Nothing like Us

By Iloveyousoxo

32 0 0

Nothing like Us is about 10 people who live a different life story. It's about how to find love, stick with l... More

WTH! (What The Hell...)

Hello My Name Is...

21 0 0
By Iloveyousoxo

Hello My Name Is...

Mélaysia POV

So as I'm walking down the hallway I noticed that the office door was flooded with girls screaming, mumbling, some even crying! I rolled my eyes. Some of these girls can be so dramatic. "Damn Baby!" with a slap on my ass. I turn around to see my best friend Maria now standing in front of me. "Hey hoe!" we both laughed. "So did you hear?" I shook my head no. "As if I ever hear any news around here." I opened my locker with a heavy sigh of having the memory come back to me, as I see this picture calendar of my ex and I with our anniversary date marked on it...JACK ass. "Um you need to get rid of that...I know you still have feelings for that scum bag, but keeping pictures of him in your locker isn't going to make your feelings go away. I bit down hard on my lip knowing that she was right but I mean c'mon these pictures are cute! Besides its years of memories, you can't throw that away. "He's not a scum bag" I said with annoyance in my voice. "What's going on over there?" I asked while sorting through my books. "Oh, right! Well apparently there's these guys who make Vine videos and became famous and are now attending our school!" clapping her hands together. "Plus they are hot!" I couldn't help but laugh. "Typical isn't it?" "What do you mean?" she asked while searching through halls. "I mean just think about it, here are these "famous" Vine guys coming to our school, and all of a sudden these girls go crazy over them hoping to be their Cinderella!...What is Vine anyways?!" "Oh I forgot...since your life is so boring and controlled by your parents outside of school, you wouldn't have time for social media! It's where you make a six second video of doing funny, crazy, random things...seriously get with the program!" We both stood there for a second then laughed hysterically until we were being stared at like creeps. "Well once you put it like that you do have a point!" I said. "Exactly! Anyways I will catch you later, let me know how that study date with your dad goes. Bye!" And with that she was long gone, down the hall. Ugh I forgot all about that...can my life get any more stressful!

Jack's Gilinsky POV

As I was walking into the lunch room with Jack, and Sam I noticed this short, petite girl power walking her way through the crowd, with a book in one hand and a granola bar in the other, seeming like she didn't have a care in the world. Something about this girl caught my attention. Was it the way her hair bounced off her shoulders, or the way her hips twitched when she walked, or was it just because I didn't noticed her around that mob of girls around the office this morning, and trust me...I noticed every girl. I must have been in my thoughts for too long because now she was laying on top of me. Our eyes connected with each other and man does she have some pretty brown eyes, most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen in my life. "I uh...sorry" she mutter out, quickly picking herself up off of me! "Oh no worries" I said, trying to stop the smile that was growing on my face. "Hey watch it! He's famous and doesn't need some book warm running into him." Some jerk across the lunch hall yelled. "Sorry. I uh sorry" she mumbled while running out of the cafeteria. I ran after her. "Hey wait!" I yelled. She kept running. "You forgot your book" I said so low that no one could her me. Hmph.

                                                                                        Part 2 

Maria's POV

"Maria, I can't believe I literally embarrassed myself during lunch today..." said Mélaysia through a text message. I couldn't help but laugh at how dorky Mélaysia can be sometimes. "At least you didn't spill food all over him that would've been a tragedy" I texted back making my way towards the student parking lot, as I see a group of kids surrounding each other clapping their hands, swaying their heads back and forth to the sweet guitar music. I walked a little closer to see who was playing and to my surprise it was Luke. Luke and I used to be really great friends...elementary and middle school, but as soon as we gotten to high school he burned me off like I was some kind of wart. "Thank you, Thank you! My band '5 seconds of summer' and I will be performing this Friday at the 'New beginning of the school year' party! Make sure you's going to be epic." He said as he and the small crowd started walking away. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as a small smile spread across my face when Luke used to invite me to his private band session and would later pull me on stage and we'll both go crazy. I used to think that, that would be one friendship I would have to the day that I die but I guess I was wrong. 'Hey! Wait up!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to notice Casandra "Cassie" running towards me. "Maria...listen I'm hosting my 'New Beginning of the School Year' party this Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to go?" she asked, running her hands through her hair. I can' she serious right now? "Seriously?!" I asked maybe a little too harsh. Cassie nodded her head yes, with a little heavy sigh escaping her lips. "Look." She said with a pause. "With everything that happened the past couple of years I feel like it's only right that we let bygones be bygones...besides it is senior year!" she said with excitement. "We don't want our last memory of high school to be that horrible, horrible drama that has happened." She said, her voice cracking and eyes becoming teary eyed. Oh here come the water works...she's such a great actress. "I just hope you find it in your heart to forgive me." She was wiping away those fake tears that didn't even bother to run down her cheek, I rolled my eyes in response. "Well thanks for the invite, Cassie. I'll be there." I said caving in. "YAY! Great. Oh and bring...Mallasia?!" She asked confusingly. "Mélaysia...her name is Mélaysia" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice. "Right... Mélaysia! Bring her as well. Mwah" she said while blowing a kiss, and walking away.  

