
By biebersselfies

210K 8.8K 4.6K

****CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING**** Justin and Ariana always had a rough relationship. It wasn't until Justin rea... More

Ch. 1: At Lease Someone Cares
Ch. 2: Maid
Ch. 3: Luke's Obsession
Ch. 4: A Real Boyfriend
Ch. 6: Party?
Ch. 7: Don't Talk About It
Ch. 8: 10 Years Of Lies
Ch. 9: Break Ups Hurt Me Too
Ch. 10: It Really Is You
Ch. 11: Why Did That Happen?
Ch. 12: Guy Talk
Ch. 13: But I Can't... Right?
Ch. 14: Gone
Ch. 15: Make Your Move
Ch. 16: Who's That?
Ch. 17: Go Away!
Ch. 18: Is He Finally Gone?
Ch. 19: "That Secret"
Ch. 20: Troublemaker
Ch. 21: No Word For What I'm Feeling
Ch. 22: I'm Just Fine
Ch. 23: Twins Can Relate
Ch. 24: Regrets
Ch. 25: Friends
Ch. 26: Always Because of Him
Ch. 27: It's Not That Hard
Ch. 28: I Don't Want You To Change For Me
Ch. 29: Revenge
Ch. 30: Going Crazy
Ch. 31: Watch Out
Ch. 32: So Irrelevant
Ch. 33: She Wasn't Kidding
Ch. 34: Is He Okay?
Ch. 35: Chaz Being Chaz...
Ch. 36: He Hates Me
Ch. 37: I'm Not Giving Up
Ch. 38: Finally
Ch. 39: At It Again
Ch. 40: Plans
Ch. 41: Progress
Ch. 42: Unexpected Twist
Ch. 43: Not Right
Ch. 44: Tiring Day
Ch. 45: Guilt
Ch. 46: Messing Around
Ch. 47: Learn To Be Strong
Ch. 48: Trouble
Ch. 49: Change
Ch. 50: She Doesn't Know Her Limits
Ch. 51: Almost To That Point
Ch. 52: I Believe You
Ch. 53: You're Not the Only One
Ch. 54: Not Even Close
Ch. 55: So Thats What Happened

Ch. 5: Suspicions

5K 208 111
By biebersselfies

Jai's POV

Maybe Karson was right... I shouldn't wait that long to ask Ariana out. I'll probably do it today? I just need to figure out how...

"Jai!" Ariana called. I turned around and saw her running.

"Everything okay?" I said in concern.

"Not really." she said getting worried.

"What happened?"

"Um... You know that science project?"


"Well, Jasmine and Justin said that they didn't want to do the project so I had to do it on my own and out their names on it. They said if I got them anything less than a 77%, they're gonna do something! Jasmine bended the project and even pulled out Neptune to put it where Saturn is! I'm going to die today!"

"What are they even going to do?"

"I don't know! but I'm so scared because I know for sure we aren't getting a 77% or over."

"Are the marks going home today?"


"It's okay, I'll walk home from school with you."



"Thanks" she smiled.

"Maybe we can even get Karson to walk with us too"

"Yeah, that'd be great."

"It's going to be okay, I promise"

"Thanks. your kinda the only one who's always there for me." She said hugging me.

"No problem" I said hugging her tighter.


Ariana's POV

I walked into class seeing Jasmine and Justin talking. It kind of scared me, knowing the fact that they could be talking about me. I sat in the far back where no one else was sitting but this kid no one really talks to. Well, in about 5 minutes is when I'm getting 'our' science mark. You don't even know, I'm scared as hell!

I was looking though my science textbook just because I was bored and minutes later, the teacher walked in.

"Good afternoon students! I've looked at your solar systems and most of them are pretty good. None of you guys got something less than an 66% so I guess most of you guys are fine. " she said.

I saw Justin turn around and look at me. I avoided eye contact and pretended to write something in my notebook.

"When I call your name, please come up." The teacher said.

I bit my bottom lip, seeing everyone happy about their marks and high five-ing their group mates. Everyone's was actually amazing.

"Ariana" she called.

I nervously got up and walked to her. I took the paper. Jasmine and Justin were trying to peek, but I still haven't looked at it myself yet.

I sat down on my seat and slowly slid the paper up.

"You take forever" Justin said snatching the paper from my hand.

"What did we get?" Jasmine whispered to Justin.

Justin ignored Jasmine and sat back down on his seat. I saw him look at the mark and crinkle up the paper and throw it at Jasmine.

I saw Jasmine open the paper and I could tell she was pissed off. She ripped the paper into pieces and walked up to me. She threw the pieces of paper in my face. I don't even know the mark! what did we get!?

