The uneventful diary of a 15...

By ecwritings

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This isn't a 'story' I had planned on anyone reading because people will probably not want to, to be honest... More



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By ecwritings

School started last Wednesday and I actually didn't mind the first week.

A told me that C did it again though, and she looked scared. The teachers love C, and he didn't get any punishment last time, so why would he this time? 

It makes my blood boil to be honest- and it makes it worse that I can't do anything about it to help. Maybe I should just kill him.

Other than that, I felt myself becoming more confident. I've been wanting to for a long time, but I feel like I have really made a fresh start. I've put more effort into work, I've continued running, and I've gotten all the thoughts overthinking irrelevant people out of my head.

It feels good. But to tell you the truth, it doesn't really feel much different like I thought it would.

M bought her first car. It is a white Fiat 500 but she still hasn't really got the hang of driving it. The amount of stalling she has done in the past few days proves this point.

It's my last year of high school. GCSE year. So I am really trying to knuckle down.

I got a 7 in my religious studies exam which I would say I am proud of but I don't really feel that.

Speaking of school, I really don't know if I should apply for BRIT school. A and the others are encouraging me to, but I am outside of the catchment area anyway; I would be shocked if I ever got a letter back.

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