"Oh she'll be there!" I said loudly knowing damn well that will never happen!

Part 3 

Cameron POV

"Alright team listen up!" I yelled. "As your captain this year I just wanted to say that we are going to take things to another level and dominate basketball like never before." The team started rooting and clapping. "For the newbies on this year's team...we are all one!" I said in a serious tone. "Meaning if one screw up, we all screw up! All of us will improve ourselves for the better if you're wanting to stay on this team -" I was cut off by a bunch of screaming cheerleaders storming their way into the gym. "whoa, whoa, whoa!" I yelled. "Ladies we're in the middle of an important meeting" I said annoyed. "Not anymore!" Roxanna said walking towards me. "My god can't you take your annoying squad somewhere else?" I said bluntly, looking her right in the eyes. "Annoying?!" she gasped. "I'll have you know that my "annoying" squad is what gets your sorry ass, and sorry ass plays through the game." The guys all ruptured in laughter, while Roxanna stood there with a smirk on her face. Seriously sorry ass...only thing sorry was her not getting a piece of this ass! Ha! "Now!" Roxanna yelled towards the guys. "In order for you guys to actually win a game" she said stopping, looking at me. "Cameron here...needs to stop being a ball hog and learn how to least that's what his mommy says." Everyone started laughing again. "Meeting adjourned." She said as everyone started to leave. "Practice next week! Don't be late!" I yelled while looking at Roxanna. She stared at me, twirling her hair around her fingers, with a smirk on her face. "Sorry ass? That's cute, considering you would be staring at my ass." I said with a wink. "You're a pig" she said. I laughed in her face and pushed up against her. "Don't flatter yourself, you won't get away with this shit you pulled today Roxanna." I said sternly with a smirk across my face. "Do you think I'm scared of you Cameron? Maybe if you grew some bigger balls I'd believe you." She said patting me on the shoulders, skipping her way towards the rest of the cheerleaders. Ugh I hate her sometimes, I swear.


"Hey Cameron, a few girls waved and winked at me." I smiled and waved back. I noticed Roxanna staring at me with a disgusted look on her face. I winked at her. She gaged and turned her back towards me. "Yo! Cameron" Jack and Johnson both yelled, while walking with Sam. "Aye what's up guys?" I said, dapping them up. "You good bro?" Johnson asked me. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I asked with a confused look on my face. "Oh considering the fact there's rumors going around that Roxanna played you in gym today" said Jack. I laughed, waving off the situation. "She didn't play me." I said, grabbing my lunch. "Well you better step your plays up and stop being a ball least that's what mommy says!" Joked Sam while laughing. "You're an ass" I said laughing. "You guys going to the party this Friday?" Jack asked looking around the cafeteria. "Mallory wants to go, so I'm taking her." Said Johnson "Oh she's hot." I said laughing, Johnson through an apple slicer at me. I couldn't help but noticed Jack in a daze. "Hello earth to Jack Gilinsky!" I said. "Huh? Oh sorry." He said, while taking a bite out of his food. "You ok man?" Sam asked. "Uh yeah, I'm fine" he said staring straight ahead. I turned around to see what he was looking at. Mélaysia I thought. "Oh man you got the HOTS for Mélaysia huh?" I smirked. "Huh? What? NO!" he said trying to hide his smile. "Bro let me save you the trouble, she doesn't have time for you." Jack looked shocked yet a little hurtful. "Let me guess...she only haves time for you?" he said rudely yet sarcastic. "No, I'm just saying she's very focused on certain things and relationships aren't one of them." I said, hoping this conversation about Mélaysia wasn't going to go any further...  