"What did we get?" I chocked.

"72%" she spat.


"Sorry" I said getting really scared.

"You'll see it soon." She smirked.

See it? See what? What is she gonna do? Shit. I'm gonna see it and not feel it? This is different. They usually hurt me. What are they up to?

When the teacher dismissed us, I ran to Jai.

"Woah, everything alright?" He asked.


"Shh, calm down. It's alright.


"She's not going to do anything"


"Just calm down, it'll be alright."

"I'm sorry" I said hugging him.

"For what?"

"Yelling at you"

"It's okay" he said hugging me back. I released the hug and looked at him. He smiled at me and I kind of got lost in those beautiful brown eyes of his.

The next thing I knew, our lips were touching. I kinda liked it... I haven't felt loved for a long, long time.

"OH MY GOD!" I heard Karson yell.

I pushed Jai off of me lightly and turned around seeing Karson covering her mouth.

"Ooh... you guys were kissing..." Karson said.

I blushed... a lot.

I looked back at Jai and he was smiling. It was kinda awkward, but in a good way.

"By the way, tomorrow, it's your turn" Jai smiled at Karson.

"What?" She said confusedly.

"Luke" he smirked.

"Oh my god" Karson said, putting one hand on her forehead.

"Good luck." I laughed.

"Um, no! You're going to be beside me when it happens!"

"Sure I will..."

I looked at the time and there was 3 minutes until class starts. I walked down the hall, and up the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jasmine said.

"T-to class?" I gulped.

"Not yet" she smirked. She pulled on my hair and brought me to the girls washroom.

"Science is the only thing I'm not good at! You fucking messed everything up, so I'm going to mess you up first." She spat.

"There's more!?" I half-yelled.

"Well of course. I said you were going to see it right?"

"Yeah" I gulped.

"Great. This is just round one." She said punching me in the stomach. It hurt so much, I felt like throwing up. She kicked me on the leg and I swear, it was bleeding. She even slapped my face so hard, my cheek was warm and it was throbbing!

"This isn't even the end." she spat, pushing me onto the wall.

I could feel cramps all over my body. I could barely get up, but I managed to. I was limping the whole time. I needed to walk upstairs, and with this cramp, I'm never gonna make it. I was so beaten up, that I could barely focus in class. My stomach was still hurting like hell, but I managed to hold it in until after class. But that's when everything started to hurt a whole lot more.

I slowly walked to my locker, but then felt done on grabbing my arm. I turn around seeing Jai.

"Are you okay?" Jai asked.

I shook my head.

"Why are you limping?"

I didn't answer.


I put my hand on my stomach because it began to hurt like hell. I kneeled down on the floor.

"Ariana! is everything alright?"

I shook my head. I didn't really throw up.. it was more of, coughing out blood kind of thing. When I coughed it out, it scared me so much and I think it scared Jai too.

"Ariana? let's get you to the nurse."

I nodded and he helped me up.

"Whoa.. what happened?" Karson asked.

"She was coughing out blood" Jai whispered.

"Shit, is she okay? what happened?"

"I don't know."


I was completely fine. It's just probably because of Jasmine. I looked on my right and saw Jai stare at me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"How are you?"


"The nurse says that you can go back to class."

"Back to class?" I complained.


"Fine. Let's go." I said. He gave me a hand and I got up. He didn't let go of my hand until we were in class! Well, actually, he didn't let go until I said "you can let go now". I'm not saying I didn't like it though.


Apparently last period just ended and I didn't even know so that means I can go home! yay... I walked to my locker and put my books away. I grabbed my phone and closed my locker.

"Hey" Chaz grinned.

"What do you want!?" I said in annoyance.

"Um... Justin told me to give you this." he said giving me stacks of paper.

"What!? What's like 3 weeks of work!" I complained.

"I can hurt you as much as Justin does" he said, getting closer to me.


"Haha, you got scared."


"I was joking. You don't have to do that. That's just my work combined with Justin, Ryan, Luke, and Jasmine."

"And you want me to do it?"

"No. I'm not that mean. But I can be. That's why Justin doesn't like using us to hurt people"

"um... why are you even talking to me?"

"I don't know."

"Seriously. If you have nothing left to say, I'm going home"



"Um..." he stalled.

"Bye" I said.

I walked over to Jai and Karson.

"Finally! you ready to go home?" Karson said.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Why were you talking to Chaz?"

"I don't even know! he wasted my time."

"Okay... let's go" Jai said, grabbing my hand.

Chaz's POV

Ariana can't go home! Justin isn't even done with there fucking plan! I grabbed my phone out and quickly called Justin.

