The Last Virgin Standing: One...

By starfish0326

879 18 8


The Last Virgin Standing One-Shot Competition

879 18 8
By starfish0326

~~ If you haven't read "The Last Virgin Standing" by @laughterandjinx then don't read because you might not understand this. Go read it because it's fantastic! Thanks for reading, enjoy! ~~

***The next 2 paragraphs are NOT mine, they were written by @laughterandjinx and she gave me permission to use them.***

~Charlotte's POV~

"I didn't want to leave his side. The Chandlers held each other's hands as they watched their unmoving son lay in the bed, unresponsive to the hysterical cries that were erupting around him. Dad held me in his arms just as he had when I came home from school wondering why my mother had left me. It was just the same except I wasn't wondering why Luke had left me. He didn't leave me. I left him and I wanted to take it all back---the arguments, the empty silences, and pushing him away. While I deeply cared for Tyler, I would go back and change it all to get Luke back. He was the best friend any girl could ask for, and I didn't ask for it. He was an angel that I didn't deserve to have watching over me.

His blonde hair was swept over to the right of his face. His skin was as pale and sickly looking as ever. It was tear-overload when I saw the green veins on his eyelids. His mouth still had color and for the first time in a while, it was still. While the sounds of mourning were drowning the room, I couldn't help but notice the silence. His stupidly reassuring voice wasn't ringing in my ears and his hand was resting comfortably on my shoulder. He wasn't making fun of my movie choices or complaining about my expensive taste in ice cream. I wanted so badly to just hug him and laugh with him one last time before he left, but I couldn't be selfish like I had been. There were more deserving people who deserved to be selfish, and I wasn't one of them." That's when there was a loud beeping noise, it was familiar. Could it be the heartbeat monitor? I thought to myself.

I opened my eyes and yawned so loud that I thought I was going to wake everyone. My phone layed on the night stand, still beeping loud like crazy. That's when Luke came into the room, he had two coffees in his hand. I slept over at Luke's, not wanting to go home at 3:00 in the morning and receive a lecture from my dad about being out late and answering 20 questions. Last night we went out to a pre-graduation party that Ian had thrown and invited us to, we didn't get home until 2:45 though.

"Morning Charlie, it's about time that you get up" he said chuckling, while a wide grin spread across his face.

"Yea yea Luke, be quiet" I said playfully "I just had the worst dream ever!"

"Oh yea, and what was it? Were you dreaming about me Charlie?" he teased.

"Actually, yea. But it's not what your thinking though" I said as I gave him a horrified look.

"Well, come on, tell me what happened." he said with a worried look on his face.

"I had a dream that you, Tyler, and I were in a car accident and you died after telling me that you loved me. But you wanted me to be happy and didn't want to ruin anything between Tyler and I. Then, we all graduated but it wasn't the same without you. It felt so real!"

"Oh jeez, um...that must have been bad" he had a nervous look on his face.

~Luke's POV~

I can't believe Charlotte had a dream about me like that, I am more shocked than anything. I like her a lot, and she's right, I wouldn't ruin what she has with Tyler. I've told her how I feel about her, but because of this high school game, she doesn't take me seriously, and it really stinks. I wonder sometimes if she has feelings for me, we say 'I love you' back and forth, but it's best friend love. Sometimes I wish it was something else, and I regret not telling her how I feel sooner.

"So, what do you want to do today best friend?" she asked.

"I don't know. We only have a few hours until graduation. Want to go see a movie?" I replied.

"Sure, which one?" I want to go see Thor: The Dark World, but she might want to see something else.

"Whatever you choose."

"Actually, I want you to choose, I always choose."

"Okay, how about Thor: The Dark World?" I asked, very happy that she let me choose the movie. Yea, I was acting like a child, but I don't care because this only happens once every blue moon.

"Sure" she said "you ready to go?"

"Yea, one second."

We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom was. "I'm going with Charlie to go see a movie, i'll be back in a little bit."

"Okay, drive safe, remember you have 5 1/2 hours until graduation" she replied kindly.

"Yea, I know. Thanks."

"Bye Mrs. Chandler!"

"Bye guys, have fun!"

"We will" we both called back.

~Charlotte's POV~

We decided to stop at Walmart on the way to the movies go get some candy, rather than pay those outrageous prices at the movies for a pack of Sour Patch Kids. I got Snow Caps (my favorite) & Sour Patch Kids and Luke got Skittles (his favorite) & a Kit-Kat.

