To Defy A Duke

By vickitickitoria

3.1M 130K 8.3K

Lady Eliza Turner has no interest in finding herself a wealthy husband, she has her books, her best friend Ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 25

45.6K 1.9K 26
By vickitickitoria

Back in the shop, Eliza sits down next to Charlotte. Helen leans forward and places a hand on her arm. No one has appeared since they left.

"Are you alright?" She asks concerned.

"Just some wedding jitters," Eliza answers confidently.

"Happens to the best of us," Helen says passing her back her abandoned cup of tea, she accepts and takes a sip of the strong herbal concoction. The back door opens and a middle-aged lady with sandy hair and a kind face waddles towards them. They all stand as she approaches.

"Madame Olive, a pleasure as always." Charlotte inclines her head to the dressmaker.

"Lady Charlotte, a delight to see you again." Madame Olive bobs a curtsy. "How may I be of assistance?"

"I am to be married this Saturday as is my best friend Eliza Turner." Charlotte seizes Eliza's arm and pulls her forward. "And we are in need of two wedding gowns."

"Congratulations to you both," The lady says.

"As well as an entire wardrobe for Eliza as she is to become a Duchess," Charlotte adds.

"I see." Madame Olive gives Eliza a flustered one over.

"Money is of no object," Eliza says, trying to be helpful.

"Splendid." Madame Olive claps her hands. "Girls!"

Three young women flank her, holding tape measures, lace and pins. They smile brightly at the group, they all wear identical pale pink uniforms.

"I need a pink dress for the wedding and a new pink one too." Penny pipes up.

"Do you now?" Madame kneels down and smiles at the excited child. "Joan, take the pretty girl here and find her the perfect dress."

One of the girls leads Penny to a corner of the shop that contains almost every shade of pink. Madame Olive turns to the first girl.

"Lady Eliza here is in need of a full wardrobe." The girl smiles and nods in understanding.

"Lady Charlotte if I could show you the dress we have?"Madame Olive asks extending an arm to a rack of white, cream and ivory dresses. Charlotte follows her to the dresses and they begin to discuss designs and colours.

"Miss?" The girl speaks, "How many dresses are we wanting for your wardrobe?"

"Oh, I..." Eliza is stumped at the question, luckily Helen answers for her.

"8-day dresses, four evening dresses and one riding habit."

"That's a lot." Eliza comments overwhelmed, who needs that many new items of clothing.

"Not at all, we can easily find you 8 materials you like, then pick a few styles and accessories, do your measurements and then you have your day dresses sorted." The girl informs them leading them to a rack of different materials.

"What's your name?" Eliza asks the press assistant.

"Willow, miss." The girl replies surprised.

"Willow, could you please pick 10 materials that are your favourite and that you think are suitable for a duchess and we can go from there?" Eliza asks.

"Of course miss," Willow says looking slightly flummoxed but leaves her standing with Helen.

"Don't you want to pick your own dresses?" Helen asks running a hand over bright pink silk.

"She will have more of an idea than I," Eliza explains pulling yellow chiffon out of its place and feeling the thickness.

"No." Helen pushes the fabric back into place. "That would look awful with your light skin tone."

"What about this?" Eliza pulls a length of pale pink taffeta out and places up against her body. Helen purses her lips, Eliza sighs and places it back.

"Helen, why don't you find some fabrics that you think are suitable?" She suggests.

"I did see a beautiful royal red that would go gorgeously with your hair," Helen says excitedly, she walks to the rack near the window and starts comparing shades of red velvet.

"Miss?" Madame Olive appears at Eliza's elbow startling her. "I didn't mean to frighten you but I was wondering if you a wedding gown in mind? Charlotte is currently trying a few ones with one of my girls"

"I don't but I do like the green dress in the window."

"Oh really? That was sold to me by a French debutante, unsuitable for a wedding dress of course." Madame Olive says thoughtfully.

