Anxious Love

By AuthorUnknown02

21.5K 692 100

The idea of having alternate universes is fun to think about. It's easy to be able to pretend that in a diffe... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part title
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Note, important
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

1K 23 2
By AuthorUnknown02

For once in his life, everything was starting to look up for Draco Malfoy. Almost everyone awed and fawned over his and Harry's relationship. True to his word, Harry always stuck by Draco and was always there for him. Where there was Draco, there was Harry right next to him. In rare cases that the two weren't practically glued to each other they were only a few feet apart. Word spread fast and soon the whole school, teachers, creatures and all, knew about the cute couple.

There were only a few people that absolutely loathed the two being together. Obviously Crabbe and Goyle were two of them, but there was one person that just about ruined everything. One person that no one saw coming. Ginny Weasley.
Draco was skipping through the halls while humming a happy tune. Harry wasn't too far behind. He was watching his little ball of energy happily make his way to potions class. Harry had no clue what had his Draco all happy and hyper this morning, but he didn't quite care. It was one of Draco's good days and he wasn't about to ruin it with his inquiring questions. Just as long as my baby is happy, I'm happy.

Draco was oblivious to his surroundings. He was in a bubble of excitement and giddiness, yet he had no idea why. Must be because I woke up next to Harry this mornin'. That's right, they were able to sleep together. After hours and days of arguing points, angrily stating why they should be together, and many threats—on Harry's part of course—they were finally granted their own room. It was in the dungeon, right next to the Slytherin common room, much to Harry's distaste.

There were plenty of arguments over where their room should be. Well it was more like Harry trying to convince Draco that they can't live in the dungeon for it was too cold for his little baby. This was followed up with Draco crying, thinking his Harry didn't like the house of snakes, his family. This would lead to Harry frantically trying to shush his baby and convince him otherwise which always led to an intense snog session.

The vicious cycle continued until Harry finally came to terms with the fact that he couldn't change Draco's mind about where the room would be located. Draco could be a stubborn one if he so truly wanted to be.

Now, back to the halls filled with Draco's humming and Harry's cautious gaze. He didn't want his baby to accidentally hurt himself. His Draco was a clumsy one, even more so when he wasn't paying attention to where he was going.

Harry saw her before Draco did. A girl, with bright red hair was rounding the corner just as Draco was. Draco realized the impending crash about to happen way too late. They hit each other, both sprawling on the ground. Limbs were flailing and papers were scattered. Harry's eyes widened.

He rushed over to his baby, not very concerned about the girl on the floor. "Oh baby boy, are you alright? Are you hurt?" By this time Harry had picked Draco up and set him on his feet. He was fussing over Draco like an overprotective mother hen would her babies. Draco let out a little giggle, "M'fine Harry." Harry let out a sigh of relief.

"You gotta be careful baby, how many times have I told you that you have to pay attention to your surroundings hmm?" Harry lightly scolded. Draco hung his head in shame.

"L-Lots," his lip wobbled. He didn't like being scolded, especially not by his Harry.

"Yes baby, lots and I need you to listen to me next time yeah?"

"O-okay. Sorry Harry," Draco apologized to his Harry, not liking that he was disappointed. Harry's eyes softened and he embraced Draco in a hug, who immediately returned it. Harry stroked Draco's hair and he didn't miss the light sigh of relief that escaped Draco's lips.

Harry kissed Draco on the forehead and gave him a smile. He wanted his baby to know that he was no longer mad, nor disappointed in him. Draco blushed and giggled lightly at the little kiss. No matter how many times Harry kissed him, whether on the lips, forehead, or cheek, he always felt shy about it. So precious, Harry thought to himself while gazing at Draco's flushed cheeks.

They were both broken out of their trance by an awkward cough. The two completely forgot about the red head that Draco had collided with. Draco's eyes widened when he looked at the pretty red head, who was now standing confidently in front of the two boys. "M'so sorry! I-I didn't mean to run in-into you, Draco exclaimed. He tried to get out of the grip that Harry had on his waist, but Harry just tightened it, not letting Draco approach the girl.