Roxanna's POV

I couldn't sleep. It was now 2:30 AM. I have been on twitter all night retweeting, favoring, stalking, and of course tweeting of my own. 

@Roxannaxoxo: "I can't sleep...I guess tonight's party is what got me restless" #Partyoftheyear  

@CameronDallas: "The real reason why you're so restless is because I'm on your mind." #Letsbereal 

Seriously? What a conceited punk.  

@Roxannaxoxo @CameronDallas: "the real reason why you're so restless is because I'm on your mind." #Letsbereal <<< You're so annoying. I've had enough of you today #Dismissed 

I cannot stand Cameron with a passion! He thinks that he can have any girl that he wants well news flash he can but I won't settle for that! I's so tacky when I see girls try and flirt with him, especially when they act stupid around him! Don't get me wrong, Cameron is gorgeous! Ugh super gorgeous...his smile is so perfect, and his hair looks so soft, and his skin is just so UGH! Flawless! The best part about his body will have to be his lips. Mm his lips are just so- what the hell am I thinking and why am I biting down on my lip. I shook the thought of Cameron out of my head. "Roxanna you need to go to sleep" I said to myself. Wow was I starting to find Cameron attractive, before I could even answer myself I realized I ended up on his Instagram account scrolling through his pictures. YES THIS BOY IS FINE! He'll never know though... 

As I flopped back into my bed, letting my thoughts take control of me, I get another tweet from dick head Dallas. 

@CameronDallas: "Try not falling asleep thinking about me...its disturbing"  

He's right...this is disturbing! Disturbingly good I thought.

Part 4 

Mallory's POV

"Thanks for the help Maria that was nice of you." I said walking in the locker room. "Oh no worries. So how are you liking this school so far? I know coming along with the Jack's and Sam must be a little tough...leaving all your friends back home and what not?" I sighed while putting my hair into a bun. "To be honest, it is a little tough to just move and leave your life behind but Johnson and I made a commitment to one another. I will always be a supporter to my man dreams and he'll always be a supporter towards mine." I said with a smile. "I like LA it is way better than Nebraska but I do miss my friends". She placed a hand on her heart while smiling. "Aww that's cute. There's nothing like mutual support. I wish them the best." She said. I smiled. "Thanks. So are you going to this party everyone is talking about?" I asked, while strapping my volleyball pads across my knees. She let out a heavy sigh, leaning against the wall. "I want to but I don't want to go alone...I want my best friend to come but convincing her will be the death of me." She said laughing. "What will be the death of you?" a girl asked walking towards Maria. I'm assuming that's her best friend... "Getting you out of the house for once." She said while pointing at me. "Mallory and I were talking about the party tonight and I think you should come along...we can all go together." Her friend laughed and smiled at me. "Hi, I'm Mélaysia" she said extending her hand out to me. I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Mélaysia, I'm Mallory." We heard a pounding on the locker door, I went to open it. "Jack...Babe what are you doing the girls locker room area?" I ask trying not to laugh. He smiled and bit down on his bottom lip. "You're hot in your gym attire." I playfully pushed him and walked out closing the door behind me. "What's going on...why aren't you in class?" I asked concerned. "Restroom break...and I wanted to see you." He said kissing my cheek. Aww he's so sweet. "Aw babe. That's so sweet, head back to class" I said poking his side, while softly kissing his cheek. He laughed while grabbing my hands. "I can't wait for tonight, it's going to be so much fun." He paused looking at me directly into my eyes. "Thanks for everything Mall." He said in a whispering tone. "For coming out here with me, supporting my dreams. I owe it all to you. I love you." He gently placed a kiss on my lips, making me smile into this kiss. I slowly pulled back and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. "You're amazing Jack. I'd always support you in anything. I love you and I can't wait for tonight." I poked his side again causing him to irrupt into laughter. "Now head to class before you get into trouble." "Yes mom!" we both laughed and kissed goodbye before heading in our separate direction.  

