The story of ace evergreen

By kireinairo

15 0 0

This book may contain korean words since the main character(s) are korean American. **** He walked down the h... More

Chapter one

15 0 0
By kireinairo

" Stuck in the middle of the sea without anything else to do but sink." 

Ace Evergreen 

I tapped my pencil on my desk as Mrs. Smith talked about something that I wasn't really paying attention to, I was eager  for the bell to ring since it would be the weekend and I wouldn't have to see all the faces of girls who throw themselves at guys for attention, and the dudes who brag about it to their friends for social relevance. 

My eyes landed on Alice who was getting bullied by three dudes right in front of our seonsaeng-nim's eyes, everyone knew she got bullied cause she was a so called "slut"  but no one stood up for her. Ever.

I sighed in disappointment, as I was one of those people who watched from a distance and knew it was wrong but didnt do anything.  The bell rang and I instantly got out of my seat and walked towards the exit, I walked to my locker and stopped in my tracks fore a few lockers down a couple was making out.

I scrunched my nose and continued walking, once I was there I put in my combination and opened the contraption, I grabbed my backpack and stuffed my things lazily in it, zipped it and slung it across my shoulder and closed the locker.

I walked out of the building searching for the fimillar face, once I spotted him I walked over towards his blue range rover." Hey little brother." Kai said while ruffling my hair. 

I scoffed." You're only a minute older hyung, and you know what they say, the best is always saved for last." I said while fixing my coffee brown locks.

"Get in the fucking car." My brother said while playfully shoving me towards the passengers side.

  "Whatever you say mom." I whispered while getting into the car. 

Kai was about to do the same when a raven haired girl with a revealing shirt showed up out of nowhere with a flirtatious smile. I couldn't hear anything but I could tell she was throwing herself at my twin brother." For fucks sake." I whispred bitterly resting my head on the window. 

Me and Kai might have the same face but we were totally different, everywhere we go a girl tries to talked to him and being him, he gives in, me on the other hand, I don't really talk to anyone, I'm not really a social butterfly.

My brother got in the car with a grin and I ignored it. I wish I could say we drove in silence but Kai's phone kept going off because he hadn't muted his text message notifications.

" Your stupid phone is annoying." I complained and was two seconds away from throwing his phone out the window. He ignored me and kept driving, I rolled my eyes and took out my phone and unraveled my ear buds from it and put them in my ears.

I put on knifes and pens by black veil brides and looked out the window as we drove.  Five minutes later we pulled into our driveway, I took my earphones out my ears and wrapped them around my phone and stuffed it back in my hoodie pocket. 

We both got out the car and walked into the door, Kai sat down his keys and the smile he had on the way home dropped." Their arguing again." He said while picking back up his keys and walking back out the door. 

" hyung wer-." I was cut off by his engine and him speeding down the road. 

"Dammit." I swore as I closed the door aggressively.
The sun left and was replaced by the moon, I sat in the living room watching stranger things when I heard something hard fall." F-fuck." Kai slurred and I walked towards him and looked at him longingly before I helped him up. 

"Where have you been 바보?"(fool).  I slung his arm across my shoulder and helped his fat ass walk up the stairs. He was heavy since he worked out and I didn't have any upper body strength.

We made it to his door safely until kai wobbled and tripped over his own right foot, grabbing my shirt to try to keep his balance in which I went tumbling down with him hitting my face on his door knob." Shit!" I yelled while gripping my face. 

I got up and left Kai on the floor, I figured he will soon realize he was on the ground and go into his room, or he might just sleep in the hallway. I walked into my bedroom bathroom and looked in the mirror, my eye was red and I could already tell it was going to bruise." Great." I mumbled bitterly while turning my bathroom light off. 

I walked to my bed and took out my sketch book and looked over every single drawing. I would say that every drawing wasn't as good as thought but I couldn't tell myself that they weren't good enough. 

There was a knock on the door and I looked up from the book to see my mom standing in the door way in her favorite ruby night gown.

She looked as if she just stop crying by her stain face but I ignored it." How was school?" She asked awkwardly standing in my door way her korean accent strong and heavy.  "It was okay." I Replied my eyes shifting from her and back on my sketch book.  She sighed." Your brother, i-is he okay?"  I paused for a second, I didnt know why but honestly I didnt know if he was myself

"yes, this always happens when you guys argue, he comes home drunk and sleeps it off. he'll be fine." 

I looked up and she sent me  a smile and walked back to her room."잘 자요."(goodnight). She murmured.


I walked to my window and closed the blinds before I undressed myself, I walked to my dresser and took out a pair of basketball shorts and slipped them on.  I turned off my lights and got into my king sized bed, I grabbed my phone and scrolled through social  media until I got bored and sleepy. 

I plugged my phone into my charger and sat it down carefully on my brown wooden nightstand. I laid down on my pillow and closed my eyes and slowly difted into the dream realm .

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