turned in the direction of her room, without saying anything back to her. If this was his friend, she had no particular interest in knowing her. Ariven grabbed her hands and almost dragged her inside her room.

Minela looked at him, seething with anger. "What do you think you're doing?" How dare he touch her! She was filled with rage. They had never talked all these years and suddenly he had the audacity to touch her and drag her to her room? Not to mention that he had never been inside her room since the day of his marriage.

"Listen to me, you'll have to move to my room, we cannot let Koshi know about our...um mm. ...inconveniences. She has to think that we're a happily married couple. Alright?"

Minela was shocked by his proposal. This was the first time he had brought someone she didn't know home and told her to act like a couple in front of them. Nevertheless she was still angry, why would she agree to play her little games for him?

"And what makes you think I'm going to listen to you? Who is she? Why is she even here? "

"None of your business. Just wrap your shits and get your ass in my room!" Ariven replied coldly. He didn't feel that someone like her needed to know things about him or his friends.

"Then I won't! Let your 'friend' know what a devil you are! She has the right to know Ariven Watson doesn't sleep on the same bed as his wife." She sneered.

Ariven's eyes darkened as he approached her, close, dangerously close.

"Could've told me that you two needed some time alone, I wouldn't have bothered." Koshi said teasingly as stood at the other side of the closed door.

"Wrap it. Remember we had a deal." Ariven whispered as he left the room with Koshi. He was referring to the deal of not allowing anyone to know about their relationship.

Minela was on tenterhooks; after all this time, she was going to stay in Ariven's room, her husband's room. How was this going to be? Will they share the same bed? She shuddered at the thought. No way! Only a couple should share the same bed and they were far from that.


Her stuffs were packed and all her things were sprawled across the floor carpet. Where was she going to put her clothes? She was confused, thus place was exotic to her. This was the first time she had entered her husband's room and she was even surprised how neat his room was.

Why was her life so pathetic? Though Minela herself didn't know it, she had gone into depression, due to intense sadness. Working in a boring office the whole day and coming straight home did that to you. She has been meeting less people and has been talking less. She has not always been like that. Once she was happy too, jovial and laughing all day, but there she was now, even the angelic laughter of a stranger seemed sinister to her. She felt that something was wrong with Koshi...but was is Koshi or her life?

"What are all theses?" Ariven said as soon as he entered his room, which was littered with Minela's clothes. He was not used to mess. No, Ariven liked everything done his way, neatly.

"I need a place to keep all theses!"

"Put it in a suitcase! " he said rolling his eyes.

Minela took the clothes and threw it on his face. Ariven looked at her wide eyes.

"If you want me to stay, arrange for a place for theses else I'm going."

"I don't want you to stay." He grumbled lowly as he opened his gigantic cupboard half full of suits. "Put it here."

Koshi opened the door, without knocking and sat on the bed.

"What a mess, took you for a neat one Ariven, or is it Minela?" She laughed lightly,"talk about people changing after marriage! "

"You need to start knocking at the door." He said. Koshi rolled her eyes at Ariven.

"Oh? Were you about to do something dirty?" She smiled , biting her lips mischievously, grasping her breast sensuously, catching Ariven's eyes. Minela felt her insides scalding with rage. What did she think she was doing?

Then, as if she realised Minela's presence, she looked at her and said, "Oh , don't take me wrong, I like to flirt." She winked at her and smiled.

"Oh isn't your wife a poised one? Is she always like that or is it because of me?"

Minela glared at her, " I'm not poised, try to mess with me and you'll see what I can do!"

"Wow! She can talk! I almost thought she was mute." She grinned playfully at Minela.

Koshi looked at her watch. "It's time for dinner! Let's go!"

She grabbed Minela and Ariven, almost dragging them down the stairs.

"Monsieur Jonathan!" Mr Jonathan rushed to the living room and beamed upon seeing Koshi. He really like the girl. For him, Koshi was the happiest and loveliest living creature on earth. She even had the power to make a corpse laugh(anyone who knew Koshi could confirm that)

"How are you ma'am , you grew into such a pretty girl , I see."

