The Difference - Disney's Des...

By IndysBoomerang

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Uma's life hasn't been the same since she returned to the isle. Most of her crew lost their trust in her and... More

Chapter One: The Isle
Chapter 2: Ashore
Chapter 3: An Aria Of Familiarness
Chapter 4: Trust and Distrust
Chapter 5: Gone
Chapter 7: Without A Problem
Chapter 8: Block In The Road
Chapter 9: Fate
Chapter 10: Heroes
Chapter 11: A Charming Life
Chapter 12: Perfect Auradon
Chapter 13: Something Bad
Chapter 14: Daughter's Of The Sea
Chapter 15: News And Faith
Chapter 16: Conversations
Chapter 17: A Big Mistake
Chapter 18: Out
Chapter 19: Where to run
Chapter 20: Rerouting
Chapter 21: Exhausted
Chapter 22: Coming To
Chapter 23: DunBroch
Chapter 24: The Family
Chapter 25: One Moment
Chapter 26: Allegiances
Chapter 27: Witch Witches Deserts and Woodwork
Chapter 28: Lies
Chapter 29: Not Giving Up
Chapter 30: Nowhere To Run
Chapter 31: Nearly out
Chapter 32: Back Again
Chapter 33: Soon
Chapter 34: Uma's choice
Chapter 35: Not The End Yet

Chapter 6: Easy

98 2 0
By IndysBoomerang

Uma crept forward quietly, making an exceptional effort not to step on any broken grass on the shoreline in fear of alarming the older girl that was sitting on a rock at the edge of the water. Melody's dark black hair was up in a ponytail, her arms wrapped around her knees as she stared out into the ocean.

It had not been a difficult task to find out where she was. If their roles were reversed and she was in a place she had no knowledge of she would go to the one place that she knew and understood.

 The water.

 Something that she, lamentably, shared with Melody.

"You're quick. I'm not particularly surprised about that, I never thought I would get anywhere without you finding me." Melody said quietly, surprising Uma. All her effort to be quiet now thrown in the wind. She marched toward her.

"So why try to get away in the first place?"

Melody huffed in amusement. "And be stuck in a room with nothing to do? No way."

"So instead you break my window and try to bleed out here?" She asked, noticing the small cuts along Melody's arms.

Melody shrugged, "It's not bad, just a few scrapes."

"And if someone were to find you, you'd be missing a liver and two kidneys and quite possibly a leg, but I mean, that's an easy fix from grandpa isn't it?"

"If he were to find me in time maybe," Melody said with a sigh, wiggling her toes when the waves came up to where she was sitting.

"I'm sure we'll see him sooner or later once mommy and daddy find out you're missing."

Melody shrugged again. "That might take some time, I told them I was visiting good ol' cinderelly, but as you see I'm a little further east. So getting that trident might take some time."

Uma smirked. "What's the fun in you just giving up and letting me win?"

"It'll be so much quicker this way. I'll be home, disappointed, and getting a lengthy talk from my parents even though I am a grown woman, and it'll just be easier when you ultimately get the trident taken away."

Uma frowned and shook her head. "I don't need your grandpa's trident to succeed. I've tried for it once— didn't exactly work out. I don't need you to help me get anywhere either, but I'm going to take the opportunity."

Melody looked as if someone had tossed a large rock at her head, blinking her eyes rapidly, "You're letting me help?" She said incredulously.

"There's a few scouts coming to the Isle in a couple of days to do whatever it is they're doing. You're going with them and I'm getting myself out of here."


"You don't belong on this island, you shouldn't be on this island."

Melody looked confused. "How are you getting any ransom that way?"

"I don't care about ransom. I care about leaving."

Melody stared for a moment before a smile flashed on her face, "I knew you weren't so wicked underneath it all."

"You don't even have a clue what I'm planning to do after I'm out of this place."

"If you let me help, it can be something good."

"You stole your grandfather's trident from a museum for your own personal gain—what makes you the person that can decide what is good or not?"

Melody's voice hitched. "I-I did it twice actually, but the last time I was twelve and I didn't know any better, but this time I did it to help someone else."

"You stole his trident when you were twelve? Did he have anchovies guarding it?" Uma said with a laugh.

"I guess he thought everyone would be afraid to just swim in and take it, which I definitely was, and definitely agree with after seeing his power. I don't think I would have worked up the nerve to do it if I had seen how easily a swipe of his trident could turn me into sea foam."

"And what use did you have for it?" What could have made Melody want to go steal it in the first place when she had everything she could ever want already.

"Your aunt promised me a permanent tail if I brought it to her." She said almost inaudibly, but Uma heard quite clearly.

"And yet... you're the one that's considered good between us."

Melody sighed, kicking at the water as she repeated Uma's words, "And yet I'm the one that's considered good."

"Then again, I don't think you've tried bartering a life for something that could cause the world to change completely."

Melody bit her lip and asked, "Why is that? I'm asking you honestly Uma, why would you want the world to descend into madness like that?

Uma rolled her eyes at how oblivious Melody could be. "It was only fair. It was the only thing I thought would make me feel better. Watching every one that lived in that perfect paradise feel like we have, feel the anger, the despair, the hurt and betrayal that we felt."

Something about what she just said made Melody's eyes glassy and her mouth part slightly.

"We try to watch out for each other here on the Isle. You'll see gangs on every corner you walk—of course none have the balls to take my crew on, but, still you'll find that they look out for each other, because all around you find someone that wants to take something from you, take your blood, your possessions, anything they can get. Why is it okay for all of you to live happily ever after while we get the breadcrumbs that even the rats won't eat?"

"Things are changing." Melody offered, reaching her hand over. Uma eyed her hand and shifted hers away.

"And again it's only the people Auradon decides is worthy. I'm getting into Auradon—they don't decide that. I do."

"How?" Melody asked, leaning back on the palm of her hands.

"Watch." She said, standing up.

"Are you going to lock me up again?" Melody asked.

Uma raised an eyebrow, "And have you break another one of my windows?"

She only caught a glimpse of Melody's bewildered face before walking away. All she wanted at the moment was to pass out in her bed. She heard Melody's soft footsteps behind her and Uma wanted to scoff at her stupidity. Was she really going to blindly trust that Uma wouldn't lock her up again? She was naive to trust Uma and Uma wanted to make that clear to her, but it wasn't her job to teach her that. 

It was her own.

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