We arrived at the movie theatre 15 minutes before the movie started. We got our tickets and headed inside towards the concession stand. We got a super sized soda to share and a large popcorn. Knowing that if we got a small for the both of us to share, it would be almost all gone by the time the movie trailers were over. The lights went dim, the noise lowered, and the movie finally started.

*2 hours later*

The movie ended, but we stayed until the credits were done because there was an extra part of the movie after the credits. A lot of people left before the credits were done, so they missed the ending. I even seen one of my teachers there with her son and his friends. We drove to the pizza place down the street to get something to eat. I don't understand how either of us are still hungry after eating all the popcorn and candy.

"Luke, we only have 3 hours left until graduation, you know how long it takes for me to get ready" I whined. He was eating as slow as a turtle, at his pace we would be 90 when we graduate.

"I don't see why you girls take so long to get ready to go somewhere" Luke said with a mouth full of food.

"I have to get dressed, do my hair, and do my makeup. You guys only have to get dressed and comb your hair. Come onnn, please can you hurry up?" I begged as I gave him my cute puppy dog face that worked on him when we were younger.

" * sigh * Fineee." Luke caved in.

"Thank you!" Yes! Point for me, I knew that would work on him, since it was my secret weapon.

We're driving home to go get ready for graduation, when a sign appears up ahead. By the time we would get home we would have 2 hours to get ready, since it was only a 30 minute drive. Unfortunately, that sign was a construction sign, saying they were working on the bridge. Both lanes of traffic were packed full of cars and there was no way we could turn around. We were stuck here in this traffic waiting for the cars before us to move.

~Luke's POV~

"Luke, see! I told you that you shouldn't have been messing around, we would have been home by now!" Charlotte said as she ran her hands through her hair.

After her I-told-you-so moment was over, she still looked as beautiful as always. Even though I hated to admit it, but she was probably right. I never knew that this was going to happen and that it would cause us to get home later.

*1 hour later*

"See, that wasn't so bad. We are home and now you can get ready, even though you are already gorgeous enough" I said with a grin on my face, trying to make her smile so she won't be angry at me.

"Luke, now we only have 1 hour to get ready." She said with a death glare. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now. Even though she was angry at me, I couldn't help but smile at the incredible girl sitting next to me.

"Come on Charlie, you still have time to get ready, just minus 1 hour!" I don't see how it's that big of a deal, it's not like she doesn't have any time left. She still has 1 hour, I can get ready in half that.

"Whatever Luke, I'll see you later" she said as a disappointed look swept across her face.

*1 hour later*

"Hey, Charlie! Do you want to ride with me to graduation?" I texted Charlotte, hoping that she wouldn't still be upset with me about earlier.

"Sorry, Luke, Tyler is picking me up." The smile on my face fell as I read her reply. It felt nice hanging out with my best friend for the entire day without her talking about Tyler. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Tyler, but I do miss the old days when it was just Charlotte and I. I didn't reply after that.

After graduation, Ian had decided to throw another party. Charlotte would probably be there with Tyler, but I'm still going. Even if she was mad at me, I'm not going to let that rain on my parade.

*At Ian's*

Charlotte had finally walked in, with Tyler of course. She was absolutely stunning. She wore a white one shoulder cocktail dress that went to the middle of her thigh. It was made out of soft tulle and it fit her perfectly.

~Charlotte's POV~

I'm still a little upset with Luke about earlier, but it's not entirely his fault that we got stuck in traffic. I feel a little guilty blaming it on him, so I'm going to apologize and hope everything goes back to normal.

"Hey, Luke!" I screamed over the loud noise.

"Hey, Charlie" he didn't sound to happy.

"Can we go somewhere quiet and talk?"

"What is there to talk about Charlie."

"Before, when we were in the car, stuck in traffic."

"I guess."

We walked down the long hallway, for what seemed like eternity just talking.

"I'm sorry, Luke" I blurted out.

"About what?" he asked trying to act like he didn't know what I was talking about.

"Saying it was your fault that we got stuck in traffic and overreacting" I looked at the floor then at him, looking for a sign of forgiveness.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have been fooling around."

"No, I shouldn't have been so worried about getting home, you were right, I still had time."

We walked around for awhile, and then into the kitchen where people were taking shots.

"Hey, Luke, let's do a couple shots" I usually don't drink any form of alcohol, but we just graduated and today was the last day of school. I want to at least have some fun!

"Are you sure Charlie?" Luke asked, tellin me what kind they were.

"Yea, let's have a fun night, one we'll remember!"

I called all the guys and Emma over for shots, Ian, Beckett, Tyler, Alec, and Luke.