"Ha! Isn't it? Please call me Koshi , I'm still younger than you, old man!" She playfully smacked his shoulder. "What have you prepared today?"

"Prawns in black bean source, your's and Minela ma'am 's favourite! "

"Oh, we do have more in common than I thought, poised one." She commented as she took a seat across Ariven.

"Am I going to be called poised one now? That's not fair, now I have to look for a name for you....How about crazy one?" She smirked as she sat, had her cheeks been made out of dough, they would have been hard as iron right now. It had been so long since she last smiled.

The three of them sat in silence as they ate. The only audible sound was the soft clattering of their spoons and fork. It was strange for Minela and Ariven to share a meal together . The only times they would share a meal together would be during family or friends parties, pretending they were leading a blissful life...

"I'm going to sleep in my usual room, isn't it?"Koshi broke the silence. Ariven nodded.

"Which one?" Minela asked. Koshi pointed in the direction of Minela's room.

"She is not going there!" She said angrily, like a child whose candy has been snatched just before dinner. "That's my ro-"

Ariven glared at her before she could continue.

"Do you mind changing the room Kosh? "

"I don't " she shrugged, "Just that I was used to that room. I always sleep there when I come here."

"My wife kept some ....things there, she doesn't want anyone to go."

"Okay, I'll go in the room at the top floor, with the balcony. Talk about attitude changing after marriage."

"Fine take your old room!" Ariven finally said.

She smirked, "thanks."

"She is not-" Ariven lifted her and put her on his shoulder, in such a way that her head was pressed upside down against his back.

"Good night" he muttered to Koshi, before heading up the stairs to his room.

"Leave me!"

"Okay." Ariven grinned before dumping Minela heavily on the bed, making her bounce in an awkward position. She quickly stood.


"Shut up! Are you crazy? When did you learn how to shout?"

Minela narrowed her eyes at him, as she crawled out of the bed.

"I have to change."



"No. On my head." He lowered his head and tapped it gently. "Here, climb on." He said as he started removing his clothes.

"What are you doing?"Minela panicked as she turned in the direction of the bathroom.

"I'm watering the plant, can't you see?" He smirked, removing his shirt. Minela's heart started to beat faster.

"Stop being sarcastic you idiot and don't change in front of me." She put her hands over her face so she wouldn't see him. Ariven glared at her, a cold expression suddenly plastering his handsome face. He approached her, causing her to stumble backward until she felt her back touch the wooden door.

"So you have such a problem with me being close to you? Stop pretending to be innocent. I know all about your clandestine activities. " She looked at him , a sudden fear overtaking her.

"What d-do you mmmmean...?"

"Go change your clothes." He muttered finally, regaining his senses. He despised her so much that her very presence in this room suffocated him. She had ruined his life and now he was stuck with her in this room, having to pretend he had a perfect marital life. Noticing the deep growing hatred for her, combined with anger in his eyes, Minela scurried into the bathroom to change.

When Minela came into the room in her night gown, Ariven was sitting on bed , feverishly typing on his laptop. She stood awkwardly, not knowing where to head.

"Where do I sleep?" She asked tentatively, not sure what to do.

Ariven's head shot in her direction. He seemed to have calmed down. He tapped the bed.

"Do you see this? It's called a bed. Do you know what people do on this? They sleep! Where the heck do you plan on sleeping if not here?" He narrowed his eyes at her , clenching his fist until they were pink. Minela noticed how he seemed to be loosing hus temper at the sight of her. What's wrong with him? He always pretends like I did something to him! She thought.

"So...We w-will sleep on t-the same bed?" She asked.

"Do you have a problem with that?" He asked harshly. So she doesn't have a problem with going to others but she has a problem with being on the same bed with me . As if I don't know what she does behind my back.

"Yes. I don't want to share the bed with you." Ariven smirked.