Draco looked at Harry with furrowed brows, wondering why he was being so protective now of all times. He let me near Hermione and Ron, so it can't be jealousy can it? Draco mentally shook his head, dropping the matter, and turned back to the girl. He was truly sorry and made it shown in his eyes.

"Oh it's quite alright! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either, don't worry about me, dear," she replied with a big smile on her face. "My name's Ginny, what's yours darling?" she asked Draco.

Draco blushed at the pet names, he couldn't help it, it was just a natural reaction that happened every time anyone ever called him a pet name or complimented him. This did not sit well with Harry who was glaring at this Ginny chick. If she thinks she can get even remotely close to him now, she's got another thing coming to her, he thought maliciously.

"His name's Draco, I'm Harry and he belongs to me," Harry stressed the last part, wanting Ginny to know that Draco was off the table. Draco's blush got darker at that. He looked at the ground and smiled. I belong to Harry, no one else.

Ginny smiled at that. To Draco it seemed pleasant enough. She looked nice and inviting and she hasn't said anything mean yet. To Harry her smile held devious intentions. He did not like the smile, not at all. He would be keeping a close eye on this Ginny girl.

"Where are you guys headed? I'm on my way to potions with Professor Snape."

"W-we are headed th-there too! How come I-I haven't seen you b-before?" Draco's smile just about split his face, it was so big. He couldn't believe it. He might have just found another friend and he was ecstatic.

"Oh I sit in the way back, do you care if I accompany you guys?"



Both answers were blurted out at the same time. One in a cold, guarded tone and one spewed with such enthusiasm. One could probably guess who said what. Harry didn't trust this girl, not at all. There was something fishy about her and he planned to find out exactly what it was.

Draco completely ignored Harry's rude response. It was very like him to say something like that, especially with new people. He finally escaped Harry's tight grip on his waist and reached forward to grab Ginny's hand. He tugged a laughing Ginny along, both happily conversing on the short trip it took to get to potions class.

Harry was as broody and angry as ever. He was trailing behind the two with his arms crossed. He looked like a petulant child, but he didn't care. This bitch is trying to take my Draco away from me. His thoughts were ridiculous and he knew it, but he couldn't help that nagging feeling in the back of his mind saying that maybe his thoughts weren't as ridiculous as he thinks.

Harry was quite miserable throughout potions class. Ron and Hermione couldn't get him to snap out of it and they soon had given up after the fifth try. His Draco, who started sitting next to him after the incident and their declaration of feelings, was now sitting in the back with Ginny. Ginny always sat alone and Draco didn't want to leave Ginny's side just yet, so he sat with her. He was having fun getting to know her and vice versa.

"What do you like to do for fun sweets?" Ginny questioned. Her hand was resting on Draco's arm and she was looking down at him, it seemed like everyone was taller than Draco even the girls. Draco pouted at that, but answered her question.

"I-I like reading, and d-drawing. Oh! And cuddles w-with my Harry." He responded, his voice getting a little louder at the end. Harry heard and smirked at that. Even when talking with someone else his Draco still thought about him. Fucking suck it Ginny, Harry thought smugly.

Ginny frowned at that. Harry, stupid fucking Harry Potter. Always on Draco's mind. Not for long, if I can help it. Draco noticed Ginny's frown and pouted. His bottom lip jut out and his eyes were wide. "D-Did I say s-something wrong G-Ginny?" Draco whimpers out, scared he just lost his new friend. Stupid Draco, stupid. You can't do anything right. She probably realized how much of a loser you are. She's never gonna want to be near you ever again. Just lost your friend, good one.

Harry turned around after hearing his little Draco let out a whimper. Fucking Ginny better not have said something rude. She better not have laid a hand on him either. What he saw made his blood boil. Ginny, who had realized her mistake was apologizing to Draco, reassuring him that he did nothing wrong and that she still wanted to be his friend. That's not what made Harry upset. What made him mad was the hand that Ginny had rested on Draco's arm and how close she was. She was almost nose to nose with his Draco, whispering reassuring words to him. Draco was not helping the situation at all, who had blazing cheeks and a shy little smile on his lips.