Sam's POV

As I was getting my haircut for tonight's party I got a text from Jack G. telling me that there was a change of plans and all the guys would be meeting up at my house before we head out. I paid the barber his money and headed out. Tonight was going to be a great night. What a way to celebrate the new life that Jack, Johnson and I had stored for us. We'll no longer be known as a couple of kids around Nebraska. I couldn't wait. Thinking about it gets me excited every time. I pulled into my driveway as it was getting dark. I ran into the house kissing my mom on the cheek as she told me the guys were upstairs in my bedroom. "Fellas! What's up! Are we ready for a great night or what?" I asked excitedly. "You know it man!" Gilinksy said dapping me up. Johnson laid across the bed texting away, while Cameron was freshening up. "Alright Mallory is going with her new friend Maria...since her friend Mélaysia can't go." Jack face fell but he quickly picked it back up. "Bummer" I said while changing into my clothes. "Alright boys let's roll and Johnson you're driving back tonight since you hardly drink" Johnson nodded his head and we all headed out.


Mélaysia POV

I stood in front of my mirror, parting and curling my hair. I wanted to get out tonight, I'm tired of being stuck inside this house every weekend. Yes I understand that studies are important but I'm a teenager and my father needs to understand what being a teenager meant, especially one being a senior in high school. All my life I have been obedient, scored high SAT scores, applied at top colleges and followed into my parents footsteps...I just want to be able to live in the now, and if I couldn't do that for the rest of my life then I sure as hell was going to do it tonight. I'm not missing out on this party. There was a soft knock on my door. "Come in" I said. My dad walked in with a little confused look on his face "Mélaysia, did you finish your studies?" he asked looking at me. "Yes." I replied sternly, adding lip gloss to my lips. He closed his eyes releasing a heavy sigh. "You don't need to add lip gloss or makeup to go to the movies Mel." My dad hated when I put on makeup. "I try to tell you and your mother that y'all are beautiful without." I laughed a little. " are so old fashion. Thanks." I said lowly. He smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Alright you know the rules, be home no later than 12." I nodded my head. "You're growing up so fast." He said sounding a little emotional. "Dad" I said a little annoyed. "What?!" he laughed. "You are." I patted his shoulders. "We have to grow up at some point." He rolled his eyes. "True, later than 12" he said while kissing my forehead once again and exiting my room. I took a deep breath while pulling out my phone sending a text. 

Mélaysia to Maria. : "I'm coming"

Jack's POV

"This party fucking rocks!!!" I yelled jumping up and down from the couches, spilling a bit of beer on the floor. "Oh shit!" I laughed. The party was insane, as soon as we had arrived we were escorted to the V.I.P. lounge...I didn't think they'll have one of those at a mansion party...and the coolest thing was free drinks, no parents, just friends, loud music, amazing food, and girls...lots and lots of girls. "Are you guys having a great time?!" the party host yelled over the loud music. Damn was she fine, and my boy Sam was checking her out. "Hell yea" he shouted. "Thanks for the VIP room...its fucking bananas, and your party rocks" he said, holding up his beer. She smirked and sat next to him. "Only for the best right? And it's no project x but I'm sure everyone will be satisfied by tomorrow" she said. "Sam thinks you're hot!" I said with a smirk. Sam playfully pushed me and laughed. "I think he's drunk" he said laughing. "You are hot though." She flipped her hair off her shoulder smiling and whispered something into his ear. "Wooooo" Johnson said loudly, dancing with Mallory. "Get it Sammy boy" he said, I laughed while taking another swig of my beer. I noticed a girl from afar trying to walk through and around a crowd of people bumping and grinding, I don't know if it was the beer I was drinking but I swear it looks like the girl I've been eyeballing at school...but I thought she wasn't coming. Maybe it's just my imagine nation.  

