Explorers of Origin: A Pokémo...

By regio36

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The quest for survival has never gotten any more serious: an invading force of dark, purple-shaded figures te... More

Chapter 1: Shelter Camp
Chapter 2: They Meet By Chance
Chapter 3: A Core Is Formed
Chapter 4: A Scar in the Eye
Chapter 5: A Really Awkward Dinner
Chapter 7: The Hidden Passage
Chapter 8: Into Town
Chapter 9: The First Test
Chapter 10: Blissful Uncertainties
Chapter 11: Noctowl's Drama
Chapter 12: Into the Cave
Chapter 13: Gardevoir
Chapter 14: The First Revelation
Chapter 15: Into a War-Torn City
Chapter 16: A Big Second Test
Chapter 17: Reporting to Base
Chapter 18: The New Recruit
Chapter 19: Test Three
Chapter 20: In the Heat of It
Chapter 21: Flight of Ambiguity
Chapter 22: Bloodbaths
Chapter 23: Finishing the Job
Chapter 24: Turbulent Intel
Chapter 25: En Route to Shizuoka
Chapter 26: The Great Escape
Chapter 27: Through Abandoned Soil
Chapter 28: Sierra Base
Chapter 29: Souls
Chapter 30: No Rest For The Living
Chapter 31: The Altercation

Chapter 6: Journey Prep

51 2 0
By regio36

The sun rises again, granting light for all.

Among the first to be awakened, Sylveon yawns deeply upon rising from her bed. Taking a glance at Pikachu and Mawile's lingering slumber, she picks up her sheets and pillow and places them in a camping bag. As the den was only meant to be temporary, she knew that everyone could not stay here, especially with the random threat of the purple figures continuously looming in their paths. She decides to awaken the sleeping duo to tell them what is about to happen.

"Morning, guys!"

"Ngh... morning, Sylveon..."

"Still sleepy, Mawile?"

"A bit. Pikachu's not as easy to wake up from what I can see. He seems to be a big sleeper."

"I can tell. I guess have to use one of my feelers for this."

Using her left front feeler, Sylveon nudges Pikachu's nose to snap him from his deep slumber. As Mawile had observed, he didn't show any reaction at first. Not concerned by this failed attempt, Sylveon continues to nudge his nose until, after a minute and a half, he grudgingly opens his eyes.

"I can't believe you used your feelers to do that. That felt so gross."

"Sorry about that, Pikachu. We noticed you slept so well that I had to pester you until you woke up. It's all in good fun, though!"

"Sure, whatever. More importantly, why that camping bag?"

"Mom, Flare, and I had always planned to evacuate this den for a while now. Knowing that either someone might try to steal our stuff or the den itself could get wrecked by the purple things, we need to pack up what we can before we move out to some other place. We'll plan out where that place would be once we gather at the living room."

"How will you maintain communication with one another if you three decide to split off?"

"We'll get to that when we meet up. Speaking of which, they should be packing their stuff right now. Why don't you guys go on ahead and hang out at the living room for now?"

"I suppose it kills time. What's your call, Mawile?"

"I don't mind both of us waiting it out, unless you want us to help with anything. Surely there's something we can do."

"There isn't really much for us to pack, so don't sweat it."

"In that case, then, we'll be at the living room."

Pikachu follows Mawile to the living room to await the others while the finishing inserting their belongings into their camping bags. He looks out the right front window, overlooking the bright orange sunrise that summons light back into the world. As beautiful as it is, he knows that one must not remain in awe of something for too long. Because of this, he takes a seat across from Mawile to refresh his mind. Crossing his arms in a sulky manner, Pikachu begins to meditate. The range of Espeon's telepathy continues to keep him wary of his conversations with her. Mawile reads this concern while he meditates, feeling a small dose of unintended guilt for him. She decides to tap his shoulder to investigate his style of thinking.

"You trying to formulate a plan of action?"

"No. I'm still worried about what Espeon can do with her telepathy. I can't seem to take her personality seriously; neither of the sisters' descriptions convince me."

"Is it because they behave differently from what you expected? Or is it possible that, due to what you've been through, you can't trust yourself in interacting with others?"

"I can chat with people just fine. The problem is, trust is something many forget to value. I mean, if people exaggarate themselves, don't they lose the chance to develop useful relationships?"