Harry stood up. His chair screeched against the floor, making everyone's attention turn his way. "Mr. Potter sit your miserable arse down right now, you will not disrupt my class or els-" Snape was cut off by a glare thrown his way. Harry's glare frightened even him and that's saying something. The boy in front of Professor Snape looked absolutely murderous and he was not going to get in the way. No sane person would ever dare to.

Harry marched his way to Ginny and Draco, a thunderous fury brewing in his eyes. When he was close, Draco looked at him and Ginny backed away slightly. Draco got up from his chair and giggled, giving his Harry a big hug, oblivious to his anger. Harry wasn't mad at his baby so he returned the hug, making sure he wasn't squeezing too tight despite his anger. "Draco baby, why don't you come sit with your Harry, feeling a bit lonely," the words were directed to Draco, but he was staring at Ginny the whole time. His eyes were like daggers, his jaw was clenched in anger.

Draco, still oblivious to the obvious tension between the two let out a shy "o-okay." He turned to Ginny, who was easily returning Harry's angry expression. Ginny glanced down at Draco and smiled, her eyes softened from its hard gaze. "I-I will see you l-later yes?" Draco asked hopefully. Ginny spared a smug glance up at Harry. "Of course darling, don't you worry, I'll come find you when I'm not busy alright?" Draco nodded at that and went to the seat that was placed right next to Harry's.

Harry lingered at the table, his piercing gaze still boring into Ginny's equally scary one. He leaned in close, "Draco is mine, you hear that? Mine." Ginny gave a wicked smile, "Not if I can help it."

Ron, Hermione, Blaise, and Pansy were watching the interaction along with everyone else. They couldn't see who Harry was furiously talking to, but they could certainly hear the words exchanged in the deadly silent room. Ron was itching to step up and help his best friend, but he knew that when Harry gets like this no one can step in and come back unscathed, helpful hand or not.

Harry was fuming. How dare this bitch try to take what is mine? He didn't want to start a bigger scene. Everyone was watching the two dominant people fight over the one person that they knew was off-limits. They watched as Harry's nose flared and his eyes turned to slits. They watched the lion's retreat, knowing that it was far from a white flag. Harry never threw white flags. They knew that this shit storm was just the beginning.

Harry marched back to his seat and sat next to his baby who gave him a smile. Snape cleared his throat. The sound reverberated through the silent, tension filled classroom. He spared a wary glance at the angry lion and continued his lesson. Harry didn't pay attention at all. He kept his hands on Draco throughout the entire lesson. Absentmindedly stroking Draco's hand or running his hand through Draco's soft locks. He felt Draco shiver more than once from his touches and couldn't help but smugly smile back at Ginny who was watching every interaction between the two.

At one point Harry full on kissed Draco, right on the lips. It was messy, yet sweet and everyone in the room had their mouths dropped. Everyone except for Ron, Hermione, Pansy and Blaise that is. And of course Ginny too, who was glaring at Harry with her jaw clenched. Harry smirked into the kiss, he couldn't help but show Ginny that Draco was his and that she would never be able to touch his Draco in the ways that he could.

When Harry parted from the kiss Draco followed his lips like he always does. He was in a daze, but was snapped out of it by clapping. A Slytherin girl that was always nice to Draco started clapping at the display. Soon the whole class erupted into applause, some people shouting out encouraging words to Harry. "You get him mate," and "that's a good catch there Harry," words of encouragement thrown left and right. Harry smiled in triumph, dragging Draco onto his lap and circling his arms around Draco's waist.

Draco had a huge blush on his face. He was embarrassed by their public display, but he couldn't be happier, as long as his Harry was by his side. He felt himself being pulled into Harry's lap. He leaned back, Harry rested his chin atop Draco's head. When the clapping died down the lesson continued. Though not before a warning from Snape saying that whoever interrupted his class again would be seeing him for detention for a whole week. Everyone got right back down to business. Latching onto every word that came out of Snape's mouth, no one wanting to be caught dozing or not paying attention.

