
By remybx

25.7K 1.7K 901

Crush /krəSH/ : a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate... More

II. Surge
III. Fire and Desire
IV. Pretty Little Fears
V. Truth Revealed

I. Quiet Storm

7K 397 157
By remybx

"When it pours..."

Maraj House
June 28th, 2007

"Mommy I thought you said you guys would be back by now?" Nicki whined over the phone to her mother.

"I know baby but that storm is really bad, you should've come so you wouldn't be alone." Nicki sighed at her mother's response, her mother, older sister and younger brother were all at her grandmother's house in Rutherford, Jersey, while she was stuck back at home in North Carolina, where a nasty storm just happened to be approaching.

She was being stubborn when she'd said she didn't want to go, but the loud rolls of thunder, and sickening strikes of lightning outside made her quickly regret her ill decision making.

"I'm sacred Ma." Nicki wasn't afraid to admit it either because she truthfully was, the storm was supposed to unforgiving to the part of North Carolina they resided in, and she couldn't help but to want be in her mothers arms, and nowhere else.

"I know baby, but I always stock up on supplies so you have plenty of canned goods, water, snacks, anything you might need, but I suggest you eat some of that lasagna before the power gets a Chance to go out baby." Her mother's soothing voice alleviated her nerves a little, she felt herself relax a bit knowing her mother had made sure the house was well prepared at all times, but the notion that the power might go out made her heart jump into her throat.

"You think the powers gonna go?" Nicki questioned meekly, she hated the dark.

She heard her mother sigh into the phone, it sounded anxious.

"I'm not sure baby but just be prepared, there's flashlights in the garage and kitchen, and you have that portable charger for your phone." Nicki felt the lump in her throat, she hated situations like this.

"Okay momma tell Jahjah I said hey." She sighed over the line, jahjah was her little brother and they both hated storms, she could only imagine how happy he was that he was out the storms path.

"I will baby once he wakes up, your sister wants to talk to you." Nicki rolled her eyes while adjusting the phone to her ear hearing shuffling in the back and muffled speaking before her sister's voice filled the line

"Hey mini me! I hope you got that pool Floatie still I heard it's supposed to be a hell of a storm, you gone need it." Nicki rolled her eyes even harder at the amusement in Ming's tone, she couldn't take shit seriously, sometimes she wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up.

And so that's what she did.

"Shut the fuck up Ming." Nicki growled over the line lowly, her sisters unwanted sarcasm was the last thing she needed to hear.

"Girl you better watch your fucking mouth! I will prison whoop yo ass like I just did fifty years and you the reason why." Ming said in all seriousness, while Nicki struggled to hold her laughter in at her sisters threat, Ming had a hot temper and was easily provoked by anything she felt disrespectful towards her.

"I'm just playing girl damn no need for all that drama, save it for those bitches you like to beat up daily." Nicki said while leaning back on the couch, she was downstairs watching the rain and it only seemed to be getting harder.

"I don't beat bitches up daily." Nicki wanted to laugh! Ming was a terrible liar.

"I beg to differ." Nicki said hearing Ming suck her teeth through the line.

"Whatever...but seriously how are you? I know you and jahjah hate storms." Ming asked, and Nicki could hear the genuity in her voice, Ming was a hothead but Nicki knew she had a weakspot for her, their mother, and brother.

"I'm cool as long as the power doesn't go ou—"A loud pop sound followed by the lights cutting off made Nicki stop mid sentence realizing just what had happened.

"Ain't no fucking way." Nicki whispered to herself getting up quickly, she pulled the phone from her ear to put it on speaker as she dashed to the kitchen to grab a flashlight, once it was on she proceeded to try and flip the kitchen light on, only it staid off.

"What! What happened?" She heard Ming yell through the speaker. Nicki ignored her and panicked running through the house trying to flip on any thing that required power, once she figured nothing was going to turn on she gave a defeated sigh and lifted the phone closer to her.

"The fucking power just went out." Nicki said slamming herself into the couch, she couldn't believe the luck of the draw that her speaking on it would make it happen.

"That's fucking crazy...but it might not have been because of the storm, I been telling Ma to get the damn fuse box looked at." Ming said, causing Nicki to slump back even further into the couch, she didn't know the first thing about fuses.

"I don't know shit about that." She felt defeated as hell And already felt the heat dampening her skin from the ac turning off.

"I know, but Beyoncé does." At the sound of that name Nicki's whole entire mood did a 360. She hadn't seen the older since the cooler incident, and that about 2 weeks ago.

She'd ran straight to room afterwards and didn't come out for the rest of the day, she lied and she said she didn't feel good but really she was trying to calm the raging hormones in her body.

"What's that mean?" Nicki asked, hoping her voice wasn't shaky, she had a feeling she knew what Ming was about to suggest.

"I can have her come over there and look at the box, it's gonna get hot fast in there and I'm not ready for you too die yet." Ming said, and Nicki knew that was her way of saying she wanted her to be okay despite how vulgar it sounded, but she didn't know if she could be around Beyoncé, she felt the sweat start to form on her brow, but right now the heat seemed much more bearable then the pretty eyed girl that was her sisters best friend.

"You don't have to do that I'll be fine." Nicki mumbled hoping Ming would drop the situation.

But Ming never dropped anything.

"Nah it's already done, I don't want you alone in that shit anyways, she doesn't live far, she can just keep you company until we're back." Ming pressed and Nicki knew she had no way out of this little set up now.

"I guess." Nicki said like she even had a say at all.

"Good. I'm gonna tell mom what's happening then call you back when Beyoncé's on her way." Ming said, and Nicki just sighed quietly not knowing how she was going to act normal around the girl she'd been crushing since forever.

"Okay love you." Nicki said.

"Love you too, call you back in a little bit, peace." Ming said before the line went dead.

Nicki sighed before chucking her phone into the loveseat, her heart hammering in her chest.

Beyoncé was coming over and there was nothing she could do about it.

And to think she thought the storm was the worst of her problems.



Okay first chapter complete.

How'd you like it?

I was surprised a lot of people had suggested crush for its own story, I didn't think it was all that and a bag of chips 😭

But it's here and I'm putting my best foot forward into it.

It originally had a part 2 but I decided to just continue from where I left off in part 1 if that makes sense.

The storm idea came from the freaking storm that we're currently having in NC🙄 I miss NewYork sooo much.

Predictions on next chapter🤔

Like, comment.

Excuse any errors.

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