Romanced By Mr. Billionare

By cute_angelz

607K 7.4K 1.6K

Lizzie Prescott is a normal teenage girl who doesnt have a boyfriend despite the good looks. she gets a job a... More

The hot billionare wants me to be his: part six continued
The hot billionare wants me to be his: part six continued
the hot billionare... chapter 7
The Hot Billionare... chapter 8
The Hot Billionare... ch9
The Hot Billionare... chapter 10
The Hot Billionare... chapter 11 (rewritten)
Romanced by Mr. Billionare... chapter 12
Romanced By Mr. Billionare... Chap13


39.9K 468 81
By cute_angelz



I walked in the dark cold night. Shaking. A car pulled up next to me, slowing down to match my pace. I was relieved, thinking it was Stacy's, but when I turned around to look, I increased my pace. I had no idea whose car it was. The person kept up with me easily. Well, its a car... duh. I was walking so fast i began jogging now, forgetting about the cold. My heart beating so fast i could heart it in my ears. The person kept up with me. finally i gave up and decided to confront whoever it was. What did i have to loose anyway? I stopped and furiously turned around to face the car. The window lowered, revealing an amused Tyler behind the steering wheel.

"Did I scare you?" he asked in an amused tone. I groaned and straightened up, then began walking.

"Sorry about that" he said, driving his car to keep up with me.

"Go away Tyler" I said through chattering teeth.

"Get in" he said.

"Go away" I repeated.

"I will. Right after I drop you off" he said.

"You're not dropping me off anywhere. Go away" I said, facing straight ahead.

"But you're cold" he said

"I don't need your help" I said

"You look like you do" he said

"Says who?" I asked

"Me. Now please don't be stubborn" he said

"Or what?" I asked

"Or I'll come out there and carry you into the car" he said

"Good luck with that" I said, taking a sudden turn to the park. I saw his car stop, and my pace quickened.

"Why are you so hard?" he asked

"Coz that's the way I am. Get used to it" I said

"Get in the car Lizzie" he sighed, sounding annoyed

"No" I said "I'm not the type of girl who just gets in a random person's car and drives away with them. Who knows what might happen?" I said and kept walking, not looking at him.

"What might happen?" his voice suddenly came from besides me and to my mortification, I screamed

"Sorry" he said with an amused expression "what were you saying?"

"That you might rape me or kill me or something" I said.

"So... you dont trust me" he said in a matter of factly voice. And I nodded, then he laughed

"What?" I asked

"Nothing. It's just that you're so... I dont know the word" he laughed

"You insulting me now?" I asked

"No. You're just son funny" he said

"I didn't tell a joke" I said

"Okay maybe this'll break it down for you. You're walking in the dark, alone, with no one but me around, and you're scared that if you get in my car I might... rape or kill you" he chocked back laughter

"What's so funny about that?" I asked

"Don't you think if I wanted to take advantage of you, I'd just... do it?" he asked

"There are witnesses" I said

"They probably wont want to get involved. And if I did get caught... which I wouldn't, I'd get someone to bail me out" he said

"I'm still not gonna get in the car with you" I said

"Fine with me" he shrugged, putting his hands in his pocket

"What are you doing now?" I asked, annoyed

"Walking you home" he replied

"Tyler why are you doing this?" I asked "Are you like... trying to annoy me or something?"

"You could say that" he said nodding and looking into space as if he was thinking, "or maybe that there's other rapists and killers out there who unlike me, will not care how stubborn you are, or how... uh... witnesses will or will not want to get involved, or even whether they'll stay, get in or get out of prison"

"Fine then" I said and sat down

"What are you doing?" he asked

"Sitting down?" I said

"I know what you're trying to do" he said

"Good" I replied

"It's not going to work" he said

"It is working now" I said, putting my knees at my chest and wrapping my hands around them to keep warm. He took a seat next to me.

"You are, impossible" he said

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself" I replied and he chuckled.

"How long is it going to be until you give up?" he asked

"As long as it'll take" I said

"Fine" he said in an amused voice and laid back, putting his hands underneath the back of his head as a pillow.

I sat there quietly, not wanting him to follow me and see where I lived. But that would mean I'd have to sit here all night. Or maybe until he was asleep.

Was I willing to take the risk? Yeah sure. Bring it on.

~~~TYLER's POV~~~~~~~

She fell asleep. She seriously fell asleep, and not even twenty minutes after we'd sat down in the park.

"Lizzie? Lizzie?" I tried snapping my fingers in front of her face to wake her up, but she didn't wake up. I couldn't help notice that her face was... I don't know... cute? Argh I hate it when I start falling for girls like this. She wasn't even the slightest bit interested in me.

I decided to take my chances and stood up, dusted myself off before lifting her up effortlessly. She was very light. Well, to me she was. Maybe it was because I was fit, or... I don't know. But whatever it was, I didn't care. I was too busy holding my breath as she shifted, hoping she wouldn't wake up. Instead, she was just getting comfortable in my arms, and lay her head against my chest, putting a hand on my chest before tapping it and caressing it slightly, then smiling. Looking even better. I chuckled at her and walked towards my car with her in my hands. I did, however hope that she wouldn't hear the sudden speeding heart rate her caressing had caused. What the heck was happening to me?

I needed to get away from this girl. And fast.


I slowly dozed off into sleep after what seemed like hours. Turning to see if Tyler was still awake, I saw him gazing at the stars, his chest rising and falling evenly. If it weren't for the open eyes and blinking, I would have laid down on his chest. What? It looked so inviting and comfortable. For some reason, I longed for those strong arms around me and to put my head on his chest so he could hold me. damn it I'm seriously losing it. The only thing that stopped me from having a heart attack was telling myself I'd reacted the same way with Carlos. So it must have been normal. But there was something about Tyler's that made me.... nevermind. I wasn't about to stress over this. No drama in my life, remember?

Soon, it was I who fell asleep. And a few minutes later, I heard Tyler's voice faintly, calling my name. I shut my eyes tightly. It will go away, no drama in your life. I told myself to keep from freaking. Soon the voice was quiet, and I was sound asleep again.

But then a few seconds later, I felt strong broad arms going around me, and myself lifting from the ground. It didn't feel comfy so I shifted to lay in a better position. I put my head against something hard, and in it was a soft quick beating of what sounded like a drum. It was a soothing sound, so I tried to feel where it was coming from, with my hand, but found nothing but a hard... wall? I smiled at the safeness I felt and for some reason, my heart flipped and beat even faster, before I started moving.

Okay what the hell? I was moving? That was when it hit me. I was being carried by someone. And it felt safe. Too bad it was only a dream.


Okay guys just so you dont get confused. She thinks its a dream and doesnt know it really is happening.


So please leave a comment, vote and become a fan if you aren't already one


Ily (not in a gay way though) lol

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