Gilmore Girls: One Shots/Stor...

By amethystjewel04

9.4K 211 95

Ideas for upcoming stories(maybe) If there is a One Shot that you would like to become book, or to continue o... More

A Path Turned Difficult
Valentine's in the Vineyard
A Different Beginning
A Band Of Girls
Unexpected Help
New Lifestyle; New Love
Yale Alumni Party
Last Shot
Past Comes To Haunt

You Are The Reason

617 19 4
By amethystjewel04

When Rory calls for car to pick her up in New Hampshire, she doesn't know that the service was demanded to not send a car to one Rory Gilmore. An old friend steps in to help. Once a song comes across the radio, it gives perspective to Rory's mind.

Song: You Are The Reason by Calum Scott feat. Leona Lewis


Rory was in the car, she called for, driving away from King's Head Inn in New Hampshire. Silent tears fell from her face knowing it was the end and she could never be with him again. It was silent in the vehicle until the driver turned the station over. Static filled the air until a song started to play, and a male's voice started to sing.

There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now

The last lyrics caught Rory's attention, she turned, tear-faced to the front of the car seeing displayed on the screen, the song title: You Are The Reason by Calum Scott ft. Leona Lewis.

There goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now

Rory sat up straight, wiping her tears off her face. She was listening intently to the lyrics.

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean

Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken

Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

Rory's mind was spinning, thinking, processing the words that were being sung.

There goes my hand shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now

If I could turn back the clock
I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour, of every day
Keeping you safe

Rory had a small smile grace her lips.

And I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason, oh
(I don't wanna fight no more)
(I don't wanna hurt no more)
(I don't wanna cry no more)
(Come back, I need you to hold me closer now)
You are the reason, oh
(Just a little closer now)
(Come a little closer now)
(I need you to hold me tonight)

Rory's mind finally clicked, "Excuse me, driver, but can you please turn the car around. Right now. I, uh, forgot something at the Inn." Rory said rushed as she tapped the driver's seat. The driver nodded, with a small smirk on his face, though Rory didn't notice.

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

The car stops a minute later in front of a black SUV. Logan was talking to the boys as they went to the car. Their backs were to the car that Rory was in.

As Rory hurriedly exited the car and slammed the door. Only one person heard it.

Colin glanced back and saw Rory heading straight to Logan. Colin smiled and nudged Finn.

Finn looked at him weirdly then saw what he was looking at.

And in the blink of an eye, Logan stopped in his place.

Logan felt a tap on his shoulder. He froze. Only one person that can give him a spark when they touch, he turned around to see if it was just an illusion. It wasn't. But what came next was a shock.

Once Logan was facing Rory, she pulled him by the collar and kissed him. Rory kissed him hard.

Logan didn't respond at first, but in a split second after shock washed away, he was kissing her back.

They both smiled into the kiss and didn't care about the audience around them.

The driver exited the car and went to the boys.

"Well, that went very well." The driver said.

"I knew it would work." Robert said.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. Now that mother and father are back together, what do you say to a celebratory brunch with the whole gang?" Finn asked.

"I won't be able to stick around for long Finn. Got an assignment from dad at the office. You're lucky I got away today." The driver said.

"Well it's good to see you Tristan." Colin said.

"It was good to see you guys as well." Tristan said taking off his drivers cap.

"Tristan? What are you doing here?" Rory voice spoke.


Logan broke the kiss when air was getting minimal. He rested his forehead against hers.

"So..." Logan drawls out, regaining his breath, looking straight into her eyes.

"So." Rory replies looking back at him with a small smile.

"So, I see you've come back...?" Logan asked with a bit of hope, yet confusion is seen in his eyes.

"Yes." Rory smiled, a stray tear falls.

"So, does this mean what I think it means?" Logan wiped away the stray tear off her cheek.

"What do you think it means?"

"I think you know what I think it means. So..." Logan said.

"We aren't going to do the 'so' thing again are we?" Rory smiled, remembering a similar conversation many years before.

"Sorry, no more so's. How about an um..?"

"Depends on where the um is leading." Rory says tilting her head a bit to look him straight in the eye.

"Um, let's get breakfast first and then talk. Sound good?" Logan asked with a bit of hope and worry.