"Of course." Eliza echos looking over at the dress. "Could I take a closer look?"

"Indeed." Madame Olive clicks her fingers at one of the girls. "Joan."

Joan scuttles forward, she hoists the heavy mannequin off the display platform and totters over to them.

"Thank you," Eliza says as the dress is set before her, she trails her fingers over the detailing of dark jewels.

"Could you recreate this?" She asks. "With a few changes?"

Madame Olive hesitates.

"It's fine if you can't," Eliza says hastily, retracting her hand.

"What type of changes?"

"The colour, some kind of white, leave the shoulders bare but get rid of the sleeves and have a small band of lace around the bottom of the shoulders, keep the neckline. Change the jewel detailing to gold and make the skirt a little bigger." Eliza shuts her mouth suddenly, "Sorry I can't ask you to pull a dress like that out of thin air. "

"Not at all, I can see what you are asking for." Madame Olive says, "I can't promise you'll like the end result as I can't create the exact dress you want but I can try."

"Really?" Eliza gasps.

"I'll try."

"Thank you."

"Let's get you measured up then." Madame Olive says. "Chastity."

The remaining girl shows Eliza into a private dressing room.

"If you could put this dress on and I'll return in a minute." She says before leaving. Eliza unpins her hat and struggles to remove her dress, eventually, she does and pulls on the pale gown that hangs shapelessly.

"Miss?" Chasity's voice calls through the curtain a few moments later.

"Come in." She says the girl enters carrying several tape measures. She places the first one around her waist then her hips. Her shoulders and arms are measured next as well as the length of waist to floor.

"Thank you, miss," Chasity says standing up and collecting her notes and tape measures.

"That's it?"

"Until we have made the dresses then you will have the last alterations made."

Chasity exits allowing Eliza to put her own dress back on and leave the changing room. Helen sits on one of the chairs, Willow stands, holding too many bolts of fabric.

"Together Willow and I have found 15 suitable materials for days dresses and 7 for evening dresses," Helen explains gesturing to the fabrics that adorn the floor.

"What catches your eye miss?" Willow asks laying her fabrics down next to those on the floor. Eliza walks forward and examines the bright colours and patterns. She crouches down and feels a few bolts.

"This one." She says pointing to a silk. The colour is stunning, it is silver but when it catches the light it flashes blue.

"For an evening dress." Helen agrees, Willow lifts the bolt and places it to the side.

"What about this one, it would go darling with your hair?" Olive picks up a black and gold patterned velour.

"Yes." Helen agrees, "For a sophisticated evening gown."

"I like this one for a day dress," Charlotte says appearing out of nowhere and pointing to a sky blue cotton.

"I think this one will do nicer with her hair," Helen says picking up a dark violet silk.

After vigorous debate and protesting not from Eliza, she ends up with seven different day dresses, and another evening dress of a bright rose.

"I didn't see the red velvet in the selection," Eliza comments to Helen as they sit in front of the changing room waiting for Charlotte to show them her chosen wedding dress. Penny is chewing on a scone, content with two dresses.

"Ah well, that's a surprise," Helen says secretively, tapping the side of her nose.

"Are you ladies ready?" Madame Olive asks coming from behind the curtain, she pulls back the curtain and reveals Charlotte. She stands in a swan white dress, the bodice is high cut but highly detailed with pearls and beads, the long sleeves are made entirely of lace, the skirt is made of many layers of lace and silk that fall straight to the floor and showcase how willowy her body is.

"You look stunning." Eliza breathes.

"A perfect bride." Helen agrees.

"Like a princess." Penny cries.

"Every princess needs a crown." Madame Olive says producing a tiara of white gemstones that has a beautiful veil, she places it on Charlotte's curls.

"I think I might cry," Charlotte whispers twirling around, looking in the mirror.

"I think I might leave before the tears start," Eliza says standing up. "I need to got to the bookshop."

"Of course, just be back in a half hour," Helen says.

"I will," Eliza promises.

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