Before we all knew it, we had a bunch of shots and were all drunk. I have to admit, it was pretty fun though, challenging the guys. The next morning, neither of us remembered anything after all of us taking shots, which kind of worried me a little.

Once someone shed some light on what happened that night, I found out that Tyler cheated on me with some college girl named Jess, so we broke up. Then Luke told me he loved me and I told him I loved him (I have felt that way about Luke since Freshmen year), so now we're dating.

*1 month later*

I'm on my way to meet Emma at the mall, we're going shopping before we go on vacation to Florida. I have to get a new bathing suit along with some new clothes, so does Emma. Strangely, some of my clothes are a little tight and don't fit on me.

"Char, you would not believe why I have to get new clothes."


"They don't fit anymore! Which is weird because my clothes always fit, I just bought them a month ago" she said with a pout.

"Same here Emma, mine don't fit anymore either."

"Hm, Char that is funny, both of our clothes don't fit anymore."

"Oh my gosh! Emma, are you thinking of what I'm thinking?"

"Wait, you don't mean we're....pregnant. Do you?"

"Em, I think we are."

"Let's go get some tests and find out!"

*15 minutes later*

"Char, what does yours say?"

"I don't want to look."

"It's okay Char, neither do I."

"Em, on three?"

"Sure Char."

"1.....2....3! "

"Em, what does yours say?"

"Char, .... It says...positive! How about yours?" she said nervously and a little scared.

"Oh my gosh! Mine too!" I said with the same reaction and tone as Emma.

"We're pregnant!" we both said with a shocked tone in unison.

I have to go talk to Tyler and see what else happened that night, because I don't remember hooking up with anyone.

*At Tyler's house*

"Tyler what happened at the post-graduation party that Ian threw?"

"Why do you want to know, Summers?"

"Because it's important! Please Tyler!"

"Fine, what do you want to know?"

"Why did you cheat on me with that girl?"

"Summers, because you were hooking up with Ian. I went to go get you to talk to you, and you two were together."

"He's the father?! Oh my, Emma is going to kill me!" I said as I put my hands over my face.

"Summers, wait... are you pregnant?"

"Yea, I'm so stupid!" I say as I let out a small sob.

"No you're not Charlotte, you were under the influence." Then I felt Tyler wrap his arms around me and give me a tight squeeze.

"Emma is too, do you know who she hooked up with?" I said, sniffling.

" was Luke, I'm sorry Charlotte."

"What?! No, this can't be!"

"Charlotte, why don't you ask Emma, she only had 2 shots, so she knew it was Luke."

"I guess I will then, thank you for telling me everything Tyler."

"No Problem Summers, hope everything goes well with Emma and the baby."

"Thanks Tyler, I'm sorry for what happened that night by the way."

"Me too Summers, me too."

*The next day*

"How could you do that Emma?! You knew he had too many shots and you knew he was my boyfriend!"

"Yea and you knew Ian was my boyfriend Char!"

"Emma, we both had too many shots, unlike you who took advantage of Luke!"

"Whether or not you drank, you should have stayed away from Ian!"

"It was your idea for me to play these games for my senior project. History must be repeating itself because it's just like when I left the one summer and you had a pregnancy scare. Oh, big surprise, it was Luke then too!"

I got in my car and drove after that. I needed to calm down and I had to talk to Ian. I was turning at the intersection, when headlights shined in my face. The sound of brakes squealing and a horn going off, the smell of burning rubber from the tires, the feeling of the glass hitting your body, and the feeling of air bags hitting you in the face. The sound of sirens in the distance right before everything goes black.

~~Thanks for reading everyone, I know that it's a really long chapter (after I published this, I guess it isn't as long as I thought it would be), but I hope it was worth the read and you enjoyed it. To be honest, I wasn't going to enter this one-shot competition until an idea hit me one day. I had an idea to make Luke's death a dream, what did you guys think about that? Charlotte was supposed to end up with Luke, but as I got writing I sort of twisted the plot and made it where Emma was with Luke that night and Charlotte was with Ian. Could you feel the tension between Emma and Charlotte towards the end? What did you think about Charlotte getting into a car accident at the "end" hint hint ;) Even if I don't win the competition it's okay because this was really fun to write. Thanks for reading! Vote, follow, comment! I'd love to hear your feedback! xoxo ~~

~Luke's POV~

Ring! Ring! Ring! My phone started going off and it was only 9:25 p.m. Maybe it was Charlotte calling me to talk about the party or wanting to hangout out. I checked the caller ID, it was Mr.Summers, he usually doesn't call me; maybe it was Charlie calling me from his phone.