"Oh how sad. Do you want to sleep on the floor? Fine by me." He closed his laptop, switched off the lights as he dropped his body on bed. How pretentious can someone be! Now, she was even pretending to be uncomfortable with another man on her bed. Let's see how long she can keep her drama.

He smiled as he felt Minela shuffling on the bed besides him. This was the first time they ever shared a bed. Minela kept turning around the whole night, not liking the change of spot at all.


Minela snuggled near the thick comfortable, curdling and muscular pillow. Wait muscular? Her eyes flashed open to see a thick tanned neck, close to her nose. She jumped as she realised who she was sharing the bed with. She immediately segregated from him.

She observed him as he slept soundly, like an innocent child. Her eyes scanned his beautiful face, his long lashes, his plump lips, his sharp jawline and high check bones. Dirty thoughts ran through her mind. What if?

She was aroused. She was a woman with needs too. She needed love, needed to feel loved, needed to be touched. Was it pathetic and shallow of her to want these things? Isn't what all women of her age wanted? Even her sister who wasn't married and she knew even her parents had better sex life than her while she was here, stuck with such a pathetic husband who wouldn't even look at her.

Why does he not want me? Am I not attractive? He prefers to whore around but he won't even look at his wife.

She raised her thumb and touched his lips and gasp when his eyes shot open. She froze.

Ariven opened his eyes when he felt a soft touch on his lips. His sleepy eyes scanned the surrounding when he saw a pretty face in front of him. As if in a daze, he wrapped his strong, muscular arms around her and pulled her on top of him. On of his hands went to her head, smoothing her hair and the other on her waist, just above her ass. He smelled her hair , immediately feeling tantalised. Her body was so soft against his toned ones.

"W-what are you doing? " She stuttered.

He didn't reply and just smelled her. He could feel her heart beating against his chest. At that moment, she couldn't believe a woman like her would wish to live the way they were living right now.

They stayed like that for some moments until they heard a knock at the door.

"Ariven! Wake up! I just got the response."

Faster than a flash of lightning, Ariven pushed Minela and dashed to the door. He went somewhere with Koshi, leaving Minela with a void again.

What was she thinking? Why did she let him touch her? She thought angrily. He was just a man who would have touched anyone on his bed. She didn't want to be anyone. This was not what her dad told her. She was taught to be someone, not anyone. He may be her husband for outsiders but Minela never considered him and would never consider him as her husband. He had no right to touch her! If he tried to touch her again in the future, she will press charges against him.

Minela got dressed and went into the living room to have breakfast and again, buoyant laughters met her ears. It felt strange to see life in this house. If Minela thought Ariven looked good with a scowl, with a teeth-showing smile, he looked dashing. However, as soon as Ariven spotted her, he scowled again. Minela felt jealousy possessing her. Who was she to make her husband laugh?

"Poised one! Come and join us! We're having bacon and eggs and pancakes and sausages and salad. I'd wait for you but you see...I've got a demanding monster down there." She said rubbing her stomach.

She sat awkwardly, took some pancakes and began to eat.

"Hey Ariven, remember the time we got chucked out of that restaurant in Florence? Underage drinking shits?"

"Ha, you were so drunk that you threw up on some girls who were celebrating a birthday party!"

They both started laughing shamelessly as Minela's thoughts wandered back in the past. A girl once vomited on Minela's skirt on her 17th Birthday Party. That girl was Koshi? She narrowed her eyes at them.

"What's so funny in throwing up on a girl's skirt at her birthday party?"

"Oh poised one. Calm down. The girl looked pretty dumb anyways without vomit on her drab skirt. She lacked fashion. I just added some colours to make her more attractive. "

They both burst out laughing once again, their head shaking like mad. Suddenly, Koshi started chocking vigorously, her face turning red. Ariven quickly grabbed a glass of water as he tapped her back, his face filled with worry.

"Are you okay?"

That's what happens when you mock others. Minela thought, internally smiling. I want you to choke baby

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