"What do you want!?" Justin spoke.

"Ariana's coming!"

"I told you to stall her for 20 minutes bro!"

"Sorry! I tried!"

"So she's coming right now?"

"She should be home in 5 minutes."

"This is why I never use you"


"Shut up. Try to stall her even more."


"Text her"

"I don't know her number"

"Text Jai"

"What am I suppose to say?"

"Something stupid. Be Chaz"

"That's mean"

"Hurry up!"

"Okay okay. Bye"


Shit. Why don't I just call him? calling makes a longer conversation right?

I dialled his number and waited for his answer.

"Hello?" Jai spoke.

"Um... Luke fucked a girl" I said, immediately regretting it.



"Dude, what is it?"

"Um... Ariana is your girlfriend right?"

"Um... kinda but why?"

"Because I was curious"


"C-U-R-I-O-U-S curious"

"Okay... if your done, can I go now?"

"How long has the convo been?"

"3 minutes"

"Wait 2 minutes."

"What the fuck bro. Get off the phone"


"Okay. Then I will" he hung up.


Karson's POV

"Who was that?" Ariana asked Jai.

"Chaz" he replied.

"Why?" She said in confusion.

"I don't know. He said that the conversation needed to be 5 minutes long."

"He's such a douche." I said.

"It's Chaz, he's more than a douche." Jai said.

We walked across the street. Ariana's house is 8 houses away from Jasmines... creepy. I walked ahead of them to Ariana's house and was shocked by what I've seen.

Graffiti? 'die' was written everywhere outside her house. I saw Ariana really close to her house. I ran to her to stop her.

"Don't walk any closer" I said to Ariana.

"Why? it's my house?"

"Jai, go" I told him.

He walked ahead and walked back as soon as he saw it.

"What? you guys are scaring me..." Ariana said.

"Just... don't freak out" Jai said.

"Freak out? what happened!?" she panicked.

"Just come" Jai said grabbing her hand.

She saw everything. 'Die' was written on her driveway, windows, roof, door, everything.

"But seriously, I personally think Justin could have went harder. Like graffiti is nothing" I said.

"Karson!" Ariana said.


"The door is open" Jai pointed out.

"Shit. I'm not going in." Ariana said.

"I'll go. I love these moments." I said. I ran into the house and could barely open the door because there was shattered glass all over the floor. What? I looked in the house and it was a huge mess! how did they even get in? I looked in her kitchen and everything was out of the cabinets and onto the floor. I went back outside and Ariana was crying. Jai was hugging her right but that's all I could see. I ran up to them and told them to go in.

As soon as Ariana went inside, I was surprised to find her run upstairs first. Her living room and kitchen is a mess and she runs upstairs?

I followed her upstairs and saw her crying like hell!

"Are you okay ari?" I asked.

"NO! THEY TOOK IT!" she screamed.

"Took what?"


Jai ran upstairs and sat beside her.

"Oh my god." I said.

"What?" Jai questioned.

"They took what Ariana had left of her parents."

"I'm so sorry baby" he said, rubbing Ariana's arm.


"Shh... calm down" Jai said, rocking her sideways.

I feel terrible.

"I'm so sorry Ariana, but we have to go home" I said.

"I'll be back at dinner okay?"

She nodded.

"Okay, bye"


⋆Ariana's POV⋆

I went downstairs and could barely enter my kitchen will all the glass on the floor. I walked into my living room to find that my tv is the only thing that still works. My living room was actually okay... just my coffee table is broken into pieces. But otherwise, my couch and tv were fine. I sat down and thought that tv would calm me down so I turned it on.

"Having fun?" I heard Justin say.

I was shaking so much. He's still in my house?! shit. My heart was beating so fast.

"Hi" he said, putting his arm around my neck.

"Why did you take my parents things away?" I cried.

"You took everything I had, I'm just treating you how you treated me"

"I NEVER-" I screamed.

"Shut up" he said covering my mouth.

"What more do you want?" I said, as many tears rolled down my face.

"Your house seems big for someone living on their own." he smirked.

"Well, obviously. There used to be 3 people until you killed two."

"What?" he spat.


"Um... I hate my house because of my fucking dad so, you can have your room and the kitchen. I'll have everything else"

"YOU'RE TAKING MY HOUSE!?" I screamed.



"Im still not done by the way" he smirked.

I gulped and he took his arm off around my neck.

"Get cleaning bitch" he spat.

"Can I just ask you one question?" I asked.

"You already did"

"You know what I mean!"

"Hurry up"

"Why do you hate your dad so much?"

"Shut the fuck up and go clean."

I'm being bossed in my own house. That's the worse feeling ever.

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