Luke POV

"Encore, Encore, Encore!" I smiled as the crowd was getting hyped. Red solo cups up in the air, people swaying their bodies back and forth to the music. This was the best party yet! I'm so thankful for the fan base we have here in our home town. I really did miss performing at parties like these, you just get to be yourself and let the music take control of you. It's fucking awesome. "Alright as I can see the crowd wants more, then more is what they should get how about a song-" I was cut off by a girl, a girl named Maria running up on stage snatching my microphone. I can tell she was half drunk. "What are you doing?!" I asked harshly. "I need to talk to you" she said trying to drag me off stage. I snatched my arm back. "I'm in the middle of a performance..." I said annoyingly. "Well I don't care this is more important." I sighed and told the band to play something and to give me five. I followed Maria into a bed room and closed the door. "What it is?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Ok. First off" she said, tilting her head sideways. "I'm drunk" she started laughing. I rolled my eyes. "No...I didn't noticed" I said sarcastically. "What do you want Maria?" She moved over and sat on the bed and looked up. "An answer!" She half way yelled. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "An answer to what?" I said sitting next to her. She put her fingers to my lips. "STOP YELLING" she yelled. I ran my hands through my hair. "You're the one that's yelling Maria." Maria got up from the bed and went to grab her beer, I snatched it off the dresser before she could reach it. "You had way too many, in one night." She crossed her arms making a pouty face. "You're not the boss of me." She said burying her face into her hands. "Maria. You're drunk...which comes to think of are you getting home tonight?" She looked up at me with a disgusted look on her face. "Why are you worried about it?!" She asked rather harshly. "Well excuse me...just trying to be a friend and look out -. " She cut me off once again, this time anger, anger filling her voice. "FRIEND?! FRIEND?!" She poked me in the chest, hard. "You have no idea what a friend is Luke. You're just trying to look out like a friend...yea well a friend wouldn't leave a friend hanging for three and a half years, a friend wouldn't cut off another friend like they were some kind of wart. You're nothing like a friend, you're a piece of shit!" Tears started to fill in her eyes, I felt bad instantly. What I did to Maria was the lowest of all things and she has every right to feel how she feels towards me. I thought about talking to her but I always figured nothing I would say or do would fix the situation. I don't know what to do or say but I needed to say something...lord knows she won't remember any of this by tomorrow, so right now all I can do is comfort her and explain myself when she's sober and better. "Maria...I...I" she covered her mouth and before I knew it she puked everywhere...including on me.

Mélaysia POV 

The party was fun, I couldn't find Maria anywhere but I enjoyed myself for a little. Took a couple of shots and man were they a stress reliever, danced with a few people I knew from school and ate a bit. Time was ticking, I only had thirty minutes left before I had to be back home so I decided to visit the bar one last time...those shots really did something to me. 

Jack's POV 

I was at the bar getting more drinks for my friends and I when a girl next to me order six shots. "Six shots huh? Either you're having a rough night or your night is just getting started" I said while waiting for my drinks. She laughed a little, pushing her hair off her shoulders. "A little bit of both" I smiled. "I'm Jack" I said turning completely to face her, failing to realize it was the girl that fell on top of me during lunch hour and ran out before I could even get her name. "Wait! You're the girl that fell on top of me during lunch!" I said, maybe a little too excitedly. "Oh god!" She said, covering her mouth looking embarrassed. "I am so, so, so sorry about that! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I laughed and shrugged it off. "It's ok, it's not a big deal." I laughed. "I was trying to get your attention but you ran out of the cafeteria so fast, I couldn't get ahold of you." She laughed and covered her face. "Ugh I couldn't even dare to look back that day, it was embarrassing I tell you...sorry once again." She said a little doubtful. Wow she's so cute, ugh I just want to cuff her up right here and let her know it's all good. I decided to take a seat and patted a seat next to me, clearly asking her is it ok for her to sit. She nodded and sat. "So what's your name?" I asked, clearly knowing just trying to start up small conversation. "Mélaysia" she said. "Mélaysia" I repeated. I like the way the sounds. "Cute name, very different. It's almost like the country but it has "Me" instead." There was a minute of dead silence before we both busted out into laughter. "I guess you can say that." She said laughing again. "I'm assuming you're one of the Jack's...?" I couldn't help but smile. "Aw c'mon you know who I am." I said teasingly. She took another shot and bitting down her bottom lip. "Well..." she said with a smirk on her face. "Not really..." "Whaaaaaaat?!" I said jokingly. "I'm sorry" she said laughing. I laughed along with her. "Can you guess? It's either Gilinsky or Johnson" I said, moving my eyebrows up and down causing her to laugh even more. "You have a cute laugh by the way." She smiled so beautifully towards me. "Aw John wait no Gilinsky" she pointed. "Thanks." I let off a smirk. What makes you so confident in your guess?" She stuck her tongue out, pushing a shot glass towards me, and holding hers up half way. "What are we toasting to?" I asked. "Well I'm pretty sure this toast will be for a moment of a confident guess on getting your name right, falling into you inside the cafeteria, and hell, one awesome ass party" I held my shot class up to hers, smiling. "That's one hell of an awesome toast. Cheers?"  


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