Brittana One Shots [Editing]

By UltimateGleeFan2

10.6K 148 19

Warning: Lots Of Drama More

False Arrest
Elevator Incident
Shooting Pt. 1
Bus Crash
Shooting Pt. 2
Raped Pt. 1


337 6 1
By UltimateGleeFan2

Santana's POV:
I Go With Brittany to the car in the garage and she sits in the back of the very shaded windows. I get to the driver's seat and start our drive to school.

I smile when I look through the mirror to see her looking out the window with a smile on her face as she wears a gray hoodie over her head.

You see, she was born with a rare condition called Xeroderma Pigmentosum also known as XP, basically if she goes in to the sun she can die.

I met her at math class when I helped her with a complicated question. Since then we became friends and it wasn't long before she told me she has XP.

Since then I have added shading to the windows of my car so that she can ride with me without worrying about being exposed to the sunlight.

I also found a special spot to park by the school so she can go in without being exposed and no one knows I park there. I also added shading to the Glee Club room.

They sometimes ask why it's darker in the room but haven't seen the shading which is good. No one else knows she has XP because she feels embarrassed by it.

I park in our usual spot and turn off the car before getting out. she gets out as well and we grab our bags. We get inside and go to our lockers to put any book we don't need away.

After we're done we go to our class and sadly we don't have very many classes together but we at least we have 2 and also lunch time together.

Class goes by slowly when she's not around and it's not long before it's lunch time. I sit at lunch with Britt in the shade since the sun sometimes beams in the cafeteria.

I see the other kids looking at us confused since we usually sit at the table we're at but since he sun is shining on that table we're over here today.

I see Quinn looking at us confused and a little worried. Even Quinn doesn't know she has XP out of fear that it will end up out there which wouldn't be good.

After lunch we finish class and we go to the glee club after. We go in to see the others complaining about it being too dark in here and Mike stands up.

I see him get on a chair and try to get the shaders off. I tell Britt to wait here before going over. "If you remove those shaders I will go all Lima Heights on your sorry asses." I say.

They shut up and look at me. "It's too dark in here for those Santana." Rachel says. "We need those up to keep the sun out!" I yell in anger to Rachel.

"We can't dance with them on." Mike says. Before I know it he removes one of the shaders and the sun beams on Brittany, making her yelp and hurry into the hall.

"You idiot!" I yell and go after her. I find her in the bathroom, curled up in a ball crying. I sit next to her then hug her as a way to comfort her.

I eventually calm her down and we go back to the room the glee club is in. We instantly get concerned glances at Brittany and I. I look up to see the shader is back on the window.

I bring her to our usual spot and we sit down but the looks are still on us. "What is going on?" Quinn asks. "I can't say unless Brittany doesn't mind telling." I say.

"Britt..?" Quinn asks Brittany softly. "I have a condition called Xeroderma pigmentosum also known as XP making me so allergic to the sun so I can die." She says.

They all look shocked but Quinn tears up. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asks. "I was afraid to, San was nice enough to add the shades to the windows up there." She says.

"Santana did that?" Mike asks and she nods. "She also did that to her car so I can ride with her and she parks in the shade secretly so I can get in the school." She says.

"Wow." Tina and Quinn say. "She got exposed though so we don't know how it will effect her." I say. "Ok, now that that's over let's get started with this weeks lesson." Mr. Shue says.

After glee we went home and It was a bit tense because of my worry to her dying. I get her home and she says bye to me before I drive away.

A few days later is when I get the call saying from Brittany confirming my worst fears. Her brain has started to contract from the sun contact and she is starting to die...

Since then I spend everyday and every moment with her before she passes. We told the rest of the people in the glee club the day after she found out and they were devastated.

The girls cried especially Quinn but the guys were very sad and helping to comfort the girls. Even Mr. Shue was teary eyed at the fact soon a big part of us will be gone.

It was 2 weeks later when she got very pale and weak that it was hard for her to do anything anymore. One day I said I had to go to the park for a picnic with my family.

I said I would be back later but I heard someone say "wait" from behind me. I turn to see Brittany but I can see she is struggling to stay standing.

"I..I want to come with." She says. "Britt, I don't know, your condition is not good." I say. "I know but I want to spend my last moments with you." She says.

"Ok..." I say but it's still a little hesitant. I help her to my car and I drive to the park. When we get there I park and help her out and we head to the picnic.

She stops not far from the picnic and takes off her hoodie, enjoying the sun beaming on her face. I smile and we sit, talk and enjoy ourselves.

Soon my family has to go, leaving me and Brittany alone. I notice her seeming a little weaker but she remains calm. "San." She says. "Yeah Britt?" I ask.

"I'm dying San..." She says softly. "No, No your not." I say. "I am San." She says. I shake my head and start to cry but she comforts me until I calm down.

"Please call the rest of the glee club so we can spend our last moments with me here." She asks. I nod and call everyone and sure enough they hurry over here.

We all sit together, talking and enjoying ourselves as much as we can considering that Brittany is passing in front of our very eyes but it sure shows we're all sad.

Brittany cuddles into me and I smile a little and hold her in my arms. I continue talking but stop a few minutes later when I feel Britt go limp in my arms.

"Britt?" I ask, making everyone go silent. "Britt? Brittany?" I ask but get no answer, making me instantly know she has passed away in my arms.

All the girls start to cry and I cry as I hold on to her body. The guys I can tell are teary eyed as well but they hold it in for the girls.

A few days later is when we have the funeral for her but it's hard for me to not cry at it and not to break down when I see her in the casket.

The funeral went nicely but it was still heartbreaking for her family and everyone in the glee club even Mr. Shue was crying a bit...

The End

I know it was a lot longer than all the rest but I felt that it was needed for this specific one shot but sorry the ending was so sad...

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