Everyone was paying attention to the lesson. Everyone except for Ginny. She was in the back fuming. She was angry that Harry got everything, everything and what does she get? Absolutely nothing. She wanted Draco, wanted him so bad, but stupid Harry Potter already had him. Not for long. Soon Draco you will be mine. I will do anything necessary to get what rightfully belongs to me. You better keep him close Harry Potter because I'm coming and when I do I'll have your precious baby boy in my arms before you can even blink.
Crabbe and Goyle were frustrated. They could never seem to find any opportunity to snatch up Draco and finish what they had started. Harry was always with Draco and it was starting to piss the two off.
"What are we gonna do Goyle? Gotta get 'im somehows!"  Crabbe exclaimed. Their injuries were almost fully healed. All that was left from the beating that Harry gave them were faint bruises.

"I know I know. I'm thinkin' Crabbe. Sit yer self down o'er there 'fore ya get a cramp with all yer pacin'," Goyle pointed to the chair that was in front of them. They were in a currently unoccupied classroom. The next lesson would start in ten minutes so they had to leave soon, but Goyle didn't want to move until he thought of something.

The little snake had to pay for the pain that he caused them. They hated Draco Malfoy with a burning passion and they would stop at nothing to destroy him.

The classroom door swung open. Crabbe quickly stood up and Goyle spun around to face the door. They were both frightened by the possibility that it was a teacher. Who stepped through the door was surprising. It was a girl. Goyle raked his eyes up and down the pretty girl. "Whatchya doin' in 'ere sweet cheeks?" Goyle questioned, licking his disgusting lips. The girl felt an unpleasant shudder go down her back and she physically grimaced.

A sneer set on her face, she began to speak. "I'm not here for anything remotely close to what you're thinking. I'm here about Draco Malfoy. It's come to my attention that you don't like him."

"Damn right we don't like tha lil' bugger," Crabbe spoke up. The girl's gaze cut into him and he physically flinched at the raw power behind it. Goyle took a step back when the girl turned to him. "I'm here to recruit you. You no longer work for yourselves, you work for me. I want Draco Malfoy and I want to see to it that Harry Potter is destroyed. You will not lay a harmful hand on Draco, not until I see that he is well and alive when you acquire him for me."

Goyle laughed at that. "An' what makes ya think we're gonna listen to ya," he sneered out. The girl smirked and stalked over to them. She was face to face with Goyle, their noses almost touching. Goyle's breath sped up, he would never admit it, but this girl scared him out of his wits. Her eyes had a blazing fury in them at being challenged and he could see that she wasn't one to back down.

In the blink of an eye, Goyle was turned around and on his knees with his arm painfully angled behind his back. The girl was behind him, holding his arm in place. One little ounce of pressure and his shoulder would be torn out of its socket. Crabbe stood a few feet away, he didn't know what to do. He wasn't as strong as Goyle and if this girl could take Goyle down then she could sure as hell take him down too. So he stood and watched.

The girl leaned in close to Goyle's ear. "You will do as I say and you will obey, because I'm not asking I'm telling. If you don't then I can do a lot worse than this," With that the girl put pressure on Goyle's arm, successfully dislocating it. Goyle screamed in agony.

"What da hell ya crazy bitch!" He screamed out.
The girl gave a sickeningly satisfied smirk. She said nothing as she walked to the door of the classroom. "I'll be in touch," she states before strutting out.

Before Goyle could do anything Crabbe helped him off the ground and told him it was almost time for classes to start. Goyle allowed himself to be helped up, but yanked his uninjured arm away as soon as he was standing on his feet. He was angry, but he wanted to know what exactly the girl wanted and why she wanted their help. He huffed in frustration, all he could do was wait for the girl to come to them. He stepped out of the classroom. Their plans would have to be put on hold. They had a new problem on their hands now and it was in the form of a girl with strikingly red hair.

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