"What's up Mr.Summers?" It was definitely him who called, I consider him my second father, he was always trying to pare Charlotte and I together and was extremely happy when we actually started dating.

"Luke can you come to the hospital right now?"

"Yes, what's wrong, what happened? Is Charlotte okay?"

"No, she got into a really bad car accident and is in the hospital unconscious and in really bad condition."

"I'm coming right now, i'll be there in 10."

After that being said, I immediately threw on my shoes and shirt, not even bothering to fix my hair because I didn't care. After you hear that your girlfriend, love of your life, is in the hospital, you just stop what you're doing and just want to see her.

On the way there, all I thought about was Charlotte and how bad of condition she was in. I need her to be okay and make it through this, without her, I don't know what I would do and where I would be. I love her to the moon and back and beyond. Someday I want to get married and start a family, yea I know, we just graduated high school, but I mean in a few years. I might have passed a few red lights and stop signs, but oh well, if I get a ticket, then i'll take care of it, I need to see her.

*At the hospital*

"Luke, I'm glad you're hear."

"Mr.Summers, did the doctor say anything or let you in to see her?"

"They said she is in really bad shape and there is a 50% chance that she won't make it."

At that moment, after he said that, he covered his face with his hands, starting to sob, he turned away, trying to hide that he was crying.

"It's okay sir, you don't have to hide your feelings from me."

"She's all I have left."

"I know sir, I know."

"She has to make it."

"She is going to sir, she is a very strong, young woman and she will get through this."

"I sure hope you're right."

"All we can do right now is pray and hope for her to become conscious."

"I know, but it's hard when she's the only thing you have left and is on the edge of life and death."

I called Tyler and told him what happened, I thought he should know, even though he and Charlotte broke up. When the phone call ended, 15 minutes later all the guys showed up, Tyler, Ian, Beckett, and Alec. I filled them in on what happened and how she was, we still haven't heard anything from the doctors, even though it's been 2 hours. By now, we should have heard something and I am getting worried and a millioin thoughts are racing through my head.

"Luke, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Tyler."

"Has Emma or Charlotte said anything to you about anything?"

"No, why? What's going on? Does this have something to do with the accident?"

"Uh, it's about the other night, at the grtaduation party that Ian threw."

"What's that have to do with anything? I'll be right back, that reminds me, I have to call Emma and let her know what happened."


I was already halfway down the hall when Tyler was calling my name, like he was about to say something, but I just kept walking.

Hey it's Emma, leave a message after the beep and i'll give you a call back when I get the chance. Beep!

"Hey Emma, something has happened. It's Charlotte, she's in the hospital, she got into a really bad car accident. Everyone is here, so i'd be nice if you could stop by, we haven't heard anything yet. Talk to you later, bye."

Within minutes my phone rang, it was Emma.


"Hey, I got your voicemail about Charlotte, I'm on my way."

"Okay, see you soon."

"We need to talk about something also."

"Okay, could you tell me what this pertains to?"

"I guess...A few weeks ago at the party Ian threw.."

That's when I heard Emma scream, the sound of brakes squealing loud enough that I thought I would go deaf, the smashing and crushing sound of metal on metal like the sound of a soda can being crushed, but 50 times louder, and the shattering sound of glass into a million pieces, right before the line went dead.


At that moment, all I could think was where is Emma at? We need to get her help. By the severe sound of the accident, if anyone was alive, they wouldn't last long without medical help. But finding her is the challenging part, I have no idea where she was coming from or how far away she is.

Both of the girls being in a car accident on the same day couldn't have been a coincidence. What is going on? Were they targeted? Was it planned? A million questions accumulating in my head. I rush back to the guys outside Charlotte's room.

"Guys! Emma..has just been accident too. I was on the phone with her and she said she was on her way. We have to find her quick, by the sounds of the accident, if she is alive, she doesn't have much time."

"Someone has to stay here in case Charlotte wakes up."

"I will, you guys go ahead and look for Emma."

"Thanks Ty."

"I'll fill Charlotte's dad in on what happened when he gets back from his coffee run."

"Okay, call when you have any news about Charlotte."

"Will do, same with Emma."

"Okay, see you later."

~~~I can't really say when the next update is going to be because I am bad at updating at the scheduled time if you couldn't tell already haha. Thank you for being patient! And 315 views makes me so happy, that so many people read this story so far, I hope the numbers keep increasing. :) Love you all! xoxo~~~

++ I will be updating this weekend May 15th-18th, sometime in there. I'm trying to figure out the plot and set the book up and such. Have a good night or good day! :) Thanks for reading!! Xoxo++

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