"Sure. I don't really have anything waiting for me at home anyways... Well besides Mom, but her wedding planning is all taken care of. My only job is to put on the dress that mom picked out, beautify my face and walk down the aisle in a straight line. After 9 long years, Luke and mom are finally getting married. It was a long time coming. The wedding isn't for like 6 weeks. Anyways, there is really nothing waiting for me. Now when do we eat? I could really use a coffee, because I have this slight headache that seems to not go away."

"Tell Lorelai and Luke congratulations for me when you see them. We will be eating soon. I'm sure the boys are going to get the gang back together for brunch considering it's 9 and it'll be an hour or so for the rest of the gang to get to our destination. And we already have coffee in thermoses ready to be drank, and the headache, Ace, is probably from all the champagne you drank last night."

"Well you can tell Mom and Luke when you see them at the wedding, if you can come of course."

"Oh, so is this my personal invite?" Logan smirked.

"Well it's either me asking you or a neon postcard that lights up saying: Lorelai Victoria Gilmore is finally tying the knot! Come to wedding on Nov. 5th at 6, in the lovely Stars Hollow! So as you can see this is better, but of course Grandma insisted doing something and so the invitations are actually very formal."

"Ah well I'll see if I can make it."

"Really? Cause I mean you don't have to come if you don't want to or if you are busy that day and... - oh my gosh! Logan! What are you going to do about the dynastic plan! And your father! Oh no, oh no, no, no, no, no! What is wrong with you?!" Rory slapped him on the chest a few times and then put her face in her hands.

"Woah, woah, woah Ace! Calm down. Hey... don't worry about it. I already took care of it days ago."

"What?" Rory snapped her head up to look at him in bewilderment, "But you said - at the tango club..."

"I know what I said, Ace. That is what the dynastic plan is, but it's over. There is no Odette and I anymore, I made sure of that. My father wasn't too pleased, but he reluctantly obliged to it."


"Are we going to do the 'so' thing again?"

"Sorry. Are you sure that you aren't wrapped up in any other dynastic plans, cause I don't know if I can handle another one like this one."

"I'm positive. Now we better go. I'm pretty hungry."

"Of course." Rory playfully rolled her eyes. Logan chuckled and kissed her cheek.

They turned to the boys, and Rory froze.

Logan looked at her oddly until she spoke.

"Tristan? What are you doing here?"

Tristan turns to Rory.

"Hey Mary. Or should I say future Mrs. Huntzberger?"

Rory blushed slightly and stole a short side long glance at Logan. Logan was staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You didn't answer my question." Rory stated.

"Well, Logan, here is my cousin. I've been friends with these guys since we were babies. I was asked to help Logan get his Ace back. I didn't know it was you until you stepped out of the Inn."

"Huh. Well it's good to see you again, how was military school?"

"It was actually not that bad. I shaped up, got a girlfriend now. You might know her, Olivia Marquont."

"Um... Olivia, Olivia, Olivia.... Oh! Olivia! I haven't seen her in ages! How is she?"

"She's good, pursuing her artistic career."

"Really? Wow. Tell her I said hi."

"I will, well I must be off. Bye guys, Logan, ... Mary." Tristan smirked and walked off.

"It's RORY!" Rory called after him.

"You'll always be a Mary to me!" Tristan calls back at her.

Rory scoffed, "Whatever Bible Boy!"

Tristan laughed as he entered his car.

Rory looked at the boys, they were all giving her a weird look. Especially Logan.


"How do you know him love?" Finn asked.

"Oh, we went to high school together at Chilton Academy in Hartford. I was enrolled two months into the year late, actually.. Funny story. Anyways, when he saw me he started to call me Mary because I looked all good and pure. Reference to the virgin Mary."

The boy oh'ed in understanding. Logan looked a little jealous.

"And don't worry there was no relationship between us, we only kissed like once, but unless you count the practices of Romeo and Juliet then yeah anyways. No worries. I haven't heard from him since the 11th grade, I think. It was around that time."

Logan calmed a bit.

"Now when do we eat? I'm starving, and I need coffee."

They then get into the car and head off. Colin called the rest of the gang and in the next hour they got to Rich Man's Shoe and saw the rest of the gang.

"Rory! It's so good to see you!" Rosemary exclaimed.

"So are you and Logan back together, and for keeps this time?"

"It's so good to see you too Rosemary, Steph, I don't know. I would like to hope so." Rory said and glanced at Logan who went to get drinks with the boys.

The bar was full of laughter and talking cause the whole LDB showed up to welcome Rory back to their lovely group.

I have nothing left to write for this one.

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