"That may be, but doing that lets them be themselves, even if they cause a crime. Being overly disciplined can also backfire anyone. How else can Pokémon and humans have some fun if they act firm all the time?"

"Time and place?"

"There's more than that, but you aren't totally wrong about it."

"I guess we all could cut some slack. No guarantees, though."

"That's for sure."

Upon her investigation of Pikachu's way of thinking, Mawile becomes more fascinated by what he believes in. She never thought that Pokémon and humans had such a deep similarity, one that defines the individual in relationship to his or her society. Mawile recalls a conversation she had with her mother, where the chieftess discussed the variation of values between humans of identical backgrounds. It sparked Mawile's interest in human lifestyles, and watching Pikachu's interactions fueled her curiousity like an academic researcher that discovered previously unknown information about a renowned literary figure.

Two minutes pass, and Espeon enters the living room with a teal camping bag ln her back. Her two daughters mark their presence shortly after. With all five Pokémon present, Epseon starts to describe a nomadic plan that, whether she fully knew or not, would define their futures:

"Okay, darlings. My daughters and I had a quick chat about what we're gonna do after we leave this den, so I'll bring you up to speed."

"Go on."

"Sylveon is to go with Flareon in search of their fourteen siblings, in hopes of building a new town for Pokémon to settle. They, of course, will be on the lookout for those purple foes."

"And you, Espeon?"

"I'm still living up to my offer of forming a team with you two. Wherever you and Pikachu go, I'll be with you. Don't worry too much about my girls; they'll do just fine."

"You guys packed enough stuff, right?"

"We did, Mawile, we did. Mom had me and Sylvy pick out all the stuff in the pantry that we needed and split up the resources evenly so that we have enough. We can always hunt for more if we need to."

"Well, you better not do something stupid out fhere in the wild."

"Of course we won't, Pikachu! Flare and I keep each other in check all the time. You just make sure Mom is okay."

"Sounds fair, I guess."

"So, Mom, where do you want us to go?"

"Shizuoka Village should be a kilometer or two southeast of Neo Treasure. It's one of the few places where the purple figures haven't invaded yet. Why not start there?"

"That's a good idea."

"I'll accompany Mawile and Pikachu en route to Açai Town up north. I know an underground shortcut through the Wigglytuff Guild that takes us to a small grassland not far from the town entrance."

"A shortcut?"

"You'll see once we get there!"

"Fine, then."

"Well, I guess it's time to split. We'll meet up again for sure. Who knows when, but I guarantee it."

"Right. There's no doubt our paths will cross sooner or later."

"Just remember to care for each other, during the good and bad."

"Oi, can y'all quit the sappy stuff now? We need to get going."

"Aw, Pikachu, why do have to kill off the mood? It was getting good!"

"Am I supposed to be sorry?"

"Maybe. But I'll let it slide, 'cause it's just you."

Nodding to each other as a way of expressing their best wishes, the two groups depart for their destinations. For Pikachu, Mawile and Espeon, their adventure has truly begun.

Keeping her earlier promise, Espeon escorts Pikachu and Mawile back to Neo Treasure Town to show them an underground passage hidden below the Wigglytuff Guild. Upon their arrival at the Guild's main entrance, they are greeted by Audino and Jigglypuff, who were discussing how to manage incoming medical supplies into the small-scale clinic.

"I see you have quite a camping bag on your back, Espeon. Are you going somewhere again?"

"Yeah. I'm having Mawile and Pikachu with me this time. We're heading to Açai Town, and I was wondering if I can show these two that hidden passage under the guild."

"I don't see any issue with it. Use it as you see fit!"

"Thanks a lot, Jigglypuff. I'm sure your father might have planned for someone to travel through it at some point."

"That's Dad for you. As happy and free as he is, he plans things ahead. Even if it's in secret. Oh, and by the way, whatever happened to the bags we gave you, Mawile?"

"Our bags?"

"We gave you and Pikachu one each during the rebuild. Remember?"

"They're gone."

"Now that I think about it, my daughters may have taken them by accident."

"That's totally fine. Audino, do you mind giving those two extras?"

"Sure thing! There's actually two used Treasure Bags up in the attic. Pikachu, Mawile, do you want to come along?"

"I guess."

"I'm down."

"I'll go with Jigglypuff to open that secret passage. Audino might walk you down there once you get fhe bags."

"Got it."

