When Two Worlds Collide (A Me...

By Genevive

20.2K 452 49

Scotland is under English rule, and the English are taking full advantage. When William and his brother escap... More

Chapter 1: William
Chapter 2: Banished
Chapter 3: Anna
Chapter 4: Explaination
Chapter 5: The Ruins
Chapter 6: The Swim
Chapter 7: Preparations
Chapter 8: Married
Chapter 9: Making Love
Chapter 10: The Boat

Chapter 11: Ireland

1.3K 49 12
By Genevive

 So sorry it's been so long since I've updated! Work got really crazy and my family are up visiting this week, so I've had lots of extra things to do. I know this chapter is shorter compared to what I usually write, but I wanted to get at least a small update up. :) Please vote, vote, vote!! And tell me what you think :)


Chapter 11

Anna stared at the bustling activity of the port. Men carried luggage and supplies, fishermen hauled up massive nets onto the dock from their boats, filled with fish that saturated the air with their smell. She didn't mind it, though; this was to be her new home. She was anxious to get out of her disguise, and William out of his as well. She blushed inwardly as she imagined him without his clothes. William caught her glance and smiled, despite his costume. He was ready to get into normal clothes again.

Since they only had their small sacks of supplies, they didn't have to wait for a porter to carry their trunks off the ship like most of the passengers did. They wandered through the town until they came to an inn. “I'm gonnae go change out of this disguise in the outhouse, Anna. Stay in the main room 'till I return.”

Anna entered the tavern as William walked towards the back of the inn, where an outhouse was normally situated. The inn's main room was crammed with people, many seated at long wooden tables where food was spread and ale was served. There were long benches along the walls, so she sat there as she waited for William. He was not long in returning, and looked very relieved to be in his man's attire once more. Anna smiled as he reached her. “You look much more comfortable, husband,” she said quietly as he sat down beside her. He chuckled. “Aye, I'll be happy if the only women's clothes I see from now on are on ye, my love!” She giggled, and he rose to stand. “I'll see they the rates are here, and I'll get us a room for the night.”

She watched him walk purposefully towards the back of the room, where a long counter stood and a round, bald-headed man stood behind it drying cups. She could see the man nod, and point towards a set of stairs. William dropped several coins on the counter-top and walked back to where Anna sat. “We have a room for the night, let's go and get ye out of yer disguise.” He smiled.

Soon Anna was back in a dress, and in William arms. He whispered as he held her. “We made it, love. We're safe in Ireland!” She held him back tightly, the realization of what they had done finally hitting her. “What shall we do now?” She asked, pulling back just enough so she could look up at his face. He looked thoughtful.

“Well, I think we should leave this town as soon as we can, in case anyone does come lookin' for ye. I say we should go to the countryside and I'll find some work to do in exchange for a plot of land and a share in the harvest.” He tilted her chin up to see her face better. “I cannae promise ye a wealthy lifestyle, but I can promise ye lots of love.” Anna smiled. “That's all I ask.” He leaned close to her and claimed her lips in a kiss filled with silent promise.

They slept well that night, and had breakfast in the main room of the inn. As the innkeeper served them breakfast, William mentioned that he was looking for work a somewhere in the country, and the the jolly man's eyes brightened and he answered in his Irish brogue. “Aye, Davin 'O Cleary has a large manor near the next town over. He was in the other day to get a shipment of supplies and he mentioned that he was lookin' for new people to work fer him. Ye could try there, though it'll take ye a long time on foot; ye can make the journey in a day if ye go on horseback.” The man gave them directions, then told them where to purchase horses.

William took Anna to the horse dealer, hoping to find mounts that they could afford. Their money had been almost used up on the voyage and cost of the inn, so there was not much left. As they entered the stables, they could hear the shuffling and soft noises of many horses. As they looked around, a tall, thin man with long brown hair tied back with a strip of leather emerged from one of the stalls. He had a brush in his hand, and was obviously tending to the horses. “Can I help ye?” He asked politely.

William nodded. “Aye, we need mounts. What do ye have that can be bought fer this much?” He showed the man his coins, which caused the man to sigh a little. “Most of my beasts are worth twice that, lad. And ye'll never get two mounts fer that price. But I do have one mare that I can sell ye; she's a bit older, but she'll carry the two of ye alright if ye let her stop to rest often. Her name is Carna.”

He led them over to a stall where an obviously older horse stood. She was dark grey, with brown splotches on her back and legs. Her mane was white with grey speckles in it. She wasn't the finest horse in the world, but she would have to do. Anna just hoped the mare could carry them both, and she was suddenly glad for her own petite size.

William handed the man the coins and arranged to pick her up after they bought supplies. He took their last few coins and purchased several loaves of bread and a hunk of cheese, as well as a large water-skin. It wasn't much, but it would last them until they reached Davin's place.

As they led the old mare through the busy streets, Anna couldn't help but stare at the scene before her. She had never seen so much fishing before. They had fished in the Scottish town she had left, but here it seemed to be an entire industry that consumed most of the town. She saw dozens of fishing boats in the harbor, and men led huge carts full to the brim with fish. Fishmongers called out their prices, standing in stalls piled high behind them with the shiny silver fish, whose scales reflected the morning sunlight. She saw many ladies walk by with baskets of fish balanced precariously atop their heads. It seemed that everywhere she looked there was fish.

William saw her wide-eyed stares and grinned. “There is an unusual amount of fishin' that goes on in these parts. The waters are calmer in this harbor than they were where we came from, and the fish are plentiful, so fishin' is much easier. This whole town makes its living around the fishing trade and the trading of goods aboard those ships.” He pointed to several ships in the harbor, including the one they had travelled on. Anna wrinkled her nose. “It may be good business, but it stinks!” William chuckled. “Aye, that many fish in the hot sun does create a strong stench. Let's get away from the smell, and start heading towards our potential employer.”

Soon afterwards, they were mounted on old Carna and were heading towards the next town, where they hoped to find Davin and a place to call home.

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