Under Audino's command, Mawile and Pikachu climb the stairs to the furthest corner of the third floor, where the ceiling ladder to the attic awaits its visitors. Pikachu's ears begin to twitch, as though they detected an important piece of history.

"I dunno why, but something's odd about that attic."

"It's that so?"

"I mean, that's what these big ass ears are telling me. What's up there is beyond me."

"Well, how about we climb inside and look for that mystery?"

Audino pulls down the cord that extends the attic's ladder down to the floor. One by one, each Pokémon makes a slow, safe climb towards the Guild's attic. Inside this rebuilt sector, much of Neo Treasure Town's history is kept within the deep ends. Whether it be documents dating back to the town's origins, old registrations of former Exploration Teams, or general memorabilia, the attic houses the culture and tradition that serves as the backbone of Neo Treasure's existence.

The trio sift through many cardboard boxes to search for the Treasure Bags in question. Eventually, it was Mawile who made this discovery, after opening the fifth box she came across. She notes a small inscription on the handle, and asks Audino for intel about its meaning.

"To whom do the 'Pokepals' refer to?"

"Ah, the Pokepals... I've heard of them through Jigglypuff. From what I understand, they arrived at this guild without a set future but exerted shining enthusiasm to hunt for treasure. These original bearers of the bags you found would end up becoming the Heroes of Time due to their successful prevention of time paralysis."

"Time paralysis?"

"When time is paralyzed or frozen, it can cause devastating consequences to the past, present and future. To make a long story short, a Grovyle from the future 'stole' what were called Time Gears to help the Pokepals prevent that catastrophe from happening."

"Time Gears... why do those ring a bell...?"

"You know of them, Mawile?"

"My mom once told me about it, saying it probably came from an urban legend. Supposedly, the 'Time Gears' controlled the very aspect of time in this world. Some Pokémon from across the continent have been claiming to be in possession of the rusted Gears for the last forty years."

"How could Pokémon be doing this for so long? Doesn't that make them power-hungry bastards?"

"I guess you could think of it that way."

"I have to give it to the Poképals, though. They must have endured so much to accomplish their goals and make their dreams a reality."

"I agree. You know, I have a feeling they might have left the bags for someone to use one day. It seems as though your find was bound by fate, Mawile."

"Fate, huh... that's quite a statement, Audino."

"I mean, it's just a guess, so don't quote me on that. Heh."

"We should be going back down now. Espeon won't wait for our slow asses forever."

"Very true, very true. Let's go."

Pikachu and Mawile follow Audino down the attic en route to the Guild Master's office, where Espeon and Jigglypuff are breaking the seal of the hidden passage.

"Oh, I see you guys found the bags. Espeon and I are almost done opening this thing up."

"Did your dad steal things often?"

"Just Apples, Pikachu. I'm gonna be honest with you: Dad was a mischievous character because of his hardcore love for them. Whether they are normal or Huge, he would stash them somewhere in the passage."

"That must have taken a lot of dedication to hide those things from everyone else."

"You aren't wrong. His secretary, Chatot, would get traumatized by the volume of Apples that stuff the first few meters of the passage."

"All in all, he was a lovely Pokémon. It was an honor to call your father a dear friend."

"Hey, Espeon, I got the last lock undone. Ready to push this damn seal?"

"Oh yeah. I'm all set."

Together, the two Pokémon push the seal from its left side, revealing a preview of the Guild's hidden passage: a dim, humid, and rusty tunnel filled with an eerie silence that pierces through the hearts of those who venture within its depths. Taking a glimpse at the tunnel structure, Mawile shivers in anxiety, eager to find interesting secrets while being aware of unforeseen danger.

"So that's the opening section of the hidden passage. It really does look abandoned, huh?"

"It has been nearly 42 years since Wigglytuff last used it, when he helped his eventual wife Florges find safety from an assassination squadron. She was mistaken for an unrelated criminal who, except for the eye color, had an identical appearance."

"Oh my. You never told me your father was married, Jigglypuff."

"'Guess I forgot to tell you guys about that. Best saved for another time. You three go on ahead to Açai. I'll send a message to Mayor Noctowl about your upcoming arrival."

"Much appreciated. You ready, kiddos?"


"All set."

Breathing deeply, Mawile and Pikachu follow Espeon inside the Guild's entrance to the hidden passage. The first of many challenges begin here, where light remains minimal and uncertainty reigns supreme. 

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